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How Do you Picture the Day AFTER Armageddon

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Someone made the comment in another thread "that someday, Armageddon will be YESTERDAY", so that got me to thinking - How do you picture what the day after Armageddon will be like - either for you personally or on a global scale?  For me, it's easier for me to picture what it will be like for me personally.


I picture myself opening my eyes the next morning and realizing all over again what just happened yesterday - the new world is ACTUALLY here!  I wake my husband and start running around the room like a chicken with my head cut off (declaring Jehovah's extreme mercy in letting me live) and then, of course, falling to my knees to say a prayer of deep gratitude for letting me witness the santifying of his glorious name. After I peel my lips off the ground,  and, because, yes, I may be a bit vain, I run to the mirror to see if there are any noticable changes in my appearance,  That doesn't take long, because I really could care less - I MADE it!  Now I'm checking my cell phone, and other technologies to see if I'm still "on the grid".  From this point - I haven't thought too much - do I run outside and see what it looks like? or wait for instructions from our elders?  If my cellphone still works, I begin texting anyone in my address book to see who answers!


How about you - how do you picture the day after Armageddon?

Edited by shali

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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After checking on family and praying - to say thank you! I look around to see what grocery stores have any bacon, because darn it! I will have me some bacon to celebrate! :lol1: Oh and Mountain Dew. :drink: After that, I look around for everyone else or maybe we are all already together as we were all locked up in the same place - in which case I will need to find LOTS of bacon. :wave:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Someone made the comment in another thread "that someday, Armageddon will be YESTERDAY", so that got me to thinking - How do you picture what the day after Armageddon will be like - either for you personally or on a global scale?  For me, it's easier for me to picture what it will be like for me personally.


I picture myself opening my eyes the next morning and realizing all over again what just happened yesterday - the new world is ACTUALLY here!  I wake my husband and start running around the room like a chicken with my head cut off (declaring Jehovah's extreme mercy in letting me live) and then, of course, falling to my knees to say a prayer of deep gratitude for letting me witness the santifying of his glorious name. After I peel my lips off the ground,  and, because, yes, I may be a bit vain, I run to the mirror to see if there are any noticable changes in my appearance,  That doesn't take long, because I really could care less - I MADE it!  Now I'm checking my cell phone, and other technologies to see if I'm still "on the grid".  From this point - I haven't thought too much - do I run outside and see what it looks like? or wait for instructions from our elders?  If my cellphone still works, I begin texting anyone in my address book to see who answers!


How about you - how do you picture the day after Armageddon?

That description paints a picture! and I imagine there are a few who would be able to repeat the same words, ans actions! Thanx, for sharing!

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If we are only talking about the DAY after Armageddon, then I do not imagine much.

I have felt for the last few years that the day after I will barely be able to lift my feet. I would have just been dragged in to the new system. I imagine a week of rest, a week of praise to jehovah, something along the line as the festival of booths.

I think we will feel exhausted, battered, and jehovah will

Give us a few days to get our bearings.

I imagine feeling very surreal.

I hope someone is there to take control for me cause IF I'm there, i think I just wanna colapse and recover.

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  the Day after?


  we will be singing and dancing.   :dance:


  the bible records many victories & celebrations with song and dance -

   Red Sea (Ex 15)

   transporting the Ark (1 Sam 18)

   dedication at Solomon's Temple (2 Chr 5) 



  perhaps this is related to why the GB currently gives focused attention to our songs... ?


 how Long will be allowed to sing and dance is a question worth pondering.

    Jehovah knows how our hearts will rejoice that his name and sovereignty

    has been made known to every living soul by means of his victory at Armageddon,

   and that we survived to be privileged witnesses of this one-time great awe-inspiring event. 


  perhaps the singing and dancing will be allowed to go on and on,

   until finally there is a voice from above,

  "A-Hem. Very good. Now there is work to do."

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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And after MY collapsing and recovering I will walk out onto the street ... (If I am at home) ... and start walking towards the Kingdom Hall to reunite with my brothers and sisters, that is where I think it will start sinking in ... when we all start meeting up - the relief will be intense. Then the joy will kick in.  Then the organizing will begin. But yes Sister Fiona I think initially it will feel very surreal.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I thought that too about the songs - there is a reason, even if we don't see it now, why Jehovah's organization is doing what its doing right now.


I can imagine it is a bit like when Jehovah was creating the earth, and the angels were looking on ... remember? There came to an evening and there came to be a morning of each of the six days?


That was because the angels did not comprehend what Jehovah's purpose was for each day until the 'morning' or the time when his purpose became clear. 


Right now ... we are in the DUSK just before dawn, just before everything becomes bright and clear. I can feel the excitement in the air - it's like popping candy on your tongue.



Source of my study: Insight Book under Creative Days.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I will be in the state of shock ! happy shock ! Thoughts running through my brain will be like this:  "What ?!!! We are in the New World ?!!!  Wow! ... What ?!!! Is this for real ? No more dying ? No more sickness ! No more sensless pressure of old system .........  then I will calm down and look for Jerry to see if he still has some bacon left ... :idea:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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I am eagerly awaiting to say this..

Now we say "in the new world this..." in the new world that... " etc.

After Armageddon, we would say...

In the "old world that..." " In the old world..these...: "in the old world we used to...." etc.etc.

Don't know about that.. I never want to speak of this world again!!

