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Is is ok to Watch The Da Vinci Code

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Movies are a conscience matter.  We should never go on a social media site and ask if we should or should not choose a particular form of entertainment that is not clearly in violation of Bible standards. 


We could ask about the content of a movie.  If it has particular themes, etc...  That is what our movie section is for. 


We can ask you viewpoint questions that would help you make your own choice based upon your own conscience and understanding of Bible principles.  In this case I would ask you that, since you already feel part 2 or the sequel would violate conscience, then why would you think the first part would be appropriate for you? 


If we make the decision for you, then you will never grow. Your faith will not be your own, but it will be based on other peoples faith, people who may or may not have as strong a conscience as you have. 


The Governing Body will never make a list of movies we should or should not watch.  We should follow their example. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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It's a conspiracy thriller set around Vatican Secrets. It's not accurate, but it doesn't have to be.


A few years after Da Vinci Code, there was a 'Gospel of Judas' proven to be apocryphal. There's a dozen other 'potential' books that never made it into scripture. When someone asks me 'how do I know the Bible is Accurate', they're talking about stories like that, and like this movie. The idea that the Gospels, the bible itself is 'selective history'; with some great secret buried in the heart of the Vatican. I tell them that God wants people to know Him; so he'd never let that kind of lie be told with his Book. 


I also take comfort from the fact that if someone had managed to put misinformation into the original bible writings, then Satan's World wouldn't have worked so very hard to keep the bible hidden, burned; buried and translated into gibberish.


With that in mind, Da Vinci Code is just another conspiracy thriller to me. I can't speak for others, but the Robert Langdon movies are more about solving puzzles than anything to do with God. Angels and Demons actually gave me an insight into how the Church operates; and that presented me with some story ideas. Again, little to do with God.


If God is real, and wants us to know him; he'd make sure the Bible got there safely. If He didn't have that power, of if He didn't exist, or if He didn't care; then it doesn't matter what the bible says; because without the central character, the bible is just another book.

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As was said, it is a conscious matter. I read the Da Vinci code book and I’ll admit that I thought it was the best book I’ve read besides the Bible. But that’s probably because I’ve always been fascinated with Da Vinci. He’s one of my favorite persons in history. The movie was HORRIBLE. Nothing like the book. It was the worst movie I’d ever seen. Plus there’s a  part where a man can be seen having sex with a prostitute in the park. I wouldn’t recommend watching it for that reason alone.

Edited by Brother Jack

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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  On 7/14/2019 at 12:55 AM, Shannie said:
I have never seen it and I wanted to know if it was demonic.. or if I should not watch because it's lies... I would never watch part 2 call Angel and Demons...
What is the movie about?
you answered your own question i think.
none of us will tell you what you can or cannot watch. one thing i find helpful, is if im looking for loopholes, its probably not good. if we try to rationalize or justify a course of action, we need to think deeply

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"The Da Vinci Code" is a thriller about a strange murder in the Louvre museum and a couple who are falsely accused and chased by the police. They need to find the murderer before they are caught and to that end they need to solve different puzzles to throw light on a hidden religious organization.


It's been some years so I don't remember it with clarity, but I don't think it had exaggerated violence nor sex. A brother mentioned a scene involved sex with a prostitute in a car. I don't question it, I just don't remember it, it must have been something just in passing. What made this movie scandalous for many is that their research leads the main characters to the conclusion that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children with her before his death. The organization they are investigating happen to be the guardians of Jesus' descendants. Some Christians will surely find this argument sacrilegious and disrespectful and will avoid the movie by all means. Others will consider it just a fiction and will have no problem with it. 


On the other hand, the movie "Angels and Demons", based on another work by the same author, doesn't have anything to do with angels or demons or with occultism of any kind. The title refers to good people and bad people, and how often people are not who you expected them to be. It's another thriller about a series of murders of Catholic priests and cardinals in and around the Vatican. It talks a lot about the story of the Vatican city and Rome, the way the high hierarchies in the Catholic church work, and the many awesome monuments you can find in Rome.


Of course, I am not recommending any of these movies nor discouraging them, just giving additional info so that each Christian can make their choice based on something other than just the title. :)




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Not suggesting, but giving more detail.


If you want something like the Davinci Code, but not with the religious stuff, Dan Brown's other books are good. Digital Fortress (my favorite), Deception Point, and I heard the latest ones in Langdon (the main character from DC and A&D) later adventures are good though I haven't read them yet, I don't read as much as I used to...

Grandma used to love Dan Brown's work. She didn't really like Davinci Code, obviously. But after she read it and I checked out the other ones from school, she read all of his available books at that time. Her favorite was Deception Point. Dan Brown has an interesting writing style in that he has you thinking one thing is the answer the entire time until like the final third of the book in which he reveals the twist of someone you never suspected or saw coming.


A note. The movie is different than the book on Davinci Code. While in the book you can ignore the secret society as possible lies since the 'heir' and their decedents were no longer around and thus the stuff they uncovered still wasn't proof. But in the movie, they changed it to have the female lead be a descendant (which ruined it) and thus harder to ignore.

