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Songbook: "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah

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7 minutes ago, Musky said:

Here is a PDF chart comparing the Sing to Jehovah and Sing out Joyfully to Jehovah songbooks


Sing to Jehovah vs Sing Out Joyfully Comparison.pdf


That has been referred to earlier in this topic. But the pdf version doesn't display properly (at least on my computer). You have to go to another page to find the other columns in the rows.


Personally, I find it better to view the original Excel file on Google Docs where all the columns are where they're supposed to be.



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I understand. It displays OK on my laptop, but it looked like it was formatted as an excel file/ Thanks!


By the way. You know you can download that excel file to your computer but you have to save it to your Google drive and download it from there. At least, that what I had to do.

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1 hour ago, Musky said:

Here is a PDF chart comparing the Sing to Jehovah and Sing out Joyfully to Jehovah songbooks


Sing to Jehovah vs Sing Out Joyfully Comparison.pdf


Here is the original Excel file modified to print landscape.  The original file did not print correctly for some reason.  I used 2005 Excel.




Edited by rocket

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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4 hours ago, Thesauron said:

Song 36 (52) has a new title, altered lyrics, and a slightly altered melody, which a bit confusing to me, but maybe I'll just need to study it once more.

From listening to the music, the melody itself is unchanged. But I don't understand why a double flat appears on the last note of the first line? B-double flat is A natural, isn't it? Which is not the note played in the music. Has it been rendered inaccurately?

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50 minutes ago, jscotchie said:

From listening to the music, the melody itself is unchanged. But I don't understand why a double flat appears on the last note of the first line? B-double flat is A natural, isn't it? Which is not the note played in the music. Has it been rendered inaccurately?

Because of the key that the music is written in. Most Western music is organized diatonically – built on scales which have all the letter names in order – line to space, space to line. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use double sharps or double flats in order to notate the music logically adhering to the scale the piece is based upon. 


This song is written in the key of E-flat Major, and the B is already naturally flat. The chord being played here is an E-flat Major which consists of Eb-G-Bb but the vocal part is diminishing the 5th another half step. When you have a chord mindset, this makes more sense to you as Eb-G-Bbb versus Eb-G-A, because Bbb is a diminished fifth in that 1-3-5 triad whereas A is a 4th.




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Because of the key that the music is written in. Most Western music is organized diatonically – built on scales which have all the letter names in order – line to space, space to line. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use double sharps or double flats in order to notate the music logically adhering to the scale the piece is based upon. 
This song is written in the key of E-flat Major, and the B is already naturally flat. The chord being played here is an E-flat Major which consists of Eb-G-Bb but the vocal part is diminishing the 5th another half step. When you have a chord mindset, this makes more sense to you as Eb-G-Bbb versus Eb-G-A, because Bbb is a diminished fifth in that 1-3-5 triad whereas A is a 4th.

The chord, in this instance is Eb-G-Bb , as you said, with a G in the bottom. Anyway, the orchestra plays a Bb, and I find it hard to see that they would then ask a non-professional choir to sing a Bbb to that. So what am I missing here?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Some in that choir are professional. One sister I know is a former opera singer.

I was talking about the global choir at the meetings. I know some in our various recording choirs are professionals.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Song 37 (66) has had slightly altered lyrics. Sample:

Father, all your works exalt you.
Earth, moon, and stars your glory proclaim.
May I also be as faithful,
Using my strength to make known your name.
May I use my whole life to serve you,
Proving to be loyal and true.

Song 38 (60) had no changes to the lyrics, but changes to the written arrangement.

Song 39 (4) has a new title. There's also slightly changed lyrics. This is verse two:
This world may cause us
To try to make a name,
To seek its favor,
To bask in its acclaim.
But that is vanity,
For if its friend we’ll be,
Jehovah’s favor,
We will not see.

Song 40 (62) has some altered lyrics. Like this:
You cannot serve two gods;
Devotion cannot be shared.
And so in the end your choice will depend
On how your heart is prepared.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

The chord, in this instance is Eb-G-Bb , as you said, with a G in the bottom. Anyway, the orchestra plays a Bb, and I find it hard to see that they would then ask a non-professional choir to sing a Bbb to that. So what am I missing here?

What you're missing is that relatively few of this non-professional choir know how to read music and the note itself has not changed, so it really doesn't matter. And even for those who do know how to read music, as Bob pointed out, it is only correct to notate it as a B double flat. The previous notation, though not entirely incorrect, was less accurate than how it is now notated. So this change was brought about in the interests of accuracy.


The new arrangement is in reality no harder to sing than the previous notation.

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Will the brothers give us videos with pictures for using before and after the program, just like at the conventions? 

I heard some congregations use something like this, but I cannot find anything appropriate. 

" Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive ? "

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15 hours ago, Jonathan77 said:

Yes my thoughts as well.  Of note is the fact the Kingdom Melodies have been removed from the main jw.org website (although still available through JW Broadcasting and JW Library).  Will look forward to these with anticipation.

I was waiting for new Kingdom Melodies. I thought it were released at the Annual Meeting. And I was very happy with this your post, brother Jonathan! Thank you very much!

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48 minutes ago, youthintheministry23 said:

It would be funny if we also had the 5 minute countdown clock. 

Brother Ray, we have the countdown clock at our KH for about a week now.  Tuesday night a few were still scrambling to their seats with only two seconds left.  We all had to laugh b/c the brother still had to remind us to sit!  Two  rural KHs have merged so we are still so happy to see one another and sit at the last second.    It's a good feeling to feel so loved by our brothers/sisters.  

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8 hours ago, Thesauron said:

The chord, in this instance is Eb-G-Bb , as you said, with a G in the bottom. Anyway, the orchestra plays a Bb, and I find it hard to see that they would then ask a non-professional choir to sing a Bbb to that. So what am I missing here?


The Vocal line is intended to give some contrast right there by diminishing the 5th on the last note, and then returning to the note in key beginning in the next line.



Eb.......C..........B.........A (Bbb)......Bb.....Eb........Eb



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10 minutes ago, Dismal_Bliss said:


The Vocal line is intended to give some contrast right there by diminishing the 5th on the last note, and then returning to the note in key beginning in the next line.



Eb.......C..........B.........A (Bbb)......Bb.....Eb........Eb


Sorry, but when I see this my mind goes "squirrel", and all I hear is crickets :)  I can "read" enough music to sing to it, but my grade 4 and 5 music lessons are in the long distant past.

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5 minutes ago, Hope said:

:wub: music shop talk... :wub:


There's all kinds of chord combinations in music, many of which have adjacent notes next to each other. Majors and Minors blend well and then others, like Sevenths, etc, offer some nice contrasting and unusual tones. This is done on purpose depending on the mood of the song.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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