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GB Update #3 2023

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Amazing videos about


Hamburg shooting

natural disasters in Africa and Bahamas 


Feeling so emotional 🥹 

Thank you Jehovah for all loving brotherhood 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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53 minutes ago, Sofia said:

Amazing videos about

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Hamburg shooting

natural disasters in Africa and Bahamas 


Feeling so emotional 🥹 

Thank you Jehovah for all loving brotherhood 

🎶 Lovers of Jah do not live a life of ease 🎶 

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20 minutes ago, Tony said:

The transcript?

...takes time. Its midnight for brother Chew....

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 hour ago, nicolette said:

🎶 Lovers of Jah do not live a life of ease 🎶 


 A favorite  . .   ❤️


Soldiers of Jah do not seek a life of ease;

The world and its rulers we do not try to please.

Unspotted at all times remaining,

Our integrity we shall keep maintaining.

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1 hour ago, Doug said:


 A favorite  . .   ❤️


Soldiers of Jah do not seek a life of ease;

The world and its rulers we do not try to please.

Unspotted at all times remaining,

Our integrity we shall keep maintaining.

One of my favorites too😫!!

Super excited for the upcoming app playlist which will be in the personal study tab. 

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Governing Body Update 2023 / #3




Jeffrey Winder

Welcome to our update! The spiritual highlight of our year, the Memorial of Christ’s death, was observed by God’s people on April 4, 2023. In the weeks prior, Jehovah’s Witnesses unitedly extended the invitation to this event the world over. This was the first time since the pandemic began that we could again offer invitations for the Memorial by means of the house-to-house and public ministry. No doubt many have been able to expand their ministry during this Memorial season, including those who could serve as auxiliary pioneers with the new 15-hour requirement. It’s thrilling to think about the millions of brothers and sisters and interested ones who gathered for the Memorial to show their appreciation for the gift of the ransom.

When we face unexpected events or loss, we are especially reminded of how vital the ransom is. As a brotherhood, we were shocked to hear about the shooting that occurred at a Kingdom Hall in Hamburg, Germany, in March 2023. Please note the following video update.

On the evening of Thursday, March 9, 2023, a terrible tragedy happened in Hamburg, Germany, after the midweek meeting concluded. Sadly, four brothers and two sisters as well as an injured sister’s unborn child were killed. In addition, two brothers and seven sisters were seriously injured. We are happy to report that none of them are in intensive care.

Following the shooting, direction was given that all meetings in Hamburg should be held by videoconference only. The Hamburg-Winterhude Congregation deeply desired to come together again for in-person meetings as soon as possible. Shortly thereafter, approval was given for all meetings to resume in person starting with the very next midweek meeting. Some of the injured were even able to join the meeting from the hospital, using Zoom.

The Central Europe Branch Committee made immediate arrangements to give comfort and support. To bolster the relief committee which had been appointed, Branch Committee members and their wives travelled to Hamburg and accompanied the responsible circuit overseer. Special meetings were organized to coordinate visits to the affected brothers and sisters, which often meant staying at their side literally day and night.

Every day, a tremendous number of letters and cards from all over the world continue to be delivered to the hall. The brothers and sisters are completely overwhelmed and deeply touched by these expressions of affection and fellow feeling.

All congregations within the state of Hamburg were invited to a memorial service held on Saturday, March 25, 2023. More than 3,000 brothers and sisters attended in person, and over 90,000 connections were made to view this program via stream, many of whom viewed the program with friends and family. All in attendance were touched by the heart-warming words from Branch Committee members as well as the visiting Governing Body member and helper. This memorial service provided strong evidence of Christian love — a convincing testimony that Jehovah’s people do not face such situations alone.

Our brothers in Hamburg have experienced Jehovah’s loyal love throughout this very distressing situation. After attending the funeral, one sister wrote: “The commemoration for the victims in Hamburg was most dignified and deeply moving. The profound Biblical thoughts, the unadulterated truth, the message of comfort, love, trust, and hope delivered with such dignity, tenderness, and empathy cannot but have moved every sincere heart and has given a resounding witness for our wonderful God, Jehovah.”

