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I told my Coordinator my lastest last month's diagnosis, and my concern about how it might end, that I want so badly to see Jehovah vindicate himself.

Then he said "it's (referring to the end) is close." Then he smiled. Here's the thing. When he said that, he didn't really look at me, but rather looked away, like someone knows something but knows they can't tell anyone. It's called the "far away look." Like the person is thinking of something. Then just about a week or two later, a Bethelite and I were talking after the meeting one Wednesday night, the conversation led to my sharing with him too and....oh my goodness! He said the same exact thing my Coordinator said, and had that same look or expression.

A sister feels that not all information elders/bethelites get is shared with the congregation. She said that at those meetings, things are said that they just can't divulge. So while I'm not saying they know the exact day and time for Jesus said no one does, do you think it's possible they know sonething we don't know?

Edited by Luezette
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Y'all know I messed up again right? Lol.

Anyway, if they do know something we don't know, to me it just makes sense. Why? Because they are the ones Jehovah will use to guide us through the GT. So they can't possibly, right now, divulge information about anything. Right?

Anyway, maybe I'm getting all excited about absolutely nothing. Got enough on my plate.

Edited by Luezette
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Everyone is so tired - even those younger with no health problems so you are doing so well to hang in there Luezette - you are probably receiving power that is beyond normal. Hugs.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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All I know is, with the ramping up of the witnessing work, it feels like we are going around Jericho 7 times on the last day.  Our Heavenly chariot is nimbly changing to whatever direction it needs in order to fulfil Jehovah's will.  We have so many refinements lately to give us the proper food/understanding for our day now.  It is close, no doubt!


And you dearest Luezette are a great example to us and all your brothers and sisters and family.  We know of your health issues, and despite all your troubles, you have been as active as you can be searching for the last sheep.  Jehovah and Jesus are watching over you and all faithful ones with smiles. Not long now!

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A sister feels that not all information elders/bethelites get is shared with the congregation. She said that at those meetings, things are said that they just can't divulge. So while I'm not saying they know the exact day and time for Jesus said no one does, do you think it's possible they know sonething we don't know?


Elders do not receive special advance notification on spiritual issues.

They often receive advance information on organizational issues.  :)

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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And hopefully we will all be there to bug you when you wake up. But I too think the end is close - closer than we think or maybe as close as some of us think. (Time will tell!)

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Now, let me see, we are being trained to be patient if we are anxious for someone we love to be ressurrected, with ressurrected ones all around us. We are being reminded to be happy wherever Jehovah sees fit to place us. We are being told to be patient. We are told to plan for the new system as we would plan for a trip. We are being reminded how valuable it is to follow theocratic orders, then it will not be a hardship on us in the new system. Sis, this was TODAY! At our WT study. Now you go back and look at our history. We are always prepared just before the fact. Am thinking about neutrality and WW2. This information is not from well educated men, (albiiet they are) This information is from Jehovah. These dear men are like the rest of us. They don't know the day nor hour. They are just giving us the information Jehovah wants us to have. Only Jehovah knows the precise day and hour.

All these changes? Will we look back, and say, "It was excatly, precisely at the right time". I suspect so. So, we be grateful, and go along with the program. I know, it may be years, but whatever, if we go along with the program, and continue to do so, we will be fine. This way or that.

And as a CO said, if we die between now and Armageddon, there is not a period at the end of the sentence, but a coma. The sleep will be more like a nap. (my words, there) Exciting times, these are!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Dear Sis, we are on a need to know basis.  A person who recently passed away in my neighborhood, was previously very anti-Witness. As time went by, several of us got a chance to share some Bible Truths and literature with him.  I was taking care of his dog (along with mine) during his illness. A dear sister from this site had a brother bring him some literature when he was in the Port Jervis Hospital. One day I mentioned to him, "Our Circuit Overseer told us,'We can walk in to the new system or wake up in it.' "  I still get to see his dog with her new owner. 


Last winter I was in respiratory crisis for 15 to 16 weeks. I thought each day was my last, and every morning I would force/drag myself to get up and be wondering how soon I could get back into bed. I wrote a letter to the congregation secretary asking if I could leave a few words to be quoted at my Memorial Talk. I had to retire from a burn out job, and have stabilized my health. We know what lies ahead for us, no matter what challenges we are facing in this system. There will be a few new wrinkles, but no big surprises. Now, Jehovah has blessed me with quite a number of new calls and studies and I am still aux pio, one month at a time, until I see what the winter brings. You, too, keep working at it. Love you, Sis Luezette, YS,pauline

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:lol1: telling Bethelites something is like announcing it on TV.jw.org.

Think of all the things we have heard from Bethelites before we heard it elsewhere. No, they don't know things that they are keeping secret.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Regardless, I really hope things that supposed to be 'confidential' be treated as such. I know Jehovah factors things like imperfections and all but for matters that are conveyed as strictly 'continental' should be treated as such.

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Regardless, I really hope things that supposed to be 'confidential' be treated as such. I know Jehovah factors things like imperfections and all but for matters that are conveyed as strictly 'continental' should be treated as such.


I don't think the date of the GT beginning fits the category of "confidential"   :eek: If that gets announced at Bethel - you can GUARANTEE we will all hear QUICKLY!!


Edit: but I agree with you - confidential stuff needs to stay confidential. 

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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A sister feels that not all information elders/bethelites get is shared with the congregation. She said that at those meetings, things are said that they just can't divulge. So while I'm not saying they know the exact day and time for Jesus said no one does, do you think it's possible they know sonething we don't know?


No, Luezette, neither elders, nor Bethelites nor the GB have special information that is not in the Scriptures. How could they? :)

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I think it will get real, "privy" when the ball gets rolling, and our life line will be the closeness we have maintained with the congregation. When that is where we will get our instruction, up close and personal. From our elders.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Actually, I think the NEWS media will know when the end comes before we do... We will read and hear the News Headlines that there is "Peace and Security" been proclaimed... then, We will get up one morning and read the headlines: "All the world's religions have been destroyed!" ... we will read it the same time as everyone else does... the only difference, we will know what it really means!

As for being ready, we should ALWAYS be ready!

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  • 2 weeks later...

its like that saying "today is the first day of the rest of your life." or "today, we are one day closer to the end".


Yep! Maybe tomorrow  :bouncing:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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1 Thes. 5:2 tells us that Jehovah's day is coming exactly as a thief in the night so we won't have a lot of advance knowledge except as verse 3 goes on to tell us as soon as 'peace and security' has been declared, then ' sudden destruction will be instantly upon them', so events will start suddenly and decisively  We need to be ready every moment so we will not be shaken   and fail after a long life of serving Jehovah well. Still, prayer is our most effective tool.

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Regardless, I really hope things that supposed to be 'confidential' be treated as such. I know Jehovah factors things like imperfections and all but for matters that are conveyed as strictly 'continental' should be treated as such.

seriously, these leaks have got to stop, leaks like these happening during the GT could cost us our lives. I for one would really hate to be killed during the GT,... too close to the finish line. :-)

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