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Russia Moves to Declare the Bible "Extremist"

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Should we have expected any other outcome in this unjust and corrupt world.....all the arguments that were used in the case were clear and logically presented even for a layman with no knowledge at all why even children would have come to the opposite conclusion to that of the judges. All I can say is thankfully this system has run its course and is on its last few gasps, soon they will see clearly their error in who's side they chose.

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Just now, BibleSteve said:

Sister Samira thank you once again it is very much appreciated to keep us up to date as the case progressed.


Enjoy the convention tomorrow its a great program! are you at the Excell in London?



yes ...we are at Excell

now we can enjoy our convention even more...knowing it will be the last or??:whistling:

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BREAKING NEWS | Russian Court Bans New World Translation

On August 17, 2017, the Vyborg City Court in Russia ruled to ban the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT). In Russia, it is illegal to ban a Bible. However, a court-appointed “expert study” claimed that the NWT is not a Bible. The decision to ban the NWT came even after the powerful testimony of experts and the fine argumentation of our brothers, proving undeniably that the NWT is a Bible. In spite of such obvious discrimination, Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide take comfort from Isaiah 40:8, “the word of our God endures forever.” We are appealing the decision.



🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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5 hours ago, Samira said:

Analyzing Kryukova's arguments that the "Translation of the New World" was allegedly altered in such a way that the texts disproved the doctrine of the Trinity (that God and Christ are one and the same person), Novakov reads the text from John 8:18 In the Synodal translation. He draws attention to the fact that this text will be especially clear to lawyers and the court, since it refers to the Israeli law, in which there was a provision that only the testimony of two witnesses could be valid in court. In this connection, Jesus says in this text: "I testify of myself, and the Father who sent me beareth witness of me." If God and Christ were one person, as formulated in the doctrine of the Trinity, then it would be only one witness, which under Israeli law would not be enough. But Christ says just the same, That God and Christ are two witnesses, which means that their testimony has legal force. This text indicates that the doctrine of the Trinity is denied by the Bible in the Synodal translation, and not by the "Translation of the New World."


i want to remember this argument...  don't think I've ever seen it before.

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11 hours ago, Witness1970 said:

What does Eve's creation have to do with anything, anyway?

The Idea that the thousand year reign had to start before the 6 thousand year anniversary of Jehovah saying "it is very good" and instituting a "rest day".  It was felt the rest day and also including the creative days were 7 thousand years long.  Both Adams creation and eve's creation would have to be before those anniversaries Of Jehovah saying it is very good and there was a rest day from Him creating work.   Adams 6 thousand year creation can be ascertained but not Eve's.  So all the speculations in the organization but not the watchtower made a big deal about 1975.  These were all rumors not in print.  The watchtower mentioned 1975 but made no strong opinion that meant Armageddon.  I'm assuming you understand 6 thousand years + 1 thousand year reign would = 7 thousand years; and then the end of the "rest day".  But if Jehovah isn't making it a strict 7 thousand years rest day.... then its all up in the air. 

sorry... back to the russia court case now...

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1 hour ago, vern said:

The Idea that the thousand year reign had to start before the 6 thousand year anniversary of Jehovah saying "it is very good" and instituting a "rest day".  It was felt the rest day and also including the creative days were 7 thousand years long.  Both Adams creation and eve's creation would have to be before those anniversaries Of Jehovah saying it is very good and there was a rest day from Him creating work.   Adams 6 thousand year creation can be ascertained but not Eve's.  So all the speculations in the organization but not the watchtower made a big deal about 1975.  These were all rumors not in print.  The watchtower mentioned 1975 but made no strong opinion that meant Armageddon.  I'm assuming you understand 6 thousand years + 1 thousand year reign would = 7 thousand years; and then the end of the "rest day".  But if Jehovah isn't making it a strict 7 thousand years rest day.... then its all up in the air. 

sorry... back to the russia court case now...


