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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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A little update on the 24 day incubation period - latest theory is that someone has had first contact at day zero - then a second contact about day 10 - symptoms not showing until about day 24 but based on the second contact not the first.

Just a theory at this stage.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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  On 2/12/2020 at 8:29 PM, Todd komaniak said:

Also reported is if you get the coronavirus and then you get cured of it you can get it again. There's nothing that your body produces to fight it off. No antibodies.


Yes I have heard that also. Waiting for that to be substantiated.


I remember the jwbroadcasting - (THANK YOU Jehovah for giving us reminders BEFORE time) ... about how we research and study and find the truth of the matter.


I sorted this out in my thoughts last night:


Remember the Rudyard Kipling first verse of one of his poems?


Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling


"I Keep Six Honest..."

I keep six honest serving-men
  (They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
  And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
  I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
  I give them all a rest.




You see with anything in the news media use ' the six honest serving-men' - What, Why, When, How, Where and Who.


Let's take the Sulfur emissions as an example:

WHAT - is substantiated by windy.com as confirmed Sulfur Oxide emissions. 

WHY - that isn't substantiated

WHEN: is substantiated by windy.com

HOW: not substantiated

WHERE: Substatiated  - Wuhan China

WHO: Not substantiated - as this point in time fueled by rumours.


That means this gets a 3/6 score not enough to make it fact in my books - until I get answers for the other three - I have to put this in unconfirmed news. 


As with our dear dear brothers and sisters undergoing persecution, imprisonment and other such trials - they make this about Jehovah - they look for opportunities to provide a Witness. While we too have fears - and that's ok - we can also look for opportunities to turn this into a witness for the positive.


Even if some of us, in the worst case scenario, lose our lives - we will just be stepping into the New World. We, by staying faithful, have conquered the world. It would be wonderful if we can impart this precious gift to those living in mounting fear right now. 


I remember in my mid thirties - I did palliative care as a nurse aide - there was this one little old lady who had a fearful reputation ... she had it all the death stare ... the sharp voice ... even that persistent walking cane that she'd tap with. I was on the night she developed the 'death rattle' - I walked into her room - that fearful woman had disappeared, instead there was scared little girl clinging onto the sheets - her gnarled knuckles white with her death grip. I sat down beside her before her family arrived. I talked to her about the paradise - about how wonderful Jehovah is and that death is not something to be scared of. She went to sleep while I was there and I noticed her grip released the sheets. (I wasn't meant to witness at work - but I took this moment as a moment from Jehovah). That was the last time I saw her.


Right now, in China, this scene is being played out thousands of times over. The people are really scared and that breaks my heart - it truly does - but we can't let it get us down ... our role from the start was caretakers of this earth, we can by being positive and sharing our future gift, be caretakers of many who are facing these fears even if the virus hasn't reached our countries - it's very possible we will come across ones from China who have family and friends going through this. 






Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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That is an excellent question, Brother Nick.

This site (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/) is also showing

a sudden and very large spike in reported cases:





Somehow, between yesterday and today, nearly 20,000 more

people suddenly became infected by the coronavirus? :( 

Edited by Friends just call me Ross


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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  On 2/13/2020 at 1:50 AM, Friends just call me Ross said:

It would help if you cited the site this graph is located on. :D 



Site from the image above is https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6


However I recommend using this one since its updated more frequently and it works better in general https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

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The Chinese version of a Center for Disease Control, CCDC, shows entirely different numbers

for today's virus report:




John Hopkins shows this amount for China:



?????? :( 



Edited by Friends just call me Ross

Things I remove from my post show up anyway. :(


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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I’ve been thinking of and praying for our brothers and sisters on the mainland who can’t leave right now. We haven’t heard anything about any friends and whether any have contracted the virus. I doubt anything will be posted on jw.org for security reasons, so I’ll be left wondering until I happen to hear anything. I also wonder about financial troubles that our friends might be having right now. Our local friends there worked up to 6 days a week just to live a simple life, so the closure of most restaurants and stores and schools has very likely affected their ability to provide for themselves. I will keep praying for them. ❤️

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  On 2/12/2020 at 10:16 PM, Stormswift said:




I remember in my mid thirties - I did palliative care as a nurse aide - there was this one little old lady who had a fearful reputation ... she had it all the death stare ... the sharp voice ... even that persistent walking cane that she'd tap with. I was on the night she developed the 'death rattle' - I walked into her room - that fearful woman had disappeared, instead there was scared little girl clinging onto the sheets - her gnarled knuckles white with her death grip. I sat down beside her before her family arrived. I talked to her about the paradise - about how wonderful Jehovah is and that death is not something to be scared of. She went to sleep while I was there and I noticed her grip released the sheets. (I wasn't meant to witness at work - but I took this moment as a moment from Jehovah). That was the last time I saw her.







