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43 minutes ago, Parale said:


Do you know what is the title of this newly published report is? Unfortunately the article doesn't seem to state it?


Is there a link to be able to read this report written by Victor Madrigal-Borloz? His most recent report in the UN Digital LIbrary appears to be from November 2022, though I'm probably looking in the wrong place? 🤷‍♂️


https://digitallibrary.un.org/search?ln=en&rm=&sf=latest first&so=d&rg=50&c=Resource Type&c=UN Bodies&c=&of=hb&fti=0&fti=0&p=Victor Madrigal-Borloz


The report was published not in UN normal site but at the human rights´. I will have a look

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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51 minutes ago, Parale said:


Do you know what is the title of this newly published report is? Unfortunately the article doesn't seem to state it?


Is there a link to be able to read this report written by Victor Madrigal-Borloz? His most recent report in the UN Digital LIbrary appears to be from November 2022, though I'm probably looking in the wrong place? 🤷‍♂️


https://digitallibrary.un.org/search?ln=en&rm=&sf=latest first&so=d&rg=50&c=Resource Type&c=UN Bodies&c=&of=hb&fti=0&fti=0&p=Victor Madrigal-Borloz


Its in another UN site, the human rights. Take a look: https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/thematic-reports/ahrc5337-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and


It´s 23 pages.... I guess we have more important things to read than this, still Im publishing here his conclusions and recomendations ( I believe these have not been implemented yet).



68. Embracing spirituality and faith is a path that must be available to all, including all persons with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Human beings often long for a sense of purpose in their lives. For a very large proportion of humanity, spirituality is a fundamental part of this quest, and FoRB is a shield put in place to protect it, as well as protecting the right not to be part of a particular belief.


69. At the same time, in all latitudes there are dark corners where LGBT people are regarded as sinners and second-class citizens who should be scorned and abused. Laws enacted with the aim of mandating standards of conduct purportedly demanded by interpretations of religious dogma effectively deny lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans and other gender diverse persons the right to equality and, often, equal recognition under the law.


70. The limits established in the very design of FoRB – including the fundamental rights and freedoms of LGBT persons – are the key to full compatibility of FoRB and all actions that are necessary to combat violence and discrimination against them, alongside the strong and clear framework for hate speech that has been crafted within the United Nations under the Rabat Plan of Action. Respect for the right of all human persons to thought, conscience and religion or belief is a must; at the same time, all stakeholders have a responsibility to ascertain when these noble freedoms have historically been – and continue to be – instrumentalized to nurture, perpetuate or exacerbate violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans and gender diverse persons.


VI.        Recommendations


71. The Independent Expert recommends that States:

(a)     carry out necessary analysis and reform to ensure that legislation and public policy complies with human rights standards, including the principle of non-discrimination;


(b)     ensure that any law or public policy relating to the frameworks of religious exemptions or conscientious objection is compatible with international human rights standards and does not negate the access of LGBT and other gender diverse persons to fundamental rights, services and goods, including health, education, employment, housing and political participation;


(c)     ensure the bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights of LGBT and gender diverse persons, as well as comprehensive sexuality and gender education in line with international standards;


(d)     working in collaboration with feminist and LGBT-led and LGBT-serving civil society, including religious groups who work on an inclusive basis, apply principles of inclusion and intersectionality, and challenge essentialist conceptions around sexual and gender identities under both the FoRB and SOGI frameworks;


(e)     dismantle laws and policies that criminalize same-sex intimacy or gender identity and repeal laws criminalizing offenses such as blasphemy;


(f)     create a safe environment in which all persons who manifest their religion or belief, including LGBT and other gender diverse persons, are free from fear of violence and discrimination and are aware of the distinction between protected speech and hate speech;


(g)     refrain from justifying with religious narratives any act of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; prevent and investigate such acts, and ensure the accountability of perpetrators and the provision of effective remedies for damages. In particular, do so by


