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warning to parents who don't vaccinate

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Deadly diseases, once nearly wiped out, are making a frightening comeback in Maryland and across the country. Now — a warning that parents who don’t vaccinate their children are putting others at risk.


Linh Bui explores an alarming and controversial trend.



Measles, mumps, whooping cough — all deadly diseases. Until recently — virtually eliminated thanks to vaccines that prevent kids from getting sick.



But now doctors see an alarming trend — more and more people are coming down with these diseases.


“Kids die from measles on a regular basis. Kids are in hospitals and can die from whooping cough very commonly. So these kids are at risk,” said Dr. Scott Krugman, Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center.


Too young for the recommended vaccine, Roarik was defenseless. He’s living proof one contagious person can start an outbreak.



“If your ten-year-old has it and you’re in Walmart near my three-week-old baby, you could essentially kill my three-week-old baby because you didn’t want to vaccinate your child,” said Johnson.



So, if these diseases can be prevented by a vaccine, why is a growing number of parents not getting their children the shots? Some fear the vaccines can do more harm than good.



“These vaccines and all of these doses also can be deadly,” an Annapolis mom said.



After researching vaccines and talking with doctors, an Annapolis mom decided not to vaccinate her young children. She asked WJZ to hide her identity because other parents are angry her kids could put their kids in danger.



Bui: “What happened that led you to make this decision not to vaccinate your kids?”

Annapolis mom: “It just didn’t’ make sense to me. I didn’t understand why a little human had to get so many drugs at one time.”



She believes her family’s healthy lifestyle will keep her children from getting sick. But most doctors insist that’s not enough.



“It doesn’t matter what vitamins they’re on, how healthy they are, how natural everything is, everything organic. It’s irrelevant. Your child is going to get sick,” said Dr. Krugman.

“You don’t ever want to go through that. You don’t ever want to be in an ICU now knowing if your child is going to live, especially over a disease that’s supposed to be preventable,” Johnson said.

In Maryland, children must be immunized to attend school, but can be exempt for medical or religious reasons.



Here in Maryland, cases of whooping cough are skyrocketing — tripling from 123 cases in 2011 to nearly 370 last year. Outbreaks of measles and mumps have swept through states across the country


Just how serious a problem is it when a child gets sick? Summer Robinson experienced it firsthand. Her son, Roarik, was just three-weeks-old when whooping cough put him in intensive care for five days and nearly killed him.


Bui: “When you went to the hospital and he was diagnosed with whooping cough, what went through your mind?”


Robinson: “You worry about, are they going to start breathing again? If they do start breathing, how long have they not been breathing? What are the side effects of that going to be? It’s just so scary.”

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Please Please Please look up vaccine ingredients before you make a decision about vaccinating. Even it thats the only thing you research. Remember that the media does not always tell the truth about such issues. Always look at where information on a web site is coming from. Many times the same people who endorse or write the papers or do the research are being paid by the pharmaceutical companies which make billions off of the vaccines. I do not want to start an arguement here or a debate. Just please do your research. Look at both sides. Look at statistics. Look at timelines of disease. Look at mortality rates of other countries and of the united states. Look at the rate and amount of vaccinations and the age at which children are being vaccinated. Look at timelines of cancer increases and other disease (in children) compared to the increase in vaccination per countries.  If nothing else.. look at the ingredients. Thank you.

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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Yep, him too :yes: rabies and kennel cough. I have to take good care of my baby.

Silly to risk him when a cure is so easy.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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OK. This thread will be FOR or AGAINST vaccinations!


Please, brothers and sisters, do not let this become a heated debate because all of us have opinions one way or the other. You may state your opinion as your own. But anyone foisting them on others will be not be following Forum guidelines. Let us all be reasonable and just agree to disagree if it comes down to it. Thanks!!!   :thumbsup:



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Before the Whooping cough vaccine come out we almost lost our oldest son when he was 2 yrs old to that dreaded disease. Our youngest child got every vaccine available and all the boosters and he is a strapping 6'2" lad that hardly even gets a cold now. The sky did not fall as few other's tried to tell us. To every good thing there is always a few risks but for me the risk is worth it. Someone else might think differently and that's O.K.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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  On 11/8/2013 at 10:05 PM, lynn said:

Before the Whooping cough vaccine come out we almost lost our oldest son when he was 2 yrs old to that dreaded disease. Our youngest child got every vaccine available and all the boosters and he is a strapping 6'2" lad that hardly even gets a cold now. The sky did not fall as few other's tried to tell us. To every good thing there is always a few risks but for me the risk is worth it. Someone else might think differently and that's O.K.

