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JW Broadcast - November 2023

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7 hours ago, Rodejong said:

The monthly broadcast always has -1 behind it, as I wrote above: pub-jwb-099-1 and pub-jwb-103-1




I keep track of it in my spread sheets. So as I stated, The monthly broadcast can use "pub-jwb-099-1", "pub-jwb-103-1" or "pub-jwb-107-1" or a completely other number that hasn't been used yet.

It would not be 103 because it was February 2023 broadcast. I doubt it would be 099. It can be from 107 ....


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6 hours ago, Tortuga said:

Its so tempting to use a code to find the broadcast before anyone else does. However if we practice some godly patience and wait for it to be released on JW.org, it's a great way to train our heart to wait on Jehovah...

Link with code is official as any else. So you can watch the broadcast 6-7 or more hours earlier and the motive for this is not the desire to see before others. 

Also this broadcast will be special(last talk with brother Sanderson) but not earth-shattering.


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6 hours ago, Bosko said:

Link with code is official as any else. So you can watch the broadcast 6-7 or more hours earlier and the motive for this is not the desire to see before others. 


I'm just offering my personal opinion and an illustration.


If we were at a Regional Convention when they released new publications, would we get in line during the song, or even worse during the prayer? Would we enter the area where the literature was stored and open a box during the session? 


We could reason that the new publication is there, ready to be released anyway but I think most of us would not do those things.


Now, apparently the brothers are fully aware that some have used the codes to find videos before the links are made public. Perhaps it is just a matter of logistics, and the brothers don't care, or perhaps it makes them sigh when they see it happening.


I'm just offering my personal opinion, but I think that situations like this are a perfect opportunity to examine our own hearts and fully understand what our motives are. We can ask ourselves some personal questions such as, is my enthusiasm overruling my judgment? Am I looking for prominence by being the first one to see new things? Do I have a "Me first" attitude in my heart? Am I showing Jehovah that I am patient or impatient? Am I passing this test of loyalty? What am I training my heart to do?


Just my personal opinion...


Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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6 hours ago, Bosko said:

It would not be 103 because it was February 2023 broadcast. I doubt it would be 099. It can be from 107 ....


As said, 103-1 is not used, neither is 099-1.

In February, 100-9 was used for the 2nd broadcast of the Annual meeting.

It's unlikely, but they still can use it.


2020-09 pub-jwb- 2020-09 JW Broadcasting—September 2020
2020-10 pub-jwb- 2020-10 JW Broadcasting—October 2020
2020-11 pub-jwb- 2020-11 JW Broadcasting—November 2020
2020-12 pub-jwb- 2020-12 JW Broadcasting—December 2020
2021-01 pub-jwb- 2021-01 JW Broadcasting—January 2021: Annual Meeting 2021, Part 1
2021-02 pub-jwb- 2021-02 JW Broadcasting—Febuary 2021: Annual Meeting 2021, Part 3
2021-03 pub-jwb- 2021-03 JW Broadcasting—March 2021
2021-04 pub-jwb- 2021-04 JW Broadcasting—April 2021
2021-05 pub-jwb- 080-1 JW Broadcasting—May 2021
2021-06 pub-jwb- 081-1 JW Broadcasting—June 2021: 149th Gilead Graduation
2021-07 -   JW Broadcasting—Convention
2021-08 -   JW Broadcasting—Convention
2021-09 pub-jwb- 082-1 JW Broadcasting—September 2021
2021-10 pub-jwb- 083-1 JW Broadcasting—October 2021
2021-11 pub-jwb- 084-1 JW Broadcasting—November 2021
2021-12 pub-jwb- 085-1 JW Broadcasting—December 2021: 150th Gilead Graduation
2022-01 pub-jwb- 086-1 JW Broadcasting—January 2022: Annual Meeting 2021, Part 1
2022-02 pub-jwb- 097-1 JW Broadcasting—Febuary 2022: Annual Meeting 2021, Part 2
2022-03 pub-jwb- 087-1 JW Broadcasting—March 2022
2022-04 pub-jwb- 088-1 JW Broadcasting—April 2022
2022-05 pub-jwb- 089-1 JW Broadcasting—May 2022
2022-06 pub-jwb- 091-1 JW Broadcasting—June 2022: 151st Gilead Graduation
2022-07 -   JW Broadcasting—Convention
2022-08 -   JW Broadcasting—Convention
2022-09 pub-jwb- 090-1 JW Broadcasting—September 2022
2022-10 pub-jwb- 093-1 JW Broadcasting—October 2022
2022-11 pub-jwb- 094-1 JW Broadcasting—November 2022
2022-12 pub-jwb- 098-1 JW Broadcasting—December 2022: 152nd Gilead Graduation
2023-01 pub-jwb- 100-1 JW Broadcasting—January 2023: Annual Meeting 2022, Part 1
2023-02 pub-jwb- 100-9 JW Broadcasting—Febuary 2023: Annual Meeting 2022, Part 2
2023-03 pub-jwb- 092-1 JW Broadcasting—March 2023
2023-04 pub-jwb- 095-1 JW Broadcasting—April 2023
2023-05 pub-jwb- 096-1 JW Broadcasting—May 2023
2023-06 pub-jwb- 104-1 JW Broadcasting—June 2023: 153rd Gilead Graduation
2023-07 pub-jwb- 105-1 JW Broadcasting—July 2023
2023-08 pub-jwb- 101-1 JW Broadcasting—August 2023
2023-09 pub-jwb- 102-1 JW Broadcasting—September 2023
2023-10 pub-jwb- 106-1 JW Broadcasting—October 2023




jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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8 hours ago, Bosko said:

Link with code is official as any else. So you can watch the broadcast 6-7 or more hours earlier and the motive for this is not the desire to see before others. 

Also this broadcast will be special(last talk with brother Sanderson) but not earth-shattering.


Dead wrong, link with official code is not there for us to go ahead and watch it before is officially available in normal manner. Nothing “official” comes from behind the scenes. The only official source and availability is on jw.org etc, when is visible and posted to all. Hold your horses brother …I simply do not understand why some choose back door to get the information first. It’s Sunday Down Under, soon enough we are going to have official post. Patience …. Please. It’s a beautiful quality. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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2 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I'm just offering my personal opinion and an illustration.


If we were at a Regional Convention when they released new publications, would we get in line during the song, or even worse during the prayer? Would we enter the area where the literature was stored and open a box during the session? 


We could reason that the new publication is there, ready to be released anyway but I think most of us would not do those things.


Now, apparently the brothers are fully aware that some have used the codes to find videos before the links are made public. Perhaps it is just a matter of logistics, and the brothers don't care, or perhaps it makes them sigh when they see it happening.


I'm just offering my personal opinion, but I think that situations like this are a perfect opportunity to examine our own hearts and fully understand what our motives are. We can ask ourselves some personal questions such as, is my enthusiasm overruling my judgment? Am I looking for prominence by being the first one to see new things? Do I have a "Me first" attitude in my heart? Am I showing Jehovah that I am patient or impatient? Am I passing this test of loyalty? What am I training my heart to do?


Just my personal opinion...


You are so right, Brother Turtle, to call for fidelity and obedience to instructions! Personally I am very sensitive to these recommendations. Thank you ! It reminds me of all the times Jesus miraculously healed someone while recommending discretion and, as soon as he turned his back, the whole planet knew about it. As I read the story again and again I often said to myself: 'They're exaggerating, after all! It wasn't so difficult to obey. Uuuhhh... how to say? Now I think I've changed my mind. I admit, I believe that if I had been in their place, I too would have acted like a whirling dervish, I would have gone to see everyone to tell, not out of bragging, Brother Richard, or out of looking for a scoop, but just out of fever and passion for what is happening before our frightened eyes in relation to the end which will deliver us. Understanding that we all suffer so, so much... these teachings are like oxygen at times when we have been underwater for 24 hours. How to postpone their consumption? This oxygen which resuscitates us, we can't wait to have access to it. I plead guilty to weakness... Fortunately I don't have the codes and I understand absolutely nothing of what is said. As for you, Richard, this is just a personal opinion. Thank you for watching and reframing, dear Brother, we really need it.

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10 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

Dead wrong, link with official code is not there for us to go ahead and watch it before is officially available in normal manner. Nothing “official” comes from behind the scenes. The only official source and availability is on jw.org etc, when is visible and posted to all. Hold your horses brother …I simply do not understand why some choose back door to get the information first. It’s Sunday Down Under, soon enough we are going to have official post. Patience …. Please. It’s a beautiful quality. 

You have your opinion a have mine. In this link with a code there is "jw.org", so for me is official.

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4 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

Dead wrong, link with official code is not there for us to go ahead and watch it before is officially available in normal manner. Nothing “official” comes from behind the scenes. The only official source and availability is on jw.org etc, when is visible and posted to all. Hold your horses brother …I simply do not understand why some choose back door to get the information first. It’s Sunday Down Under, soon enough we are going to have official post. Patience …. Please. It’s a beautiful quality. 

I wouldn't say dead wrong... if it's a jw.org link I'd say it's oficial. That's my opinion, thats a conscience matter for me to use it or not. If the brothers didn't want us to watch they would have done it differently in many ways. They also can track how many downloads and views happen before it's available from the site. Nothing was made or announced against it. I take it there is nothing wrong happening here, just don't use it if you don't want to and leave be the ones who watch it as soon as it is available from an oficial source (jw.org link)


This is different from waiting for the end of a convention to go get the publications because an announcement is made to go to the line after the convention is over. There is no similarity to such announcement here


In fact there was an announcement with this specific words:



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2 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I'm just offering my personal opinion and an illustration.


