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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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3 hours ago, Richie said:

For me, removing Vatican, any Protestant/Evangelist religions and Muslim lobbying from United Nations is enough to say they are unseat at the back of the scarlet colored wild beast. In case they are also unseat from the two-horned wild beast which stands for US/UK, I can say BTG is unseat and ready for her total destructuon. I don't see that all UN members will do the same action. Only ten horns with power and authority in the UN can do this. Other nations are so connected with her will weep with her destruction. 


In my opinion from this scenario. BTG is attacked by wild beast. 


Jehovah’s day.”  refers to the time period that begins with the attack on “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion, and ends with Armageddon. (unseating if follows immediately with attack would classify as a beginning of GT) Unseating by itself without attack would be just political maneuver. But hey .. I think false religion will be surprised with the attack and totally unprepared (Queen) In my opinion they will be riding wild beast to the very end. ☺️

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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3 hours ago, Richie said:

For me, removing Vatican, any Protestant/Evangelist religions and Muslim lobbying from United Nations is enough to say they are unseat at the back of the scarlet colored wild beast. In case they are also unseat from the two-horned wild beast which stands for US/UK, I can say BTG is unseat and ready for her total destructuon. I don't see that all UN members will do the same action. Only ten horns with power and authority in the UN can do this. Other nations are so connected with her will weep with her destruction. 


In my opinion from this scenario. BTG is attacked by wild beast. 


Countries like Indonesia, Saudi Arab, Jordan, Afghanistan, Morocco, Syria and others will not like banning Islam. So, destroying BTG might be limited to Europe,  North America... and it will be considered as prophecy fulfilled 

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17 minutes ago, lesage NM said:

Countries like Indonesia, Saudi Arab, Jordan, Afghanistan, Morocco, Syria and others will not like banning Islam. So, destroying BTG might be limited to Europe,  North America... and it will be considered as prophecy fulfilled 

That's what I'm thinking. I was in Middle East before and I saw how Arab goverment was so attached with Islam. Some controlled by Shariah law. 

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21 minutes ago, lesage NM said:

Countries like Indonesia, Saudi Arab, Jordan, Afghanistan, Morocco, Syria and others will not like banning Islam. So, destroying BTG might be limited to Europe,  North America... and it will be considered as prophecy fulfilled 

I think those countries would never give up those religious ties namely Islam and Hinduism, they are so deeply engrained, it’s almost a fight to the death before they give up. And this would only lead to war.

I think Jehovah will put it in their hearts to carry out his one thought as revelation says. I feel that it is the only way it will ever happen, I’m mean could you ever imagine Iran giving up there Muslim ideology, it is totally ingrained in there government, so either it will be all out war with those countries, or Jehovah as he says will put it into there hearts to carry out his one thought.


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Jehovah will put it into their hearts.  These religion stem out of ancient Babylon and the Jews are still sticking to their belief that they are the chosen nation.  They are still without knowledge and remain stuck on the Torah or the Mosaic Law.


If they didn't believe Jesus when on earth, they certainly don't believe now.  Jehovah will soon do an action that will eliminate false religion forever.


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1 hour ago, lesage NM said:

Countries like Indonesia, Saudi Arab, Jordan, Afghanistan, Morocco, Syria and others will not like banning Islam. So, destroying BTG might be limited to Europe,  North America... and it will be considered as prophecy fulfilled 

"BTG is seating at the back of the wild beast (UN)" may correspond to the false religions which have special seats (lobbying) in the UN. So far, only these religions have influenced the UN policies: Vatican, Muslim thru Arab, Orthodox thru Russia, Protestants/Judaism thru US/Israel, and Anglican thru UK. If their privilege of lobbying is removed, it may correspond to what revelation describes. 

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2 hours ago, lesage NM said:

Countries like Indonesia, Saudi Arab, Jordan, Afghanistan, Morocco, Syria and others will not like banning Islam. So, destroying BTG might be limited to Europe,  North America... and it will be considered as prophecy fulfilled 


 No matter what religion, blood will be spilled when BT goes down. People in many faiths will not let their religion go down without a fight. Revelation 17:16

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4 hours ago, lesage NM said:

Countries like Indonesia, Saudi Arab, Jordan, Afghanistan, Morocco, Syria and others will not like banning Islam. So, destroying BTG might be limited to Europe,  North America... and it will be considered as prophecy fulfilled 

Another perplexing word from book of Revelation. 10 horns are representing the majority of the UN members. But not necessarily each UN members have the same thought with the 10 or majority. From this stand point, Rev 18 does make sense because some kings or members of UN will weep because they don't sympathize with BTG destruction. 