My kids got one vaccine that turned out to be worthless, they had to be redone. I checked out sourse of vaccines beforehand - and still it doesn't mean they always work - or don't cause harm. You have to understand the principle behind vaccines. Research time. :detective:

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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When my daughter, her husband and my grandson came here to think about staying in this area, my grandson was 4yrs old and had not had his vaccines. I got my daughter hooked up with the clinic and all the free children stuff in this state. I do think they should limit how many shots at once but much of that was my grandson's parent's fault. I believe it was something like 6 shots he had to have. I felt so bad for him because I was the one who instrumented him to get them. They are now back in Calif. and my grandson is 8 now but he does suffer from asthma but that is on both sides of the family so can't attribute them to the shots. I know many feel that the shots attribute to the alarming rate of autism in the US but last I read it still wasn't proven. I know there have been a small percentage out of the many kids who get vaccinated that do get sick and/or die from the vaccine but I think if your child is sickly at the time of the vaccine then reschedule. If there was another better resource to eliminate these diseases then yes go that direction but so far I haven't found a better way. The facts are out there that more kids die from the diseases than kids who die from the vaccine, so you really have to weigh the consquences. 

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K - just to be different this time. I only wanted people to take note that even people that once had vaccines for these things are no longer working - as with bacteria, things change. It's a point that can be used at the door when people say science is the answer for eternal life. It's not, of course we all know this but it's not an article about Pharmageddon, it's just something to remember when talking to those at that door that have faith in man or the beast in knowing the way out of the troubles we have today.

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  On 11/12/2013 at 8:27 PM, CyreJay said:

  I am afraid of getting the Flu shot! 

A lot of the flu shots treat Last Year's flu. Then there are those of us with compromised immune systems that get worse-even a full relapse - if we get a flu shot.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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With all these threads/opinions about vaccinations I do not want to try and decide for anyone else what they should do.


I have read on here about some who have done fine while others have either had problems or known someone who has.


I will only say this:


I had the smallpox vaccination back when they still did that - long before they declared smallpox eradicated. I had no ill effects and never got smallpox.

I also had whatever vaccinations were "normal" at the time.


My wife is a few years younger than I and had whatever vaccinations were "normal" at that time.


We have four daughters, youngest is now 23. and all our girls had all the "normal" vaccinations that were given at those times.


None of us have ever had an adverse reaction to any of the shots. We never had any problems with autism, blindness, hearing, walking with a limp or any other side effects.


None of us have ever had the illnesses that the vaccines were intended to prevent.


As far as chickenpox, They were not giving that vaccine when any of us had ours. Some of my kids got the chickenpox and came through it OK - i guess they could be in line for shingles if this system lasts that long ... who knows.


As for me, I have never had chickenpox. Neither has my brother or our mother and one of my daughters also appears to be immune to them.


There is more I could say, but I will just stop here.

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Oh my. I worked for a clinic, gave those dreaded immunizations. Four was the limit, and two of us giving the shot at the same time cut down on the 1,2,3,4 routine.

They can be controversial. But I think if my child had Measles, was in a waiting room with a pregnant mom, and she got them, and the child she was carrying ended up compromised, how awful I would feel. Yes, we tried to keep the communicable illness from others, but one does not always know the problem when they bring little ones to the clinic.

In third world countries, these immunizations are something that, well, saves lives. One of our doctors would volunteer to work in Malawi, every year, and he would oversee 200 kids getting those shots in one day.

A young sister in our congregation has a little one with autism. She has not, and will not give her kids immunizations.

So, who knows?

I am one of those who still remembers when the Salk vaccine came out, sugar squares and all. But it sure cut down on cases of polio.

Again, who knows? This I do know. We are in the deep part of the end, and pestilence is a part of it.