If we were at a Regional Convention when they released new publications, would we get in line during the song, or even worse during the prayer? Would we enter the area where the literature was stored and open a box during the session? 


We could reason that the new publication is there, ready to be released anyway but I think most of us would not do those things.


Now, apparently the brothers are fully aware that some have used the codes to find videos before the links are made public. Perhaps it is just a matter of logistics, and the brothers don't care, or perhaps it makes them sigh when they see it happening.


I'm just offering my personal opinion, but I think that situations like this are a perfect opportunity to examine our own hearts and fully understand what our motives are. We can ask ourselves some personal questions such as, is my enthusiasm overruling my judgment? Am I looking for prominence by being the first one to see new things? Do I have a "Me first" attitude in my heart? Am I showing Jehovah that I am patient or impatient? Am I passing this test of loyalty? What am I training my heart to do?


Just my personal opinion...


I respect your opinion. 

But for example what would you do if you get invitation for Annual Meeting or to watch stream. Would you say I don't want to go because I don't want to get information before other brothers.

No, you would not do that. You would go.

The same thing is with our conventions. Some brothers have conventions in May some in October. 

So I don't see any problem that some brothers watch broadcasting before others. 

If some want to watch when it is released in jw.org it is their choice.

Edited by Bosko
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While we are discussing (arguing ) about who gets to see what and when, everybody does remember that this broadcast is a repeat of the original shown to 111,500 of our brothers almost 4 weeks ago.


Those who saw it before are getting a repeat of a month old program that was broadcast already.  Those that did not get to see it before does not make it "new".  It is still a month-old broadcast.

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1 hour ago, Bosko said:

You have your opinion a have mine. In this link with a code there is "jw.org", so for me is official.


When there was the convention releases, The brothers stood ready to hand out the publications. We were not allowed to take some for ourselves before we headed out to hand them out, so we were always last.


It has to do with being obedient, and patient. Jehovah is not a God of disorder.


When the brothers announce that it is online, first then we should watch it. It will be the same for everyone.


It's not "our opinion" but what the brothers ASK from us.



jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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5 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I'm just offering my personal opinion, but I think that situations like this are a perfect opportunity to examine our own hearts and fully understand what our motives are.


I am staying outside of the discussion. Just wish to remind everyone that JWTalk rules do not allow posting of mined links to any material on JW.org. Posting such links may get you banned from our community:


3) No Misusing JW.org and its Services: The Terms of Use at JW.org makes the statement, "You may not: Misuse the website or its services, such as... accessing the website or its services using a method other than what is explicitly provided." Therefore, do not mine JW.org or it's affiliated services hunting for artwork, literature, or media that hasn't been officially released to the public yet. Spiritual food "is explicitly provided" at the proper time by the Faithful and Discreet Slave (Matthew 24:45) and not by individuals racing to be the ones to present it in place of them (Psalm 11:2).



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5 minutes ago, carlos said:


I am staying outside of the discussion. Just wish to remind everyone that JWTalk rules do not allow posting of mined links to any material on JW.org. Posting such links may get you banned from our community:


3) No Misusing JW.org and its Services: The Terms of Use at JW.org makes the statement, "You may not: Misuse the website or its services, such as... accessing the website or its services using a method other than what is explicitly provided." Therefore, do not mine JW.org or it's affiliated services hunting for artwork, literature, or media that hasn't been officially released to the public yet. Spiritual food "is explicitly provided" at the proper time by the Faithful and Discreet Slave (Matthew 24:45) and not by individuals racing to be the ones to present it in place of them (Psalm 11:2).



Yet the forum is filled with whole articles, images, etc. 😕 I agree with the rules, but obviously it's not really strictly policed.

jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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No need to go back and forth and whether is should or should not be done. It can be and that's that.


The moderators have chosen the line for this site is here. We do not allow mined posts or pictures, but if ones go about mining that is their personal conscience.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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55 minutes ago, trottigy said:

No need to go back and forth and whether is should or should not be done. It can be and that's that.


The moderators have chosen the line for this site is here. We do not allow mined posts or pictures, but if ones go about mining that is their personal conscience.

As English is not my first language... I need clarification.


The rules do not allow posting of mined links to any material on JW.org

I tried to translate it, but makes no sense in my languages.


De regels staan het plaatsen van gemined links naar materiaal op JW.org niet toe.
Reglerne tillader ikke udstationering af minede links til noget materiale på JW.org


What does it exactly mean? Posting the link to an article? Posting a text from an article? 
What does "mining" in this sentence exactly mean?

A link in itself is not copyrighted, so I do not understand this 😕

Edited by trottigy

jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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4 hours ago, Bosko said:

You have your opinion a have mine. In this link with a code there is "jw.org", so for me is official.

