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The Truth Is Boring?

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 A good  mount of young friends says the truth is boring. Here we have the the videos Faith In Action, 1975 YB, Proclaimers Book, JW 's and Divine Purpose Book, etc. What more do they need? Gee, I wish I was at Bethel on July 17, 1917, and June 25, 1939,at Madison Square Garden, this was action. Plus, I make field service alive when friends around me. Many young ones don't get it. They need to get off their computers. Any tips??

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  On 1/16/2016 at 2:43 PM, Dustparticle said:

A good mount of young friends says the truth is boring. Here we have the the videos Faith In Action, 1975 YB, Proclaimers Book, JW 's and Divine Purpose Book, etc. What more do they need? Gee, I wish I was at Bethel on July 17, 1917, and June 25, 1939,at Madison Square Garden, this was action. Plus, I make field service alive when friends around me. Many young ones don't get it. They need to get off their computers. Any tips??

Stay a sterling example. My motto, "enjoy your ministry"... Btw, Some of those kids are our own even with the example we set... Hopefully it will click!... Time for me to serve the Living God with Joy and Zeal! May we all keep on keeping on!
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The best thing to do is take an interest in our young ones. Work with them and have fun with them in the ministry. Encourage them. Organise congregation activities like meals out, barbecues, party's, get togethers etc etc. Make the truth and the congregation as exciting as you can for them. These are just a few tips, It is up to us all to work to make life in the truth a great place for children to be.

Hopefully they will eventually make the truth their own and the truth will fall into place for them, it is up to us to provide for their social needs though and create opportunities to make friends and socialise within the congregation. We can all have a part in that. :)

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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Boring for them because internet is the only thing to do where they can be atleast happy in the creation of these system of things. The more they tend to, the more they get hooked to the social media keeping 'REALITY' very unrealistic and they should just kid and dream their selves because Social Media is the life for them.


I just laugh for them. I worked at a JW Site and I can say that it is a LIFE while I was sitting next to some busy gamers... my haha!

All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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If adults don't help make it meaningful and fun, living as one Jehovah’s Witnesses *could* be boring to young people. They have energy, want to be involved. But congregations don't have official social activities. There are no sports, picnics, gatherings, bowling parties if adults don't arrange. And the ministry can be very dry if only working the same places with the same people - getting the same reactions in the territory.

Especially challenging if one's entire family isn't in the Truth. Unbelieving parents, maybe even opposed.. it can be rough. Not feeling part of a family in our family-oriented organization is a difficult situation to be in. The scary bit is - worldly people are nothing if not inclusive.. even as we grow older. Always invitations to events, parties, meals, etc... not nearly as often from fellow Witnesses.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I believe it takes a congregation to keep them (all of us, really) knowing the this IS the best way of life. If not us, who?

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Many young ones who find it boring are looking for an excuse. They tend to hang out with others of same like in congregations, and many leave the truth at same time, some disfellowshipped.


Seen this happen many times. Bad association, even among witness families, spoil useful habits.  Good apples can not make bad apples good, but bad apples can taint good ones.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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Do they find meetings boring ? Ministry ? Publications ? Bible ? Association in the congregation ? Or the whole lot ?

One thing for sure the TRUTH is not designed to serve as a entertainment but to preserve our life's and take our stand on the issue of sovereignty. (Etc)

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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I always suggest to my peers to get into it, see it as real, see the Bible in reality. Promote humour, many bible examples crack me up because they are just like us. Put a "zeal" face on during the ministry, get pumped into it.

One thing I forget is the amount of knowledge our young ones have. But for them, it's making things click- making things connect in their mind. Once they understand that all these bits of knowledge connect together, their appreciation for spiritual truth is refined.

Another good thing is good association. I can not stress enough how vital it is to stay away from youths at school who don't love by Jehovah's standards or conduct. It's better to have no friends then bad friends. Not saying you should isolate yourselves from them, but don't spend so much time that you form a close connection to them.

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Everything in life can become boring if we don't spend energy to keep it from becoming boring.


I know If I don't study for the meeting it's hard to get anything out of it, I can't participate. If I don't prepare for service or calls I don't do well at all. So if I don't get anything out or feel good about my time spent, well ya, I guess I'd be bored. 


The advent of IPhone or Tablet has been a godsend, it has helped so many. But like anything else it can become unbalanced and a problem instead of the solution.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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When I was young and in the Truth, I did not let myself get bored.