I did not intend to get off-topic. I was just responding to a post that mentioned the creation of Eve.  I realize that Eve's creation would be prior to the end of the 6th day and the beginning of the 7th day of creation (the rest day).  My point was that that has nothing to do with what is going on today.  From Adam's creation, 6000 solar years would end in 1975, 6000 sidereal years would end about 1991.  None of that means anything concerning our time.

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2 hours ago, vern said:

The Idea that the thousand year reign had to start before the 6 thousand year anniversary of Jehovah saying "it is very good" and instituting a "rest day".  It was felt the rest day and also including the creative days were 7 thousand years long.  Both Adams creation and eve's creation would have to be before those anniversaries Of Jehovah saying it is very good and there was a rest day from Him creating work.   Adams 6 thousand year creation can be ascertained but not Eve's.  So all the speculations in the organization but not the watchtower made a big deal about 1975.  These were all rumors not in print.  The watchtower mentioned 1975 but made no strong opinion that meant Armageddon.  I'm assuming you understand 6 thousand years + 1 thousand year reign would = 7 thousand years; and then the end of the "rest day".  But if Jehovah isn't making it a strict 7 thousand years rest day.... then its all up in the air. 

Obviously we can get sidetracked in this discussion.  It was mentioned in the Watchtower with some enthusiasm.  I cite one instance:

*** w76 7/15 p. 443 A Solid Basis for Confidence ***
24 The chronology in the Bible is not there without good purpose. That chronology indicates that we are at the close of six thousand years of human history. While not revealing when God’s day of adverse judgment upon this wicked system of things will begin, this chronological fact does add one more reason to the many, many other reasons we already have for being confident that the remaining time is very short. It gives added support to these reasons as a basis for strong confidence in God’s word, that it is alive and powerful and will lead us on into a righteous new order.

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12 hours ago, Thesauron said:

BREAKING NEWS | Russian Court Bans New World Translation

On August 17, 2017, the Vyborg City Court in Russia ruled to ban the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT). In Russia, it is illegal to ban a Bible. However, a court-appointed “expert study” claimed that the NWT is not a Bible. The decision to ban the NWT came even after the powerful testimony of experts and the fine argumentation of our brothers, proving undeniably that the NWT is a Bible. In spite of such obvious discrimination, Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide take comfort from Isaiah 40:8, “the word of our God endures forever.” We are appealing the decision.




another reason why this weeks WT is so important   ...   


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Bittersweet news. On the one hand, this is bad for the preaching work and for the life of our brothers in Russia. On the other hand, this proves we are on the right side for being vilified and persecuted for being peaceful and neutral, while the servants of Babylon the Great move about bombing people, shooting people, beating people up, driving cars into people, burning homes, Kingdom Halls, but also churches and mosques and spreading hate.

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People accuse us of being intolerant but we do not interfere with what others choose to do or how they worship. No wonder Babylon the Great is described as the Great Harlot. The Judges in Russia are devoid of justice !

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From HRWF.eu:  http://hrwf.eu/russian-court-bans-the-bible-of-jehovahs-witnesses/



World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (17.08.2017) – On August 17, 2017, the Vyborg City Court in Russia ruled to ban the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT), a Bible published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Russia’s Law on Counteracting Extremist Activity, signed by President Putin himself in November 2015, explicitly prohibits declaring sacred texts, such as the Bible, to be extremist. In an unconscionable move to circumvent the law, the court relied on a so-called expert study alleging that the NWT is not a Bible, opening the way for it to be banned.


Commenting on the ruling shortly after it was issued, David A. Semonian, international spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses at their world headquarters in New York, states: “It’s impossible to comprehend how a court can justify the decision to ban the Bible. It’s absurd that a court would outlaw the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, a Bible respected by scholars around the world, which has not only been distributed in hundreds of millions of copies but also has been translated into over 150 languages. Just how far will Russia’s resistance to religious freedom go? We certainly hope that respect for sacred texts will prevail when we pursue this case on appeal.”


