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Fighting Over Masks in Public Is the New American Pastime

2 Tim 3: 3  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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1 hour ago, Mclove said:


Fighting Over Masks in Public Is the New American Pastime

2 Tim 3: 3  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,

Here's how the mask issue should be handled:


- Tell people to wear mask when they have to. Like in enclosed spaces and where 6ft cannot be maintained

- Tell them masks aren't needed when you're by yourself or outside and able to maintain 6ft

- STOP MASK SHAMING! Don't accuse and judge people of not loving their neighbor because you may not be aware of their unique circumstance. Don't record people. Don't put them on social media

- Private businesses should be the only ones enforcing a mask policy in their place of business. Not the government. Not police. Public places are under the authority of the local government.


If this was done from the beginning, we would be much better off than we are now in my opinion. People are now acting like self-righteous morons because they tape a mask over their faces and others choose to strategically wear it.


Nothing is wrong with doing either. Just mind our own business and we'll be fine. 


Edited by Bob
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1 hour ago, Bob said:

Here's how the mask issue should be handled:


- Tell people to wear mask when they have to. Like in enclosed spaces and where 6ft cannot be maintained

- Tell them masks aren't needed when you're by yourself or outside and able to maintain 6ft

- STOP MASK SHAMING! Don't accuse and judge people of not loving their neighbor because you may not be aware of their unique circumstance. Don't record people. Don't put them on social media

- Private businesses should be the only ones enforcing a mask policy in their place of business. Not the government. Not police. Public places are under the authority of the local government.


If this was done from the beginning, we would be much better off than we are now in my opinion. People are now acting like self-righteous morons because they tape a mask over their faces and others choose to strategically wear it.


Nothing is wrong with doing either. Just mind our own business and we'll be fine. 


How do we know that the people who ARE NOT wearing masks have a legitimate excuse? I think it’s likely that far more of the majority of people who do not wear a mask, do so because they feel it’s their right, or that the virus is a hoax. Why do we have to mind our own business? The people who are obeying and wearing a mask are being jeopardized by those that don’t. So then, what is the point of wearing a mask at all if it’s to be undone by the idiots who don’t comply? 

I choose to err on the side of caution and wear a mask while out in public. If everyone complied from the start, then perhaps the spread of the virus would have been slower, but we will never know.


I just can’t wrap my head around why it is such an imposition to wear a mask for the 15-20 minutes while you are in a grocery store. Even when business try to enforce wearing a mask upon entering their business, people are openly defiant and even aggressive.

Your suggestions to how the mask issue should be will NEVER happen. Read 2Tim3:1-5. People are haughty, defiant and not open to agreement. They will never cooperate fully.


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11 minutes ago, zoebarry said:

How do we know that the people who ARE NOT wearing masks have a legitimate excuse? I think it’s likely that far more of the majority of people who do not wear a mask, do so because they feel it’s their right, or that the virus is a hoax.

You don't know, and that is the point. So you really shouldn't be judging them. 



Why do we have to mind our own business? The people who are obeying and wearing a mask are being jeopardized by those that don’t. So then, what is the point of wearing a mask at all if it’s to be undone by the idiots who don’t comply?

Because its not your job to enforce the law/executive orders. That's why you have to mind your own business. Who appointed you to enforce it? You see a violation, report it to the proper authorities. 



I choose to err on the side of caution and wear a mask while out in public. If everyone complied from the start, then perhaps the spread of the virus would have been slower, but we will never know.

That's your personal choice. Everyone else has the right to their personal choice.



I just can’t wrap my head around why it is such an imposition to wear a mask for the 15-20 minutes while you are in a grocery store. Even when business try to enforce wearing a mask upon entering their business, people are openly defiant and even aggressive.

Your suggestions to how the mask issue should be will NEVER happen. Read 2Tim3:1-5. People are haughty, defiant and not open to agreement. They will never cooperate fully.

You're not them, and they're not you. Simple as that. 

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The mask situation is just a good reminder of the principles Jesus taught us. We are supposed to do what we know is right regardless of whether others are doing the same.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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3 minutes ago, zoebarry said:

How do we know that the people who ARE NOT wearing masks have a legitimate excuse? I think it’s likely that far more of the majority of people who do not wear a mask, do so because they feel it’s their right, or that the virus is a hoax. Why do we have to mind our own business? The people who are obeying and wearing a mask are being jeopardized by those that don’t. So then, what is the point of wearing a mask at all if it’s to be undone by the idiots who don’t comply? 

I choose to err on the side of caution and wear a mask while out in public. If everyone complied from the start, then perhaps the spread of the virus would have been slower, but we will never know.


I just can’t wrap my head around why it is such an imposition to wear a mask for the 15-20 minutes while you are in a grocery store. Even when business try to enforce wearing a mask upon entering their business, people are openly defiant and even aggressive.

Your suggestions to how the mask issue should be will NEVER happen. Read 2Tim3:1-5. People are haughty, defiant and not open to agreement. They will never cooperate fully.