We have also received many expressions of sympathy from officials, organizations, and individuals from around the world. For example, the Federal President of Germany said: “To all of you dear bereaved, dear friends and companions of the victims, my sincere and deepest sympathy. You have the sympathy of the people of Germany. They feel and mourn with you. They share in your suffering.” No doubt we all continue to keep our brothers and sisters in Hamburg in our prayers.

Another recent event that’s had a significant impact on our brothers and sisters was Cyclone Freddy, which struck East Africa. In February and March 2023, Cyclone Freddy made multiple landfalls and brought strong winds, heavy rain, and flooding. Sadly, in Malawi, eight publishers were killed and three are currently missing. And in Mozambique, one publisher was killed and one is missing. There’s extensive damage in Madagascar, Malawi, and Mozambique. Altogether, over 7,000 publishers and their households were displaced. More than 1,400 of our brothers’ homes were damaged or destroyed, and 24 Kingdom Halls were damaged or destroyed.

The Branch Committees, circuit overseers, and local elders responded quickly to provide comfort and support along with help for their immediate material needs. Relief efforts are under way to provide humanitarian aid and to repair or rebuild their Kingdom Halls and homes. This may well be the largest relief effort that our brothers in Malawi have faced. Please keep these dear brothers and sisters in your prayers along with those who are working hard to provide relief.

When we face trials or tragedies, we are not the only ones who are affected. At Isaiah 63:9, it says of Jehovah: “During all their distress it was distressing to him.” This assures us that Jehovah is affected too. He’s moved to help his faithful servants. And especially during times of distress, he can become our refuge. He stands ready to help us.

But how can we benefit from his help and protection? Well, the answer can be found in what we read at Psalm 91:9. It says: “Because you said: ‘Jehovah is my refuge,’ you have made the Most High your dwelling.” It doesn’t just say that “Jehovah is" - our - "refuge,” but that we have made him our refuge. We can make Jehovah our refuge by drawing close to him during our trials. How? We lean on him in prayer, we keep up our good spiritual routine, we stay busy in the ministry, and we look for ways to encourage others. When we do this as individuals, we make Jehovah our refuge. Then, even when we do suffer tragedies of one sort or another, our faith and our spiritual security will not be destroyed. And when we do this as a brotherhood — when we all turn to Jehovah in times of distress — it unites us further. And it gives a wonderful witness.

An example of this is what our brothers experienced on Abaco Island in the Bahamas. In 2019, they suffered a Category 5 hurricane. Hurricane Dorian destroyed the only Kingdom Hall on the island and damaged or destroyed 16 of our brothers’ homes. What did our brothers do? They made Jehovah their refuge. They relied on him in fervent prayer. They supported one another through that trial. And as soon as it was safe to do so, the Kingdom Hall was rebuilt. Recently, the Kingdom Hall was completed and then dedicated in January 2023. Let’s watch the following video.

Amare Dean, Bahamas: The sun is shining — not a cloud in the sky. We’re in Abaco to dedicate this beautiful Kingdom Hall right here.

Sefan Queen, United States: I can’t wait to be a part of this and see this and be able to sing with my brothers and sisters from the Abaco Congregation and the Haitian Congregation and be able to hear our voices blend.

There are 49 publishers in the Abaco Congregation

At the dedication of the Kingdom Hall, 420 were present – 175 in person and 245 via videoconference

Mark Sanderson [at dedication]: But what a blessing from Jehovah that finally we can be here for this wonderful program!

Micah Gianoulis, United States: Here we are, three years later. We just didn’t think that this day would actually come.

Mark Sanderson [at dedication]: I received a text message — I was at home — “Pray for Abaco.”

September 2019

Nikki (and Andrew) Tucker, United States: The devastation to the Kingdom Hall was so complete that I think it is forever etched in my mind.

Richie Eyma, Bahamas: You could see the Kingdom Hall chairs and our publications thrown all around.

Vincent (and Lunicks, and Laila) Joseph, Bahamas: It rips your heart apart to see the Kingdom Hall like that.

The local publishers begin evacuating to Nassau - a nearby island

Margaret Swain, Bahamas: We got to the airport, and it looked like there was no way out of this situation. So the brother prayed, and after he prayed, it was like a window opened for us to get out of there.

Vincent (and Lunicks, and Laila) Joseph, Bahamas: We got to Nassau. There was food; there was clothing. There was a — It seemed like we were having a convention where we landed. There were so many brothers there with placards, singing at the top of their voice.

