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    Welcome to JWTalk! JWTalk.Net is the only online community for real, actual Jehovah's Witnesses - those who are active, loyal, publishers of God's Kingdom - where you can speak with brothers and sisters from all around the world on a wide variety of topics. 

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  2. Although not seemingly related - this scale and the threshold under an outside door do have something in common. Modern door thresholds often have a sealing strip, often made of rubber, that fits into two grooves in the wood or metal to seal the airgap when the door is closed. Prior to a built-in strip, door thresholds usually had a raised portion that the door rested against, and the sealing strip was either non-existent or was fastened to the threshold after installation as an add-on piece. While there's not much information about who invented the door threshold with the rubber strip but, here's an interesting tidbit - a man who installed doors thought there had to be a better, easier way to seal a threshold for wooden doors and thresholds. He came up with the idea of cutting two parallel grooves along the threshold and inserting a curved piece of rubber in those grooves. That way, the threshold could be completely underneath the door and still seal the airgap. The idea worked and he later sold the idea and patten to a manufacturer. He became a millionaire and the door threshold with a built-in rubber strip is still used today. Now, what connection does that have with the scale in this thread ... and how do I know this elusive history? I know the story because than man was our Brother! He lived in Orlando and one of his nephews was in a local congregation to me. I heard the story from the inverter himself - and since he was a JW serving in the congregation, I never doubted it. Sadly, both of those fine brothers are waiting for the New System by means of the resurrection. Their last name was Richter.
  3. Hi, I am Vinayak Savle from India Pune location. I am Regular Pioneer and BRV. I am searching hourly base remote work as Technical Support roll, I having 12 yrs of experience in that field, pls find resume, could you please or any one in your reference to get this kind of work. I have customer support experience. Can you please assist me where I can put this message on JW Talk or any one in your contact so that I can approach them. Thanks & Regards Vinayak Savle
  4. Maybe: "My Teen Life", or Imitate Their Faith (About Jacob and Esau). But I don't know for sure.
  5. Today
  6. I agree that US would be on Ukrainian soil. I guess that could help. Maybe. I don’t agree that Trump is 10 steps ahead of everyone. He is too reactive. Half the time he’s saying stuff off the cuff. “Zelenskyy is a dictator. Oh did I say that?” I bet he claims he’s a dictator again soon. In order to be ahead of everyone , you have to know where you are first and he tends to jump all over the place depending on his mood.
  7. This reminds me of the mobsters of New York, among other places. They would offer a small business owner "protection". Business owner would ask "Protection from who?" Mobster would tell him "From people like me. We will make sure nobody bothers you, not even us" Trump is saying Putin needs to watch himself because USA is doing business over there.
  8. So, I should dismiss yesterday's talk then? I think the two go hand in hand, knowing the stream of time and working on ourselves. That being said, even if it is years off we should be working on our personalities all the time. I re-iterate, it was a very good talk with the appropriate amount of urgency.
  9. This screen shot just tells you about the hardware of the surface pro and the windows operating system, but it doesn't tell you anything about the error that caused it. To do this you need to go into Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Event Viewer. There you find the Windows logs and look what error entries in the application part of the logs.. My first step would be, uninstall NW Scheduler (NWS), delete the directory entry where it was installed. Then shut down, NOT restart, then power it back on and do a fresh install of NWS.
  10. Interesting article about what happened in the White House. The writer suggests that it was a set-up and Trump is a master chess player of politics. Interestingly he says that if Ukraine does sign the mineral deal, it puts the USA on Ukraine soil and any aggression by Russia would affect the USA. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-appears-to-confirm-real-reason-behind-set-up-zelensky-takedown-with-jd-vance/ar-AA1A6ACz?ocid=socialshare&cvid=c4ff19a5f20d41268e297d7c723225e1&ei=18
  11. Yesterday
  12. Today, GB is more interested on how we can cultivate and refine our Christian qualities that I believe are so essential to our survival.
  13. I’ve read two or three times that POTUS really wants to win the Nobel Peace Prize. (it would partly explain why he went charging in with his Gaza plan.) Would he cooperate with a peace plan that wasn't his idea, and that he wasn't the centre of? Or would he be even more inclined to withdraw the USA from NATO, out of spite? Would this embolden the K-of-TN? There really are so many variables.
  14. We must support our current understanding in public stage. For sure, some also keep interpretation in private and we are happy if these become reliality and become our understanding.
