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JW Broadcasting - January 2015

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As mentioned above, i watched this program with one brother. And during the first few minutes, he was like: WoW... here comes a shaking inside the congregation!

And for me, since he started very directly, i feared what he might say until the end :D

But really, we have had so many articles in the past about obedience. And it's still mentioned from time to time that we must closely follow all the instructions given by the FDS. It's now that i realize why it will be hard to be obedient. And this is just the beginning of it. 

From my POV, i think a lot of brothers and sisters are gonna have a hard time accepting those direct words about higher education. Maybe it differs from country to country, but almost every witness is gonna have a hard time accepting some advice from the FDS. That's the reality. 

My prayers go for all the brothers and sisters worldwide, to keep following closely the advises that we receive from the FDS.




wow, wow wow... so direct, sooo very true.   ... I work as a teacher at University level and I can tell you that everything the brothers say is true.  The advice is practical honest, frank and loving.  The world may mock but from the bottom of my heart I BEG parents to take all this advice seriously - fight for your kids because satan WANTS them.   The education system is designed to remodel student's thinking and values.  That is what it is for!  


Get a diploma in a practical skill, and get a good spiritual education, attend a bible school and work on a beautiful career in the truth!

I really appreciate the info about higher education. When i was contacted back in 1984/1985 the brother who was a ministerial servant at the time gradually helped me to see the seriousness of it all. He let me listen to the convention drama of 1984 and it dealt with that subject. I was baptized in 1986 and was due to graduate in 1987. Even though I had interests in astronomy and computer programming and engineering was enrolled in college prep courses and was ready to go. Had even a good money scholarship to nice Cleveland Ohio school but turned it down based what I heard from the recorded drama from Richfield Ohio Coliseum convention. My choice was not to go, others can do what they want, I followed my Bible trained conscience on the matter even greatly disappointing my father (whom I had a big argument with about it - from Alabama civil rights era). I would've been first in family to go to college. I sided with Kingdom interests. ☺

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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 It was hard to believe that the program was saying that the son want to leave college and the parents didn't let him. The son was most likely seeing all kinds of things. Today colleges has full of immoral people and those who don't care what the bible says.

Edited by Dustparticle
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On a inconsequential note, did anyone notice the background globe video is turning the proper way this month? From East to west now and not from West to East like in October to December.

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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On a inconsequential note, did anyone notice the background globe video is turning the proper way this month? From East to west now and not from West to East like in October to December.


  it was 1st thing i noticed on Jan program, mentioned it back on pg 2-

  it is a small thing sure,

  still, i am glad they corrected it,

  we knew our brothers would catch it,

  just as they corrected the dot in jw.org

  and reflected the change in g1/14

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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bro stavro thank you so much for the download links. After downloading the jw broadcasting videos i also put them on CDs and give the Coordinators in four congs who also show to the broyhers. so you can imagine the number of brother who are benefiting fron your kind gesture. Jehovah will surely bless you for this.

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I've got it too! Sweet ☺

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Hi All,


I must say, I do like watching & listening to bro. Morris !  He has this sort of wonder candor about himself.


If you recall, he also gave the final talk at the branch visit (North American congreations).  Now, I know that there was a lot of talk about the remarks he made regarding the attire of true Christians.  But I must say, I found it to be a breath of fresh air !  I feel that Bro Morris is being guided by Holy Spirit to say what needs to be said !


Naturally, the worldly media was not kind at all to this dear bro. I was in a particular outrage to see one major news paper call him "{{Removed by Moderator}}"



{{This topic is about the media we produce, not about the media Satan's system spews forth. - Bob}}

Edited by Dismal_Bliss

Cleaning up inappropriate comments.
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NewLight - I don't care what wordly sources say about our dear brothers in fact - no I hadn't read that and I don't care to. In my opinion even mentioning that about our Brother is out of line. I'm sorry to be blunt - but those brothers work way too hard to have them besmirched by bringing worldly media terms here. Forgive me being direct.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I'm sorry for my having to be more than direct but what's the worth of bringing such ill-willed nicknames here in our spiritual oasis? Especially when the anti-Witness sentiment in general is so strong anyway that we don't need anybody besmirching a future heavenly ruler over here. When I did a Google search with the sort of search words mentioned, only results coming up were basically sites that sounded very spiritually unhealthy, eg. apostate thrash. So the question for me is, where have you been entertaining yourself, Mr New Light. Snippets of talk being leaked...eh, what is there to leak? Apostates are ready like rabid dogs waiting to devour, destroy and put down. Just like their father, Satan.

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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Brother Michael, thank you for your post.

Brother Julius and Sister Mandi, thank you also for your post.

In light of what we just studied in October 15,2014 Study edition, can we allow our brothers to have an opinion without having to be grilled in reply? Just my observations. ☺

"13, 14. (a) What helped Moses to qualify for the assignment that Jehovah would give him? (B) Like Moses, what may we need to do?

13 Moses was keenly interested in Jehovah and His people. At 40 years of age, Moses thought that he was ready to help liberate God’s people from Egyptian bondage. (Acts 7:23-25) However, before Jehovah could give him that assignment, Moses needed something more. He needed to cultivate such qualities as humility, patience, mildness, and self-control. (Prov. 15:33) Moses needed training that would prepare him to endure the trials and hardships that lay ahead. A few decades as a shepherd would provide the training he needed to cultivate these godly qualities.

