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BREAKING NEWS | Two New Members of the Governing Body

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2 hours ago, Pjdriver said:

We have a wonderful sister here....very faithful etc..... However when I go to her home for the field ministry meeting I noticed she has a picture of Michelle Obama on her refrigerator.  :lol:

Maybe Michelle is family member? Lol 😂 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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2 hours ago, Pjdriver said:

We have a wonderful sister here....very faithful etc..... However when I go to her home for the field ministry meeting I noticed she has a picture of Michelle Obama on her refrigerator.  :lol:


"As first lady, Obama served as a role model for women and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity, and healthy eating."


There may be a reason it is on her refrigerator that has nothing to do with politics, color or gender.:lol1:

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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6 hours ago, Hanah45 said:

I must trust that Jehovah has a purpose in continuing to primarily use white men from the US.


It is good practice to abandon fleshly distinctions and keep a spiritual perspective on these matters because "a foolish thing of God is wiser than men" 1Cor.1:25.


Jehovah doesn't consult with us as to which humans are assigned to be members of the heavenly class, or which of those men from within that group are assigned to serve as part of the Governing Body. We don't know why he has chosen any particular member of either of those groups.


When he chose to anoint David as prospective king, he told Samuel to reject obvious choices for that role saying "the way man sees is not the way God sees because man sees what appears to the eyes, but Jehovah sees into the heart" 1Sam.16:7. In the case later of the apostle Paul, he was chosen for a crucial role in Jehovah's organisation and purpose despite the fact that some viewed "his presence in person [as] weak and his speech contemptible". (2Cor 10:10). In fact he even viewed himself as the "foremost case" among sinners.(1Tim.1:16).


What we do know however is that "wisdom is proved righteous by its works" Matt.11:19, and, by means of these imperfect men, Jehovah has accomplished amazing things in restoring pure worship, and establishing and maintaining a spritual paradise right in the midst of a world that is ruled by his adversary, Satan the Devil.  That is  before we mention the global preaching and teaching work carried out by imperfect humans in the face of the  mightiest opposition the world can muster. And to what end? "So that people (us included!)  may see and know and pay attention and understand that the hand of Jehovah has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it." Isaiah 41:20.

Edited by Eejay
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The GB has also been faithfully following the lead of the holy spirit to make available Bibles and study publications in all sorts of languages and tongues. Also the Commit Yourself to Jehovah“ drama last convention was an example of what to expect during the GT, and the main characters were all from Africa. If Ukraine or Russia had been used, it would have also fit. The GB has been faithful to Jehovah and Jesus‘ lead to use the organization all around the world. They are not bias, and receive information from Bethels from all around the world, and use it as part of the direction we get. Decisions are made by them, but the needs and feedback come from a variety of sources. Those who are chosen from the GB, have already spent time in New York Bethel, working as helpers already, and have either come from the US or from international countries, or have spent time abroad.


The GB has clearly shown not to act partially. We remember Jehovah‘s ways are always perfect, and always righteous and just as the Rock. Deut.32:4

Edited by Amygdala

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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On 4/22/2024 at 9:55 PM, Pjdriver said:

When you hear others say there should be GB representing differing ethnicities and colors etc.... they are mirroring what the world has constantly been saying about worldly organizations and political offices. Because that is how they view people....it’s the; "My people", "your people" mentality.


That kind of thinking is understandable in the world.....but it has no place here.   When you see someone of your own color in the GB does it makes you feel good? Viewing things from that perspective seems bias in itself.  

It starts with the premise that we’re divided, and each one (ethnicity)  needs representation to be fair.  

Would their color make them more trustworthy on the GB ?  Or will they care more about you than someone of a different color?  This “woke” ideology is spreading and it ain’t pretty. :coffee:


In my opinion, this answer by Pjdriver is spot on. Try to read it not as a correction or a reprimand, but as a sensible reflection on the topic.

Also, Carlos's point was very good.

Take the total number of partakers: around 20,000;

  • substract those who partake for mental health reasons and who might not even be annointed (I know some cases, but of course we can't know whether they are annointed in spite of having mental issues, this is just a speculative exercise to make a point);
  • substract the number of females;
  • then substract the number of brothers who, perhaps due to health reasons, are not in a position to live in the HQ;
  • then substract those who do not speak English fluently;
  • then substract those who are not elders;
  • then substract those who do not have a lot of experience in positions of responsibility  in the organization (travelling overseers, Bethelites, etc.),

and then the options are probably really limited.

Now rejecting a very qualified brother to choose another one less qualified because of his skin colour would be not only impractical, but a form of partiality. After all, the GB is there to do a job, not to represent my race.

Edited by Semer

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2 hours ago, Semer said:

In my opinion, this answer by Pjdriver is spot on. Try to read it not as a correction or a reprimand, but as a sensible reflection on the topic.

Also, Carlos's point was very good.