I've also done this Mandi,  I've worked in 2 nursing homes,  many times I sat holding their hands while they died.... often they had no family at all. 


The hearing is always the last thing to go,  I spoke to them about the paradise earth and Jehovah.... the last words they always heard were these.... maybe one day I'll meet these ones again we can be young together,  that's an amazing thing to think of and look forward to 🥰


Sorry.... I'm going off topic here 🙈

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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  On 2/13/2020 at 8:30 AM, anniebea said:



The hearing is always the last thing to go,  I spoke to them about the paradise earth and Jehovah...


Nice info.. Thanks... I finished nursing aide.. I might would like to work in a nursing home too. 

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  On 2/13/2020 at 2:15 AM, Friends just call me Ross said:

The Chinese version of a Center for Disease Control, CCDC, shows entirely different numbers

for today's virus report:




John Hopkins shows this amount for China:



?????? :( 




It is getting out of hand in China. Just wait until next week when people heads toward work.

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  On 2/11/2020 at 11:38 AM, Dustparticle said:

So, it means that we are bunch of sitting ducks here. QUACK QUACK!!


We don't just sit it out but we keep busy In the most important work. We can't afford to allow the fear of all these events paralyse us and steal our joy. Thats why we need to cheer up these things will only get worse before it gets better in the end 

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Just to clarify something:


The name of the VIRUS is SARS - Cov - 2

The name of the DISEASE that the VIRUS causes is: COVID-19

(Akin to HIV being the virus and AIDS being the disease)



Which raises the question: Are the stats based on those who have developed COVID-19 or contracted SARS-Cov-2?


Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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  On 2/13/2020 at 12:49 PM, hatcheckgirl said:

If you’ve got the virus, you’ve got the disease, no?


Numbers have spiked because they are calculating the numbers differently from12/2, to include more minor cases not included before.






Not until the symptoms appear - which currently is 3- 14 days. Stats would be showing all those who have been tested positive for the disease, but many will have the virus without realizing it for the general populace. They can test for the virus among those who have presented themselves.


Case in point: The Cruiseship - they aren't at this stage testing everyone as they don't have the resources so many more than have been reported may have the virus - they don't test until they get a fever. That's most of the problem is they don't have the kits to test everyone.


As far as I can read that article is only dealing with Covid-19. Not the presence of the virus itself. I might have missed that of course.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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All these numbers, and stats,... it's confusing because we can't really trust if they are correct or not, and that's people lives... that's sad.


Can you imagine the marvellous time when we will be able to have correct stats, exponential curves, positive numbers and true stories and reports about people being resurrected? 🥰

Edited by Dages
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Coronavirus: No change in outbreak despite China spike, WHO says


 "The only exception was on a cruise liner docked in Japan, where 44 new cases were reported, bringing the total there to 218.

 There was also no major shift in the coronavirus's pattern of mortality or severity, according to the WHO.

Hubei recorded 242 deaths on Wednesday, the deadliest day of the outbreak.

 There was also a huge increase in cases, with 14,840 people diagnosed but most of this was down to Hubei using a broader definition to diagnose people, said Mike Ryan, head of WHO's health emergencies programme."

"This does not represent a significant change in the trajectory of the outbreak," he said.

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Coronavirus: Are cruise ships really 'floating Petri dishes'? - Interesting report for all that want to go on a cruise, I've gotten my 2 over with!


"In general, you've got passengers and crew members from different parts of the world mixing intimately and intensely for a short period of time," Dr Senanayake says.

"They've all got varying levels of immunity and so that does set things up for an infection outbreak."

With coronavirus, which is believed to spread through droplets - such as from mucus or saliva - people could be infected without direct contact with a carrier."


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The cruise ships would have a similar petri dish result as apartments in China I am thinking.

Is that status of the virus still 'aerosol' - it isn't airborne is it?

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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There are deep concerns laboratory tests are incorrectly telling people they are free of the coronavirus.

Stories in several countries suggest people are having up to six negative results before finally being diagnosed.


A study in the journal Radiology showed five out of 167 patients tested negative for the disease

despite lung scans showing they were ill.

They then tested positive for the virus at a later date.

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  On 2/13/2020 at 7:38 PM, Stormswift said:

The cruise ships would have a similar petri dish result as apartments in China I am thinking.

Is that status of the virus still 'aerosol' - it isn't airborne is it?


The tv news today said that it's evolved to become airborne 

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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  On 2/13/2020 at 7:38 PM, Stormswift said:

The cruise ships would have a similar petri dish result as apartments in China I am thinking.

Is that status of the virus still 'aerosol' - it isn't airborne is it?


6 days ago - The new coronavirus has led to tens of thousands of cases of ... that can be transmitted through airborne, droplet or contact transmission.

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses known for containing strains that cause potentially deadly diseases in mammals and birds. In humans they're typically spread via airborne droplets of fluid produced by infected individuals.


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