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Who runs jw-archive.org?

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Thanks for this discussion of JW Archives. Before I joined JWTalk I contemplated signing up for it. But as I re-

viewed it I just was not comfortable with many of the things I saw. Like many of you I wondered who ran the site &

what their real motives were. I am so glad I did not join. I am so much happier here at JWTalk. I feel I am marking

friends from all over the world and am having some truly delightful discussions on all kinds of subjects. I thank all of

you friends here at JWTalk for keeping this a positive, safe place to come to enjoy spiritual association and encourag-

ing discussions. May it ever prove to be so.



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I've never been sure of the site. Of course, I'm never too sure about most sites in regards to JW stuff. I've been slightly paranoid with this one. But I never liked how they have some of the confidential letters and elders books online (which I've never read.) But it never really sat well with me. I know we don't have much in regards to truly confidential books and letters. But still... I don't know. I've only really used it for weekly study materials and KM's anyway. No skin off my back if it disappears.

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I also joined the site, but was uneasy about much of the content.  What turned me right off was when we were issued with the new Bible last October, and specifically asked NOT to mention anything about the video or meeting,  but by the end of that same day I'd received a daily update showing heaps of posts and photos on their website - obviously taken by brothers/sisters who attended the meetings..   I myself posted a comment repeating what we'd been told not to do, and the next thing I know there were half a dozen or so really foul and disgusting messages sent to my personal home email address.   My reaction was to re-post blasting them for giving out my personal email address and advising others not to deal with such an obvious apostate site and requesting they remove me from their mailing list immediately.    I've never received anything since thank goodness, although I presume they still have my details.   Cant do much about that.   I did join this site shortly afterwards but I watched it for a while before actually plucking up the courage to join.    Glad I did as I love reading the posts from my brothers and sisters around the world .    Believe it or not, it keeps me sane.

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   I did the same with JWTalk after observing JWArchives. I have never been part of a social network before,

being wary of them, not only due to all of the Societies warnings, but my own concerns with networks like

Twitter, Facebook, etc. But while I initially had reservations when I first joined, I have come to appreciate

the many knowledgeable and spiritually mature brothers and sisters here. And it is so enjoyable to me to be

able to connect with friends around the world. It gives me a greater sense of appreciation of our worldwide

unity, and being united in one hope, and one purpose.

   In addition, this is such a blessing to me, because as I've explained, I am disabled. So I can't get out and enjoy

much of the association at the Hall and elsewhere, as I would like. But everyday, after I first consider the daily

text, I can review any new posts, decide whether I want to put my two cents in. Or perhaps even start a new

thread that I hope will be of interest to at least a number on the forum. Again to all, thank you for making this

such a pleasant forum for me to be a part of.



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 I did the same mike, I had already been on that site he would post letters for the elder body only, stuff like that .so I think I lurked on this site for a month before thinking it is ok.

once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing strips with plaid is easy. Einstein

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  We can never be to careful. I have learned this after many painful experiences in my life. It has driven

home to me the meaning of Jesus word's at Matt 7:15 about  those who come to you " in sheep's covering,

but inside are ravenous wolves. " So too those who claim to support the truth, but hide what they are.



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I unsubscribed to the newsletter is there another way to remove oneself?

Since this thread was resurrected April 27, 2014 - I peeked and have been getting daily e-mails too ... how does one unsubscribe, I haven't found it yet.
Edited by timpin
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Since this thread was resurrected April 27, 2014 - I peeked and have been getting daily e-mails too ... how does one unsubscribe, I haven't found it yet.

This is said, "tongue in cheek", Send them an e-mail; Armaggedon is on it's way. Are you ready?   :wacko:

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This is exactly why the FDS is forced to caution us over and over about these seemingly useful resources on the internet. Sometimes it's brothers that you wouldn't trust with a public talk running them...sometimes it's worse. I remember seeing this guy offer the WT Library and the reasoning/excuse for doing so was that brothers in lands under ban weren't able to receive it through the congregation. I tried to remind him how Samuel was running late and so King Saul took it upon himself to sidestep God's arrangement by offering the sacrifice to Jehovah himself, you know for the good of Israel, and how that worked out for him. It fell upon deaf ears.

Felll on blind eyes,also.