Edited by Nirex

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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  On 7/14/2019 at 12:55 AM, Shannie said:

I have never seen it and I wanted to know if it was demonic.. or if I should not watch because it's lies... I would never watch part 2 call Angel and Demons...

What is the movie about?



We like using IMDB.com and review the "Parents Guide". - just type in the name of the movie at the top and scroll down to find "Parents Guide" - there every possible "offence" is noted 

We are empty nesters and all movies we watch are for ourselves - we no longer dare walk the minefield of entertainment with our grandchildren - we let their parents make those decisions.  For us - I like to think of ourselves as a child of God and this helps make the decision as to whether or not it is something we want to put on the screen or not.  



(Mod:Removed green highlight)

Edited by Tortuga

cant get the words to show - sorry about the green
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Forgot to say. Unlike DC, Angels and Demons has no demonic things at all. It's called that because it's about the church "ange;s" and science  "demons " at its core. The story was literally about a cardinal killing off priests after he caught the pope having a non-sexual relationship with one of the nuns and becoming appalled at it. Therefore he tries to 'cleanse' the church by getting rid of all the second in-lines for being the pope by stealing an anti-matter weapon from science and leaving clues to make the people think it was the old enemy of the churc the illuminati/science organization. The whole book is figuring out who's behind the killings, whether the real illuminati or not, and ending the attempt at having the church vs science again.


Spoilers (not in the movie, book only.) The cardinal behind the murders is actually revealed to be the son of the pope through science by AS, something he doesn't find out till the end as he thought the pope and nun had done the deed. This was removed from the movie to avoid controversy though.

No actual demons or angels.

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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  On 7/14/2019 at 2:26 AM, Thomas Walker said:

A few years after Da Vinci Code, there was a 'Gospel of Judas' proven to be apocryphal. There's a dozen other 'potential' books that never made it into scripture. When someone asks me 'how do I know the Bible is Accurate', they're talking about stories like that, and like this movie. The idea that the Gospels, the bible itself is 'selective history'; with some great secret buried in the heart of the Vatican. I tell them that God wants people to know Him; so he'd never let that kind of lie be told with his Book. 


I remember when it was popular, and I actually encountered some people in the ministry who made this argument because of it - that the Catholic church had hidden parts of the Bible, because it would destroy their beliefs if people found out about it.  I quite liked it, because if householders were willing to talk about the Catholic church doing sinister things, they wouldn't mind me giving an honest answer to that argument, which was: If the Catholic church could just delete the bits of the Bible that was against their teaching, wouldn't they have done a better job of it?  Like deleting all the parts that say there's no trinity, or that you shouldn't worship idols, or that you shouldn't call anyone Father, or that priests should be able to be married and preventing it is a teaching of demons?  If they could make the Bible say whatever they wanted, why did they have to keep it in Latin for hundreds of years to prevent people from finding out what it said?  And so on.


Of course, the other favourite argument is that, if there was something hidden about Jesus, why would Leonardo Da Vinci have known about it?  On a timeline, he's only about a third closer to Jesus' time than we are.  People seem to think 'Jesus lived a long time ago, Leonardo Da Vinci lived a long time ago, therefore Leonardo was practically an eyewitness.'  That's like thinking I know more about the Second World War than one of the teenagers in the congregation, because I lived at a closer point in time to the Second World War - beyond being so close as to have actually been alive at the time, that idea makes no sense at all.  But distort the amount of time you're talking about far enough, and it's an argument that frequently fools people.  https://xkcd.com/771/  One of the arguments made around it is about some painting of the last supper that's supposed to show something startling - and people seem to miss the fact that it's a painting, not a photograph, and nothing about it is any more startling than a drawing of the last supper that was described in the 'Michaelangelo and the Pope' Monty Python sketch.  Neither of them are what it actually looked like, so it DOESN'T MATTER. 😂


The fact that people prefer to learn about such conspiracy theories than what the Bible actually says just shows how much they like having their ears tickled.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/15/2019 at 10:58 AM, Ferb said:

Of course, the other favourite argument is that, if there was something hidden about Jesus, why would Leonardo Da Vinci have known about it?  On a timeline, he's only about a third closer to Jesus' time than we are. 


Oh, well, that's because Leonardo belonged (according to the story in the book) to a secret society that guards some secrets about Jesus' life from generation to generation, right from the time of the apostles to our days. If such an organization actually existed, Leonardo would have been as a good a candidate as any other. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 7/15/2019 at 1:29 PM, tuntun said:

If i wasn't wrong that movie said that Jesus actually married Mary Magdalena. How amazing the movie industry is now, nothing more than a cash machine.


Yep, and he had offspring with her. The thing is, this is the very thing the Bible talks about when it says the angels



did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place


in Jude 1:6.


Jesus did not come to Earth to marry and have offspring, but Satan probably wishes he would have followed the example of the first angels who came to Earth.


So it's more demonic than people will ever realize, but it's not openly demonic in a spiritistic sense, "only" full of Satanic lies.


