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Ready For A New Revelation Book?

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Does anyone know if the Revelation book will see an updated edition? It's actually one of my favourite publications (after the Mankind's Search For God book). A deep study, sometimes difficult to get through when we used to have it in the book study.

I'm hoping the faithful slave will bring out a current edition. So much has happened in the world scene since it was published in the 1980s.


What do you guys think?

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9 hours ago, Saffron said:

I love this book as well, but am thinking that we may see it live before we see an updated version. 



It would be, ah, I don't know the correct word, but it would be weird if we started getting the day text with a link to a page in the book. 


"For today's activities, lets turn to page #...."

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The most recent revision (the soft cover) was studied January 8, 2007, through July 28, 2008. I'm not sure how much really needs updated at this point. I think rereading it today would still be valuable and mostly accurate.


My hunch is that the new Ezekiel book is on deck 😉


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Here are two quick references as to why it would need updating.  There were several citations on each subject citing old beliefs that have been clarified.  It would take work (and all the footnote references as well).


Chapter 39

2. Who is Gog of Magog, and how does Jehovah maneuver him to attack His own people?


The Devil’s vicious assault is vividly described in Ezekiel chapter 38. There, the debased Satan is called “Gog of the land of Magog.” Jehovah puts figurative hooks in Gog’s jaws, drawing him and his numerous military force to the attack. How does he do this? By causing Gog to see His Witnesses as a defenseless people “gathered together out of the nations, one that is accumulating wealth and property, those who are dwelling in the center of the earth.” These hold the center stage on earth as the one people to have refused to worship the wild beast and its image. Their spiritual strength and prosperity enrage Gog. So Gog and his numerous military force, including the wild beast out of the sea with its ten horns, swarm in for the kill. Unlike Babylon the Great, however, God’s clean people enjoy divine protection!—Ezekiel 38:1, 4, 11, 12, 15; Revelation 13:1.


Chapter 22

2. What Bible book describes a plague of locusts similar to the one that John sees, and what was the effect of it on ancient Israel?


The Bible book of Joel, written during the ninth century B.C.E., describes a plague of insects, including locusts, that is similar to the one that John sees. (Joel 2:1-11, 25) It was to cause much discomfort for apostate Israel but would also result in individual Jews’ repenting and returning to Jehovah’s favor. (Joel 2:6, 12-14) When that time arrived, Jehovah would pour out his spirit upon “every sort of flesh,” while fearful signs and alarming portents would precede “the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.”—Joel 2:11, 28-32.

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Chapter 20 leaves open the thought that the Remnant may survive Armageddon on Earth.


Chapter 20

39. “The great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Revelation 6:17) The answer? Only a minority of mankind, including any of the sealed 144,000 who might still be remaining in the flesh and a great crowd of other sheep who will “stand,” that is, survive with them.—Jeremiah 35:19; 1 Corinthians 16:13.


Footnotes are referencing 40-50 year old Watchtowers and so on..."# See, for example, the Watchtower issues of September 1, 1971, page 520; June 15, 1974, page 373; June 1, 1975, page 341; February 1, 1979, page 23; June 1, 1979, page 20; May 15, 1980, page 10."


.  An update would practically be a re-do.  Like the Pure Worship book, maybe just a new Revelation book would be more reasonable.


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