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New World Translation (2013 revision) in additional languages

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New World Translation Released in Chinese Mandarin

The revised edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was released in Chinese Mandarin (Traditional) and Chinese Mandarin (Simplified) on July 5, 2019, in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. The New World Translation has been translated in whole or in part into 180 languages, including 24 complete revisions based on the 2013 edition.

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1 hour ago, Sepie93 said:

The first 8 books of the NWT are released in Arabic. Filemon, James-Judeemoji7.pngemoji7.png

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 :eek: How do you know it? Where can I see them? Why only 8 books? 



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22 minutes ago, Sepie93 said:

If you update your JWLibrary you can see the new oneemoji4.png


And why only 8? Because they will release the Bible books graduallyemoji6.png


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OK, thank you, but still cannot find them. So you are saying that the organisation has started releasing the revised Arabic NWT? I have been using the first Arabic NWT and I thought it needed an update to reflect the changes in the English NWT




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1 hour ago, Sepie93 said:

If you update your JWLibrary you can see the new oneemoji4.png


And why only 8? Because they will release the Bible books graduallyemoji6.png


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I downloaded the Arabic Bible and all books were there. Am I missing something or misunderstood you? 

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I downloaded the Arabic Bible and all books were there. Am I missing something or misunderstood you? 
They put the old and new together. So Filemon, James-Jude are the new translation. The rest is the older one. So when you download both bibles, you can see the differences when you tap on the verses.

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Words cannot describe the joy I feel right now! I shed a tear of joy right now haha. Waiting for a long time but Jehovah blessed our patience! Can’t wait to get my copy and dive into it. 


I need more pictures! Close ups and such! Lol

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1 hour ago, Samu1982 said:

The revised edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was released in Spanish

Any mention of a large print size being available for order?

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My parents are at the international convention in Madrid where it was released.  They said no hard copies as of yet.  Not sure when they will come.  But it can be downloaded for now.  All I can say is wow.  I just read today's daily text with the new version of the scriptures and it's amazing!  Thank you, Jehovah!!!  We had our regional convention three weeks ago, so I assume we will have an announcement at a meeting.  It's possible there may be something on jw.org later today.

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2 hours ago, MM9106 said:

Palavras não podem descrever a alegria que sinto agora! Eu derramei uma lágrima de alegria agora mesmo haha. Esperando muito tempo, mas Jeová abençoou nossa paciência! Mal posso esperar para pegar minha cópia e mergulhar nela. 


Eu preciso de mais fotos! Close ups e tal! Ri muito


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Wow, that is great news! There are so many Spanish-speaking countries. So the revised NWT is a huge contribution to the advancement of the Kingdom work. 


Judging by the comparison of John 17:3 in the old and new NWT, there is a big difference. The new translation is shorter and simpler. Even I can see the great improvement. 



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I am surprised that such a widely used language took so long to finish.


While Greek which is barely spoken at all in the world was done in 2017.

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