(i)         enacting preventive legislation and public policy, including educational programs that promote non-discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons, and ensuring that these are developed with the participation of LGBT-led and LGBT-serving organizations,


(ii)        supporting initiatives of dialogue between leaders and other persons of an ample spectrum of faith and opinion, including persons who are LGBT or otherwise gender diverse and persons who are not;


(h)     encourage religious institutions to consider inclusive approaches that facilitate the participation and recognition of LGBT and other gender diverse persons;


(i)      engage with faith-based leaders on avenues in which their religious institutions can use their moral standing to prevent and combat violence and discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons;


(j)      encourage religious institutions to consider the ways in which representatives will be held responsible in cases in which they promote discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons; and


(k)     condemn incitement to violence and discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons, and those who defend their rights, by religious leaders and adherents.


72. The Independent Expert recommends that faith-based leaders, including persons who are LGBT or otherwise gender diverse and persons who are not:


(a)     recognize that sexual orientation and gender identity are diverse around the world and that gender manifests differently in many cultural and social structures and practices, including that many cultures recognize more genders than the male-female binary;


(b)     condemn incitement to violence and discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons and those who defend their rights, including narratives portraying LGBT and other gender diverse persons as seeking to recruit others into particular sexual orientations and gender identities, or having contaminating effects among children or others; and


(c)     examine the historical role of religious institutions in the perpetration of human rights violations; consider their role in the provision of remedies to injured parties and other measures of redress, including non-repetition, by examining institutional norms, practices and frameworks that may have the effect of creating physical or psychological damage on LGBT and other gender diverse persons; and consider the possible institutional involvement in the perpetuation of laws criminalizing same-sex intimacy and gender identity, in practices of conversion, and in seeking to unduly prevent legal recognition of gender identity based on self-identification.



Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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20 hours ago, Sofia said:
20 hours ago, Parale said:


Do you know what is the title of this newly published report is? Unfortunately the article doesn't seem to state it?


Is there a link to be able to read this report written by Victor Madrigal-Borloz? His most recent report in the UN Digital LIbrary appears to be from November 2022, though I'm probably looking in the wrong place? 🤷‍♂️


https://digitallibrary.un.org/search?ln=en&rm=&sf=latest first&so=d&rg=50&c=Resource Type&c=UN Bodies&c=&of=hb&fti=0&fti=0&p=Victor Madrigal-Borloz



Its in another UN site, the human rights. Take a look: https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/thematic-reports/ahrc5337-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and


It´s 23 pages.... I guess we have more important things to read than this, still Im publishing here his conclusions and recomendations ( I believe these have not been implemented yet).



68. Embracing spirituality and faith is a path that must be available to all, including all persons with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Human beings often long for a sense of purpose in their lives. For a very large proportion of humanity, spirituality is a fundamental part of this quest, and FoRB is a shield put in place to protect it, as well as protecting the right not to be part of a particular belief.


69. At the same time, in all latitudes there are dark corners where LGBT people are regarded as sinners and second-class citizens who should be scorned and abused. Laws enacted with the aim of mandating standards of conduct purportedly demanded by interpretations of religious dogma effectively deny lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans and other gender diverse persons the right to equality and, often, equal recognition under the law.


70. The limits established in the very design of FoRB – including the fundamental rights and freedoms of LGBT persons – are the key to full compatibility of FoRB and all actions that are necessary to combat violence and discrimination against them, alongside the strong and clear framework for hate speech that has been crafted within the United Nations under the Rabat Plan of Action. Respect for the right of all human persons to thought, conscience and religion or belief is a must; at the same time, all stakeholders have a responsibility to ascertain when these noble freedoms have historically been – and continue to be – instrumentalized to nurture, perpetuate or exacerbate violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans and gender diverse persons.