Nothing is perfect. I got my pneumonia shot, still got pneumonia, but I do believe it would have been much worse had I not been given the shot. I will get my flu vaccine. May still get flu, but, hopefully, it will not kill me.

We need balance. All of us have different responses to anything. I know about the program that Vaccines For Children has to compensate those adversely affected. But I also know how Small Pox can, and has decimated populations.

So, we do the best we can with the information we have, and concentrate on our major assignment. Getting people into that ark before it all comes crashing down. Then we will have the best protection ever conceived- Jehovah's promises of perfect health!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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With the MMR jab I would just have to be careful to make sure it doesn't have albumin obtained from blood. I would have to go with the one containing gelatin instead, if they still do that.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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I read something once about the vaccines not being a problem if the child's immune system had developed to a specific degree and there was a test to determine that (but wasn't typically done).  


Might be something to research if trying to decide what to do.

"Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12

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A lot of the flu shots treat Last Year's flu. Then there are those of us with compromised immune systems that get worse-even a full relapse - if we get a flu shot. ( Br. Posted)

You are absolutely correct I have Multiple Sclerosis and have been advised my my neurologist NOT to have the shots as they can trigger an attack. So I try to eat a balanced healthy diet ( good food is medicine) take care of myself and get proper rest . I have had wonderful success using a Homeopathic approach and Acupuncture. Rarely get a flu or sick ....... :)

The only shot I had was when I was six months old back in the day.... Unknown to the health nurse I was already coming down with the measles, they almost lost me, it was touch and go ..... My mother refused to ever give us shots again. I guess you might say that pretty much has influenced my decisions on this subject through out my life .

It's a very personal choice ...... The debate will rage on right up to the New System in the mean time we can ask Jehovah for wisdom and direction in getting the best possible treatment and care for our own health so we can carry on with the wonderful privilege of preaching the " Good News " .

I may have MS but MS does not have me !

Edited by Miss Mouse
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Posted 12 November 2013 - 04:56 PM

CyreJay, on 12 Nov 2013 - 3:27 PM, said:snapback.png

  On 11/12/2013 at 8:27 PM, CyreJay said:

  I am afraid of getting the Flu shot! 

A lot of the flu shots treat Last Year's flu. Then there are those of us with compromised immune systems that get worse-even a full relapse - if we get a flu shot.


Yikes!!!  Now  I am really afraid...sigh

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"Vaccinated populations contract some of the highest rates of disease and more evidence on whooping cough is coming forward to support this claim. Whooping cough, or pertussis, is spreading across the entire US at rates at least twice as high as those recorded in 2011 and epidemiologists and health officials are even admitting that the vaccines may be the cause."    http://preventdisease.com/news/12/113012_Vaccinated-Kids-Account-For-90-Percent-of-Cases-of-Whooping-Cough.shtml


"Dangerous new strains of whooping cough bacteria are now evading Australia's vaccine against the disease and entrenching a four-year epidemic that could soon spread overseas, Sydney scientists have found in research that raises questions about the national vaccine program.

The dangerous new strains of whooping cough bacteria were reported in March 2012. The vaccine, researchers said, was responsible. The reason for this is because, while whooping cough is primarily attributed toBordetella pertussis infection, it is also caused by another closely related pathogen called B. parapertussis, which the vaccine does NOT protect against. Two years earlier, scientists at Penn State had already reported that the pertussis vaccine significantly enhanced the colonization of B. parapertussis, thereby promoting vaccine-resistant whooping cough outbreaks."   http://preventdisease.com/news/13/111413_What-Is-Deadliest-Of-All-Vaccines-According-To-Data.shtml?utm_source=Copy+of+111313&utm_campaign=111413&utm_medium=email


Interesting articles...

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  On 11/14/2013 at 9:25 PM, Lin ASL Ebron said:

"Vaccinated populations contract some of the highest rates of disease and more evidence on whooping cough is coming forward to support this claim. Whooping cough, or pertussis, is spreading across the entire US at rates at least twice as high as those recorded in 2011 and epidemiologists and health officials are even admitting that the vaccines may be the cause."    http://preventdisease.com/news/12/113012_Vaccinated-Kids-Account-For-90-Percent-of-Cases-of-Whooping-Cough.shtml


"Dangerous new strains of whooping cough bacteria are now evading Australia's vaccine against the disease and entrenching a four-year epidemic that could soon spread overseas, Sydney scientists have found in research that raises questions about the national vaccine program.

