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Bible Shortage At Bethel?

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Good one Vernalee...interesting thought John...but what about the calendar pictures...all I see is a pad and pencil and large bibles!..but then again maybe new Bibles are being printed for LATER and until after Armageddon we make due!

Edited by SUNRAY

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Watch-out !!!! Monkey-Wrench Coming!!!




****************************** This is NOT official .... just the musings of a wondering mind ********************************


Perhaps, it is not a "New Bible" that we are to receive ..... perhaps it will be "permission" to start using an "electronic Bible" the same as we now use the paper one. Perhaps they feel, once announced, there will be less need for paper ones - thus less being produced and the monies used elsewhere.




Just thought I'd throw a monkey-wrench into the works.




I'm guessing no to this.


There are many brothers/sisters who can't afford tablets, and the Governing Body would never suggest everyone start using electronic bibles, that would make the ones who are less fortunate financially go out and buy something they can't afford.

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When was the last time anyone was able to order a bible?


Actually, no one has been able to "order" a Bible for many,many years .... they are "requested". Under the "old" arrangement, when we used to "pay" for the literature they were "ordered" ... since we have been "donating" for them, they have been "requested".


I know .... I know .... a bit picky, and I am being a little (insert your word here) in pointing this out, but if you have ever looked at the paperwork (when it was still done on paper) these are the terms used. Back when the change was made, there were letters on the matter since, if we used any of the old paperwork until the new forms were received, we were to "cross out" the old wording and use the new .... it was a "legal" thing.


Now, as to how long it has been since any Bible requests have been filled .... that is the thing ....

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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They might just announce it at the annual meeting and then real copies of the bible might be available later on at the Kingdom Halls.

I still don't think there will be a new bible. Some changes have been made in the latest printing already. What changes could be so big that they stop shipping bibles for 6+ months?

Maybe a previous poster was right and they're just trying to get us to use the stock that is there in various Kingdom Halls. But in that case I would be surprised that the elders weren't informed in official letters and then the congregations after that. We never received an announcement to return extra bibles ro the hall. Some did because it makes sense to do that.

The whole situation doesn't make sense.

I hope we'll find out soon.

Our patience is really being tested lol.

Your post makes so much sense. There would of been a letter to the elders if it was just to be more ecomomical with the bibles we have got. Bethels around the world must know that we don't have any bibles, that brothers and sisters are struggling along with their bibles that have pages falling out. I am one of them. I have from 2nd Peter to Revelation that has completely detached from my Bible. That was a luxury leather Bible and is only 2 and a half years old.


I am praying for a much stronger stitched bible that will last much longer than that one. It is our main reference book and needs to be a lot more sturdier than they are currently. I have seen some burgundy pocket bibles on ebay for £20. I am in 2 minds to just buy one of them I am getting that desperate.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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the shortage of Bibles is of concern for those who are a bit ashamed to use their copy, while out in service. You have heard, read, or been told about the Geneva (Puritan) Bible? On Amazon you can find that particular Bible, and I am on the verge of just buying a Kindle, so that I can download a copy, for under ten dollars. My only concern is getting a true copy.

When I "googled" king james bible, the one article I read, said the Puritans wouldn't even own a copy of that garbage  :-)

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Maybe they're coming out with their own tablet!

All the publications on it. And all kinds of useful apps.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

Ps. I'm not being serious, just joking of course :)

Jasmin~This is an idea I've had for a long time because even though some can afford a tablet, I know in my case my electronic knowledge is limited...If we had a 7" tablet released I could imagine the case it would come in being entitled: "Knowledge that leads to eternal life"! perhaps in several colors! Just think how this would help our children follow along..they are the experts!

Ones would contribute for them and for those who could not afford to others would contribute extra!...I can imagine a young one taking their tablet to school and witnessing to other students who would surely notice this unique tablet!!

I love your "jokes" ... dreaming!!!

I would like to "request" a tablet in wine red John!!!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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I also heard from a friend who knows a pioneer that worked in service with the CO who just met with the DO who had been at the DC with some of the Bethel Bros who had parts on the program .... what was the question again?

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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That particular style of Bible is getting to be seen quite regularly in our literature...I wonder if the bethelites receive specially bound Bibles?...Interesting.. :wub:

Edited by cricket246

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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I don't think that will be logistically possible.  At least, not for everyone tied in worldwide.  New publications would have to be printed and shipped NOW in order to be ready for the Oct. Annual meeting.  We'd be seeing boxes and boxes show up at those various Kingdom Halls.


Ours are stored in other locations and we have to go pick them up from a central location. In our case we wouldn't see them. That just might be the way it is for us in northern Alabama.

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the shortage of Bibles is of concern for those who are a bit ashamed to use their copy, while out in service. You have heard, read, or been told about the Geneva (Puritan) Bible? On Amazon you can find that particular Bible, and I am on the verge of just buying a Kindle, so that I can download a copy, for under ten dollars. My only concern is getting a true copy.

When I "googled" king james bible, the one article I read, said the Puritans wouldn't even own a copy of that garbage  :-)



Here, this is the Geneva 1560 in PDF http://ecmarsh.com/news/files/geneva1560.pdf

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I noticed that too. I just assumed it was purely a superficial difference, like how there's that NWT with the red edges (not sure where .i have seen it though)


We discussed this some posts back with detailed photos ;)

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