VI.        Recommendations


71. The Independent Expert recommends that States:

(a)     carry out necessary analysis and reform to ensure that legislation and public policy complies with human rights standards, including the principle of non-discrimination;


(b)     ensure that any law or public policy relating to the frameworks of religious exemptions or conscientious objection is compatible with international human rights standards and does not negate the access of LGBT and other gender diverse persons to fundamental rights, services and goods, including health, education, employment, housing and political participation;


(c)     ensure the bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights of LGBT and gender diverse persons, as well as comprehensive sexuality and gender education in line with international standards;


(d)     working in collaboration with feminist and LGBT-led and LGBT-serving civil society, including religious groups who work on an inclusive basis, apply principles of inclusion and intersectionality, and challenge essentialist conceptions around sexual and gender identities under both the FoRB and SOGI frameworks;


(e)     dismantle laws and policies that criminalize same-sex intimacy or gender identity and repeal laws criminalizing offenses such as blasphemy;


(f)     create a safe environment in which all persons who manifest their religion or belief, including LGBT and other gender diverse persons, are free from fear of violence and discrimination and are aware of the distinction between protected speech and hate speech;


(g)     refrain from justifying with religious narratives any act of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; prevent and investigate such acts, and ensure the accountability of perpetrators and the provision of effective remedies for damages. In particular, do so by


(i)         enacting preventive legislation and public policy, including educational programs that promote non-discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons, and ensuring that these are developed with the participation of LGBT-led and LGBT-serving organizations,


(ii)        supporting initiatives of dialogue between leaders and other persons of an ample spectrum of faith and opinion, including persons who are LGBT or otherwise gender diverse and persons who are not;


(h)     encourage religious institutions to consider inclusive approaches that facilitate the participation and recognition of LGBT and other gender diverse persons;


(i)      engage with faith-based leaders on avenues in which their religious institutions can use their moral standing to prevent and combat violence and discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons;


(j)      encourage religious institutions to consider the ways in which representatives will be held responsible in cases in which they promote discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons; and


(k)     condemn incitement to violence and discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons, and those who defend their rights, by religious leaders and adherents.


72. The Independent Expert recommends that faith-based leaders, including persons who are LGBT or otherwise gender diverse and persons who are not:


(a)     recognize that sexual orientation and gender identity are diverse around the world and that gender manifests differently in many cultural and social structures and practices, including that many cultures recognize more genders than the male-female binary;


(b)     condemn incitement to violence and discrimination against LGBT and other gender diverse persons and those who defend their rights, including narratives portraying LGBT and other gender diverse persons as seeking to recruit others into particular sexual orientations and gender identities, or having contaminating effects among children or others; and


(c)     examine the historical role of religious institutions in the perpetration of human rights violations; consider their role in the provision of remedies to injured parties and other measures of redress, including non-repetition, by examining institutional norms, practices and frameworks that may have the effect of creating physical or psychological damage on LGBT and other gender diverse persons; and consider the possible institutional involvement in the perpetuation of laws criminalizing same-sex intimacy and gender identity, in practices of conversion, and in seeking to unduly prevent legal recognition of gender identity based on self-identification.

Quite noble in preventing violence against the LGBT community in which we treat everyone with the utmost respect and condemn violence against anyone. But trying to stamp direction and commandments and authority from God word draws the line, I’m sorry but no matter how self righteous you think you are, you cannot go past the divine authority of Gods Word.


i think this may be a big thing at the beginning and during the Great tribulation.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/29/2023 at 3:41 PM, ChrisW said:

Interesting. In changing the Christmas date, they may have distanced themselves from Russia a little. But they're still aligning themselves with Satan's world. Either way, it's not the date of Jesus' birth.

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  • 2 weeks later...



My favorite quotes:


"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said.




Moore went to to say that he did not think it would be possible to "fix" Christianity by "fighting a war for the soul of evangelicalism," urging his concerned brethren to instead fight "small and local" battles like refusing to go along with the current "church culture."


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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Dustparticle said:

I wonder how far this would go? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66790394

You are so right my dear brother 

this is disgusting 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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  • 2 weeks later...