The dangerous new strains of whooping cough bacteria were reported in March 2012. The vaccine, researchers said, was responsible. The reason for this is because, while whooping cough is primarily attributed toBordetella pertussis infection, it is also caused by another closely related pathogen called B. parapertussis, which the vaccine does NOT protect against. Two years earlier, scientists at Penn State had already reported that the pertussis vaccine significantly enhanced the colonization of B. parapertussis, thereby promoting vaccine-resistant whooping cough outbreaks."   http://preventdisease.com/news/13/111413_What-Is-Deadliest-Of-All-Vaccines-According-To-Data.shtml?utm_source=Copy+of+111313&utm_campaign=111413&utm_medium=email


Interesting articles...


This is what i find interesting in "speculative" articles - notice the wording:


Children receive the last dose of the vaccine, known as DTaP between ages 4 and 6. They get a booster shot in adolescence. But the problem with the DTaP vaccine according to a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine, is that the vaccine is not effective after a certain period of time, and many are now speculating that its effectiveness is nil from the very first injection in the series. The study compared 277 children, ages 4 to 12, and found that a child’s odds of contracting pertussis increased 42 percent every year after the fifth dose.

The new study joins several others in the last few years in suggesting that children ages 7 to 10 have less immune protection against whooping cough. But this the first study to estimate how much the vaccine's effectiveness declines after the multiple doses, the researchers said. 

The "study in the New England Journal" said:






Protection against pertussis waned during the 5 years after the fifth dose of DTaP. 


So, not effective after a certain period of time. CHECK


But now that the article gave a "recognized" source it then says " many are now speculating that"  sure they are  :nope: This is where good reasoning ability needs to come in. Who are the many? Where is the proof? NONE


Then the next paragraph:




The new study joins several others 



But then it does NOT state the "several others". Are there really several others? We do not know. They don't state, but now they are going to say - because THEY (the real "many who are speculating") want a certain outcome - THEY "believe" due to Several other studies :wink: this or that or that. You don't need proof. You too already believe their conclusion.


Now, don't get me wrong they may have it - but they sure aren't telling your their source. They MAY be right, but if they are - why not reveal the sources of the "several others". 

It has been my experience that when something that claims to be "scientific evidence" BUT does NOT reveal source material for you to review - is doing it for a reason. They are hiding something.


This happens a LOT in "news" today - especially surveys. They tell you what the surveys MEAN - without showing you the survey data.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I get that some may find it disconcerting that the links Lin posted were articles by a naturopath and that could make him biased against immunization but he does link to the actual study in th NEJMA which is what he was summing up / commenting on so there is a track to see how his statements tie in.

I take it his 'many are now speculating' refers to the doctors cited in th NEJMA who are doing the studies and stating their conclusions. His article has to be taken in context with what he is reviewing which is the study in the NEJMA.

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You said it so much better than I could have Beth, thank you.  My point is that studies look at what happens to people and nothing happens to "everybody".  That's why we have to use a sound mind in these types of decisions.  I know friends who have health issues and they take the flu shot  faithfully every year and sincerely feel that the shot protects them.  My mother was one of them.  I have never had the flu and don't get the shot.


In 2009, my oldest daughter got really sick around October.  I called her MD who told me it was probably a virus, give her plenty of liquids and Tylenol to keep the fever down.  Over the next 8 days, I called two more times because she was just not getting any better.  Finally, they had me bring her in.  They quarantined us in a stairwell until the doctor was ready to see us.  When he listened to her lungs he heard something and prescribed an anti-biotic.  I asked him if it was the H1N1 virus and he said he had no idea because the CDC had instructed doctors to quit testing in July because the government had declared it an epidemic.  Huh?!!  But CNN was counting all the dead from this virus everyday/night on the news, Wolfe Blitzer said...  If doctors quit testing in July, why were deaths still being attributed to this in October.  Didn't give me the warm and fuzzies.


