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The Revised New World Translation - Now just $18.99 !

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Okay, this does not offend me at all (see next post), but you wouldn't believe how bad the oversensitive net witnesses on Facebook are totally flipping out over this listing.....


Get'em while they're HOT!





Sellers Description:


This listing includes the following:

  • One (1) New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

    • 2013 Revision

    • Publishers: Watchtower Bible And Tract Society Of New York, Inc

    • Color: Grey

    • Cover: Softcover

    • Size: 4.75" x 6.75" (approximate)

    • Rendered from the Original Languages by the New World Bible Translation Committee - Revised 2013

    • English

    • Made in the USA

    • BRAND NEW!

    • Sealed in Plastic!

    • FREE Shipping in the United States!

    • In Stock! Ships within ONE BUSINESS DAY of payment!

These editions of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures are BRAND NEW, and are SEALED in plastic! (Note: One edition was opened for photos, but all buyers will receive sealed editions). We will ship this for FREE anywhere in the US via USPS Media Mail.

These were not purchased from Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. These were part of a bulk acquisition of salvaged goods. As salvaged goods, if we had not acquired these, it is possible they would currently be in a dumpster or landfill. They were not stolen or obtained in any illicit manner, and we have all proper documentation showing a legal transaction. We are selling this in order to recoup our costs. It may be possible to receive a free copy of this edition by contacting your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses or by going to their website. Additionally, you can read a free PDF copy of this version online.This book is available here, for purchase, to anyone not wanting to pursue the options above.

We are not operated by, sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Jehovah’s Witnesses or Watchtower Bible And Tract Society.

Please contact us with any questions.

Thank you,

EJC Ventures, LLC


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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This is apparently misdirected freight, a lost shipment, etc etc. that happened into the hands of this seller. He explains himself well. I suppose he could have 'returned them to the sender', but this is a non-witness who buys seconds, overstocks, whatever, and sells them on eBay. It's what he does. Finders keepers.


Now imagine this entire shipment ending up in a landfill - what a waste! For all we know Jehovah (or those in the invisible realm on his team ;)) could have made sure that this didn't happen. The Bibles are actually selling! This means, that God's Word is getting into the hands of other individuals. Isn't this a good thing?


"But why buy it when they could have got it for free??" - Because maybe they couldn't. What if someone lives in unassigned territory? What if someone wants a Bible but then never crosses paths with another witness for years because they are in seldom worked territory? What if someone wants a Bible but does not want to risk having us knock on their door every Saturday for the next 6-12 months as a result of asking for one? :P


How can the distribution of God's Word ever ever be a bad thing?


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Not a bad thing, but he could have just called a local KH, no?


And he makes it sounds as though he's just breaking even with that price!


But you're right:  maybe someone will grab one because they want a copy but don't feel as though they want to be in regular contact with us...yet  Here's hoping that will change!  ;)

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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This is apparently misdirected freight, a lost shipment, etc etc. that happened into the hands of this seller. He explains himself well. I suppose he could have 'returned them to the sender', but this is a non-witness who buys seconds, overstocks, whatever, and sells them on eBay. It's what he does. Finders keepers.

Now imagine this entire shipment ending up in a landfill - what a waste! For all we know Jehovah (or those in the invisible realm on his team ;)) could have made sure that this didn't happen. The Bibles are actually selling! This means, that God's Word is getting into the hands of other individuals. Isn't this a good thing?

"But why buy it when they could have got it for free??" - Because maybe they couldn't. What if someone lives in unassigned territory? What if someone wants a Bible but then never crosses paths with another witness for years because they are in seldom worked territory? What if someone wants a Bible but does not want to risk having us knock on their door every Saturday for the next 6-12 months as a result of asking for one? :P

How can the distribution of God's Word ever ever be a bad thing?



If his story is true (and it's easily verifiable by the society's legal dep if they feel the need) I don't have nothing to object against this man.
If I was good in money right now I would bye one for me because I don't think I can have one by the regular means in a long time ;)

Edited by Dismal_Bliss
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And he makes it sounds as though he's just breaking even with that price!


Well he probably is. He said "We are selling this in order to recoup our costs." meaning the cost of the bulk salvage purchase, of which a box of Bibles was just one part of.


I think it's nice that he even states that people can get it for free from Jehovah's Witnesses locally.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Thanks for putting some perspective on it, Bob. Stuff like this is bound to happen when millions are being shipped, it's just that being the information age, we all hear about it now. We shouldn't let reports like this rattle our cage.


