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Exodus, Gods and Kings - New Trailer

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Well .... the trailer already showed several "wrong" events.


Moses was "slow of mouth" and Aaron spoke for him.

Didn't know Moses carried a sword.


And (now for the part Stuagu likes) I am not sure Moses wore a beard while growing up in Egypt "as part of Pharaohs household - Pharaohs daughter's adopted son"

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Seams off Moses never challenged Pharaoh in any way other than to put forth what Jehovah told him too. Made it look like Moses was counter attacking in the Red Sea part. Which never happened. Too much artistic license is taken in these movies. The Original was more realistic in what happened for sure. 

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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  On 10/2/2014 at 12:32 AM, Qapla said:

Well .... the trailer already showed several "wrong" events.

Moses was "slow of mouth" and Aaron spoke for him.

Didn't know Moses carried a sword.

And (now for the part Stuagu likes) I am not sure Moses wore a beard while growing up in Egypt "as part of Pharaohs household - Pharaohs daughter's adopted son"

  On 10/2/2014 at 3:23 AM, Greg Dent said:

Seams off Moses never challenged Pharaoh in any way other than to put forth what Jehovah told him too. Made it look like Moses was counter attacking in the Red Sea part. Which never happened. Too much artistic license is taken in these movies. The Original was more realistic in what happened for sure.

Yeah I noticed that too... Just curious to see the special effects giving life to all the great miracles of the time ;)

Nowadays we can't never expect a Hollywood movie to follow the bible content. My reference to Noah is that it seems an example of the farmost extremity ;)

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From what I've read about the film and seen in the trailer is appears that Moses and Pharaoh 'Rameses' engage in a climactic battle that never really happened.

I think the plagues look great though. I'm not sure about the alligator attack in there... Whats that about I wonder? Maybe its an unrelated scene. Anyway the visual looks great but I fear much liscened will be taken. What was that whole thing about Moses yelling that he cannot be humbled?

I do like how Pharaoh starts yelling manically "I am a god. I am a god!" Because thats what he believed and yet he had no real power and I can just imagine the proud pharaoh's frustration as the plagues mounted up proving he was not a god but merely dust.

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  On 10/9/2014 at 12:18 AM, allabord4jah said:

Ramses's is alive again, just like the 10 Commandments in 56. The Bible is clear, the Pharaoh had no name mentioned in the Ex. account. So far, I have heard no mention of Jehovah's name. That alone would not make me want to spend my money or rent it down the road to see it.

I, particularly, don't rule out any movie just because Jehovah's name isn't mentioned... In fact there are several questionable films where His name is in fact mentioned... ;)

But I understand your point of view regarding this particularly movie

  On 10/9/2014 at 1:51 PM, Miss Bea said:

Who would bother with the nonesense the world offers when we have our own television station?

I, particularly, don't rule out everything just because it wasn't produced by the slave... Btw, ~4/5 of the friends around the world still don't have that valuable resource you mentioned ;)

I intend to watch this movie for entertainment purposes though (but will wait for reviews first)

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  On 10/9/2014 at 2:06 PM, jayrtom said:

I, particularly, don't rule out any movie just because Jehovah's name isn't mentioned... In fact there are several questionable films where His name is in fact mentioned... ;)

But I understand your point of view regarding this particularly movie

I, particularly, don't rule out everything just because it wasn't produced by the slave... Btw, ~4/5 of the friends around the world still don't have that valuable resource you mentioned ;)

I intend to watch this movie for entertainment purposes though (but will wait for reviews first)

It's just me. I really can't enjoy something, when I am worrying and waiting for that lie. My comment. Sorry. I was being a bit flippant. I have gotten glimpses of our new adventure, but, I have to work out the kinks, here at home. With videos, I spend way too much time with that little rolling circle!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure about it. After hearing about how bad Noah was I'm weary about these movies :/ I'd rather watch "The Prince of Egypt" an Dreamworks animated movie based on Moses' life that was pretty enjoyable (I love animation). By the way, on the subject of Biblical films, has anybody heard of the Red Tent? It's an upcoming Lifetime movie based on a book that goes into the story of Dinah, basically Bible fan fiction. I heard of it but haven't seen any previews. Kinda interested but kinda not, knowing how the world usually does Biblical stuff on screen :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

The movie looks interesting that's for sure. I saw the commercial for it during the World Series last night. I'm kind of weary of the movie because of the Noah disaster. The effects look great and the actors in it are incredible. Maybe I'll wait for it to be on TV one day. As Sister Jadon mentioned, The Prince of Egypt is a phenomenal movie. It is surprisingly accurate. I highly recommend it. Watched it with a few friends in the congregation and they really enjoyed it as well.