Another thing. Jehovah God will put into their hearts... Hearts of 10 horns. It means not into all individual hearts of UN members but only those have authority and power as described by Revelation 17.


Edited by Richie
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On 3/30/2024 at 5:05 AM, Michał said:

Thete were at least two political Ruses: Kiev Rus and Moscow Rus. Kiev Rus was incorporated into Poland in 16th or 17th century and became Ukraine around WW2. Moscow Rus became Grand Duchy of Moscow about 12th century which in turn became tsardom of Russia sbout 16th century.

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Going further back in history...  Vikings from Sweden, originally. Now, Russia.


Vikings from Sweden sailed east across the Baltic and into some of the great waterways of Eastern Europe—the Volkhov, Lovat’, Dnieper, and Volga rivers. These eventually took them to the Black Sea and the rich lands of the Byzantine Empire. Some Viking merchants even reached Baghdad by way of the Volga River and the Caspian Sea. Eventually, Swedish chieftains became the rulers of the vast Slavic lands of the Dnieper and the Volga. The invaders were called the Rus, a term that some hold to be the origin of the word “Russia”—“Land of the Rus.”

https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102000889#:~:text=Vikings from Sweden,of the Rus.”


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3 hours ago, Richie said:

10 horns are representing the majority of the UN members

How did you arrive to this point based on our understanding of ten horns? (Number 10, completeness) 


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Above in another thread is my 2 cents about this subject. 
anyone interested to read just click 😉

4 hours ago, Richie said:

Another perplexing word from book of Revelation. 10 horns are representing the majority of the UN members. But not necessarily each UN members have the same thought with the 10 or majority. From this stand point, Rev 18 does make sense because some kings or members of UN will weep because they don't sympathize with BTG destruction. 


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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11 hours ago, Richie said:

That's what I'm thinking. I was in Middle East before and I saw how Arab goverment was so attached with Islam. Some controlled by Shariah law. 

It’s ALL off BTG not just some of it…. As crazy as it may seem at times to us, we know that Jehovah will put it into their hearts to fulfill his purpose.

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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They will give their authority to the wild beast and worship it; the wild beast hates the harlot.


some authority figures kiss the son but at some point they will worship the beast.


some are saying many are quitting government service now and not fighting the dark things trying to come to fruition.


IMHO..... but most of this is scripture fragments.

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Families of Israeli hostages join protests calling for Netanyahu to go

Tens of thousands of demonstrators flooded Israel’s streets for a second straight night Sunday, calling for immediate elections and for the government to urgently negotiate the release of more than 100 hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza.


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1 minute ago, Lee49 said:

Families of Israeli hostages join protests calling for Netanyahu to go

Tens of thousands of demonstrators flooded Israel’s streets for a second straight night Sunday, calling for immediate elections and for the government to urgently negotiate the release of more than 100 hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza.


Poor souls... they miss terribly their loved ones and want them back safe and sound. That´s legit

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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After reading a very old JW Pamphlet about "Peace Will It Last" ... I thought how interesting this would be in our time. The main idea was how the Pope and his church wanted to be the primary arbiters of peace for the world to end WW2. It didn't play out that way at the end of WW2 as some thought, but .... What if somehow the Pope was able to get a coalition of other religious leaders together to find a peaceful resolution to Ukraine and Gaza? And then push the UN to back it (like any rider of a horse who pulls on the reins and forces his animal to turn).




That could fit 1 Thess 5 .... Anyway, let's see how it all plays out and looking back it will all make sense.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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18 minutes ago, trottigy said:

After reading a very old JW Pamphlet about "Peace Will It Last" ... I thought how interesting this would be in our time. The main idea was how the Pope and his church wanted to be the primary arbiters of peace for the world to end WW2. It didn't play out that way at the end of WW2 as some thought, but .... What if somehow the Pope was able to get a coalition of other religious leaders together to find a peaceful resolution to Ukraine and Gaza? And then push the UN to back it (like any rider of a horse who pulls on the reins and forces his animal to turn).