I don't agree with the (original) seller making a profit on something that is obviously the property of someone else that is quite easy to find; I mean last year I found a wallet on the ground in a parking lot, and I didn't put it up for sale on ebay. :lol: But I can vouch for the fact that some people will only receive these types of items via a sale on ebay, often because they're too afraid to talk to us and just ask us for one. So hey, if they they're more comfortable paying for it and having it mailed to them, I suppose that's their choice.

Edited by TJ

Just stop it.Romans 12:2

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Not a bad thing, but he could have just called a local KH, no?

And he makes it sounds as though he's just breaking even with that price!

If he was a JW I would expect him to do that... But not being one why would he do that? Not logical...

I many experiences we read about people coming in the truth by reading our literature on the most strange ways? Finding a tract on the garbage, etc...

We have in Portugal several antique fairs and it's common to see our publications being sold there... From old bibles to the Bible teach book

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If his story is true (and it's easily verifiable by the society's legal dep if they feel the need) I don't have nothing to object against this man.

If I was good in money right now I would bye one for me because I don't think I can have one by the regular means in a long time ;)



He says he has photos and documents to prove that the box of Bible was acquired from a bulk salvage goods purchase. I don't think the Legal Department couldn't do anything unless they could prove that the man was lying and stole them outright.


It always irritates me when I see the WTLIB CD on eBay, at all let alone when I see it online before I have my copy from the local congregation. These are clearly for Jehovah's Witnesses only (and good students), and you know someone is just burning copies likely. Bibles on the other hand are for public consumption.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I don't agree with the (original) seller making a profit on something that is obviously the property of someone else that is quite easy to find; 


I'm a little curious on how the box of Bibles ended up in a salvage purchase. Like, did a semi roll over or lose it's trailer or something? And all the frieght was just "written off" as damaged goods and the companies insurance handled it?



We have in Portugal several antique fairs and it's common to see our publications being sold there... From old bibles to the Bible teach book


The local Good Will, as well as a store called the Book Seller - which purchases old books at estate sales - always has publications of ours. I have added much to my theocratic library in this manner.


I have double and triple copies of bound volumes going back to 1950, and in today's electronic age, I look at the bookshelves and think of all the space I could be saving. Nobody here locally wants them, and I don't have the heart to put them in the recycle, garbage, or firepit out back, so putting them up on eBay for a small fee sufficient enough to cover shipping might be my only option.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Did you the thread we already had going! :)




Well looky there.  :unsure:


I'll be savoring the flavor of my foot in my mouth while at the meeting.


See ya'll in a few hours :)


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Some of the thrift stores in my area have stopped carrying our literature,  I believe because all of the newer publications have the message inside that the publication is distributed without cost as part of a  worldwide Bible education program. I did find an old green Bible for 89 cents in a thrift store. I am looking for another one, as mine was destroyed. We have enough new Bibles that I have been able to get two for me and one for my study. I will get another one as soon as I can so I have one in my service bag, one in my Sunday bag and one in my midweek bag. That way I don't get to the meeting and find that I don't have a Bible. I'm getting more and more scatterbrained. I need all the help I can get!

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If he was a JW I would expect him to do that... But not being one why would he do that? Not logical...

I many experiences we read about people coming in the truth by reading our literature on the most strange ways? Finding a tract on the garbage, etc...

We have in Portugal several antique fairs and it's common to see our publications being sold there... From old bibles to the Bible teach book

From what I understand my Grandfather found a witness book in the trash.. he was looking for truth. That was in the early 1920's I believe. Now he may have found the truth another way if that book wasn't thrown away by someone.. who knows. But I am glad that he found it.  :)

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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Yes, this is the same seller that was selling them "by the case" for $319 and had "more than ten". At that time, he did not have the disclaimer.


I know for a fact that the ebay listing was given to the Brothers from the US Branch to look in to.


After that, the case lots were pulled and the disclaimer was added. The first disclaimer only mentioned that they were "salvage". Later, they added more description of the "salvage" and added the direction to where free ones can be obtained.


My guess would be that he WAS contacted by the Branch.


The Branch uses UPS to convey many shipments of literature. Even UPS can be involved in a traffic accident. When a truck is totaled, the truck and all of the contents become property of the insurance company .... after all, that is why they are insured.


The insurance company sells the "salvage" to recover some of their costs. Those who buy the salvage sell individual items to recover their cost - and make a profit. Since he states that he has the documentation to prove the salvage - and he IS in that sort of business, it is not surprising that he is selling them.


Unfortunately, when the listing first appeared, many jumped to the conclusion that they were stolen or being sold by an apostate. I feel sure he had NO IDEA what kind of response he would get when he first listed them.