Take the total number of partakers: around 20,000;

  • substract those who partake for mental health reasons and who might not even be annointed (I know some cases, but of course we can't know whether they are annointed in spite of having mental issues, this is just a speculative exercise to make a point);
  • substract the number of females;
  • then substract the number of brothers who, perhaps due to health reasons, are not in a position to live in the HQ;
  • then substract those who do not speak English fluently;
  • then substract those who are not elders;
  • then substract those who do not have a lot of experience in positions of responsibility  in the organization (travelling overseers, Bethelites, etc.),

and then the options are probably really limited.

Now rejecting a very qualified brother to choose another one less qualified because of his skin colour would be not only impractical, but a form of partiality. After all, the GB is there to do a job, not to represent my race.


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In my opinion, this answer by Pjdriver is spot on. Try to read it not as a correction or a reprimand, but as a sensible reflection on the topic.
Also, Carlos's point was very good.
Take the total number of partakers: around 20,000;
  • substract those who partake for mental health reasons and who might not even be annointed (I know some cases, but of course we can't know whether they are annointed in spite of having mental issues, this is just a speculative exercise to make a point);
  • substract the number of females;
  • then substract the number of brothers who, perhaps due to health reasons, are not in a position to live in the HQ;
  • then substract those who do not speak English fluently;
  • then substract those who are not elders;
  • then substract those who do not have a lot of experience in positions of responsibility  in the organization (travelling overseers, Bethelites, etc.),
and then the options are probably really limited.
Now rejecting a very qualified brother to choose another one less qualified because of his skin colour would be not only impractical, but a form of partiality. After all, the GB is there to do a job, not to represent my race.

This was a great exercise! Thanks for this. Really puts it into perspective what it possibly means to qualify as a GB member.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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On 4/23/2024 at 1:02 AM, Esined said:

The Bible says that "God is not partial," that "people of all sorts" will come to the hearer of prayer. Our work takes place in over 200 lands and in over 1000 languages! And this is only possible because in Jehovah's organization we have sooooo many people of very different backgrounds working together in spite of their differences, thanks to his holy spirit. My whole life I've seen all of our publications intentionally depicting Jehovah's people in all of the beautiful ethnic and cultural variety that he created us with the capacity to have, decades before anyone would even think to call that "woke" or political. Ever since childhood, I have that last illustration from My Book of Bible Stories burned into my brain!


So...it's not a worldly or political thing to expect that the Governing Body might reflect all of this, and to feel a little puzzled because it doesn't. A Bible study asked me this a long time ago - if God is not partial, why did all of the GB seem to come only from a European/Anglo background?


This was not out of a sense of worldly pride in her own race/culture but rather, feeling anxious and uncomfortable because racism, prejudice, and partiality are horrible parts of Satan's wicked system. See this Awake! article: "Why is Race Such an Issue?" https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101993602


Having the organization started in and based in the U.S. has given us a LOT of advantages in being able to reach millions of people and spread the message worldwide.


I have meditated on this and wondered whether Jehovah, knowing that

1) his people would be hated like Jesus was and face opposition to our work

2) his people would have to be able to work a LOT with governments to do any kind of organized, legally recognized activity

has ALSO guided his organization to be able to accomplish our work

1) during the rise of the Anglo-American world power

2) in a country where racism and ideas of white superiority have been so strongly embedded in government, not to mention Christendom.


So maybe the composition of the Governing Body, like the location of our headquarters, has allowed our organization to accomplish certain things over the years that might not have been possible otherwise -- not because Jehovah is partial, but because he has the broad view and knows how to realize his purpose. 



My two cents: Anything even remotely divisive in our organization needs to be treated with much thought and prayer right? This is one of them. As mentioned, DEI and all it's effects on society is one of the 'controversies of the nations' we can't help but hear about in the news. Including myself, we cannot help being affected if we are 'tuning' in to the world (perhaps a little too much — an individual conscience issue). I include myself as perhaps having too much time on my hands as a semi-retired brother, limited privileges, not married, no kids ... therefore lots of time to pray and study as well as perhaps too aware of the social trends 'out there' in Satan's system. 


I'm just now looking at this thread so please forgive if already mentioned, but ... seems likely we'll be able to know—at some point in all eternity of time ahead—the race and ethnic background, geographical origins, etc. of each of the 144,000 individuals who will ultimately be from among the three sons of Noah, and likely they will not neatly represent one third of each son of Noah? Yes? Search me! We can only speculate on what's impossible to answer in this time. Besides, we hope to even just be there at all for now right?


Anyways, in our hearts, I'm sure many have pondered the question regarding the 'face' of the FDS/GB. Perhaps it's a test of our trust in Jehovah. At times, things get revealed in our hearts by means of such questioning.

'Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has achieved in life as by the obstacles overcome'—Booker T. Washington

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On 4/24/2024 at 12:51 AM, Hanah45 said:

The racial makeup of the governing body bothers  me from time to time.


Interestingly, the 12 apostles were all of the same ethnicity. Likely too "the apostles and elders in Jerusalem" (Acts 15:2) were similarly constituted. Jehovah doesn't conform to human notions of "diversity".

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1 hour ago, Eejay said:


Interestingly, the 12 apostles were all of the same ethnicity. Likely too "the apostles and elders in Jerusalem" (Acts 15:2) were similarly constituted. Jehovah doesn't conform to human notions of "diversity".


