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New World Translation (2013 revision) in additional languages

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16 minutes ago, luisenriquereyes said:

Yes it is the 2013 edition.   Hopefully the newer editions last in high humidity climates.

I can think of at least 3 options. If expense is no concern, you can have a new one rebound in an all natural leather cover (if that holds up better). You can order another gray copy from the literature servant (say every 3 years) or if none of those work we have the free copy on your digital device.  Maybe one of those will help you.  Before the current edition was released in 2013, as a pioneer, I had to replace my black field service bible every 4-6 years anyway.  Just a thought...

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My cover is also flaking here in the tropics. High humidity here too. Just 2 stripes on the back of the binding on the fold. Nothing as bad as the previous photo.
Just get a new one every 3 years. Give the old one to a used book shop. It may still be of use to someone...

Older {waiting for wiser}

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5 hours ago, ren'z said:

New Release Here in Philippines! 

During Special Meeting for Iloko September 16


Congratulations sa inyo mga kapatid na Ilocano! Nakakatuwa naman. Naunahan pa ang nwt-Tagalog ma-release. Pero OK lang. 😊😊😊


(Congratulations to you Ilocano brothers and sisters! So happy to see this. Released ahead the nwt-Tagalog. But that's OK. 😊😊😊)

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Je le verrai par moi-même ;
mes propres yeux, non ceux d’un d’autre, le verront.
Mais au fond de moi, je suis accablé !
This red portion should not be there. It's "d'un autre".

Send a mail to your branch describing the error. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it. The digital editions are usually updated rather quickly when these things surface.

These errors are not uncommon when printing Bibles. In fact, rare Bibles are sometimes named after their spelling or printing errors.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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On September 14, 2018, the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures was released in the Kikamba language in Machakos, Kenya, and in the Nyaneka language in Lubango, Angola. On the same day, in Kiambu, Kenya, the complete New World Translation was released in Kikuyu. Two days later, in Manila, Philippines, the revised edition of the New World Translation was released in Iloko. The New World Translation has been translated in whole or in part into 172 languages, including 15 complete revisions based on the 2013 Edition.


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I have a question for any other French-speaking brothers or sisters. Perhaps @jpl or @Dages (or anyone else who speaks French fluently) could help me out. I pioneered in a French congregation for a few years, but it's still only a second language to me. (I could write in French, but since this is an English forum...)


When the "new" French Bible was released in 1995, the term "serviteur ministériel" (ministerial servant) was changed to "assistant ministériel" (ministerial assistant). But why? The term "serviteur" is an accurate translation of "servant" (as far as I can see). Do you know why it might have been changed? Is there some nuance of French that I am not aware of?


Similarly, in the new 2018 French Bible, the term "surveillant" (overseer) was changed to "responsable" (person in charge). Therefore, a "surveillant de circonscription" (Circuit Overseer) is now a "responsable de circonscription." So the question is the same: Do you know why it might have been changed? (By the way, don't make the same mistake one brother did. He called him the "surveillant de circoncision"!)


In reality, the same question could be asked about saying "assemblée" (gathering) rather than "congrégation" (congregation).


One  brother in my congregation, who also speaks French as a second language, suggested the following to me: The word "serviteur" (servant) might give people the impression that this person is like a slave (as though he is in abject servitude), and has to do the bidding of his superiors even against his own will. So, the 1995 rendering "assistant" would dispel that impression. Also, the word "surveillant" (overseer) might be understood by some as someone who lords it over others and is master over everything they do. That explanation sounded good to me. However it doesn't explain why similar changes were never made to the English NWT.


Your thoughts please?



Edited by Sheep
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On 9/17/2018 at 3:37 AM, TonyWenz said:

Could I have more information please?
Is it a typo in... English? Spelling? Diacritic?

There is a small typo in the original 2013 printing of the 2013 Revised New World Translation.


pg 267. the header says


NUMBERS 35:37-33:22

It should have said


NUMBERS 32:37-33:22

That's it. 😂

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13 hours ago, jpl said:

To Sheep.

Look this link (in french) for more details.

https://wol.jw.org/fr/wol/d/r30/lp-f/1001061202 :bible2:

The relevant paragraph says:


Previous editions used the word «congrégation» to refer to an organized group of believers. But language evolves and today that word is mostly understood as a group of monks who live in community. For that reason, that word has been replaced by «assemblée».

Edited by carlos
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On 8/31/2018 at 6:05 PM, juliansan said:

A special broadcast was announced for all German-speaking congregations. It's going to be held on 2nd of February 2019 and the guest speaker is going to be Gerrit Lösch. Sooooo, what could the special meeting be about? 🤔😂

Can I love this more than once?? 😍




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The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures was released in Sena and Tshwa on September 21, 2018, in Maputo, Mozambique. The New World Translation has been translated in whole or in part into 174 languages.