Look at it this way, when he listed them, he was "selling salvage at a reduced rate", from his point of view - so, isn't it nice that he feels our Bibles are a good deal at a "bargain price" of nearly $20.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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That's okay, Bob--I didn't see the other thread either.  But won't some of the resurrected ones (maybe your own family members?) want some of that extra literature you have? Not all of them will be resurrected knowing how to use the computer to find what they want.



As much as I enjoy everything on JW.ORG, there are times when I want a book in my hands....the smell of the paper fresh from the printer....a highlighter while studying for my meeting......

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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Interesting to know about the use of UPS.  I assume it must be more efficient to use an outside delivery service than to delivery themselves.  I the UK I think everything is delivered by their own bethel trucks and drivers, so lest likely to happen here.

I wonder if the seller will keep one for himself to read.

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I'm not offended but I do object to it because it is simply not right to make a profit from brothers and sisters that gave their time and talents to work for free. Our Japanese brothers (and all the others that worked and are working so hard) could have been out building careers and ensuring that they saw some Financial payback for their work but they gave it to Jehovah.  They did not give it so some dealer can make money out of them.


It makes me think of the philistines.  They got the Ark of the covenent by fair means, they won the war and kept the booty; even in scripture Jehovah gave nations (His own and others) permission to do this, H O W E V E R  they had no RIGHT to have the ark and what did God give them to drive the point hom (no pun intended)? PILES.


Now I am not wishing piles and giant jumping mice on anyone and yes, Jehovah can take a dishonest move and see that good comes out of it by getting them into the hands of sincere people searching for truth (people who DO have the right to these bible).  But that dealer, whoever he is, and whatever his motives might still one day find himself busily sculpting an image of a nasty case of piles and sending it with an offering to the branch.  Why? because these are not just any books, they are not just "merchandise".  The ark wasn't any old golden box, it was dedicated to Jehovah produced under His direction and to be used according to his stipulations.  I'm not suggesting the bibles are sacred in the sense that the ark was, they are just paper and ink, but they are the result of the sacred service of Jehovah's  ministers and as such represent their dedicated efforts. 


Jus sayin'....



Oh and if anyone sees  golden models of dollar signs on a cart pulled by a couple of cows at one of our branches... for goodness sake, don't look at it! DON'T LOOK AT IT!!

Edited by sunshine
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I'm not offended but I do object to it because it is simply not right to make a profit from brothers and sisters that gave their time and talents to work for free. Our Japanese brothers (and all the others that worked and are working so hard) could have been out building careers and ensuring that they saw some Financial payback for their work but they gave it to Jehovah.  They did not give it so some dealer can make money out of them.


I will say that $18.99 seems steep when it comes to the simple matter of trying to cover the cost of the entire salvage purchase (which just happened to include these bibles). This guy is in the business of buying cheap and selling high, and I'm sure is doing far better that just merely covering his expenses. I'd like to see him drop $10 off that price.


On the other hand, the quality of the new Revised NWT is outstanding, and while they might not cost that much individually to produce, I can assure you that the same bible on a shelf at Barnes & Noble or some Christian Book Store would easily be selling between $39.99 and $59.99 per copy.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Are you a brother, otherwise why would you be selling The NWT for profit I find this rather strange, or am I missing something?


Terry, he isn't selling it. He is merely posting that someone on eBay is.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Well I would like to know if he's counting his placements????"? :whistling: 


I'm sure he's not a brother. He's counting dollar bills, not placements :P



Are you a brother, otherwise why would you be selling The NWT for profit I find this rather strange, or am I missing something?


I doubt he is a brother. A brother would take the case of literature from the salvage purchase and give it back to the Branch. "Hey, we found something you might have lost" :)


However, I still maintain that we should not be offended or upset at this if the case of bibles was obtained legitimately as he claims. It's just one more avenue of getting an accurate copy of God's word into the hands of people. The Lord does work in mysterious ways, ya know. ;)


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Since this is reported to be from a salvage lot, I wonder if there are any errors in them. I did look and see 99 sold. 


Why/how would being involved in some sort of accident that would render the shipment as salvage cause "errors" inside the Bibles?


If these were "misprints", they would not have been offered for salvage. With the vast setup Wallkill (and Japan) has for recycling of paper, any amount of known misprints would have been destroyed as recycled paper ..... not offered for salvage.


For these Bibles to be salvage, whatever the cause, it would have to have taken place while they were in transit to their destination .... as in, vehicle accident.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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