December 2019: Disaster Relief Committee volunteers arrive

Sefan Queen, United States: The operation was huge. We almost had about 70 or 80 individuals that came in and out. It was a mini army as it were.

Jake Majure, United States: We were a few weeks away from what was going to be the fastest project I’ve ever worked on. We were just absolutely finishing houses at almost record speed. The Kingdom Hall was about to be ready for the Memorial.

Kiki (and Carlos) Diaz, United States: So we could start to see the end, and then we got the call that COVID was putting an end to the project.

Sefan Queen, United States: Our overseer got on stage, and within three or four words, he started crying. I mean, we knew it was because we had to leave.

March 2020: The 31 construction volunteers are evacuated

Kiki (and Carlos) Diaz, United States: Sitting on that plane made me cry, thinking, ‘I am just leaving.’ We kept thinking, ‘When we will be able to go back?’

June 2021

Jake Majure, United States: I got the phone call from my overseer that they wanted to get Abaco finished up, and I was thrilled. I was praying for that for 15 months — to go back and finish this project.

September 2021: The construction is completed on the Kingdom Hall and the local brothers' homes

Mark Sanderson [at dedication]: When that hurricane blew through, it may have taken a lot of things with it, but it sure didn’t take your faith. And it sure didn’t take away your relationship with God.

Eliana Leary, Bahamas: When we got to Nassau, the friends sang “Unfailing Love” to us. And so now they landed, and we sang it to them.

7 January 2023

Tom Grove, United States: It was overwhelming to listen and hear the beautiful voices of the brothers and sisters singing about the love that we have among all of us.

Clunie Louis, United States: To have seen what the friends went through and how their hearts can be soothed — To have a place of worship is such a wonderful privilege.

Richie Eyma, Bahamas: It was a joy to be back at the hall, and it felt like we were victorious once again.

Kiki (and Carlos) Diaz, United States: It doesn’t matter if there are 10 publishers or 10,000 publishers, Jehovah is going to take care of them.

Margaret Swain, Bahamas: It has been a reunion, a piece of Paradise.

Mark Sanderson: No matter what happens to us, whether it be a natural disaster or unrest or war, we’re always going to be there for our brothers. We’re going to support one another, we’re going to help each other, and we’re going to be OK with Jehovah’s help.

It’s so encouraging to see our brothers and sisters back in their Kingdom Hall! Their love and appreciation for Jehovah and his organization is evident, and they’re making good use of their Kingdom Hall. For this year’s Memorial, the 47 publishers of the two congregations had a combined attendance of 217.

Before we conclude, we have a new feature in JW Library that we’re excited to share with you. JW Library will soon support Playlists in the Personal Study tab. With this feature, you’ll be able to add videos, audio programs, and pictures to personal playlists. For example, you can make playlists of your favourite theocratic songs or of videos to use in the ministry. You can also make a playlist of pictures to use in a talk, and then share it with the audio/video support brothers so that they can use JW Library to display the pictures. Look for an update to the app in the coming weeks.

Brothers and sisters, what have we discussed? Whatever trials or tests you’re dealing with personally, be assured that Jehovah sees you and is aware of what you’re going through. He too is affected and is moved to help. So continue to lean on Jehovah in prayer, keep up your good spiritual routine, stay busy in the ministry, and reach out to others for support. Yes, continue to make Jehovah your refuge! And please know that we love you all very much. From the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, this is JW Broadcasting.

Edited by Parale
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How many publishers are there in the Abaco congregation?


On screen the Update states that "there are 49 publishers in the Abaco Congregation," whereas later on Bro Wnder mentions the "47 publishers of the two congregations."






It would appear that the onscreen text actually relates to two congregations, rather than a singular congregation (ie 'the congregation').


This is backed up by the fact that there is actually no congregation called 'Abaco Congregation', thus the onscreen text references the congregation(s)/publisher numbers in a general non-specific way. From January to April 2023 there was evidently a drop of two publishers between the two congregations.


The two congregations on the Abaco Islands which share the Kingdom Hall as featured in this Governing Body Update are


It is possible that at the time of the KH Dedication there was just one Congregation (ie one language congregation, hosting another language group), with the language group forming a new congregation after the Dedication, but before the Memorial, though I note that the JW.org news report said that at the time of Hurricane Dorian there were "46 publishers in the two congregations on Great Abaco Island."