Scores of religious experts following the situation in Russia have not been shy in speaking out in opposition to the case, such as Daniel Mark, chairman of the United States Commission on Religious Freedom, who states: “The conclusion by the court-by any court-that the NWT translation is not a Bible is nonsense.” Likewise, Dr. Mathew N. Schmalz, associate professor of religious studies at the College of the Holy Cross, declares: “the claim that the NWT is not ‘a Bible’ is absurd.”


Many point to the Center for Sociocultural Expert Studies in Moscow, the group responsible for the “expert study,” as the source of the absurdity. Scholars have roundly denounced the group. For instance, Roman Lunkin, the Head of the Center for Problems of Religion and Society at the Russian Academy of Science’s Institute of Europe in Moscow, has labeled these experts as “fake,” revealing that “not one of [them] has a degree in religious studies.” Countering the claims of the “expert study,” Professor Gerhard Besier, director of the Sigmund Neumann Institute for the Research on Freedom and Democracy (Germany), succinctly defends the NWT, stating: “The New World Translation has received high-praise worldwide from Bible scholars representing diverse religious communities.”


With the decision to ban the NWT, the Russian Federation has assumed a hostile posture that should concern more than just the Witnesses. According to Willy Fautré, director and co-founder of Belgium-based Human Rights Without Frontiers: “Any translation of any other historical sacred book – the Koran of the Muslims, the Tanakh of the Jews, and the Kangyur of the Buddhists – can now be declared illegal in Russia, and any sacred book of any other religion is now vulnerable to state censorship in Russia.



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As expected, Russian media start saying that some "propaganda materials" have been banned, not saying a word that this was the Bible. Now media can safely say that dangerous extremists possessed or read extremist materials, when they were actually women and children reading the Bible.

Новости Хабаровска: Выборгский городской суд Ленинградской области в пятницу признал…
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Copied and pasted the last part of the written item from the above link


Yuri makes sure to say that he is not political. Jehovah’s Witnesses are expected to be neutral bystanders in political affairs (worldwide, for example, they request exemptions from mandatory military service, something that they are denied in Russia). “It doesn’t matter who is the president. Just don’t touch us. We don’t want to change the president. We have to pray for the [leaders] — that they can manage the country with wisdom.”

Still, he is more than a little caustic when reminding me of the story of the biblical prophet Daniel, once the prisoner of a disbelieving king. 

“Daniel, he had good days, he had bad days,” Yuri says. “But he held to his faith. Every day, he served God.” He points out that the biblical word he uses in Russian, spastayanstvom, has the connotation of a donkey: day by day, turning in circles to mill the grain. In other words: Daniel was stubborn.

"Now we have bad day in Russia,” he says. “But we will continue to worship God as Daniel did. Thanks to God, Daniel was saved. And he will save us. But who has to worry? The people who put Daniel in the lion’s den. They had to worry. Because when Daniel was released from the lion’s place, the bad people were killed by the king — you see what I mean?” 

Yuri winks at me. “So, the people who do the same things in Russia have to worry. Not us. Jehovah’s Witnesses survived in Hitler’s time. In Stalin’s time. We survived gulags. Siberia. We have a God. The people who persecute us — they’re the ones who have to worry."

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  • 3 months later...

From jw-russia.org: https://jw-russia.org/news/17112921-263.html



The Court of Appeal Will Review the Decision to Ban the Translation of the Bible

29 Nov 2017


On December 6, 2017, the Leningrad Regional Court will consider an appeal against the decision of the Vyborg City Court, which recognized the Bible as an "extremist material" (!) With the publishing name "Holy Scripture - Translation of the New World" ( PDF ,  EPUB ).


The complaint , consisting of 141 points and thoroughly proving the groundlessness and illegality of the decision of the court of first instance, was filed on September 21, 2017.

The hearing will begin on December 6, 2017 at 10:00 and will be held at: St. Petersburg, nab. river Fontanka, 6.


And...what will be dramatically different this time around?!

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