My mask does restrict breathing to a degree, If I am doing anything strenuous I have to breath through a wide opened mouth or suffer. I am in an advanced age group. I use to have exceptional lung volume, able to hold my breath for 5 full minutes. More likely 30 seconds now. 

This brings up the question: what medical reasons would there be for not wearing a mask for a short periods of time?  Asthma, emphysema and chf come to mind. 

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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My mask does restrict breathing to a degree, If I am doing anything strenuous I have to breath through a wide opened mouth or suffer. I am in an advanced age group. I use to have exceptional lung volume, able to hold my breath for 5 full minutes. More likely 30 seconds now. 
This brings up the question: what medical reasons would there be for not wearing a mask for a short periods of time?  Asthma, emphysema and chf come to mind. 

I understand if you don’t wear a mask during an asthma attack, but in between them it should be no problem, right? Really, it seems people have made it into a political/religious issue, aka., “I have the freedom to be without a mask” or “I am not going to stop the god-given respiratory system.”

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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19 minutes ago, Bob said:

You don't know, and that is the point. So you really shouldn't be judging them. 


Because its not your job to enforce the law/executive orders. That's why you have to mind your own business. Who appointed you to enforce it? You see a violation, report it to the proper authorities.

You are right, I don’t know their situation, and that is exactly my point. I am only making a reasonable deduction based on what I’ve seen and heard and my knowledge of people’s attitudes based on 2Tim3:1-5. We can literally see this being fulfilled. 

I think that reporting to the proper authorities constitutes NOT “minding your own business”. Yes, we should report any violation.


I think that rather than trying to defend worldly people’s actions on whether or not they should wear a mask, we should just follow the GB’s guidance. Trying to defend worldly people’s actions is waste of time and energy.

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8 minutes ago, zoebarry said:

You are right, I don’t know their situation, and that is exactly my point. I am only making a reasonable deduction based on what I’ve seen and heard and my knowledge of people’s attitudes based on 2Tim3:1-5. We can literally see this being fulfilled. 

If you don't know, then you can't justifiably beat them over the head with scripture and say they're disobedient. There is a reason why Jesus told us not to judge. 


8 minutes ago, zoebarry said:

I think that reporting to the proper authorities constitutes NOT “minding your own business”. Yes, we should report any violation.

Well, what I am saying is that if you see someone without a mask, don't intervene yourself and tell them to wear one. Not saying you're doing that, but that's what I mean. Let the authorities handle it. 


8 minutes ago, zoebarry said:

I think that rather than trying to defend worldly people’s actions on whether or not they should wear a mask, we should just follow the GB’s guidance. Trying to defend worldly people’s actions is waste of time and energy.

So me advising against judging people who don't wear a mask is "defending their actions"? 

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33 minutes ago, Old said:

My mask does restrict breathing to a degree, If I am doing anything strenuous I have to breath through a wide opened mouth or suffer. I am in an advanced age group. I use to have exceptional lung volume, able to hold my breath for 5 full minutes. More likely 30 seconds now. 

This brings up the question: what medical reasons would there be for not wearing a mask for a short periods of time?  Asthma, emphysema and chf come to mind. 

But if someone saw you without one and didn't know you or your medical condition, they'd apply 2 Tim 3:1-5 to you and saying you're disobedient to the superior authorities, which is exactly the point I am making. 

Edited by Bob
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While we are discussing masks and face coverings I think its important to remember that some masks are difficult to breathe through but a different type of face covering may provide the same neighborly protection without creating a hardship. If someone is truly interested in protecting you, they will find a way. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 minute ago, Bro Richard said:

While we are discussing masks and face coverings I think its important to remember that some masks are difficult to breathe through but a different type of face covering may provide the same neighborly protection without creating a hardship. If someone is truly interested in protecting you, they will find a way. 

When there is a will, there is a way.

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

I understand if you don’t wear a mask during an asthma attack, but in between them it should be no problem, right? Really, it seems people have made it into a political/religious issue, aka., “I have the freedom to be without a mask” or “I am not going to stop the god-given respiratory system.”

Well, there are other ways to protect people. Don't violate their personal space, don't touch them or shake their hand, and recognize they may have some anxiety when interacting with others so limit your personal interactions with them, and if sick or feeling sick, stay home. Mask or no mask, staying far enough away from people is the best way to prevent spread.

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4 minutes ago, Bob said:

When there is a will, there is a way.

Based on that, I think we can judge a person on their actions and efforts to protect others. However, as you say, let the authorities deal with that while we keep our thoughts to ourselves and stay 6-12 feet away...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 minute ago, Bro Richard said:

Based on that, I think we can judge a person on their actions and efforts to protect others. However, as you say, let the authorities deal with that while we keep our thoughts to ourselves and stay 6-12 feet away...

Physical distancing is my go to method, to be honest, above all other things (only when I'm in a crowded grocery store do I slap my mask on). I spend a lot more time doing outdoor activities and am only indoors when I'm at home or shopping for food. 

