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"The Morning Show with Aaron Miipchael Sanchez featuring JW.org" (Robert J. Hendriks III Interview)

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This brought ripples of smiles on my face. I loved it. Did anyone noticed that he asked how to find a local meeting? Perhaps, he'd attend one I hope. I also liked how the show help put us in a positive limelight. The first American sign-language Bible was something that also made me happy! Thank you Jah

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This is FANTASTIC!! 👍👍👍👍👍

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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He seemed to have the utmost respect for how we handled the pandemic and especially how we closed everything down before instructed to by the government, which was vastly different from any other religion. If he has leanings toward being a JW or studying again, or even attending meetings virtually, I would think this interview would put it over the top.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Jehovah does what Jehovah does. And, one  may find themselves used by Jehovah, without even knowing it. It was a wonderful interview! 
I wonder just how many people saw it, and don’t you know his mama is praying, for his heart to be touched, and take action. As we can too! 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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He had courage to admit to be "associated" with Jehovah's Witnesses on a public TV (referring to his mother etc) 

I hope Jehovah keeps patiently drawing him to full status of becoming baptised servant.



Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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He sounded very "personally" invested in this interview to me, maybe some of the questions were not just what he was told to ask for his job, but things "he" wanted to know, he was interested in prophecy and such, things the average viewer would not think about.

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He has a wonderful name for the future...Aaron Michael.  This man"s business would not really fit in a Witness life, although his polished but sincere appearing presence would fit in nicely as part of the volunteer video crew at Bethel.  Satan probably snared him as a young man but, I wouldn't be surprised if he soon came back to Jehovah.  Bro. Hendriks certainly glorified Jehovah and with every comment, displayed the fruitages of the Spirit.  Hallelujah!


Edited by Sister Susie
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12 hours ago, digital_dreamer said:

It’s been removed. Does anyone have a copy somewhere?

I was trying to watch on my tablet but it wouldn't allow me to. It said something about streaming not being enabled or allowed or something. I switched over to my laptop just now and it loaded fine. Not sure if that was the issue or not, but it works for me now. 


Anyways: That was amazing! There really is no other virtual event that compares when you start to look into how much translation work goes into these online videos. :) 

Edited by 1MKnight
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It works now. Thanks!

i remember it saying something like “The live stream is no longer available.” But, it’s there now. 👍

Edited by digital_dreamer

“It’s not how much we know that pleases Jehovah, but how we feel about what we know and how we have allowed that knowledge to increase our love for Jehovah.”

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