That could fit 1 Thess 5 .... Anyway, let's see how it all plays out and looking back it will all make sense.

Further to your comments there have been conflicting reports about the Pope agreeing to visit Russia. Will it happen, or not happen. Well we’ll wait and see 🤷



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4 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

How did you arrive to this point based on our understanding of ten horns? (Number 10, completeness) 


Although 10 horns have all necessary elements to make one thought. Rev 18 says that some kings will weep and beat themselves over the destruction of BTG. We know that the result of voting at UN Assembly or SC represents the decision of all UN members. Though some do not really agree on the result. Still we can say, All UN members have absolute decision toward any issue.

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1 hour ago, Anniebea said:

It’s ALL off BTG not just some of it…. As crazy as it may seem at times to us, we know that Jehovah will put it into their hearts to fulfill his purpose.

As per Rev 18:21, the complete destruction will be done only by the strong angel... Initially, the unseating from the back and eaten her flesh will be acted by the 10 horns and wild beast through Jehovah's thought (Rev 17:17).

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1 hour ago, trottigy said:

The main idea was how the Pope and his church wanted to be the primary arbiters of peace for the world to end WW2.

Pope Francis makes appeal for peace in Gaza in Easter message

Pope Francis made a strong appeal for a cease-fire in Gaza and the “prompt” release of all Israel hostages during his traditional Easter message “to the city and the world” on Sunday.


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1 hour ago, MChill14 said:

Further to your comments there have been conflicting reports about the Pope agreeing to visit Russia. Will it happen, or not happen. Well we’ll wait and see

And although this is "old" news ... still, in the context of this discussion, it's awe-inspiring to see the image of the two heads of their respective churches proposing joining together - like going back to the pre-Great Schism days. I was unaware of this attempt. 

Orthodox, Catholic primates' meeting 'initiates international coalition of all Christians' - Society & Culture - TASS

'Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has achieved in life as by the obstacles overcome'—Booker T. Washington

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7 hours ago, Richie said:

Although 10 horns have all necessary elements to make one thought. Rev 18 says that some kings will weep and beat themselves over the destruction of BTG. We know that the result of voting at UN Assembly or SC represents the decision of all UN members. Though some do not really agree on the result. Still we can say, All UN members have absolute decision toward any issue.

The collective weeping will occur as per Bible verse, but in no way it indicates that some will not agree on destruction of religion ... the weeping is occurring "after" perhaps when Jehovah's thought does not have any effect anymore as it already accomplished his work. (For me this indicates the power of Jehovah's thought on whole judgment) 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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32 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

but in no way it indicates that some will not agree on destruction of religion ...

In some ways, there is no Biblical indication that all kings will agree. We know that some member nations are founded by Islamic belief. Good example of these are Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, GCC Countries, Iran and etc. India is founded by Hinduism with almost 2 Billions Hindus.... In additional, all JWs and barred religions are doing their worship in discrete way long time back. There's no way that UN can catch them especially those are in remote places. IMO, it is practical to say that Jehovah will put His thought to the SC members and create a resolution to remove any religions from lobbying and influence from UN decisions. IMO, If we try to make word for word description from the book of Revelation. Wild Beast (UN), BTG (False Religions), seating at the back (False religions have direct connections with the UN) and Unseat (Removing false religions from UN affairs). Doing this makes my faith strengthen. Because I see and realize that this is partially happening now. 

Edited by Richie
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1 hour ago, Richie said:

In some ways, there is no Biblical indication that all kings will agree. We know that some member nations are founded by Islamic belief. Good example of these are Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, GCC Countries, Iran and etc. India is founded by Hinduism with almost 2 Billions Hindus.... In additional, all JWs and barred religions are doing their worship in discrete way long time back. There's no way that UN can catch them especially those are in remote places. IMO, it is practical to say that Jehovah will put His thought to the SC members and create a resolution to remove any religions from lobbying and influence from UN decisions. IMO, If we try to make word for word description from the book of Revelation. Wild Beast (UN), BTG (False Religions), seating at the back (False religions have direct connections with the UN) and Unseat (Removing false religions from UN affairs). Doing this makes my faith strengthen. Because I see and realize that this is partially happening now. 

If the UN destroys Mecca, how will this fit with their eschatology/theology? They'll have to recognize that.

Same with Jerusalem and Vatican, and other religious sites.

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