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Don't know about that.. I never want to speak of this world again!!

Odd. When my dad is resurrected that is all he'll want to talk about - what happened, when, how, who, then what. I imagine we will have assemblies all about even. That "smoke will ascend forever."

Think how often we talk of Adam and Eve, that's probably how often we'll talk about the final result.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Also there will be the preaching work we will be doing, helping those ressurected ones to understand the consequences of not doing things Jehovah's way. At least that's what I've always thought.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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After checking on family and praying - to say thank you! I look around to see what grocery stores have any bacon, because darn it! I will have me some bacon to celebrate! :lol1: Oh and Mountain Dew. :drink: After that, I look around for everyone else or maybe we are all already together as we were all locked up in the same place - in which case I will need to find LOTS of bacon. :wave:

again with the BACON....    Jerry... you just crack me up!!

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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I think we will be going around pinching each other (not in a cheeky way) or punching each other in the arm just saying "am I really here?" I think it will take longer than we think for it to sink in. We will keep waiting to wake up with the usual aches and pains and they will never come. For all of us the day will come when it finally sinks in and even our subconscience will get it and our dreams will even fall in line. That "day" will be different for all of us and it will be interesting to hear those stories too - when did it finally sink in that the new world we live in is a reality, that's it's not going away, that's it's not a dream you wake up from everyday, that it's not the "future" anymore, it's the present?

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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one thought that ran thru my mind, recently... do y'all think us old folks will suffer teething pains, or will teething be a thing of the past? wondered if Ora-Jel should be part of my "go bag"?

And then there is the threat of persecution. Wondered how much of that there will be, and how far our great God will let it go on. Soooo many questions!

I suppose we just carry on as if there is no tomorrow, and we wake one day to realise all of our wonderings, are in fact, HERE!         :thumbsup:

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That's a thought I've had Sister Peggy, while I'm not elderly when you reach a certain 'age' you notice things starting to break down and teeth are one of those. I remember a few years ago now in the link-up talk by Brother Losch, he made a certain comment that stuck in my mind - it went something like this:


"Jehovah does not want old and sick people transforming the earth into paradise"


While he didn't say anything specifically, I read into that, that  perhaps, just perhaps, Jehovah's attention as to our physical well being -teeth and all - would be an early priority for him. Along with that too would be the video we had at the last convention ... you know, the towel, old into young, now the society has these special towels out - all it will take is one wash and we will be young again.  I really want one of those towels. *chuckles.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)


We WILL know when the GT starts - NONE will have to wonder. Now how long between the start and the end - Armageddon - we don't know (months, years, etc). If it is years, I imagine it wont be many years. Any way - I seriously doubt ANY of us will be living in our homes undisturbed during the GT. When they attack God's people and nothng happens to you - we will need to wonder what we did wrong to NOT be identified as one of God's people, eh?


Will they lock us up and ship us to work camps (as in the past) or what - we don't know. Not knowing this makes it difficult to say what one would do the very next day. But we can speculate ......


I imagine us being locked up in strategic locations in each country. Say - all the ones on the Southwestern coast together, Northern, central, etc If that is the case, once Armageddon starts, I imagine it ending quickly - say a day or so. Then the cells or areas we were held in get opened. First order will be figuring out who is all left and what supplies are available, how instructions will be given and what Jehovah will want us doing immediately - for example: travel to some location or wait. I picture the angels and anointed having a HUGE hand in this part. Maybe it will be some we actually know  :yes:


Exciting times ahead, eh?


note: did I mention bacon???  :wink: If there are any anointed here that will be helping - please remember my name (Trottigy) !  :) I am happy to assist in disposing of all the remaining supplies of this and the other filthy stuff like - Mountain Dew  :drink:

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Yup I can talk about persecution if you wish ... let's see ... bacon made out of chicken instead of pork ... warm flat mountain dew UK style ...


PS: You should try our NZ Manuka Honey cured bacon - cooked crispy with syrup and bananas on pancakes.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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No- let's not talk about BEFORE armageddon and things like persecution - this thread was particularly started to talk about the day after Armageddon - something to really look forward to - something positive and upbuilding compared to what most of us are going through now.  We've all heard the horror stories of what we may be going through (and for some, it pales in comparison to what they are going through) - hence, a different sort of discussion - the day AFTER Armageddon!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Haha Shali - so bacon is off the table?  I imagine on the first day after Armageddon - pancakes with bananas and no bacon with all my brothers and sisters after we meet up at the kingdom Hall.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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 When they attack God's people and nothing happens to you - we will need to wonder what we did wrong to NOT be identified as one of God's people


   an excellent thought to keep in mind,

    to be sure our worship is whole-souled

     right up til the end

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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If it's just the day after, then there will be no mention of any witnessing... Vernalee can relax for a while yet...

But have you pondered the coming of Armageddon on a world-wide basis?

I often think about this, as we have unlimited communication around the world these days, how can Armageddon come on a global scale and still be as everyone's awake?

What signs will there be in the heavens to show everyone that it's here? Remembering, of course, that the multitudes about to die have to know why they are dying.

It will be such an event, surely, that 'waking up the next day' will be no small matter either. Let's just hope we very quickly get on with having those tears wiped from our eyes (we will all lose loved ones) and settling down to do Jehovah's will in the cleanup and preparing for the new teaching work.

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