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Various News Topics that Bob accidentally merged into one

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The pace seems to be picking up in Russia now. We had this news story in the Caucasian Knot yesterday. The following is a rather half-decent translation of it (better than Google anyway)...


(The mention of 500,000 rubles is about $8,650US, 6,900 British Pounds, $11,250AUS. Any other currencies, go to Oanda or XE.)





A city court in Kislovodsk fined the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious organization 500,000 rubles after the discovery in its premises of publications that have been ruled to be extremist.
The Kislovodsk prosecutor’s office turned to the court after it conducted a verification of information reaching it about illegal actions of the religious organization. In its premises police personnel discovered and seized publications that have been ruled to be extremist. These included 11 copies of a 2009 publication that was included in the federal list of forbidden materials back in 2013.
The Russian nationwide list of materials ruled by a court to be extremist has been published in the information section of Kavkazskii Uzel. In accordance with article 13 of the federal law “On combating extremist activity,” this list is “subject to periodic publication in news media.”
On the basis of the results of the verification, the prosecutor of Kislovodsk opened a case of administrative violation of law because of the instance of violation of legislation on combating extremist activity. It was reviewed by the Kislovodsk city court, which decided to impose on the organization a fine of 500 thousand rubles, Bloknot-Stavropol reports today.
The Kislovodsk city court found the local Jehovah’s Witnesses religious organization guilty of committing an administrative violation of law under article 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Violations of Law of the RF (production and distribution of extremist materials), and it also referred to information of the portal Novosti Kislovidsk of the city prosecutor’s office.
Kavkazskii Uzel does not possess commentaries regarding the court decision from representatives of the organization that was fined.
Previously Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kislovodsk appealed the actions of law enforcement agents during a search in their premises on 8 November 2016. The search was conducted by 15 siloviki [security personnel] who presented a warrant of a court sanctioning it. Only one believer was allowed to attend the search, the chairman of the local Jehovah’s Witnesses religious organization, who was not able to control the action of the 15 siloviki, and as a result the law enforcement agents discovered in various parts of the building nine books, a report on the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia website of 8 November 2016 said.
The believers are convinced that these books were planted, noting that on the day before the search they inspected the building to determine the absence of forbidden literature within it. The search itself was conducted on the pretext that there may be in the building technical equipment that had been stolen from some organization. Stolen equipment was not found during the search, the report says.
Jehovah’s Witnesses declare that cases against their local organizations may be used for closing the whole Russian affiliate of the organization.
Jehovah’s Witnesses declare that cases against them are fabricated in the provinces, and this becomes a precedent for closing the affiliate in Russia as a whole.
On 2 March, a year will have passed since a warning about the impermissibility of conducting extremist activity was issued to the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. In it a deputy in the office of the prosecutor general of Russia threatens to close the centralized religious organization in the event of the appearance in the course of 12 months of new incidents of extremist activity, while during this time cases of falsification of evidence against local organizations have substantially increased, primarily by means of plants of printed extremist materials in houses of worship, a report posted on the website of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia on 14 February 2017 says.
It says that in 2016 alone, no fewer than 46 such plants occurred, several of which were recorded by surveillance cameras, and statements to law enforcement agencies on this matter have not produced results.
Kavkazskii Uzel has written previously about complaints about pressure by Jehovah’s Witnesses from various regions of Russia, including Stavropol territory. In particular, on 24 August 2016 Jehovah’s Witnesses complained about the disruption of a worship service in Budennovsk. A search was conducted by a group of persons in civilian clothes, who demanded that the service cease; they did not identify themselves but they presented a warrant of a court for conducting operational search events, Jehovah’s Witnesses said. One of the reasons for pressure on Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, according to an expert of the Institute of Human Rights, Lev Levinson, is the refusal to serve in the army by members of this international religious organization. Anatoly Krasikov, the director of the Center for Study of the Problems of Religion and Society of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is sure that the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses violates the Russian constitution.
In addition, Kavkazskii Uzel has reported a number of criminal cases against Jehovah’s Witnesses, initiated particularly in Taganrog and Abinsk. Believers in these cities also were accused of distributing extremist literature, although Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves think that they are being persecuted for their religious convictions.


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Remember Sergey
Romans 8:35-39
35 Who will separate us from the love of the Christ?+ Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?+36 Just as it is written: “For your sake we are being put to death all day long; we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.”+ 37 On the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious+through the one who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers+ 39 nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

For I am convinced!

I'm praying for all of us!

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5 minutes ago, Omo_Yeme said:

Is there another way to upload these photos?; they're not visible through my Samsung tablet.  (Are you using tapatalk?)