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'Moses was schizophrenic': Christian Bale ignites religious row ahead of Exodus movie release by describing prophet as 'barbaric'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2810449/Christian-Bale-accused-ignorant-bigotry-describing-Moses-barbaric-schizophrenic-ahead-Exodus-release.html#ixzz3Hfbudkw2

Really? The meekest man to ever walk the earth?

Baseball is in the Bible... Gen 1:1 "In the big inning".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the first major red flag...


First, watch this:

Notice that actor Joel Edgerton, who plays Ramses, states the Battle of Kadesh is a pivotal part of the story and also has a prophecy related to Moses.

In my study of the bible I never came across any mention of a battle of Kadesh. There might have been skirmishes near the land of Kadesh when the Israelite were travelling through on their way to the promised land.

Determined to find out more I found there was a real battle of Kadesh. But according to the Wikipedia page this battle took place in the year 1274 BC. Here's the problem. The Book of Genesis was completed in 1513 BC... 239 years BEFORE the battle of Kadesh.


Moses was likely in his 80 - 90's when God inspired him to write the book of Genesis. 40-50 years before leading the Israelites out of Egypt Moses lived in the land of Midian as a shepherd. This would put Moses in Egypt as a prince around the year 1553 BC. Doing the math - subtracting 1553 from 1274 - Moses would have lived among the Egyptains 279 years before the battle of Kadesh.

For the filmmakers to add this battle to the Exodus story and then even make the claim that there's a prophecy attached to it goes against everything written in God's Word. This is like someone saying Christopher Columbus (the guy who discovered America) fought in World War 2 and he was a 4-star general! It sounds laughable today but this is exactly what the filmmakers are doing by placing Moses in a battle that did not occur until 200 years after his death. Am I right? It seems Tony Scott and his team is just making stuff up and they're making stuff up with the "pivotable" (their words) part of the Exodus story. Is this like "adding" words to the bible?

This is precisely the reason why the Noah film was horrible. Darren Aronofsky and his team just made stuff up: like the Fallen Angels as those "rock monsters", or how Noah was an environmentalist and a violent gladiator, and worse how he tried to kill his grand-daughter after her birth... it was apostate.

Despite the visuals, which are absolutely amazing, the vibe I'm getting from Exodus is similar to Noah. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw the film tonight and walked out for the way the film explained who God is and who Moses was. It was EXTREMELY offensive and apostate.


[spoiler ALERT]

1. The burning bush. Instead of a voice from the bush speaking to Moses a 8 year child appears who stands in front of the bushing bush. The kid says something like "I'm looking for a general." When Moses asks something like "who are you" the kids replies "I am." The child doesn't explain anything to Moses about why he needs to go to Egypt.

2. Moses has NO IDEA why he's going to Egypt. When his wife demands to know why he tells her, "I don't know" to which she replies, "What kind of god would force a man to leave his wife and child."

3. Before leaving for Egypt he gives his shepherd's rod to his son and instead heads back to Egypt with a sword.

4. Moses first encounter with Pharaoh. Moses sneaks up on Pharaoh in his stable while he's petting his horse. During the entire conversation Moses holds a sword to Pharaoh's throat and demands to let the Hebrews go. When Pharaoh asks why Moses tells him Egypt has gotten worse. 

5. While climbing up the mountain to collect sheep Moses is caught in a rock slide during which a stray rock hits him on the head. A few seconds later he is shown to be suffering from a bloody concussion and almost drowning in the rock slide quicksand. It is during this time he sees the burning bush and child. His wife thinks he hallucinated the whole thing.

[/spoiler ALERT]


The movie does EXACTLY what Noah did. I'm done with Hollywood produced Bible movies. At best they're inaccurate. At worse their apostate. Noah and Exodus are apostate films.


If people want to see a decent movie about the Exodus account watch The Prince of Egypt


Here's what the burning bush scene in Exodus should have been like

Edited by SacramentoBrother
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The movie was good in the beginning with the war scenes and the locality - the layout of the land....sigh!

Then it gets awful!  We sat in disbelief of how they portray Moses talking to a "boy" as if he was God.

Moses was not humble at all...and never gave Almighty God any credit!  What a waste of money!

All I enjoyed was the company of a dear sister that attended the showing with me!  


After the movie I needed a drink!!!


Yikes! I am editing as I just read above this is an apostate film??? - I had no idea!!!

I feel terrible now - and I invited the sister to go with me.  Not happy!!!  feel hurt about this one.

