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Lose weight

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8 hours ago, rlyem said:

I barely too brother but to say healthy we need to work out at least 30 mins. A day even though we aren't really to do so. I experience that I dance with my mom and you can do too with your wife :)

That's a very nice suggestion there 👍. There are classrooms of saloon dances nearby and I guess I will try to go there (I don't know how to dance). It's a way to join exercise with fun :)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi jayrtom, I’m a little late to the party here but wanted to give my input.

Have you tried counting calories? Because there is a science to losing weight.


The Human body uses energy to stay alive and is measured by a unit called calories. The bigger we are the more of us there is and the more calories we need. Also being active uses more calories as our body requires more energy. A good example would be a car, a smaller car weighs less and needs less fuel to cover a distance than a heavier car. A car that drives faster or drives more often needs more fuel.


If your body burns 2500 calories a day then you need to eat 2500 calories a day, this is like how if your car needs a litre of gas a day you need to put a litre of gas in the car each day. If you eat more calories than you need in a day, your body stores that energy as fat, this would be like putting that extra gas in a canister and storing it in the trunk of your car.


So the math goes like this, to lose 1 pound of fat you need to burn 3500 calories. If you burn 3000 calories a day (for example) and eating 2500 calories a day (for example), then you would have a deficit of 500 calories for that day of burned fat, do this for the whole week and that will give you a deficit of 3500 calories for the week giving you 1 pound of weight loss, do this for the month and it totals to 4 pounds of weight loss.


This is why counting calories is important, and keeping track of how many calories you burn (maybe a Fitbit watch?). Because otherwise your just guessing and may never see any real progress. It’s not hard to grab a bag of chips at the office or go to Starbucks to grab a Frappuccino, all those empty calories go against your daily total.


Everyone has a daily amount of calories that your body requires to consume, you need to figure out what it is. That’s the first goal, I had a leanscreen body composition done and I require 2500 calories of energy a day.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/4/2018 at 8:54 AM, Squad said:

Some want to lose weight, others want to gain weight.😎


I have been struggling to gain weight for the past 4years but my metabolism process won't allow me. When I am stressed out it gets worse. 😨

I fear its only child birth and old age that will do the trick but since both are far from me, I am stuck.😛

My dear friend, I will solve some of your problem.   I still have about 15 lbs to go so I’ll be shipping them to you later today.   😘.    But on the serious side I do understand,  as a kid I wasn’t able to gain either.   But that did change.   

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Do you drive to work or take public transport? Parking at the far end of the lot or getting off the bus further from work will give you some exercise.


Many have suggested getting rid of sugar, absolutely! Also all dairy. I only allow myself butter once in a while. 


There are some very good suggestions here. My take on this subject is good fats cause a longer sense of fullness. I do follow the low carb/keto lifestyle and don't have a problem with appetite anymore. There are many times my stomach is growling at me but I simply don't have an appetite so I'll drink a bottle of water. I keep several in the frig and try to drink them all during the day.


Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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On 11/27/2018 at 7:10 AM, jayrtom said:

Cutting down on bread seems to be the most difficult action as it is the best thing I like to eat at breakfast (with butter). I eat it with milk and coffee

Cutting down on sugar is not a problem as I already don't eat much of it (no cakes, or donuts or the like)

Basically being hungry seems to be the problem because I don't eat just a bit of anything but always a lot...

That Ketosis reference made me wonder and research... I'm immediately interested in pursuing it :) --> https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/ketosis

Have you tried personally or know anyone who did?

I tried Keto - the doctor recommended it for a family member who is Pre-diabetic


you can eat a lot of food.......

its high fat - medium/large amount of protein

small amount of carbs


it was difficult the first week


we dropped between 20-40# within 3-4 months

and ate to our fill - hated giving up potato - bread and rice - but found substitutes like cauliflower rice

and cauliflower mashed and cauliflower pizza

plus some sugar substitutes - natural


it works very well - those who have an affinity for keto diabetes should not try

but the doctors recommended it for a limited time - like 3 months


pm for more if you want

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18 hours ago, DarinS said:

I tried Keto - the doctor recommended it for a family member who is Pre-diabetic


you can eat a lot of food.......

its high fat - medium/large amount of protein

small amount of carbs


it was difficult the first week


we dropped between 20-40# within 3-4 months

and ate to our fill - hated giving up potato - bread and rice - but found substitutes like cauliflower rice

and cauliflower mashed and cauliflower pizza

plus some sugar substitutes - natural


it works very well - those who have an affinity for keto diabetes should not try

but the doctors recommended it for a limited time - like 3 months


pm for more if you want

I'm inclined for this KETO diet. Even subscribed on the Facebook group for it that Uani(#Hope)  posted before ... The problem is to start :S

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2 hours ago, jayrtom said:

I'm inclined for this KETO diet

Hi Brother and friends!  Having read this thread so far, I want to share the link for Dr. Berg (choropractor) who has lots of videos (2500) that covered all my questions about Keto and specific health issues and which nutrients are needed.