In addition to pioneering, I made friends with others who were active Witnesses. I would go to my Circuit Assemblies AND those of at least two other circuits where I had friends.


I usually attended at least one other DC (now called RC) in addition to mine. That way I could work at mine and not miss any of the information.


The Truth is only boring if you make it that way.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  On 1/17/2016 at 12:12 AM, youthintheministry23 said:

I always suggest to my peers to get into it, see it as real, see the Bible in reality. Promote humour, many bible examples crack me up because they are just like us. Put a "zeal" face on during the ministry, get pumped into it.

One thing I forget is the amount of knowledge our young ones have. But for them, it's making things click- making things connect in their mind. Once they understand that all these bits of knowledge connect together, their appreciation for spiritual truth is refined.

Another good thing is good association. I can not stress enough how vital it is to stay away from youths at school who don't love by Jehovah's standards or conduct. It's better to have no friends then bad friends. Not saying you should isolate yourselves from them, but don't spend so much time that you form a close connection to them.

Agreed, for the most part. But...there is no good reason for any Witnesses, especially our young people, to have to choose bad friends or no friends. :( What can we do to help prevent anyone from feeling that way?

For young ones... they can't just make up ideas- they need structure. They don't have our adult perspective. I agree, we need know exactly what's considered "boring" about the Truth. But reading great experiences in our literature or seeing young people having fun in our videos may not translate to reality for many.

I think it's critical to consider what we can do to help young (or new) ones not look longingly at the world. We're a joyful people, serving the true God. What does that look like for our kids? I believe it's on us to help them see it.

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Being 20 I consider myself young and of those who say the truth is boring far and away it's not because the truth is bring but rather because they would rather be doing something wrong and try and excuse it by blaming the truth. Of the other set who believe the truth is bring the problem I notice is they make no effort.

I think whether or not the truth will prove to be boring is a choice. If you want it to be boring it will be. If you don't want it to be then it won't. If you're not changing it you're choosing it!

I do think it's important for social activities and recreation. If you're trying to encourage someone don't focus on just inviting them field, get involved in some form of recreation that they enjoy. Also don't even focus on encouraging them, just be their genuine friend (I say this because when people have shown interest in me it comes across if they are genuine or if they feel like they are doing you a "charity" by talking to you). I know that put me off certain people when I was younger, it sent the message "I'm not interested in hanging out with you unless it's out ministry". I'm not saying don't have the field and spiritual things and I'm not encouraging placing the main emphasis on recreation.

I find my calender booked with weekends away with friends but they will always involve going field as a part of it, and we always get to the meetings. But you see most of my friends live in other congregations in other towns. But I only have those friends because I made an effort. For young ones friends are like hooks. Friends in the world will pull them to the world, friends in the truth will pull them to the truth. The problem is it is up to the young ones to choose (once they start getting older anyway). When you have friendship with the world the truth does seem boring and restrictive, but when you have friends in the truth you realise the world doesn't know what fun really is, the world is boring place.

Many young ones more locally have complained about the truth being boring and it's like "well what concrete steps have you made to change that?" ...can they even name one thing they have done... Some of these ones seem to have no trouble making efforts to hang out with worldly people. Makes one wonder.

I think as a congregation it's good not to be killjoys, of course we don't encourage wild parties but at the same time it's like when I was growing up it felt like every gathering was frowned upon if it wasn't witnessing. There were two congregations in my hometown and I never got much chance to associate with the other one because it just wasn't done. It's a shame too because things started getting better and I discovered some really awesome people right under my nose, but that was just before I moved away.

I know my comment has been all over the place it's just really struck a nerve.

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yes, tell them they cannot under any circumstances bring their cell phone out of their pocket, or bag. These phones are ruining our young ones. Even at the Hall, during meetings, I see sisters with their head hung over their phones.

Not my place to say anything, and you can bet I am bursting with indignation! Wonder what Jehovah's thoughts are.

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  On 1/16/2016 at 7:10 PM, Hope said:

If adults don't help make it meaningful and fun, living as one Jehovah’s Witnesses *could* be boring to young people. They have energy, want to be involved. But congregations don't have official social activities. There are no sports, picnics, gatherings, bowling parties if adults don't arrange. And the ministry can be very dry if only working the same places with the same people - getting the same reactions in the territory.