Edited by Parale
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3 hours ago, Parale said:

Abaco Island in the Bahamas


See also:


On 1/27/2023 at 12:51 PM, Parale said:

Jehovah’s Witnesses dedicate Kingdom Hall


The Nassau Guardian, Thursday 12 January 2023


“Today feels like a piece of paradise,” said Swain of Dundas Town, Abaco, who was one of the 175 people to attend the dedication service.


The new Kingdom Hall, which can now accommodate 115 people at capacity, a 25-seat increase, was filled to capacity. A tent had to be erected as an overflow space to accommodate everyone in attendance, including Witnesses who flew in from overseas for the occasion. Another 245 families connected over Zoom for the event.


“The roof is rated to withstand 200 miles per hour winds. The glass door and windows are rated to withstand 200 miles per hour winds. The foundation anchors, holding the walls down to the foundation at about two feet apart. The uplift is top-notch, because of all the additional hurricane straps installed at two feet apart, tying the roof structure to the walls,” said Ritchie Eyma, Jehovah’s Witnesses public communications representative, United States (US) branch.


The new Kingdom Hall was rebuilt on the site of the previous 27-year-old structure that had been built in 1992 and that had been completely destroyed. After the passage of Hurricane Dorian in September 2019, the only thing left standing was the concrete slab.



Edited by Parale
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6 hours ago, Loyal said:

this time it wasn't the new song of the convention, will we have it in the next broadcasting?

I was expecting it as well…🤔

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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On 4/18/2023 at 4:28 AM, Parale said:

Governing Body Update 2023 / #3



  Reveal hidden contents

Jeffrey Winder

Welcome to our update! The spiritual highlight of our year, the Memorial of Christ’s death, was observed by God’s people on April 4, 2023. In the weeks prior, Jehovah’s Witnesses unitedly extended the invitation to this event the world over. This was the first time since the pandemic began that we could again offer invitations for the Memorial by means of the house-to-house and public ministry. No doubt many have been able to expand their ministry during this Memorial season, including those who could serve as auxiliary pioneers with the new 15-hour requirement. It’s thrilling to think about the millions of brothers and sisters and interested ones who gathered for the Memorial to show their appreciation for the gift of the ransom.

When we face unexpected events or loss, we are especially reminded of how vital the ransom is. As a brotherhood, we were shocked to hear about the shooting that occurred at a Kingdom Hall in Hamburg, Germany, in March 2023. Please note the following video update.

On the evening of Thursday, March 9, 2023, a terrible tragedy happened in Hamburg, Germany, after the midweek meeting concluded. Sadly, four brothers and two sisters as well as an injured sister’s unborn child were killed. In addition, two brothers and seven sisters were seriously injured. We are happy to report that none of them are in intensive care.

Following the shooting, direction was given that all meetings in Hamburg should be held by videoconference only. The Hamburg-Winterhude Congregation deeply desired to come together again for in-person meetings as soon as possible. Shortly thereafter, approval was given for all meetings to resume in person starting with the very next midweek meeting. Some of the injured were even able to join the meeting from the hospital, using Zoom.

The Central Europe Branch Committee made immediate arrangements to give comfort and support. To bolster the relief committee which had been appointed, Branch Committee members and their wives travelled to Hamburg and accompanied the responsible circuit overseer. Special meetings were organized to coordinate visits to the affected brothers and sisters, which often meant staying at their side literally day and night.

Every day, a tremendous number of letters and cards from all over the world continue to be delivered to the hall. The brothers and sisters are completely overwhelmed and deeply touched by these expressions of affection and fellow feeling.

All congregations within the state of Hamburg were invited to a memorial service held on Saturday, March 25, 2023. More than 3,000 brothers and sisters attended in person, and over 90,000 connections were made to view this program via stream, many of whom viewed the program with friends and family. All in attendance were touched by the heart-warming words from Branch Committee members as well as the visiting Governing Body member and helper. This memorial service provided strong evidence of Christian love — a convincing testimony that Jehovah’s people do not face such situations alone.