I felt terrible after watching it, and I wasn't even in the truth back then.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/15/2019 at 4:45 PM, ChocoBro said:

Jesus did not come to Earth to marry and have offspring, but Satan probably wishes he would have followed the example of the first angels who came to Earth.

So it's more demonic than people will ever realize, but it's not openly demonic in a spiritistic sense, "only" full of Satanic lies.

I felt terrible after watching it, and I wasn't even in the truth back then.


Ruben, I understand and respect your feelings about the movie. But I don't think that comparison you've made is correct.

The angels who left their heavenly positions to take wives we're committing a monstrosity, a disgusting sexual perversion similar to bestiality.

When Jesus was on earth he was not a materialized angel, he was a real human. He could have taken a wife and have children and it wouldn't have been a sin. He had that right as any other human. Yet he preferred not to have a family because he had a mission to accomplish and that would have only distracted him.


Edited by carlos
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  On 8/26/2019 at 8:04 AM, carlos said:

Ruben, I understand and respect your feelings about the movie. But I don't think that comparison you've made is correct.

The angels who left their heavenly positions to take wives we're committing a monstrosity, a disgusting sexual perversion similar to bestiality.

When Jesus was on earth he was not a materialized angel, he was a real human. He could have taken a wife and have children and it wouldn't have been a sin. He had that right as any other human. Yet he preferred not to have a family because he had a mission to accomplish and that would have only distracted him.



But that's my point, Jesus had a mission and getting married and having sexual intercourse wasn't part of that mission. So I would certainly argue that he did not "have that right", because if he had done that, he would have done what he wanted as opposed to what Jehovah wanted. That's why I compare it to the angels who left their heavenly positions to do what they wanted. I don't think it's far-fetched. It is true that the nephilim times were a monstrosity compared to bestiality and that Jesus was a human in a human body who could have theoretically married and it would have been biologically acceptable, but he equally would have gone against Jehovah's will.

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  On 8/26/2019 at 11:36 AM, ChocoBro said:

But that's my point, Jesus had a mission and getting married and having sexual intercourse wasn't part of that mission. So I would certainly argue that he did not "have that right", because if he had done that, he would have done what he wanted as opposed to what Jehovah wanted. That's why I compare it to the angels who left their heavenly positions to do what they wanted. I don't think it's far-fetched. It is true that the nephilim times were a monstrosity compared to bestiality and that Jesus was a human in a human body who could have theoretically married and it would have been biologically acceptable, but he equally would have gone against Jehovah's will.


I see things differently, Ruben. :)


It wouldn't have been wrong for Jesus to get married and have children, as long as he preached and then died when he had to. Being married wouldn't have changed anything and wouldn't have invalidated his sacrifice at all. We all agree that it wouldn't have been the wisest thing to do, but it was not a sin nor a disobedience and it didn't go against Jehovah's will. It's like today, Jehovah's will for us is to do our best in his service. The Scriptures advice to stay single if possible because if you are married you can't do as much. And yet nobody says getting married goes against Jehovah's will.


IMO calling the idea that Jesus got married and had children "demonic" or "a Satanic lie" is a bit exaggerate. It's simply untrue. A fiction in a fiction movie.


I do understand though, as I said in my first reply, if some Christians refuse to watch this movie because they find it disrespectful towards Jesus. I don't think it was the intention of the movie or the book to be disrespectful, but I understand their feelings.

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  • 5 months later...
  On 7/14/2019 at 8:54 PM, NW2020 said:

We like using IMDB.com and review the "Parents Guide". - just type in the name of the movie at the top and scroll down to find "Parents Guide" - there every possible "offence" is noted 

We are empty nesters and all movies we watch are for ourselves - we no longer dare walk the minefield of entertainment with our grandchildren - we let their parents make those decisions.  For us - I like to think of ourselves as a child of God and this helps make the decision as to whether or not it is something we want to put on the screen or not.  



(Mod:Removed green highlight)


Excellent advice !  I answered similarly in a watchtower last year. Using IMDB really helps BEFORE you decide to watch some movie or tv show.


Watching movies or tv in satans world without knowledge of its content is just inviting trouble.

We did this in the past and you would really get to like the movie or show and then just when your hooked all sorts of badness is thrown at you and its really hard to switch off, you start to reason "i will just skip past the bad bits etc etc".


We all need to thoroughly review the content as best we can BEFORE we watch it and Jehovah will be very pleased with us 😇

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  On 7/14/2019 at 3:34 AM, Brother Jack said:

As was said, it is a conscious matter. I read the Da Vinci code book and I’ll admit that I thought it was the best book I’ve read besides the Bible. But that’s probably because I’ve always been fascinated with Da Vinci. He’s one of my favorite persons in history. The movie was HORRIBLE. Nothing like the book. It was the worst movie I’d ever seen. Plus there’s a  part where a man can be seen having sex with a prostitute in the park. I wouldn’t recommend watching it for that reason alone.


I was gonna make a similar response, hehe. I tried to watch it years ago, and was 20 minutes into it and just found it so incomprehensible. Nothing going on made any sense whatsoever.

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