Especially challenging if one's entire family isn't in the Truth. Unbelieving parents, maybe even opposed.. it can be rough. Not feeling part of a family in our family-oriented organization is a difficult situation to be in. The scary bit is - worldly people are nothing if not inclusive.. even as we grow older. Always invitations to events, parties, meals, etc... not nearly as often from fellow Witnesses.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I believe it takes a congregation to keep them (all of us, really) knowing the this IS the best way of life. If not us, who?


One hundred percent in agreement! 

When I was a preteen/teen I sometimes felt this way, BUT not because I wanted to do anything wrong, but because it was the same old routine every week and I wasn't doing anything to change that. It wasn't until about age 18 that I started really realizing how exciting it could be. Now I think it's the complete opposite of boring, and it's thanks to my parents and a lot of brothers and sisters/friends who helped me. 

-Service is more exciting the more you do it- I really enjoy metropolitan witnessing especially, since I get to talk to a lot of people. Door to door can be exciting only if you're prepared and ready to talk to people, not just standing there for two hours doing nothing or just handing out a tract/magazine with no conversations happening.

-Meetings are exciting when you're prepared and when you're ready to comment on the audience participation parts.

-Personal/family study is much more fun when it's something that is interesting to you personally, so pick things that are of interest to you and the family.

I think this is true no matter what your age!


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  On 1/16/2016 at 2:43 PM, Dustparticle said:

 A good  mount of young friends says the truth is boring. Here we have the the videos Faith In Action, 1975 YB, Proclaimers Book, JW 's and Divine Purpose Book, etc. What more do they need? Gee, I wish I was at Bethel on July 17, 1917, and June 25, 1939,at Madison Square Garden, this was action. Plus, I make field service alive when friends around me. Many young ones don't get it. They need to get off their computers. Any tips??


I once actually told my daughter that the truth was boring until you get it into your heart.  Then it isn't boring anymore. 

I should have said the truth is not boring when you really learn to love Jehovah.

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  • 3 weeks later...


2 Tim 3:4 "lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God"

This generation is so saturated with and centered around entertainment that if young people don't feel entertained every waking hour they're complaining of boredom. Years ago kids didn't have a lot of games and gadgets, they had to be creative and entertain themselves. Now most have to be entertained.

The FDS has done a lot to make it easier for parents to keep the attention of their children while teaching them the truth. I agree we should Present the truth  as exciting and joyful as it really is, but at some point the children have to accept responsibility. The many children that have responded well have shown that it's not the truth that's boring it's the person.

Generally we get bored with things we have no desire for. Eve evidently got bored with all of Jehovah's provisions and was ungrateful. All the trees she could eat from became boring to her. All Satan had to do was make the forbidden seem exciting and she bit (Pun intended).

I remember a CO saying: "if you're bored with the truth.....maybe it's because you're boring." Then he went on to enumerate all the exciting things about the truth.

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The "it's boring" statement is just teenage talk. If a have to be perfectly honest , having grown up in the truth, It was boring at times. Some of the material was dry and I would tune it out. Generally this is a ride of passage. As kids progress to physical maturity so will their appreciation and their love for the scriptures.


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  On 2/5/2016 at 12:40 AM, alba aurora said:

The "it's boring" statement is just teenage talk. If a have to be perfectly honest , having grown up in the truth, It was boring at times. Some of the material was dry and I would tune it out. Generally this is a ride of passage. As kids progress to physical maturity so will their appreciation and their love for the scriptures.



Yes, I just a little drift but I do bored because there's no other step I could probably take... when I didn't prepare well and read all..

All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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I'm in my 20's now, but when I was a teen I thought being a witness was boring simply because I compared myself to teens at school.  It's not easy being the odd ball at school because you know your worldly peers can lead you into nad habits. 


I would look at the young people my age at the hall (those who were good association) thinking they are uncool or rigid.  Deep inside I knew I felt that way because I wanted to do risky things my school peers were doing.  


The truth was never boring, I was just looking at the truth form a fleshly point of view, thinking about the things I couldn't do. I feel all young people go through this phase,now that I'm older I see the truth is beneficial and keeps me out of trouble.   I sought out friends in my congregation and enjoy it.  


The world is critical and young people in the world are so lost and confused. I actually find young people people not in truth boring because social contact is all but virtual through computer networks.  The truth teaches us how to communicate with people genuinely face to face.




Edited by cj24
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