Our brothers in Hamburg have experienced Jehovah’s loyal love throughout this very distressing situation. After attending the funeral, one sister wrote: “The commemoration for the victims in Hamburg was most dignified and deeply moving. The profound Biblical thoughts, the unadulterated truth, the message of comfort, love, trust, and hope delivered with such dignity, tenderness, and empathy cannot but have moved every sincere heart and has given a resounding witness for our wonderful God, Jehovah.”

We have also received many expressions of sympathy from officials, organizations, and individuals from around the world. For example, the Federal President of Germany said: “To all of you dear bereaved, dear friends and companions of the victims, my sincere and deepest sympathy. You have the sympathy of the people of Germany. They feel and mourn with you. They share in your suffering.” No doubt we all continue to keep our brothers and sisters in Hamburg in our prayers.

Another recent event that’s had a significant impact on our brothers and sisters was Cyclone Freddy, which struck East Africa. In February and March 2023, Cyclone Freddy made multiple landfalls and brought strong winds, heavy rain, and flooding. Sadly, in Malawi, eight publishers were killed and three are currently missing. And in Mozambique, one publisher was killed and one is missing. There’s extensive damage in Madagascar, Malawi, and Mozambique. Altogether, over 7,000 publishers and their households were displaced. More than 1,400 of our brothers’ homes were damaged or destroyed, and 24 Kingdom Halls were damaged or destroyed.

The Branch Committees, circuit overseers, and local elders responded quickly to provide comfort and support along with help for their immediate material needs. Relief efforts are under way to provide humanitarian aid and to repair or rebuild their Kingdom Halls and homes. This may well be the largest relief effort that our brothers in Malawi have faced. Please keep these dear brothers and sisters in your prayers along with those who are working hard to provide relief.

When we face trials or tragedies, we are not the only ones who are affected. At Isaiah 63:9, it says of Jehovah: “During all their distress it was distressing to him.” This assures us that Jehovah is affected too. He’s moved to help his faithful servants. And especially during times of distress, he can become our refuge. He stands ready to help us.

But how can we benefit from his help and protection? Well, the answer can be found in what we read at Psalm 91:9. It says: “Because you said: ‘Jehovah is my refuge,’ you have made the Most High your dwelling.” It doesn’t just say that “Jehovah is" - our - "refuge,” but that we have made him our refuge. We can make Jehovah our refuge by drawing close to him during our trials. How? We lean on him in prayer, we keep up our good spiritual routine, we stay busy in the ministry, and we look for ways to encourage others. When we do this as individuals, we make Jehovah our refuge. Then, even when we do suffer tragedies of one sort or another, our faith and our spiritual security will not be destroyed. And when we do this as a brotherhood — when we all turn to Jehovah in times of distress — it unites us further. And it gives a wonderful witness.

An example of this is what our brothers experienced on Abaco Island in the Bahamas. In 2019, they suffered a Category 5 hurricane. Hurricane Dorian destroyed the only Kingdom Hall on the island and damaged or destroyed 16 of our brothers’ homes. What did our brothers do? They made Jehovah their refuge. They relied on him in fervent prayer. They supported one another through that trial. And as soon as it was safe to do so, the Kingdom Hall was rebuilt. Recently, the Kingdom Hall was completed and then dedicated in January 2023. Let’s watch the following video.

Amare Dean, Bahamas: The sun is shining — not a cloud in the sky. We’re in Abaco to dedicate this beautiful Kingdom Hall right here.

Sefan Queen, United States: I can’t wait to be a part of this and see this and be able to sing with my brothers and sisters from the Abaco Congregation and the Haitian Congregation and be able to hear our voices blend.

There are 49 publishers in the Abaco Congregation

At the dedication of the Kingdom Hall, 420 were present – 175 in person and 245 via videoconference

Mark Sanderson [at dedication]: But what a blessing from Jehovah that finally we can be here for this wonderful program!

Micah Gianoulis, United States: Here we are, three years later. We just didn’t think that this day would actually come.

Mark Sanderson [at dedication]: I received a text message — I was at home — “Pray for Abaco.”

September 2019

Nikki (and Andrew) Tucker, United States: The devastation to the Kingdom Hall was so complete that I think it is forever etched in my mind.

Richie Eyma, Bahamas: You could see the Kingdom Hall chairs and our publications thrown all around.

Vincent (and Lunicks, and Laila) Joseph, Bahamas: It rips your heart apart to see the Kingdom Hall like that.