Clarification of me using word "official" 

The link itself no doubt is genuine and official. (we know that)

But are we authorized to open it before official release date? Does Jehovah want us to avail ourselves to the "back door" or wait patiently for a proper date? 


I like below comments from the Watchtower: ☺️


The Bible contrasts modesty with presumptuousness. (Read Proverbs 11:2.) Wisely, David asked Jehovah to “hold [him] back from presumptuous acts.” (Ps. 19:13) What are “presumptuous acts”? By definition, when someone rashly or impertinently does something that he is not authorized to do, he is acting presumptuously. Because of inherited sin, we all act presumptuously at times. But as King Saul’s example illustrates, if we develop a pattern of pushing ahead, sooner or later we will find ourselves in serious trouble with God. Psalm 119:21 says of Jehovah: “You rebuke the presumptuous.” Why is that?
5 Presumptuous acts are more serious than innocent mistakes. First, when we act immodestly, we fail to honor Jehovah as our rightful Sovereign. Second, if we act beyond the scope of our authority, we are likely to get into conflict with others. (Prov. 13:10) And third, when it becomes clear that we have acted presumptuously, we may be embarrassed or even humiliated. (Luke 14:8, 9) Presumptuous acts do not turn out well. As the Scriptures show, modesty is always the right course. W 17

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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4 hours ago, Bosko said:

I respect your opinion. 

But for example what would you do if you get invitation for Annual Meeting or to watch stream. Would you say I don't want to go because I don't want to get information before other brothers.

No, you would not do that. You would go.

The same thing is with our conventions. Some brothers have conventions in May some in October. 

So I don't see any problem that some brothers watch broadcasting before others. 

If some want to watch when it is released in jw.org it is their choice.

Regarding AM because they have authorization for it, they are invited. It's completely different scenario. ☺️

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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24 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

But are we authorized to open it before official release date? Does Jehovah want us to avail ourselves to the "back door" or wait patiently for a proper date? 


For me this link is not "back door" and as you said it is official link. And also there is no strict instructions that we can not use this kind od links.

So, it's a matter of conscience. 

I respect yours, and if you want to wait until it's released on the jw.org I have no problem with that.

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50 minutes ago, Rodejong said:

As English is not my first language... I need clarification.


The rules do not allow posting of mined links to any material on JW.org

I tried to translate it, but makes no sense in my languages.


De regels staan het plaatsen van gemined links naar materiaal op JW.org niet toe.
Reglerne tillader ikke udstationering af minede links til noget materiale på JW.org


What does it exactly mean? Posting the link to an article? Posting a text from an article? 
What does "mining" in this sentence exactly mean?

A link in itself is not copyrighted, so I do not understand this 😕


Some want to post pictures, screen shots or even information that can only be found using the "mining" method described above - in other words - using the known file naming convention of the branch to find new articles, videos, pictures ,etc.


This site does not allow ones to post pictures or discuss the information found using that "mining" method. Once there is a link to the broadcast, video, article, picture, etc then we allow discussion and posting of links to those things.


We understand that ones enjoy being first to see or read those things, but the moderators here felt it is only appropriate to discuss them on this site once they become easily available for everyone via the normal web pages or app.


This is not the same thing as a "spoiler" thread. For example, some will attend their convention early and want to talk with others who have. We allow that knowing others have not had their conventions yet, BUT we ask that a "spoiler" note be put on the topic to let ones know ... This is info clearly made publicly available to some, but not everyone ... Enter knowing that ahead of time.


We try to be balanced and understand different ones have different conscience levels, but we have an obligation to find a balance for our site.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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2 minutes ago, trottigy said:


Some want to post pictures, screen shots or even information that can only be found using the "mining" method described above - in other words - using the known file naming convention of the branch to find new articles, videos, pictures ,etc.


This site does not allow ones to post pictures or discuss the information found using that "mining" method. Once there is a link to the broadcast, video, article, picture, etc then we allow discussion and posting of links to those things.


We understand that ones enjoy being first to see or read those things, but the moderators here felt it is only appropriate to discuss them once they become easily available for everyone.


This is not the same thing as a "spoiler" thread. For example, some fo to their convention early and want to talk with others who have. We allow that know ing others have not had their conventions yet, BUT we ask that a "spoiler" note be put on the topic to let ones know ... This is info clearly made publicly available to some, but not everyone ... Enter knowing that ahead of time.


So mining is searching on links, not announced yet, to access the content and talk about it here. Correct?

jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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1 minute ago, Rodejong said:


So mining is searching on links, not announced yet, to access the content and talk about it here. Correct?


Yes. "Not announced yet" or not yet hyperlinked at the usual places.


For example, new magazines will be posted in the magazine section and broadcasts in theirs, etc.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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