14 Did Moses learn from the practical training he received as a shepherd? Indeed he did! God’s Word says that Moses became “by far the meekest of all the men on the face of the earth.” (Num. 12:3) He had cultivated humility, which helped him to deal patiently with a variety of people and their difficult problems. (Ex. 18:26) Likewise, we may need to cultivate spiritual qualities that will help us to pass through “the great tribulation” into God’s righteous new world. (Rev. 7:14) Are we able to get along with people, including those whom we consider to be temperamental or overly sensitive? We do well to heed the words of the apostle Peter, who urged fellow believers: “Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers.”​—1 Pet. 2:17."


Edited by AH173

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Don't be too hard on our Brother Michael everyone!


I am actually  interested if **NON-APOSTATE** reputable news agents have reported on Brother Morrison's talks but I find that very hard to believe.  If that is the case you could private message the link, I'd be interested in reading it.    As Brother Julius said, the only people I can imagine beng even the slightest bit interesed in a zone visit talk would be Jehovah's people and (sadly) apostates and I simply have no interest whatsoever in what apostates call our brother.


Who was it that said (Maybe bro. Morris himself... I don't remember ) "it's not me they have to worry about... it's my big brother"!  So let them call him whatever they like, we love him dearly and respect him and his position.  

Edited by sunshine
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Try searching Google News, which contains ONLY news articles and specifically filters out apostate sites and less reputable sources.



There are indeed major news outlets with no overt apostate ties that refer to the US Branch Visit in less than positive terms.


In the future, let's check the facts before making unfounded accusations that our brothers and sisters are visiting apostate websites.


(Proverbs 18:13) When anyone replies to a matter before he hears the facts, It is foolish and humiliating.

Edited by Stavro
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Sister Rosie ... I too am interested in the reporting of facts from secular media. But they cross the line when it sink into personal attacks against any brother or sister - especially those taking the lead among us.  I simply don't want to hear what they have to say ... and I came onto this forum to get away from those types of comments that are so rampant all over the internet.  


Brother Ashley thank you for your gentle reminder of that lovely watchtower study I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Even though Moses was considered the meekest man on all the earth ... he was strong and vocal when it came to standing up for Jehovah. Being meek doesn't mean you sit by and accept things that aren't right.



Brother Micheal's post certainly did not honour brother Morris.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I hear you sister Mandi.  I didn't mean to say I was interested in reading name calling or slander, but I just meant if "respectable" mainstream media were reporting on our zone visits then I would be interested in reading about that.  Your post was a good reminder to keep our converesation spiritually upbuilding!

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Yes 'respectable' mainstream media is an excellent way of putting it my dear sister. Apostates can use mainstream media too their tools aren't limited to blatant in your face sites.


It's awesome to meet you Sister Rosie - am looking forward to getting to know you.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Just a reminder that we are a community moderated forum, and to please use the REPORT link on an offensive post to bring it to the attention of the moderators. It really does help expedite things. Thank you :)


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Right back atcha Mandi!


Anyway, back on track, I noticed there is an interview up of a missionary couple in the native American Navajo field.




... as well as a very upbuilding video from the 1st graduation of the SKE


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So...Jako enjoy his visit and give us some nice ideas he will speak about. Please!


Well, we had Br. Morris visit our branch here in South Africa with the climax being Sunday's program. The program was streamed to all area under the SA Branch's supervision.


That's most of Africa.


Interesting developments.


1. A warehouse and AV Studio being built at the moment. The warehouse is big enough to house three Boeing 747s. All warehousing for the SA Branch areas will be done here. The AV Studio to be one of the most advanced to date with classrooms to train Audio Visual & broadcasting specialists. 

2. SA branch now cares for 10% of publisher worldwide I cnnot recall the amount of translations and languages printed here. But it was mind boggling.

3. RTO's (Regional Translation Offices) is in the process of being established. (I'm sure this is a worldwide initiative though). In SA alone we have 9 official languages. So the translators now live and work in the area where the language is spoken. Makes for more accurate and easier reading & study material.

4. And a few more statistics that I cannot recall. (I'm not a keen note taker)


Br. Morris talk was direct as usual. And I loved it. The normal "No recordings" etc. announcement was made, so I'll just say what he spoke about and maybe not the details. (OK. Not too much). He mentioned that this was not a public talk but a service talk and therefore aimed at baptised persons. (I think that explains why not spread it on media & internet)


Brs. or Srs moving from one Congregation to another if they cannot get along with someone. The point is, face your trials and grow through them. Don't run from it. His words was, "Just stop, stop, stop doing that"


Bearing SA's racially divided background in mind, he spoke about how we in Jehovah's Organisation should guard against getting caught up in this worldly trend. Last year, the GB introduced an initiative where congregations from different backgrounds would join another congregation from a different background for a week. During that week, some of us would attend the meetings and join the field arrangements (working in that territory of course) and then enjoy some social activity together. (I personally have made some great friends this way). Br. Morris announced that that initiative was such a great success in breaking down these racial barriers, that it is to be continued this year. His words about this racially divided worldly trend was, No, not in this organisation you don't. Not here.


He spoke to inactive publishers. We often read Mt 24:14 but hardly consider verse 13 together with that. Those who endure to the end will be saved, then verse 14 says this good news will be preached, clearly tying the enduring in the preaching work in with, those who will be saved. He said, those who are inactive should not expect any favors from Jehovah when the time comes.


Mmmmm..... I'm possibly overstepping the info boundaries so I'll stop now.


We did have a good laugh at his jokes also. He is as funny as he is straight. And you can just feel the humbleness radiate even via stream.

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Right back atcha Mandi!


Anyway, back on track, I noticed there is an interview up of a missionary couple in the native American Navajo field.




... as well as a very upbuilding video from the 1st graduation of the SKE



WOW! Does that facility look way better now then when I was there working. Jehovah's people did a really great job getting it from the condition it was in to how it is now :thumbsup:

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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