  15. European leaders pledged to support Ukraine The British prime minister, Keir Starmer, declared yesterday that “we are at a crossroads in history,” and announced that European countries would assemble a “coalition of the willing” to defend Ukraine against Russia. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2025/03/02/us/trump-news-zelensky-europe/here-is-the-latest?campaign_id=7&emc=edit_mbae_20250302&instance_id=148894&nl=morning-briefing:-asia-pacific-edition&regi_id=198212669&segment_id=192360&smid=url-share&user_id=8e0b5d850b7be4d067ea24d7403f7e52 Most of us may surprise if events will go like this... But some of us are strengthened and encouraged because now we are watching how the Scriptures unfold the perplexing words.
  16. I love this sentence...it shows that, to Satan...any success is a win in his book...but especially if he could somehow lure Jehovah into acting before his appointed time. The idea that he would torture and test Jehovah's people to that degree could be very frightening if we didn't have the hope Jehovah has given us...but I was also thinking...Satan doesn't even care about those who already serve him... so if he could somehow make things bad enough where he could "draw" Jehovah into acting before the appointed time...it would be a real "win" for him...even if Jehovah destroyed him...(he would somehow feel as if it were "worth it)? We know that wouldn't happen, of course. I don't know...it was just a couple of thoughts I had based on that single sentence.
  17. ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 It's good to speak these things. It consolidates everything we are all feeling.
  18. I have been watching world events even though I don't understand all of the politics behind them, especially in the past few days. My heart skips a beat every time something happens...so now I am trying to take a break since yesterday. Our Watchtower study reader broke down in tears today while reading one of the paragraphs...he had to stop and restart several times...and I could just feel the sympathy from the rest of our little congregation. Finally, he sat down after finishing the paragraph and had to compose himself. Our Watchtower study conductor took several more answers than normal for that paragraph...and afterwards everyone was hugging him and a few other people in our hall, (we just lost a 92 year old very faithful brother who sat time in prison for his faith...and another brother lost his wife to Alzheimer's last week as well). Our reader told me that the words of that paragraph just hit him very deeply all of a sudden...and he just felt the weariness of this system and everything him and his family have been through over the past few years really hit home all of a sudden. He said he is beyond ready for this system to end...and the recent events in the news have moved his "hope meter" over a few inches! I completely understood his point...and it felt very good knowing we are all just feeling the same way!
  19. We had a talk just yesterday at our Sunday meeting talking about the celestial phenomena. It was brilliant, i got the feeling that Jehovah was really trying to let us know the stream if time we are in.
  20. I’ve often wondered if the GB will openly say this is it on the website or will it trickle around the world via a letter There is so much ahead of us shortly, everything from heavenly phenomena to the hailstone message and all at a time that Jehovah set a very long time ago
  21. IF Jehovah moves ... that's what I'm finding exciting ... to see if he's about to. So will he do it in one day or less, or will he move them gradually like chess pieces then act swiftly. Thinking of Hezekiah and the Assyrians. If I stop and think that how everything in history has been moving to this point, I get the chills.
  22. Monday, March 3 Jehovah is near to all those calling on him, to all who call on him in truth.—Ps. 145:18. We may need to change what we pray for as we discern Jehovah’s will more clearly. We must remember that Jehovah has a purpose, and he will fulfill it according to his established timetable. That purpose includes completely and permanently eliminating all problems that cause so much suffering today—problems such as natural disasters, sickness, and death. Jehovah will accomplish his purpose by means of his Kingdom. (Dan. 2:44; Rev. 21:3, 4) However, until that time, Jehovah is permitting Satan to rule the world. (John 12:31; Rev. 12:9) If Jehovah were to solve mankind’s problems now, it could appear as if Satan’s rulership were having a measure of success. So while we must wait for Jehovah to fulfill certain promises, this does not mean that he leaves us without help. Jehovah will come to our aid. w23.05 8 ¶4; 9-10 ¶7-8
  23. And what happened to the “art of the deal?” Instead of the deal we only have more division and instability. More reasons indeed to empower UN.
  24. If you ever get a chance to see Junior Brown in concert, you won't be disappointed. Some of his songs are real funny, others are just fun to see him play his "guit-steel" double neck guitar, a hybrid of electric guitar and lap steel guitar. Here he is playing "Surfing Medley" a non-vocal but fun guitar riff filled song!
  25. But at this stage this is our current understanding and we show humility by recognizing this. What if GT starts today and further clarifications do not come? But instead we have message from the GB ..this is it! So it's very important to support our current understanding and any directions we have.
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    • gusdn1

