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BREAKING NEWS | House-to-House Preaching Will Resume on September 1, 2022

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25 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

Probably regular pioneer hours will be back as a requirement?

We await further information, though choosing the start of the Service Year on 1 September would have the additional benefit of a clean new break in terms of counting hours. Remember this effects a significant minority - some 16% of all publishers worldwide are regular pioneers.



Edited by Parale
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Should we expect additional announcement from GB for dear sisters?


Dear large army of sisters, no doubt you have received announcement about resumption of door to door with joy.

But some may fear how is this going to effect their selection of shoes.

Please do not fear! shops are still filled with flat bottom shoes, you don't need to go through balancing act of walking on high hills! 

Go shopping now! and be ready for 1 September 22 LOL :lol1:



Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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New keeps getting better & better. 

I find it so exciting.. Its like things are looking up. I told my daughter today. She smilled. It will be interesting after all the letters gone out the reaction & chats that may happen.

Get the dust of them sandals. 

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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11 hours ago, jwhess said:

You might choose to do so but we do not have the instructions from the organization nor the branch giving us the directions to agree with your choice or not.  We wait (im) patiently.

It's the most logical decision that we should wear masks in the preaching work. Afterall we stiil use them in the hall. Also we never know who will be opening the door, if someone infected or not. And we also don't want to be accused of being the cause of someone getting covid because we went there without a mask

It's true that there are people that still wear a mask everywhere...


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It will be interesting for our congregation. Apparently we have been covering (actually I prefer to say "smashing") our entire territory within every 2 months for the last 12 months with our letters, whereas we were used to cover our rurals every 12-14 months and town 16-18 months pre-COVID. As the brothers have been using the KH address as the return address, we have found that we are receiving a lot of RTS (Return to Sender) mail back with the residents writing requesting no more letters. And most of these letters are just coming from a single couple, which when you see them on Zoom, it looks like they have a production line in doing their letters.


So knocking on their doors is going to be quiet interesting when we start.  :eek:


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11 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

What a wonderful news! (Probably regular pioneer hours will be back as a requirement?)

Those in full time ministry would be wise to plan for it anyway. 

when I put my application for reg. Pio from July 2022 in, I was asked from the service comitee

if I am able to reach the 840 hours a year......no word about ..."don't worry about your hours".....

They made sure I can do the 70 hours monthly......which is only 10 more than I was averaging as a publisher

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14 minutes ago, Bluebell said:

They made sure I can do the 70 hours monthly......which is only 10 more than I was averaging as a publisher

Well done sister. In will not be too much of a shock to you to get up to speed.


There are many ways to ensure you maximise your witnessing time without getting obsessive. For example, our return to in person meetings presents a great opportunity if we prepare conversation with a spiritual topic in mind to impart, as there are many unbaptised ones attending our meetings.  We have 22 regular attenders unbaptised in our cong. alone! 


There is always a sense of achievement in getting your target despite challenges, and this does a lot for your morale as a pioneer. 

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15 hours ago, jwhess said:
15 hours ago, Dustparticle said:

Going back out in the field with a face mask on.

You might choose to do so but we do not have the instructions from the organization nor the branch giving us the directions to agree with your choice or not.  We wait (im) patiently.


I understood from previous comments that masks where required for Special Full-time Servants in all forms of ministry, but who are those that are "Strongly Recommended" to wear masks for both meetings and ministry?


On 6/3/2022 at 10:14 PM, jwhess said:

Second point about the masks.  It is true that only SFTS HAVE to wear a mask but the letter says it is "Strongly Recommended" that you wear it in the meeting AND in the ministry (public or whatever).


Maybe the Governing Body will providing updated mask-wearing information from 1 September 2022 ....




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I think discussion about masks is better served when we get some more directions from the respective Branches.

We will be interacting with public face to face, therefore it's possible that all will be encouraged to wear masks, but lets wait and see. :)

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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17 hours ago, jwhess said:

You might choose to do so but we do not have the instructions from the organization nor the branch giving us the directions to agree with your choice or not.  We wait (im) patiently.

Instructions or not, my common since tells me face mask and I will not be the only one on this thinking.

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6 hours ago, jayrtom said:

It's the most logical decision that we should wear masks in the preaching work

Have we been using masks on stands? Isn't there a difference between indoors and spacey outdoors? Maybe masks inside apartment buildings makes sence, but outdoors, from house to house? Hm.


I'll follow whatever is the instruction :)


5 hours ago, Pabo said:

As the brothers have been using the KH address as the return address

As I understand it, in Norway we are advised not to use KH as the return adress. I have on occasion done that, with my full name + c/o (in acc. with BoE, because of incident). Nowadays, I only use my own.



Edited by Tronora

Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is clear*, your whole body will be full of light*. 


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20 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:

Instructions or not, my common since tells me face mask and I will not be the only one on this thinking.

I am sure you are correct.  Many will be cautious.  But like the RC video, we need to be careful not to speak out to a group audience and state a personal decision as a group rule.  Do you remember the sister is in the backseat who seat, "Now WE won't be able to count our time."  She might not count hers but the sister sitting next to her might go ahead and count the time the other two were on their lengthy call starting a study.


So you might decide to always wear a mask (for your concern about your health), but if it is not required by the government nor by our organization directions then others might not follow your lead.  Learn to be patient with all the brothers who are doing their best in these troubled times.  As the apostles said..."Good heath to you."

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9 minutes ago, Tronora said:

Have we been using masks on stands? Isn't there a difference between indoors and spacey outdoors? Maybe masks inside apartment buildings makes sence, but outdoors, from house to house? Hm.

In Public preaching the people will come to us and not the other way around


Even so, the announcement said this (may be different for other branches


9 minutes ago, Tronora said:

I'll follow whatever is the instruction :)


As I understand it, in Norway we are advised not to use KH as the return adress. I have on occasion done that, with my full name + c/o (in acc. with BoE, because of incident). Nowadays, I only use my own.



Also in Portugal we were advised to not put the KH address but our own

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1 minute ago, jayrtom said:

In Public preaching the people will come to us and not the other way around

Good point!

Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is clear*, your whole body will be full of light*. 


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