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My husband found this on a closed JW forum:


A warning from bro Dallas Tieking, an elder in a Facebook JW group
If you have seen or been duped into receiving a subscription to a web site called JW.Archive with a person who identifies himself as the Librarian, take a warning. Here is a note from an elder in New Jersey. Read carefully.
I know him for years. he does exactly that, create "legitimates sites for JW" He use various accounts and stolen profile pictures from friends and even assume their identity. the information he extracts are used to analyze JW's attitude and behaviour. This data is then use by various individuals to show on their own site how antisocial JW's are and their conduct when non-jw's are not looking.
The information is then studied with what the Watchtower tell the public thru their site and an comparison analysis is created. And I am sad to say the Librarian is very successful with this, Most of our newer friends are immature spiritually and outright arrogant... That includes me... until three years ago.
on the g+ site he threw in a "Jamal Williams" persona who is not a JW and tried to preach to Jw's using other religious organizations. He then took question from our literature modified them to supposedly represent another religious viewpoint... the response he got from the real JW's was the response he was looking for and that data goes to another site.
He demonstrated that our reaction as a religion to someone trying to preach to us was no different or worse that when we try to go from door to door.
On a personal note. I to have had a run in with this person. I saw that he had posted a confidential letter to the Elders on his site and I asked him about it. I could not convince him that it was wrong, and he went into name calling mode.

Edited by Samira
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  • 1 year later...

Sadly, "the Librarian" has continued to steal. We know he has stolen posts from our site and copied them to his - in an effort to generate traffic.

That is not the action of a Witness of Jehovah. I would stay as far away as possible from jw-archive and the band of apostates he lets post freely there :eek:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Several had made requests to him to take down their posts and EVEN copyright materiel, but he won't remove it. Instead, he bans the person. 


We are working on a copyright infringement complaint to be sent to his on-line provider. They will require him to remove the posts or be taken down.


That is a VERY different site than this one. It is good to stay away!


Remember Psalms 26:4  http://m.wol.jw.org/en/wol/b/r1/lp-e/nwt/E/2013/19/26

 I do not associate* with deceitful men,+

And I avoid those who hide what they are.*

We are wise to avoid association with those who hide their identity in Internet chat rooms, those at school or at our place of work who pretend to be our friends for devious reasons, apostates who put on a mask of sincerity, and those who live a double life.
#jw-archive #apostates #Librarian #theworldnewsmedia.org #theworldnewsmedia

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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My husband was told from a sister who worked with him

that the  "Librarian" is now disfellowshipped.    


I'm more curious about the flow of information than the actual information, so I have to ask, how does she know the individual is disfellowshipped?

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I'm more curious about the flow of information than the actual information, so I have to ask, how does she know the individual is disfellowshipped?


I think she told you. Would you not know if the person you worked with is disfellowshiped? Yes one needs to be cautious of second or third hand information but I for one would not be surprised if a person who posted or allowed to be posted confidential letters to elders on his own website and allowed apostates free reign, was disfellowshiped and a possible apostate himself.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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No comment except to say that one would not necessarily know if a fellow workmate was disfellowshipped.  I've worked with people for long lengths of time without spiritual matters coming up.  And if someone is df'd and has a bad attitude about it, there's nothing preventing him from not mentioning it to others.


The whole scene sounds like a mess!  :(

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I think she told you. Would you not know if the person you worked with is disfellowshiped? Yes one needs to be cautious of second or third hand information but I for one would not be surprised if a person who posted or allowed to be posted confidential letters to elders on his own website and allowed apostates free reign, was disfellowshiped and a possible apostate himself.

I guess I read her post wrong, I thought she said that a sister working with her husband told him the Librarian was disfellowshipped. I saw an earlier post that talked about a brother in New Jersey that knew the Librarian so I thought that is where he is located and since Samira is in the UK I didn't think there was first hand information. My bad.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I guess I read her post wrong, I thought she said that a sister working with her husband told him the Librarian was disfellowshipped. I saw an earlier post that talked about a brother in New Jersey that knew the Librarian so I thought that is where he is located and since Samira is in the UK I didn't think there was first hand information. My bad.


It is still 2nd or 3nd hand info because samira did not say the sister told her. She/the sister in WA told her husband and her husband told her. A grain of salt is always a good idea. At least it did not go through Aunts and Uncles down through Cousins and Nephews and Nieces.  :lol:

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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