      So, during my internal build test for the new AI replacement. this is one of the answers I received. 🥰

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    • Nanette  »  WilliamChew

      Dear brother Chew, I very much appreciate all the transcripts you prepare and make available for us. 
      They are so helpful when watching talks etc and to refer to afterwards.
      I am a 84 year old sister in the UK
      i am trying to fill in all the transcriots I have for Morning Worship talks and only have a few “gaps” now. 
      Please have you an up to date zip file of the MW talks? I have the one in Mega that goes to number 268 which has been a great help but would like to check more recent ones.
      Also that one does not seem to have the first ones after number 1. Unless I ve missed them.
      thankyou very much for your hard work.
      I hope ministry and meetings are free to share in/ attend for brothers and sisters there. 
      my best wishes Nanette Marchant 
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    • bobby

      been playing around with AI stuff maybe Later I will post some of the stuff I made I made a video and a book so far
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    • Ostria

      IDK yall I feel like I'm in a constant tug o war battle between Satan and Jehovah (I mean, Jehovah aint gonna force me to listen/do what I need to do, but you get what I'm saying). It's the constant tugging of staying in the world vs drawing closer to Jehovah by getting more and more spiritually fed. It's like, "Do you want to float around the JW app and read/watch something good, or do you just want to start a dumpster fire somewhere on social media because that's been your habit for over 20 years." Maybe that'll be a goal for the year.

      Wanna know something funny? I actually put a timer on my phone to limit how much time i can be on social media a day, but the timer never hits 0, even when it says i have 10 minutes left, it'll randomly restart, or if i say "Add 10 minutes" if i'm in the middle of doing something, that 10 minutes and more is given to me....maybe i need a new phone. Maybe i should get a dumb phone lol...oh, then i cant play Monopoly Go or Coin Master lol (Not the best addictions but at least its not social media)
      thank you for reading my random chittering of the week
      · 9 replies
    • Dages

      I attended a ceremony for a sister who passed away recently. Cancer.
      In November last year, she was still pioneering 99 hours... She was really something. Strong faith.
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    • BLEmom

      Does anyone know of a safe discussion board or group for Need greaters?  One with friends from different places who share how things are going in their area and maybe tips on making it happen for their specific locations?  If so, please share. 😊
      · 4 replies
    • Canyon_1985

      UPDATE: I will now post the weather. ( Sorry our dear brothers and Sisters in different countries US only 😢) it's called, SGM JW weather,: Service, gatherings. Meetings, Jehovah Witnesses weather.
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    • Cool.As.Ice

      I’m hungry. What should I eat?
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    • lieles

      I'm new here!! greeting from Cameroon and you ?
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    • Cool.As.Ice  »  PJDriver

      Brother, I have always enjoyed your passion for the truth, and your spiritual insight. You are a brother with strong, firm convictions, and you have no doubt touched countless people’s lives.
      You will be missed, brother!
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