I would like to say that I wondered how to disolve kidney stones, what nutrient for cataracts, how to know if I have too much insulin...many more..He speaks calmly and is very scientific..Enjoy!




Edited by SUNRAY

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Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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The article mentions Jillian Michael. I saw her tirade on YouTube, the Steve Harvey Show. (URL below).


For a fitness trainer, my humble opinion is that woman is out of her mind. Carbs spike insulin, which causes insulin resistance, which causes obesity, or blocks the body’s ability to lose weight. 


Science is okay in its place. But a person has to question a lot of their so called “studies”. Attachments will explain why. 




Better to try to work with someone who has actually spent years trying to figure things out, humbly admits that changes had to be made because of added knowledge than someone who either does know what she’s talking about.


This is just my humble opinion. And keto is not a diet it’s a way of life.



Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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I'm not an expert on this subject, although, I do make it a point to research as much as possible.

I agree with lowering carbs. Most carbs should likely be complex carbs and every meal should include a source of fiber.
I think you can eat simple carbs every now and then, as sometimes the body will look for a source of quick energy, but definitely a very small amount at a time.
I believe the recommended about of added sugar per day is 34grams for men or 24 grams for women, which is definitely not a lot, single servings of candy bars or soda have more than that.

I agree with the person who said limit calories, and when most of your calories are from fat, protein and fiber, it's pretty easy to eat less without being hungry too much.

Also, I've heard that weight lifting is an important form of exercise, although cardio is really important for regulated blood pressure and a healthy strong heart.


Also, has anyone mentioned apps? I find apps like lifesum and apps that require you to log things like sugar intake have proven to be very helpful to me losing weight.


I hope, OP, that you've been losing with all the advice that's been given. I'm starting to crack down on losing weight, myself. My goal weight is 130lbs and, since I started being more disciplined, I've lost 7lbs (from 167 to 160). I'm hoping to lose 5lbs per month on average.


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I also wanted to state something about carbs.  I'm fairly neutral on the question of Keto myself. I just know that personally, I'm not disciplined enough to cut that much carbohydrates out of my diet, lol. I do think there could be a risk in doing this sort of diet long term, simply because your brain feeds off glucose. Your body is fairly energy efficient, and your brain works on, I believe less energy than a 60 watt bulb, but it still feeds of 20% of the glucose you take in. When you're body has to break down protein and fat to create sugar to feed your brain, it can take it away from muscle or may prevent new muscles from forming or prevent tissue damage, as stated here.
I think the biggest risks of the diet would be to diabetics, as it can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, which is potentially life threatening.

But, I believe, as with any diet that can dramatically change your eating habits, like paleo, or vegan, it would be a good idea to research the risks and talk to your doctor so that they can monitor, not only weight loss, but any potential changes to your body, the new diet might be making.

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When the emphasis is on health then a normal weight happens naturally.  I make sure to eat a massive pile of raw veg at least 3 times a week, the bigger the better.  It usually includes lettuce, chicory, celery heart, broccoli, cucumber, avocado, sweet tomatoes etc.  I usually have it with a simple dressing of lemon and cold pressed olive oil, and add fresh herbs, a dash of soy.  Served usually with a baked sweet potato and a normal potato. I'll have a handful of chickpeas or beans usually but sometimes tuna.  I'll often have pile of Sauerkraut on the side as it is good for gut bacteria. (It is good to give attention to your gut bacteria and learn about how to improve it)    I eat a lot of brown rice and millet in the week, sometimes quinoa and other whole grains with whatever else I have, usually pulses but sometimes fish or chicken, always loads of different veg and I try and make things different and interesting  in all sorts of ways.  

Breakfast is usually egg and toast and sometimes with cold salmon, sometimes cheese.



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2 hours ago, rlyem said:

I think the disadvantage of being in a ultimate healthy diet is that you often go to lavatory not just to pee. I find it hard to imagine myself doing that kind of diet because I'm out of house often :facepalmpo2:


Actually before I started eating better...I was diagnosed with IBS....you wanna talk about frequent bathroom visits not just to pee? 


My health in that department has gotten 99.9% better. Because I’m finally giving my body something to work with. 😁






Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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I wouldn't  ever consider keto myself. I think it is nonsensical .  Healthy eating is about eating in a way our bodies were designed to cope with and that means including the right kind of carbs. 

For example:  A half-cup serving of brown rice contains 1.7 grams of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat. Plus, brown rice is a low-energy-density food, meaning it's heavy and filling but low in calories.

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1 hour ago, Naturale said:

think it is nonsensical .


Eating carbs not only makes me fat, but keeps my brain foggy, increases depression, contributes to a lack of energy, knocks my hormones out of whack, and exacerbates my autoimmune disorders. I will automatically know if I've encountered hidden carbs because I will feel awful the next day. My rheumatoid arthritis will flare and I will be swollen. 


Perhaps "healthy" eating is for people who are relatively healthy already. If you are a healthy weight and have no issues digesting carbs, great. I suppose an all inclusive diet is good for you. For those of us with sensitivities and health problems, this diet provides a sustainable solution. I have seen it work miracles for people who had very few options left. 


