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Jehovah’s Creation: What Might We Learn From “Galaxies”?

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A fabulous post Neil! It made me think of the incredible beauty of some of the Hubble pictures.

And I thought of that wonderful 2018 Gilead talk on gratitude : "we're part of something immensely important. We're part of God's purpose". 

So your point in likening these invisible magnetic lines to Jehovah's holy spirit shaping the new personality is truly something to meditate on. It makes me want to continue to do my very best to be an improved version of myself, and appreciate the same process in others! 

Thanks for a beautiful post!


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Galaxies are amazing. 
They also shows that stars and planets are not strewn about.
It's like, we don't know what gravity is, but I like to think gravity is just a warp in space time, kinda like how when you have a boat in water, the bigger the boat, the more it displaces and influences the shape of the water, I think that's what massive items do to spacetime. So, galaxies: stars systems all revolving around a massive center of gravity, perhaps a supermassive black hole? 
There's different kinds of galaxies too! They're not all spiral nor do they all spiral the same way when they do spiral. 
There's so much we can learn about the creator from galaxies.

Doesn't the universe just feel like it was planned?
Jehovah created it with variety in mind, but also in such a way that the forces of the universe hold it together, with gravity causing galaxies to form as they do, and other forces influencing the shape of reality and it's all so very consistent.


You see, I take a great interest in galaxies, naturally, because my head's always in outer space anyway😋

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4 hours ago, Katty said:

Doesn't the universe just feel like it was planned?
Jehovah created it with variety in mind, but also in such a way that the forces of the universe hold it together, with gravity causing galaxies to form as they do, and other forces influencing the shape of reality and it's all so very consistent.

You see, I take a great interest in galaxies, naturally, because my head's always in outer space anyway😋

Thanks Katty for your post about galaxies, I liked the picture you shared showing the diverse types of galaxies.

And especially I like how you glorified our Grand Creator for the wonderful ways in which He designed the universe. (tu)

Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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Below is an image of the Pillars of Creation”

But what is interesting about this image is that the Hubble Space Telescope captured the “infrared” light instead of taking just a normal picture, just like SOFIA did with Centaurus A in the OP. And so we see how this infrared image provides a very different and unique picture compared to the more famous image that was even used on the front cover of our wonderful book, “Is there a Creator Who Cares about You?”(see book cover below). Enjoy looking and comparing the 2 photos, both are beautiful, yet both highlight different features based on the wavelengths of light that are being captured. 





“The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has revisited one of its most iconic and popular images: the Eagle Nebula’s Pillars of Creation. This image shows the pillars as seen in infrared light, allowing it to pierce through obscuring dust and gas and unveil a more unfamiliar — but just as amazing — view of the pillars. In this ethereal view the entire frame is peppered with bright stars and baby stars are revealed being formed within the pillars themselves. The outlines of the pillars seem much more delicate, and are silhouetted against an eerie blue haze.”

 Credit: NASA, ESA/Hubble and the Hubble Heritage Team




And here is a nice comparison of the 2 separate images!






Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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On 4/16/2021 at 5:27 AM, Beggar for the Spirit said:




This is a special photo of Centaurus A , which is the closest active galaxy to planet Earth, spanning over 60,000 light-years! 

But the reason this image is special is because something special was added to it that is never seen, invisible “Magnetic Field Lines”.


What this image above is showing us are the “Magnetic Field Lines” at the very center of the photo, see the orange and white “strings” in the center?

Humans cannot see such invisible magnetic field lines, but this photo was taken by “SOFIA”, not our very nice Sister Sofia here on JWtalk, but taken by SOFIA(Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy). So SOFIA was able to capture infrared rays of light from Centaurus A. Then to help everyone “see” on this photo where exactly these invisible magnetic field lines were, they essentially colored in these magnetic field lines(orange/white) to make them “pretend” visible so that these magnetic field lines could be easier to visualize, analyze and appreciate. (tu)



Magnetic fields are vital in the growth and shape of Galaxy formations. But these magnetic fields are invisible! So if we could sit and observe a specific galaxy for thousands or millions of years and watch it grow and develop, we would likely be quite puzzled at how this galaxy was forming, because we could not see those invisible magnetic field lines shaping the galaxy. Then we might even start speculating and be wrong about how galaxies are formed because we had a wrong judgment about how the galaxy was developing since we could not visually see the invisible force behind the exquisite shape and formation of galaxies. 


Try now to think of a brother or sister in your area or that you have known that you so appreciate and value because of their wonderful and seemingly perfect personality! This highly spiritual and loving brother or sister seems to be just so naturally wonderful. You might have even said to yourself, “That brother/sister is so wonderful and so naturally gifted and talented, they must have great genes!”

But if that brother or sister has been a friend of Jehovah’s for many years or likely decades, then the formation and growth of their personality comes from something “invisible” that you and I cannot see! That brother or sister’s beautifulNew Personality” is only formed by invisible Holy Spirit granted by the Creator, just like the invisible magnetic field lines that Jehovah created which are essential in the formation of galaxies.