The local publishers begin evacuating to Nassau - a nearby island

Margaret Swain, Bahamas: We got to the airport, and it looked like there was no way out of this situation. So the brother prayed, and after he prayed, it was like a window opened for us to get out of there.

Vincent (and Lunicks, and Laila) Joseph, Bahamas: We got to Nassau. There was food; there was clothing. There was a — It seemed like we were having a convention where we landed. There were so many brothers there with placards, singing at the top of their voice.

December 2019: Disaster Relief Committee volunteers arrive

Sefan Queen, United States: The operation was huge. We almost had about 70 or 80 individuals that came in and out. It was a mini army as it were.

Jake Majure, United States: We were a few weeks away from what was going to be the fastest project I’ve ever worked on. We were just absolutely finishing houses at almost record speed. The Kingdom Hall was about to be ready for the Memorial.

Kiki (and Carlos) Diaz, United States: So we could start to see the end, and then we got the call that COVID was putting an end to the project.

Sefan Queen, United States: Our overseer got on stage, and within three or four words, he started crying. I mean, we knew it was because we had to leave.

March 2020: The 31 construction volunteers are evacuated

Kiki (and Carlos) Diaz, United States: Sitting on that plane made me cry, thinking, ‘I am just leaving.’ We kept thinking, ‘When we will be able to go back?’

June 2021

Jake Majure, United States: I got the phone call from my overseer that they wanted to get Abaco finished up, and I was thrilled. I was praying for that for 15 months — to go back and finish this project.

September 2021: The construction is completed on the Kingdom Hall and the local brothers' homes

Mark Sanderson [at dedication]: When that hurricane blew through, it may have taken a lot of things with it, but it sure didn’t take your faith. And it sure didn’t take away your relationship with God.

Eliana Leary, Bahamas: When we got to Nassau, the friends sang “Unfailing Love” to us. And so now they landed, and we sang it to them.

7 January 2023

Tom Grove, United States: It was overwhelming to listen and hear the beautiful voices of the brothers and sisters singing about the love that we have among all of us.

Clunie Louis, United States: To have seen what the friends went through and how their hearts can be soothed — To have a place of worship is such a wonderful privilege.

Richie Eyma, Bahamas: It was a joy to be back at the hall, and it felt like we were victorious once again.

Kiki (and Carlos) Diaz, United States: It doesn’t matter if there are 10 publishers or 10,000 publishers, Jehovah is going to take care of them.

Margaret Swain, Bahamas: It has been a reunion, a piece of Paradise.

Mark Sanderson: No matter what happens to us, whether it be a natural disaster or unrest or war, we’re always going to be there for our brothers. We’re going to support one another, we’re going to help each other, and we’re going to be OK with Jehovah’s help.

It’s so encouraging to see our brothers and sisters back in their Kingdom Hall! Their love and appreciation for Jehovah and his organization is evident, and they’re making good use of their Kingdom Hall. For this year’s Memorial, the 47 publishers of the two congregations had a combined attendance of 217.

Before we conclude, we have a new feature in JW Library that we’re excited to share with you. JW Library will soon support Playlists in the Personal Study tab. With this feature, you’ll be able to add videos, audio programs, and pictures to personal playlists. For example, you can make playlists of your favourite theocratic songs or of videos to use in the ministry. You can also make a playlist of pictures to use in a talk, and then share it with the audio/video support brothers so that they can use JW Library to display the pictures. Look for an update to the app in the coming weeks.

Brothers and sisters, what have we discussed? Whatever trials or tests you’re dealing with personally, be assured that Jehovah sees you and is aware of what you’re going through. He too is affected and is moved to help. So continue to lean on Jehovah in prayer, keep up your good spiritual routine, stay busy in the ministry, and reach out to others for support. Yes, continue to make Jehovah your refuge! And please know that we love you all very much. From the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, this is JW Broadcasting.

Thanks for the transcript. I've added headings to the transcript you made.


2023 GB Update #3 


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  • 1 month later...
On 4/18/2023 at 9:29 AM, Luigi62 said:

Can't wait for the JWL update.


Happy Paul Rudd GIF by Saturday Night Live

Same bro. 


But I think, it's almost a month since it was announced! 🫣🫣🫣




I just want to make a reply in this comment 😆😆😆

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