It’s speeding up...

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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13 hours ago, jpl said:

To Sheep.

Look this link (in french) for more details.

https://wol.jw.org/fr/wol/d/r30/lp-f/1001061202 :bible2:


Merci, frère jpl! All this time, I thought all parts of the French Bible were just a translation of their respective English parts! Appendix A2 is generally the same as the English Bible, but some specific French expressions are explained there too. I didn't even think of looking there! Thank you.

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15 hours ago, jpl said:

To Sheep.

Look this link (in french) for more details.

https://wol.jw.org/fr/wol/d/r30/lp-f/1001061202 :bible2:


10 hours ago, carlos said:

The relevant paragraph says:


Previous editions used the word «congrégation» to refer to an organized group of believers. But language evolves and today that word is mostly understood as a group of monks who live in community. For that reason, that word has been replaced by «assemblée».


I love translation, and reading about translation - especially of the NWT. This just made me realize how much official material about translation there is pertaining to the NWT that other languages have that English doesn't. Not to say that English is starved for spiritual food in this regard, but knowing that each edition of the NWT has it's own translation challenges is so fascinating, and oh-so-slightly depressing that I'll not be able to know what these challenges and stories are. :) 


For instance, the talk "The Word of God is not Bound" by Nicholas Ahladis brings up many of the translation challenges in multiple different languages that are unique to those languages. I do sorely wish that each translation came with copious translation notes and commentary on how they went about these issues. I know that the study edition is doing much in that respect, which I do appreciate. 

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  • 2 months later...

A couple of more languages are in!!


Got a word from my parents that they were told word is not be spread until all congregations have seen the delayed stream on Sunday.


They had their streaming yesterday when Br. Morris from the Governing Body released the revised New World Translation in Finnish and Lithuanian. The previous revision in Finnish was from 1995 whereas in Lithuanian

the Organization has

never released the complete

Bible before.


When the Scandinavian languages  (except Faroese and Icelandic) got

their revised Bibles 10-11 months ago I was pretty much “Meh whatevz” :wheelchair: even though I have lived in Sweden for the past 11 years or so. Now the revised NWT is already available through JW Library even though it was supposed to be available from tomorrow (Monday) evening. Can’t wait to get my hands on a printed copy! I guess this shows what is the language of my heart after all :loopy: Cool to have it before big languages like German and Spanish, too! :D


No pictures yet but guess

they will be making their way round Instagram later.

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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By the way, I now know a reason why the German NWT took so extra long.


Or put it this way, I have discovered a new factor that I think is one of the reasons.


German spelling was "revised" three times since the last NWT, once in 1996, then again in 2004 and again in 2006.


Basically, nobody really knows the new spelling for certain. It's a huge, complicated mess. It makes people sick to even talk about the issue. Nobody asked for it, and it did nothing but confuse pupils and make correct spelling seem irrelevant in many people's eyes.


I noticed that in 2. Timothy 3:1 read "kritische Zeiten mit denen man schwer fertigwird" in the recent Watchtower article but "fertig wird" in the Bible. I thought it was a typo, then thought that maybe it was a typo from the revised.


Upon re-checking the new spelling in the latest spelling revision, it actually turned out that the "wrong" spelling the Watchtower was correct.


So I'm thinking the poor German brothers working on the revised, German NWT had some severe problems trying to get it up to the most modern standards of German spelling. A task I do not envy them for.


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24 minutes ago, TonyWenz said:

I heard the German NWT has the most pages, due to the large number of 'big' words in German.
Does anyone know of a translation with more pages?

Older {waiting for wiser} emoji1353.png

While no Organization-made translation exists, I suggest Greenlandic 😁



The word “Chapter” is short and sweet—“Kapitel”, but that is because that word is borrowed from Danish!


Edit: Man is this forum software smart... Too many messages within a short time from this guy so it merged my posts with different topics together 🙈


Oh yeah, attaching a picture of the Finnish NWT that my parents sent me on WhatsApp.



Edited by LoneWanderer

Merge whyyyyyy

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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While no Organization-made translation exists, I suggest Greenlandic
The word “Chapter” is short and sweet—“Kapitel”, but that is because that word is borrowed from Danish!

Edit: Man is this forum software smart... Too many messages within a short time from this guy so it merged my posts with different topics together
Oh yeah, attaching a picture of the Finnish NWT that my parents sent me on WhatsApp.

(Sorry, couldn't help myself )

Older {waiting for wiser}

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