Easy to keep separation that way and reduces the chance by far of getting anything. 

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Well, there are other ways to protect people. Don't violate their personal space, don't touch them or shake their hand, and recognize they may have some anxiety when interacting with others so limit your personal interactions with them, and if sick or feeling sick, stay home. Mask or no mask, staying far enough away from people is the best way to prevent spread.

Yes, of course. That is not 100% possible though unless you are going to quarantine people for longer periods.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 hour ago, Bob said:

But if someone saw you without one and didn't know you or your medical condition, they'd apply 2 Tim 3:1-5 to you and saying you're disobedient to the superior authorities, which is exactly the point I am making. 

Most of the someones have no idea what 2 tim 3:15 says, so likely it would not occurr to them. I thought it was Romans 13 that deals with superior authotities.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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43 minutes ago, Bob said:

Well, there are other ways to protect people. Don't violate their personal space, don't touch them or shake their hand, and recognize they may have some anxiety when interacting with others so limit your personal interactions with them

Just finally caught up with the 148th Gilead Graduation Concluding talks, and this statement reminded me of brother Lett's elbow-bumping of each of the graduates as they got their graduation letter. 😄


His concluding talk to all the graduates I think is also really appropriate about not expecting too much out of our brothers and sisters, and perhaps different views of matters, or their imperfections, but that belongs on another thread...

Edited by Lieblingskind

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Well, Alger county now has 3 confirmed cases with 1 probable. 




As of the info for today: There were four new cases reported in the Upper Peninsula on Wednesday: one each in Marquette, Delta, Chippewa, and Alger Counties.



UPPER PENINSULA PROBABLE CASES (No positive test result)
Alger County 1
Chippewa County 1
Delta County 3
Dickinson County 1
Houghton County 1
Menominee County  1








Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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The initial onset of covid saw conflicting advice on wearing masks.


“The necessity of masks is an "incredibly complex" subject, Mr Vally said, but what made the debate initially hard were two majors drivers. 

"One was the uncertainty of how masks work in a community setting, the other driver was we didn’t think we had enough masks for the frontline health workers that needed masks," he said.”


But with everything in this pandemic, there is a steep learning curve, and advice has changed.


Currently, “The WHO recommendations say if you have a lot of virus in the community then they’re pretty prescriptive or pretty clear that the advice is to wear a mask."”


“Distance is still the most effective barrier to stop droplets being transmitted between people, but masks "represent another barrier to infection", Mr Vally said.

"The advice on whether to wear a mask is also context-based, so it depends on how much virus you have circulating in the community."”


Our situation here in Australia is very different from USA and Brazil. With the current advice, mask would be beneficial and I can see why the health authorities are insisting on this. In parts of Melbourne where there is uncontainable spikes, they have again gone into lockdown with only 4 essential reasons for leaving the home. The wearing of masks in public would more than likely be a protection there. And it’s common sense, really.



From this pic outside of a major Melbourne train station, it seems 3 out of 4 people are wearing masks 🤔




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My local ABC News at 6pm said that to stop the spread of Covid-19 spray, one needs to close lid on toilet before flushing. 

I hope that won't be as heated debate as wearing a mask to stop the droplet spread. 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Ireland position on Masks is rather... Irish "Ah, now, come on lads, you know you ought to be wearing masks, but if you've a reason not let's just be friends and say that's OK". Probably means slightly less fights.


That said, in the early stages of the Lock down staff in my store wearing masks were subject to disciplinary procedure, they dropped that fairly fast.

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Ok, remember when I told you fine folks about the wretched beach cleanup we have to do after the 4th festivities? Here's an article from a local, fully involved in this business and now an announcement of 1,700 people wanting to come here this weekend to do a modified "Rod Run". A Rod Run is what our community does the 2nd weekend of September, I guess it was canceled. So they're gonna do it anyway, this weekend. This is what it is- http://www.visitlongbeachpeninsula.com/event/rod-run-to-the-end-of-the-world/


So here's the article about this weekend- can you imagine the disastrous mess we're going to be left with? 37 tons of trash just on the 4th and now this added to it? You should see the amount of people here, I feel like the Peninsula is so full it should fall into the ocean. And don't make me talk about traffic!




Wow, I wonder how many cases of Corona will result from all this nonsense. I dislike very much tourists. Someday I'll live where its nice and boring where nobody wants to go to....like after Armageddon I guess.  

Edited by bagwell1987

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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2 hours ago, AH173 said:

My local ABC News at 6pm said that to stop the spread of Covid-19 spray, one needs to close lid on toilet before flushing. 

I hope that won't be as heated debate as wearing a mask to stop the droplet spread. 

Have you seen the LDC Newsletter on Mobile Phone Contamination? 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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4 hours ago, Bro Richard said:

Have you seen the LDC Newsletter on Mobile Phone Contamination? 

I'll go look it up. 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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