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Vintage photos of Governing Body Members and other things..

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18 minutes ago, Shannie said:

I know bro Russell is not a gb member.. but I like this pic...not much is mentioned about his wife....


He was a Governing Body member until his death.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Here is the first president of the Watchtower Society, William Henry Conley.


*** jv chap. 26 p. 576 Producing Bible Literature for Use in the Ministry ***
The following year the first of an extensive series of tracts designed to interest people in Bible truths was prepared for publication. This work quickly took on immense proportions. In order to handle it, Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was formed on February 16, 1881, with W. H. Conley as president and C. T. Russell as secretary and treasurer.




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2 hours ago, Shannie said:

I'm not sure about that I know I thought ..I read some where or heard he was not..

I will have to research.

Sr. Shannie, you might start your research with these two Watchtower articles.  They discuss the GB back to 1884 but remember that the Faithful Slave was not appointed until after Br. Russell died.


Governing Body - [1884-1972]

*** w01 1/15 pp. 28-29 How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation ***

In 1971 …For many years, the president of the Pennsylvania corporation was also the foremost member of the Governing Body. This would no longer be the case.


*** w97 5/15 p. 17 par. 8 Theocratic Administration in the Christian Era ***

8 From the incorporation of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania in 1884 until 1972, the president of the Society exercised great authority in Jehovah’s organization, while the Governing Body was closely associated with the Society’s board of directors.

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Nice pictures, Shannie!


It's nice to see young pictures of brothers you have only known as of age. :)


Regarding Russell, there was no Governing Body when he lived, he was the only one in charge. So both answers are correct: He was a member of the GB, and  he was not. In fact, he played the role of the whole GB. :lol:

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Sr. Shannie's post about Br. Russell's wife made me think of Br. Rutherford.  Not many JW's have seen her picture or one of their son Malcolm.  I have attached both.  Malcolm Rutherford was Br. Russell's personal stenographer (secretary).


*** jv chap. 7 p. 89 Advertise the King and the Kingdom! (1919-1941) ***

Brother Rutherford was survived by his wife, Mary, and their son, Malcolm. Because Sister Rutherford had poor health and found the winters in New York (where the Watch Tower Society’s headquarters were located) difficult to endure, she and Malcolm had been residing in southern California, where the climate was better for her health. Sister Rutherford died December 17, 1962, at the age of 93. Notice of her death, appearing in the Monrovia, California, Daily News-Post, stated: “Until poor health confined her to her home, she took an active part in the ministerial work of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”




malcom Rutherford.jpg

Edited by jwhess
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1 hour ago, Abby31 said:

I did not even know he had a wife. Wonder if he had kids too.

No, they didn't have any children. Russell's wife left the Truth and abandoned him in 1897. That's why she's not mentioned often in our publications.


*** w91 10/1 p. 12 par. 18 Trust in Jehovah’s Saving Arm ***
Yet, some have even endured the spiritual loss of a mate, as did Charles T. Russell, the first president of the Watch Tower Society. His wife severed her ties with the Society and abandoned him in 1897, after nearly 18 years of marriage. She filed for legal separation in 1903, and it was issued in 1908.


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26 minutes ago, carlos said:

No, they didn't have any children. Russell's wife left the Truth and abandoned him in 1897. That's why she's not mentioned often in our publications.


*** w91 10/1 p. 12 par. 18 Trust in Jehovah’s Saving Arm ***
Yet, some have even endured the spiritual loss of a mate, as did Charles T. Russell, the first president of the Watch Tower Society. His wife severed her ties with the Society and abandoned him in 1897, after nearly 18 years of marriage. She filed for legal separation in 1903, and it was issued in 1908.


Yes, thank you. I wanted to post this but didn’t feel like looking up references. I had read that she wanted a “ greater role” in the Zion’s Watchtower magazine.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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36 minutes ago, Brother Jack said:

Yes, thank you. I wanted to post this but didn’t feel like looking up references. I had read that she wanted a “ greater role” in the Zion’s Watchtower magazine.

Yes, I remember reading that too..

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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Maria Frances Russell (Mrs. C.T.Russell) was an ambitious and capable woman.  In the beginning of our organization she was a co-editior of the Watchtower magazine and a contributor (or writer) of some articles in the magazine.  I believe she was at one time a director, also.  Her ambitions were encouraged by flattery and undoubtedly Satan.  Br. Russell determined that women were not to be teachers to the congregation and restricted that activity for her.  It caused upset and her eventual spiritual demise and the legal separation from CTR.  I have attached 3 clips from the 1885 Watchtower.  One shows the January issue heading, the second shows the bottom of the first page (page #707) where the directors are listed (showing MF Russell as Secretary-treasurer) and lastly a clip from the March issue of the same year (page #730) which has a contributed article by her.  It is marked at the edn as "Mrs. CTR".  Her actions remind me a lot of Miriam against Moses with worse results.






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