Yes, there is a problem, not visible on myPC.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Wednesday 15 March 2017

Wednesday 15 March 2017

With no public announcement, Russia's Justice Ministry lodged a suit at the
Supreme Court today (15 March) to declare the Jehovah's Witness
Administrative Centre "extremist", to liquidate it, and  to ban its
activity. If successful, this would ban all Jehovah's Witness activity
across Russia.


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I'm reminded of the this chapter as I reflect on the brothers and sisters in Russia and the rest of the world:     

2 Thessolonians chapter 1        

1 Paul, Sil·vaʹnus,* and Timothy,+ to the congregation of the Thes·sa·loʹni·ans in union with God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:2  May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are obligated always to give thanks to God for you, brothers. This is fitting, because your faith is growing exceedingly and the love of each and every one of you is increasing toward one another.+ 4  As a result we ourselves take pride in you+ among the congregations of God because of your endurance and faith in all your persecutions and the hardships* that you are suffering.*+ 5  This is a proof of the righteous judgment of God, leading to your being counted worthy of the Kingdom of God, for which you are indeed suffering.+6  This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you.+ 7  But you who suffer tribulation will be given relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus+ from heaven with his powerful angels+ 8  in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.+ 9  These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction+ from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength, 10  at the time when he comes to be glorified in connection with his holy ones and to be regarded in that day with wonder among all those who exercised faith, because the witness we gave met with faith among you.

11  To that very end we always pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling+ and with his power perform completely all the good that he pleases and every work of faith. 12  This is so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in union with him, according to the undeserved kindness of our God and of the Lord Jesus Christ

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This was posted yesterday on JW.org.... 

It only takes one country to approve a law before the rest of the world follows suit... The end scene is speeding up even more...

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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What if ????? Big IF! (big speculative thinking here so take it easy on me)

Daniel 11:44

“But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction."

What if Russia proves to be King of the North (quite possible in view of recent developments)

What if the Ban on our activity is in place and GT starts and brothers and sisters in Russia are actively proclaiming (not discussing here timetable of events during GT) the judgment message.

King of the North says What ! I have banned their activity and they are still persisting ?!?! (great rage)

Goes after them ... meets the end at the hand of our King Jesus Christ!


One thing we do know. Soon, the king of the north will conduct an offensive campaign that will be triggered by “reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north.” This campaign will immediately precede his “end.” We can learn more about these “reports” if we consider other Bible prophecies.
14 First, though, notice that these acts of the king of the north are not said to be against the king of the south. He does not come to his end at the hands of his great rival. Similarly, the king of the south is not destroyed by the king of the north. The southern king (represented in other prophecies as the final horn to appear on a wild beast) is destroyed “without [human] hand” by God’s Kingdom. (Daniel 7:26; 8:25) In fact, all earthly kings are finally destroyed by God’s Kingdom at the battle of Armageddon, and this evidently is what happens to the king of the north. (Daniel 2:44; 12:1; Revelation 16:14, 16) Daniel 11:44, 45 describes events leading up to that final battle. No wonder “there will be no helper” when the king of the north meets his end! W93 11/1



Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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All activity is supposed to be suspended until the case is heard.  http://www2.stetson.edu/~psteeves/relnews/170316d.html



"To suspend the activity of the religious organization .  . from 15 March 2017 until the consideration by the Supreme Court of the above mentioned declaration," the document says (the editorial office has a copy).


The order also suspends the rights of regional organizations of the Witnesses, like the founder, to news media. They are prohibited from using state and municipal news media (in all likelihood for retransmission of content—ed.) and from planning and conducting meetings, rallies, demonstrations, parades, picketing, and other mass actions.


The order of the Ministry of Justice [see document below] imposes on Jehovah's Witnesses a ban on the use of deposits in banks, with the exception of business activities and covering of losses and payment of taxes and fines.

No access to news media. Wonder why that is. Hmmmmm. Can't have the truth getting out I guess.  ( sarcasm)

Edited by Mykyl
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2 hours ago, Stormswift said:

In the bible reading it talked of the rider from the North riding a horse - thinks of Putin without shirt on horse. *shudders.


My eyes hurt!...My eyes hurt!



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Tuesday 21 March 2017

Russia has summarily suspended most Jehovah's Witness activities. UN
Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai told Forum 18: "The Russian government is
claiming that the Jehovah's Witnesses are an extremist group, but in fact
it's their move to ban them outright that appears to be extreme."

By Victoria Arnold, Forum 18

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