Nobody resorts to keto for the fun of it. Most people have tried everything else. I know I did. I am very much looking forward to the day where I can eat rice and fruit without reacting to it. 



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As Dr. Berg says, “It’s not to lose weight to get healthy, it’s get healthy to lose weight.”


A person’s body has to heal from the bad eating...too many carbs, processed foods, too much sugar intake, etc. 



Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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19 minutes ago, Saffron said:

Perhaps "healthy" eating is for people who are relatively healthy already. If you are a healthy weight and have no issues digesting carbs, great. I suppose an all inclusive diet is good for you. For those of us with sensitivities and health problems, this diet provides a sustainable solution. I have seen it work miracles for people who had very few options left. 


Nobody resorts to keto for the fun of it. Most people have tried everything else. I know I did. I am very much looking forward to the day where I can eat rice and fruit without reacting to it. 



No I don't have an all inclusive diet. I was suffering with sensitivities so I understand where you are coming from and it's no fun.  I can't eat pasta as I can't digest durham wheat and would be in pain.  I can't eat processed food or junk food as I would feel dreadful.  I don't eat beef or pork as they are acid forming foods not that I'm bothered as I love pulses instead. I'm not comfortable eating meat really anyway.  Have you tried eating millet grain?   I don't believe that millet would cause you any problems at all.  I have it with pulses and veg or stewed apple or pears.  Make sure to drink plenty of water through the day as dehydration exacerbates digestive problems etc. - that was one of my problems as no-one in my family drank much water.  I drink a lot of camomile tea as well as it really soothes my gut.

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33 minutes ago, Loopy said:

As Dr. Berg says, “It’s not to lose weight to get healthy, it’s get healthy to lose weight.”


A person’s body has to heal from the bad eating...too many carbs, processed foods, too much sugar intake, etc. 



Yes I agree as many peoples diets are dreadful which has created all sorts of awful health issues. Food should be simple and fresh and delicious.   It's the too many bad carbs though and not having the good carbs that causes so many problems.  Also since hydrogenated fats were invented peoples health plummeted after that. 

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49 minutes ago, Saffron said:


 My rheumatoid arthritis will flare and I will be swollen. 


Try having apple cider vinegar in water daily.  I have a mug of hot water with a quarter of a capful in it. I was always told by the oldies that this would prevent it - so far so good :) Cherries are also very good.

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56 minutes ago, Saffron said:


Eating carbs not only makes me fat, but keeps my brain foggy, increases depression, contributes to a lack of energy, knocks my hormones out of whack, and exacerbates my autoimmune disorders. I will automatically know if I've encountered hidden carbs because I will feel awful the next day. My rheumatoid arthritis will flare and I will be swollen. 


Perhaps "healthy" eating is for people who are relatively healthy already. If you are a healthy weight and have no issues digesting carbs, great. I suppose an all inclusive diet is good for you. For those of us with sensitivities and health problems, this diet provides a sustainable solution. I have seen it work miracles for people who had very few options left. 


Nobody resorts to keto for the fun of it. Most people have tried everything else. I know I did. I am very much looking forward to the day where I can eat rice and fruit without reacting to it. 



Well spoken! er, typed.499254158_ClappingBRAVO.gif.7b62005a965019004deb976ae81f2848.gif 

You have really nailed it.  I turned to KETO because absolutely everything else

I tried failed.  If both of my knees weren't completely shot, I could have walked

the weight off.  But that is no longer an option.   Going KETO led to my discovering

that I am insulin resistant.  Dealing with my insulin resistance has solved 90 %

of my health problems.^_^


Even if living KETO were to be proven unhealthy in the long run, 

Living without KETO was proving to be a whole lot unhealthier...for me, anyway.

In fact, I was dying before going KETO.:unsure:


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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19 minutes ago, Naturale said:

Have you tried eating millet grain?   I don't believe that millet would cause you any problems at all.  

Thank you for the recommendation. I will definitely give it a try when I get to my goal weight. Maybe one day I can try lentils too. I love them. 


As of now, even what people consider to be good carbs create a problem. They also, for me and people like me, hinder fat loss. I'm still trying to lose weight, so I have to be strict for now. 


I do know a young sister who went this direction though, with great results. She stopped all sugar, but ate things like brown rice routinely. She lost all of her weight (30 lbs) fairly quickly and felt fantastic. She was young and healthy to begin with though. So yes, I agree. Anything in this direction is helpful. But people with more severe problems may need to do something more extreme to get results. Thus keto. Cutting unhealthy carbs did nothing for me. 

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6 minutes ago, Naturale said:

having apple cider vinegar in water daily.  I have a mug of hot water with a quarter of a capful in it. I was always told by the oldies that this would prevent it - so far so good :)

I would like to do this several times a day, but I keep forgetting. Maybe the horrible taste is contributing to my amnesia..🤣

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5 minutes ago, Saffron said:

I would like to do this several times a day, but I keep forgetting. Maybe the horrible taste is contributing to my amnesia..🤣

To a glass of water, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and try adding a tablespoon of lemon juice to it. 😋



Edited by Loopy

Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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