So imagine if we had a special camera/lens that would make the invisible Holy Spirit “visible” to our eyes?
Wow, imagine what it would be like to see the Holy Spirit freely flowing in that brother or sister we know and love in whom the “New Personality” has been forming and growing for all these years and decades! If we could see such an incredible thing through a special camera/lens, how spiritually motivated we would be! (:P)


However, It is very interesting to consider that the vast majority of astronomers, astrophysicists, and cosmologists don’t have access to SOFIA and that special infrared, High-resolution camera, yet these scientists are still highly motivated to learn whatever they can about just how exactly such invisible magnetic fields help the amazing formation of galaxies!


Similarly, there is obviously no special camera or lens for us to see the invisible Holy Spirit, yet we also should be highly motivated when we think of what Jehovah’s powerful Spirit can do for the person we want to become! For example, if we are motivated, we can immediately start requesting of Jehovah something similar to this:

“Father, please grant me your powerful yet invisible Holy Spirit and help me to cultivate your many beautiful and magnificent qualities so that I can become more like you Father! I ask of you to please allow your Holy Spirit to freely flow in me so that I too can put on the wonderful “New Personality” that is made in your beautiful image!”


And in the future if anyone ever says to you, “You have this wonderful quality about you!”  Or they say, “You have such a magnetic personality”, maybe that person can “see” something special about you even though how you developed your New Personality was a result of, not invisible magnetic field lines, but as a result of another invisible force that no one ever saw within you forming and shaping your personality!  But don’t worry at all if you don’t get many compliments or commendation about your “New” personality, because in the 1st Century, sadly the vast majority of Israelites could not “see” that Jesus had a very special personality!

  Reveal hidden contents

*** w98 2/15 p. 25  ***
Jesus, their Exemplar, was an outstanding teacher who doubtless had a magnetic personality, but he humbly gave glory to his Father.“


*** nwtsty Romans Study Notes—Chapter 1 ***
Godship: Or “divine nature.” 
...creation gives evidence of his(Jehovah’s) invisible qualities (lit., “unseen things of him”), including his eternal power, which he has used to create and sustain the universe. 


*** w08 11/15 p. 3 ***
What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be?
“Clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it.”—Col. 3:8-1 
Our primary goal, then, is to put away the old personality and put on the new.


Thank you for your kindness :squeeze:!

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Wonderful, thoughtful, encouragement.  The universe has so much beauty and wonder. All these celestial bodies give testimony to our Grand Creator, Jehovah God. These wonders are enormous and wondrous. Their glory magnifies Jehovah through their existence, not through choice. 
Unlike these objects, puny humans, can choose to glorify Jehovah, in song and speech, our conduct, with everything.  I hope to take advantage of this gift of free will and always choose to give glory to Jehovah. 

Edited by Hanah45

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I forgot to add the scripture

Psalm 19

19 The heavens are declaring the glory of God;+

The skies above* proclaim the work of his hands.+

 Day after day their speech bubbles forth,

And night after night they reveal knowledge.

 There is no speech, and there are no words;

Their voice is not heard.

 But into all the earth their sound* has gone out,

And to the ends of the inhabited earth* their message.+

In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun;

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THEME: “The Beauty & Wonder in the Universe Magnifies our Grand Creator!”

TIMING:  A 1 Hour Special Talk

SYMPOSIUM:  30min - Sister Sandra(Arizona), 30min - Sister Katty(Britain)


VISUALS:  NASA photographs will be presented during this special talk


@Hanah45 @Katty

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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8 hours ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:


THEME: “The Beauty & Wonder in the Universe Magnifies our Grand Creator!”

TIMING:  A 1 Hour Special Talk

SYMPOSIUM:  30min - Sister Sandra(Arizona), 30min - Sister Katty(Britain)


VISUALS:  NASA photographs will be presented during this special talk


@Hanah45 @Katty

Oh I think I might have missed it. We went to bed a bit early last night. 
We've been busy house shopping as well.

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On 4/16/2021 at 10:09 AM, Dustparticle said:

What do we know about our own galaxy the Milky Way? Is there more chocolate in it that we  don't know about?

forget about dark energy that may or may not exist, lets focus on dark chocolate that we knows exists. 

The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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We had the "Make Jehovah's Heart Rejoice" Circuit Assembly today.

On the talk about Jehovah's power, the brother mentioned the distant star UY Scuti.

Knowing little about such things, I googled it, which led to a site called Astronomy Is Awesome.

The comparison to our sun states that it would take about 14.6 seconds to travel around our sun at the speed of light.

It would take 7 hours 2 minutes to travel around UY Scuti.

Scuti is located in the Constellation of Scutum, roughly 9500 Light Years from our solar system.


I learned a lot today.

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