In addition, soon after this happened, I read minutes from a World Health Organization meeting discussing how governments should respond to H1N1, avian flu, etc.especially in developing countries.  It was suggested that after the developed world vaccinated their populations, what was left could be provided to the developing nations.  Well of course, the officials in the developing countries didn't think that was a good idea and said they'd just as soon make their own stocks.  The pharmaceuticals reminded everyone that they not only own the patents to the ingredients to these vaccines, they own the patents to the equipment needed to combine them into vaccines.  So developing nations producing their own stocks was not an option.


The final result of this meeting was that the developed nations needed to encourage their populations to purchase more vaccines, then the pharmaceuticals would see the need to make more (because the other batches were selling well) and then hopefully there would be enough for developing nations should some god-awful pandemic strike.


I also remember George Bush announcing while in office that he was going to meet with the pharmaceuticals to encourage them to make more vaccines and then explained that because the pharmaceutical companies don't usually sell all the batches that they make from year to year, it was going to be difficult to persuade them to make more.


Never did get my daughter any flu shots.  She's been healthy thus far.  I use foods to prevent rather than chemicals after the fact to respond.  It's working for us so far...

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I must insert a thought about ANY study .... the results of studies are compiled and a conclusion is rendered based on the data ... or so we are to believe. the data from any study is gathered as "statistics" .... after all, numbers don't lie - right?



one of my daughters took "statistics" in her advanced classes during her high school studies. In addition to some "interesting" math equations, there was one thing the teacher taught them about statistics that she said was "paramount" to the field of statistics .... any results can be made to say whatever the conclusion is you determined the answer would be before you started the study.


Let me illustrate:


10 doctors were asked if they would recommend a particular drug ... here are their answers

  1. no
  2. yes
  3. yes
  4. yes
  5. yes
  6. no
  7. no
  8. no
  9. no
  10. no

OK, the answer is obvious, the majority of them would NOT recommend it. That was easy, right? After all, 6 out of 10 said "no" ... but that was not the answer we wanted, so we look at the data again. If we take the first 5 responses, 4 out of 5 said "yes", so, we just use that data to support our case.


She was told this is common practice in the field of statistics. That is why one study will include 345 people and claim that each one "represents" 10,000 people while another study will include 1380 people and say each one "represents" 2500 people ... because they manipulate the numbers to get the results they want.


I knew a professor at a major University who had a PHD in statistics and he told me the same thing ... that statistics can be used to make data support whatever outcome you want if they are "calculated" the right way.


Just something to think about when we see studies based on this, that, or the other thing .... giving no credit to Jehovah for having the real solution.


No matter what "those in the know" say, explain, know, support or "prove", if it is not in line with Jehovah's way of handling things, it is to no avail or lasting good. It does not matter if you agree with a study or not, if it is saying that MAN has the answer, it is wrong ... only Jehovah has the "cure" for the diseases that plague mankind.

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Agreed John! on both counts....


Study statistics can be altered either way depending upon what your agenda is - 

to hail vaccines or to discredit them


so there is really NO fool proof way of knowing what is really happening behind the scenes.  We can tho look at the history or reputation of the study originator or their funding backer.  Sometimes, we can discern who is really out to paint something a certain colour by their previous statements, studies and track record.  All I'm saying is that I've had LOTS of incredulous conversations with pharmacutical reps / spin doctors and physicans, nurses and medical personel (as Ava's testimony of the overheard conversation with a rep underlined) to know that I can not trust THEM to tell me the facts and the truth.


Not an easy course to navigate and no one size fits all (whether for determining what is best for us, individually or which vaccines may be less problematic than others compared to their benefits / risks)... each must be done on a case by case basis.  That's where the research and considering for ourselves comes in so see ALL the varied commentary - both sides and how they got their stats / what they stand for / who they represent / how it compares with other data and studies and researching the other alternatives, whether delayed schedules / adjusted dosing / timing or natural immune building or combos of both.  There are so many MORE options than the medical field would have us believe so we have to look beneath the surface and weigh it all out.


But in the end, this is not the answer or cure, so we do the best we can with the info we can track down for our individual and family decisions.

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