I dont think that GB members should be viewed in terms of ethnicity. They are all from the same race - Spiritual Israel. Their human race is irrelevant.


But if you want diversity ... look at Gilead students.



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On 4/22/2024 at 8:06 AM, carlos said:

It's clear the GB likes to include brothers from a diversity of backgrounds. We see that from the helpers, they are from many different countries and ethnicities and languages.


However, when you look for anointed brothers who have served faithfully for many decades, who speak English fluently and can live in the US, probably the pool to choose from is much more reduced. There are only around 20,000 partakers in the whole world, how many of those meet the requirements above? And those are just some basic requirements, surely the GB has a lot more.


Nice thought Carlos! We can go back to the scriptural examples of these. The first GB in the scriptures were mostly Jews. That did not in any way shape or form distract from the spread of the good news among diverse cultural groups. It was not until the persecution and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. that we can imagine the first century HQ moving from Jerusalem and those of Jewish origin being significantly replaced by those from other nations. We need to be very careful when looking at things. We all are very susceptible to looking at things through our lens/biase, forged from our experience and background in life.

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This made me think of Acts 6:5 " ... they selected Stephen, a man full of faith and holy spirit, as well as Philip, Prochʹo·rus, Ni·caʹnor, Tiʹmon, Parʹme·nas, and Nic·o·laʹus, a proselyte of Antioch ..."


Both widow-groups were jews, but different language. I'm not saying it is the same, I just made an association to a situation in apostle time.


If all of the GB were of a different ethnicity than myself ... hmmm ... I just try to put myself in the same position as someone in that situation ... I don't know, would I have cared? Maybe. Personally, I think it would be great to see ethnic diversity in GB. Not to satisfy the world; just a general comment.


Dom't shoot me.    

Edited by Tronora

Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is clear*, your whole body will be full of light*. 


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6 minutes ago, Eejay said:


You quoted my comment that a comparison of the makeup of the 1st Century GB with the current composition does away with any misgivings regarding the initial observation made by the OP. I assume you agree? Just seeking clarity. 😊 


Sorry I forgot I had quoted you. I do agree with you. The apostles were all from Israel. Likely too the first GB and now they are mostly white. It wasn't an issue back then and it shouldn't be now.

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16 minutes ago, Abigail said:


Sorry I forgot I had quoted you. I do agree with you. The apostles were all from Israel. Likely too the first GB and now they are mostly white. It wasn't an issue back then and it shouldn't be now.

From Israel yes, personally light skinned people from Asia are not white. The term white that describes a person skin color was used later. 

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The issue becomes awkward when you judge by worldly standards. Mandatory Minimums in admin and leadership roles are expected in the world, because the world can't be trusted to use fair and equal judgement.


Case in point:




That said, the GB don't make appointments solely on their own judgements. They give things like 'understandings' weeks of dedicated study and prayer for the spirit to guide them to the right choice. One can assume they ask the Spirit to take an even stronger lead when appointing GB members.

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  • 5 months later...
On 4/24/2024 at 11:40 AM, Semer said:

In my opinion, this answer by Pjdriver is spot on. Try to read it not as a correction or a reprimand, but as a sensible reflection on the topic.

Also, Carlos's point was very good.

Take the total number of partakers: around 20,000;

  • substract those who partake for mental health reasons and who might not even be annointed (I know some cases, but of course we can't know whether they are annointed in spite of having mental issues, this is just a speculative exercise to make a point);
  • substract the number of females;
  • then substract the number of brothers who, perhaps due to health reasons, are not in a position to live in the HQ;
  • then substract those who do not speak English fluently;
  • then substract those who are not elders;
  • then substract those who do not have a lot of experience in positions of responsibility  in the organization (travelling overseers, Bethelites, etc.),

and then the options are probably really limited.

Now rejecting a very qualified brother to choose another one less qualified because of his skin colour would be not only impractical, but a form of partiality. After all, the GB is there to do a job, not to represent my race.

And also any anointed brother who may meet the conditions to be eligible as a member of the G.B. and who resides outside the U.S.A. must be eligible to obtain a VISA to be able to reside in the U.S.A. legally.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/18/2023 at 2:44 PM, jwhess said:

Br. Splane had a talk (video) with a chart showing how the 1st and 2nd half of the "generation" overlapped.  Here is an excerpt from the later Watchtower.


*** w14 1/15 p. 31 pars. 15-16 “Let Your Kingdom Come”—But When? ***
15 In his detailed prophecy about the conclusion of this system of things, Jesus said: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.” (Read Matthew 24:33-35.) We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ’s presence in that year. Those who made up this group were not merely alive in 1914, but they were spirit-anointed as sons of God in or before that year.—Rom. 8:14-17.


16 The second group included in “this generation” are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years. Yet, Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least some of “this generation will by no means pass away” before seeing the start of the great tribulation. This should add to our conviction that little time remains before the King of God’s Kingdom acts to destroy the wicked and usher in a righteous new world.—2 Pet. 3:13.



EDIT: here is a copy of the chart he used.




Are they apart of the generation though because I don’t know when they were anointed?

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