Edited by CyreJay
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I want Charleston Heston. No matter what you say about the "Ten Commandments", you can never question

he looked more like Moses than any actors since. And the parting of the Red Sea was nothing less than awe-

some. Call me prejudice. Maybe it was because my Mom and Dad took us kids to see it years ago at the drive




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  On 12/13/2014 at 10:22 AM, CyreJay said:

Yikes! I am editing as I just read above this is an apostate film??? - I had no idea!!!

I feel terrible now - and I invited the sister to go with me.  Not happy!!!  feel hurt about this one.


Calm down. It's not an apostate film in the sense of being created by ex-witnesses. It's not even an apostate film in the sense of being created by some organization in Christendom - which by the sounds of it, would have produced a far better movie than these Hollywood Hokies. Ryan said it was 'offensive and apostate' in the sense that it deviated very much from the biblical account - that is all.


I'll eventually see Noah and this Exodus movie for the sake of satisfying my personal curiosity to see all things "biblical" - but thanks to this forum I know to watch it alone and not make it a family movie night :P


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  On 11/18/2014 at 6:07 AM, SacramentoBrother said:

Moses was likely in his 80 - 90's when God inspired him to write the book of Genesis. 40-50 years before leading the Israelites out of Egypt Moses lived in the land of Midian as a shepherd. This would put Moses in Egypt as a prince around the year 1553 BC. Doing the math - subtracting 1553 from 1274 - Moses would have lived among the Egyptains 279 years before the battle of Kadesh.

For the filmmakers to add this battle to the Exodus story and then even make the claim that there's a prophecy attached to it goes against everything written in God's Word. This is like someone saying Christopher Columbus (the guy who discovered America) fought in World War 2 and he was a 4-star general! It sounds laughable today but this is exactly what the filmmakers are doing by placing Moses in a battle that did not occur until 200 years after his death. Am I right? It seems Tony Scott and his team is just making stuff up and they're making stuff up with the "pivotable" (their words) part of the Exodus story. Is this like "adding" words to the bible?


It's not my intention to defend to movie :) but those dates represent the widely accepted chronology of the Exodus, based on Egyptian inscriptions. Secular sources usually place the Exodus around the year 1250 BCE. The Pharaoh of the Exodus is often identified with Ramses II, who, according to Egyptian chronology, ruled from 1279 to 1213.


Most historians do not believe anymore that the Exodus occurred or that Moses existed. The main reason for that is that no archeological or historical evidences have ever been found. Of course, no evidences will ever be found if they continue to look for them in the wrong period. Recently, a researcher named David Rohl has suggested moving the dates some 200 years back, more or less agreeing with biblical chronology, to the reigns of pharaohs Amosis or Kamosis, and he has documented a wealth of details that, if his reports are true, might be evidence of the Exodus.


Similarly with Moses being depicted as a general in the Egyptian army, that's was not invented by the film director either, but is based on the writings of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. The Bible is completely silent about that.

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I went to watch this movie a couple days ago. I didn't find it so terrible although my wife did. I suppose my expectations were extremely low after watching Noah, and honestly they cannot be compared. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's an apostate movie, it just presents the view of God that is common among most "Christians".


The story is not accurate at all, and neither tries to be. It could better be defined as a movie inspired on the Biblical story, rather than based on it. I mean, there's a Moses, there's a Pharaoh, a burning bush, plagues, Israelites delivered from slavery... but characters behave completely differently from the scriptural ones.


Visual effects are impressive, as well as the settings: the athmosphere, the battles, the monumental buildings, the breathtaking scenery, the way people were dressed... In that sense it was great.


The problem with this movie, rather than Moses' age or his strange dressing and other inaccuracies, is the way it portraits Moses and Jehovah. God in the movie is the god Christendom worships, a mysterious deity that behaves in unintelligible ways and requires people to have faith just because one has to have faith. After Moses is left unconscious by some rocks falling down the mountain, the viewer has the uncomfortable sensation that he's been left with a screw loose and sees hallucinations, a sensation that is magnified by the fact that supernatural events are kept to a minimum. In the end, though, it's clear that God is really guiding Moses, but one still has the impression that Moses is a loony.


Not a movie I would recommend, although it's not bad as entertainment if you simply forget it's depicting biblical events.

Edited by cvillarrubia
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From first learning of the Truth I was instructed that those movies were not conveying the Truth and they were not good to watch, therefore I don't.

It's as if reading/listening the lies that they tell.

Was I instructed wrongly?

Because from what this tread is about it's as it's okay to view such lies about the Truth. Might as well go sit in on a sermon at a church. IMO!

Proverbs 27:11- Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him that taunts me.

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