“Years in prison shed no light on why Russia is persecuting Jehovah's Witnesses“



Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Breaking; World Economic Forum is threatening the heads of 20 Nations Governments.


"In short, Klaus Schwab is threatening the 20 heads of government of the most industrialized nations in the world, to carry out the Great Reset"


"This is a Global Coup D'etat. If you do nothing then you will lose everything, including your Freedom." Archbishop Vigano.


The World Economic Forum is an international Mafia. #GlobalistParasites are the enemies of humanity

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10 hours ago, Keep Fighting said:



Breaking; World Economic Forum is threatening the heads of 20 Nations Governments.


"In short, Klaus Schwab is threatening the 20 heads of government of the most industrialized nations in the world, to carry out the Great Reset"


"This is a Global Coup D'etat. If you do nothing then you will lose everything, including your Freedom." Archbishop Vigano.


The World Economic Forum is an international Mafia. #GlobalistParasites are the enemies of humanity

This isn't related to religion... the WEF and the nations can fight, we don't care, they will soon be all destroyed

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6 hours ago, Dages said:

This isn't related to religion... the WEF and the nations can fight, we don't care, they will soon be all destroyed

Im sorry if this isnt related to religion, why is this statment from Archbishop Vigano. (Its sound to me he is afraid loosing money) If I not mistaken one of the reasons why the goverments will ban religion is to «take» their money. (Maybe I misreading the hole topic so excuse me an remove it please)

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Hot topic in Poland:




(article in Polish only)


Short summary: a catholic priest invited a male prostitute and his lover to have a threesome. The lover lost consciousness and the priest didn't let emergency services in. The police had to intervene.




🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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The Archdiocese of Baltimore on Friday filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization days before a new state law goes into effect removing the statute of limitations on child sex abuse claims and allowing victims to sue their abusers decades after the fact.


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  • 4 weeks later...

The West is fomenting religious hatred and intolerance to “divide and conquer” the world, to maintain a “new world order” that amounts to dominance and colonialism, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

These forces want “the epidemic of violence and hatred” to engulf not just the Middle East but to Eurasia, he warned.


source: https://www.globalvillagespace.com/west-using-religious-hatred-to-destabilize-world-putin/



Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Was interesting to hear new Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) address the US House before he took the oath of office as the 56th speaker of the House.

This is a beautiful country. It's the beauty of America that allows a firefighter's kid like me to come here and serve in this sacred chamber where great men and women have served before all of us and strived together to build and preserve what Lincoln did refer to as the last best hope of man on earth.


We stand at a very dangerous time - I'm stating the obvious, we all know that - the world is in turmoil. But a strong America is good for the entire world. We are the beacon of freedom and we must preserve this grand experiment in self-governance. It still is. We're only 247 years into this grand experiment and we don't know how long it will last. But we do know the founders told us to take good care of it.


I want to tell all my colleagues here what I told the Republicans in that room last night. I don't believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that scripture, the Bible is very clear: That God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you. All of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment and this time. This is my belief. That I believe each one of us has a huge responsibility today to use the gifts that God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great country. And they deserve it. And to ensure that our Republic remains standing as the great beacon of light and hope and freedom in a world that desperately needs it.


It was in 1962, in 1962, that our national motto, "In God We Trust," was adorned above this rostrum. And if you look at the little guide that they give tourists and constituents who come and visit the House, if you turn in their to about page 14, in the middle of that guide, it tells you the history of this. It says very simply, "These words were placed here above us, this motto was placed here, as a rebuke of the Cold War-era philosophy of the Soviet Union. That philosophy was Marxism and Communism, which begins with the premise that there is no God."


This is a critical distinction that is also articulated in our nation's birth certificate. We know the language well. The famous second paragraph that we used to have children memorise in school and they don't do that so often anymore but they should.



From 24:25


What is the 'second pargraph' he refers to at the end of the above quote?

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3 hours ago, Parale said:


What is the 'second pargraph' he refers to at the end of the above quote?


The second paragraph of the Constitution?


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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