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How Do you Picture the Day AFTER Armageddon

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More like a toddlers daycare. One thing I am looking forward to is my first meal with my real teeth, not dentures, and the taste of what food is really suppose to taste like, and no more glasses.


I have to agree with this. 


I started wearing glasses when I was very young, now I wear contacts.  It's been so many years since I could see clearly without glasses that I don't even remember what that is like.  The idea of waking up and not first putting on my glasses to see is an amazing thing I look forward too.  

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To wake from a restful sleep, to start the day with morning worship. To get out of bed without the pain of what might be fibromyalga, to walk, to see, to taste, and yes, to feel all the emotions I don't feel now. To sing, to dance, to learn, to help others, to work. And so much more.

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I long for the day when I'll get up and realize that Jehovah's Kingdom government is ruling....no more Satanic influence.  Ephesians 2:1-2 "Furthermore, God made you alive, though you were dead in your trespasses and sins, 2 in which you at one time walked according to the system of things of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience."


It's truly hard to fathom how we will feel once Satan has been thrown into the abyss, and the "ruler of the authority of the air" is no more.   I imagine our five senses (sight, hearing,taste,smell, touch) will experience sensations we have never felt before!

Edited by nanceebgd46
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It's kinda sad that a cute little guy like that is turned into food. Can't wait till that is part of the past, seems as I get older, the thought of eating meat of any kind turns me off because of how the animals are treated and how they have to be slaughtered. I like bacon, but I barely eat it anymore. My husband is going the same direction after watching a few documentaries, don't think it will be hard to stop eating all types of meat for us after Armageddon.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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We are on a mini farm and we butcher our own meat, it is the way my husband was raised. At one point I was a vegetarian but I found out my body wasn't getting some nutrition that I needed. Then later on as we found out about all the bad things that are put into the soil, the foods and into the animals, it wasn't a hard line to cross to raise our own veggies, fruits and meat to take care of us. I even make my own dog food for my toy poodles. 

But I totally understand where ones are coming from who have a hard time eating meat.

One thing it has helped me with is putting animals into their place because I used to be one of those people who would put animals before humans, except for my own children. I could of easily became a hermit if it wasn't for the truth. 

I almost didn't get baptized going over  I think it was my second set of questions because I kept arguing with the brother that my horse did love me and at that time my horse was my best friend and was my closest companion. He wasn't an animal person and couldn't believe the things I was saying about animals. I think now through more research that we know that some animals do show love and compassion in their own way. 

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This is a great thread!  Thanks for starting it Bridgette!!


I think it will take me many hours, if not a few days, to stop crying when Armegeddon is over, from joy and relief!


I think I will be kneeled face down on the ground and thanking Jehovah for his mercy. I will then check on my children to see if they made it too. Thereafter, I will go and try to find other brothers and sisters!

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If there is still Internet, I'll come on this website and spam everywhere ! Haaaa too good ! 


Seriously, I just pictured myself... the morning, waking up, this is it, Jehovah's day... was yesterday... I give my baby girl and her mother a hug and explain that we made it ! This is paradise !  :crying: At last !  :crying:


We waited for so long... it was so hard in the end...  :crying: at last !

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I could talk about the things that could happen in the GT, but I'll save that for another thread sometime.

Armageddon will be big, noisy, and obvious. The nations will have to know that He is Jehovah. I doubt anybody will be sleeping through it. It will probably be a bit traumatic for us. People around us will die in some manner, quite possibly people we know and even care about. But eventually the great battle will end, quite possibly in an abrupt and obvious manner. Those that have been imprisoned will be freed. We may hear an announcement from the heavens. We will be strengthened.

We will venture out into the streets, probably still in shock and awe. We will seek out our brothers and sisters and slowly begin gathering, likely at the nearest Kingdom Hall. Most will be talking in quiet murmurs about what has just happened. And then somebody, some happy soul, will realize just what has come to pass, and he'll start singing by his lonesome, "Just see yourself, just see me too..." Quickly catching on, all of us will join in.

We may not have electricity for music or lighting. But as evening approaches we will build a bonfire, sing, and rejoice. Bacon will be served to all. (Sorry, I sense that's a theme around here).

The next day, the work assignments will begin.

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it would be nice to know our brothers and sisters we know  on here have made it through too. So since the internet and phones would probably not be working - although with Jehovah anything is possible - I would find some carrier pigeons and send them to you guys to make sure you are all here with us. (Should I make it that is haha)

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Relief but at the same time trying to deal with disappointments of those I thought would get into the new system but didn't. 

Theo, I think you will be so overjoyed that you and your family made it and then pretty much everyone in your congregation that any others who may not of made it really won't enter your mind until you are ready to deal with it!  You will have to deal with all the joy first and all the love from your new King and all the FANTASTIC benefits from the wonderful, new government that rules by Jehovah's LOVE!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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The relief will be something we probably can't imagine based on our imperfect facuties.

For instance, there was a blue, hard covered book, something about the incoming king, Jesus of course. Anyway, it said that after or when Jesus throws sick Satan and his demons into the abyss we will actually feel the effects. In other words, we won't merely know it happened because we read it and believe it but we will also know it happened because we will FEEL it.

THAT is another thing I can hardly wait for!

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Why wouldn't phones and internet still work?

There's going to be stacks of infrastructure around, solar power and wind farms galore, people who know how to keep things going.

Just the same as there's going to be a lot of vehicles and plenty of unused fuel. We will not doubt need to use all these things to get our jobs done, to function as Jehovah wants us to.

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  Jerry hopes there will be bacon for all. I hope there is STEAK ! Filet Minot wrapped with bacon, with a loaded

baked potato, a great salad, french bread, and sangria. Now that would be a feast worthy of an after Armageddon

celebration for all, a "banquet of well oiled dishes" as the Bible describes ! But will the New System be just one

eternal picnic, as some seem to envision ?


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I don't want to see "feasting birds" or anything dead.  I'm hoping Jehovah will have enough love and compassion for us that he will not do anything to further traumatize us - after all, we will all think we are about to die when Jehovah finally acts and that is pretty traumatizing in itself!  I don't need to see or smell any dead bodies for days and weeks on end and have to be afraid of leaving my house to appreciate that Jehovah sanctified his glorious name!  I don't think Noah had to deal with dead bodies and probably the Isrealites after exiting Egypt didn't either (it's not in the written record) so I'm hoping and praying Jehovah will do the same for us.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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I don't want to see "feasting birds" or anything dead.  I'm hoping Jehovah will have enough love and compassion for us that he will not do anything to further traumatize us - after all, we will all think we are about to die when Jehovah finally acts and that is pretty traumatizing in itself!  I don't need to see or smell any dead bodies for days and weeks on end and have to be afraid of leaving my house to appreciate that Jehovah sanctified his glorious name!  I don't think Noah had to deal with dead bodies and probably the Isrealites after exiting Egypt didn't either (it's not in the written record) so I'm hoping and praying Jehovah will do the same for us.

Brigette (shali)... We think alot alike. Some people think that ALL the clean up work will depend on us and the birds. I think Jehovah is much more loving than that. Why would he want us to deal with the filthy, disgusting things of this old system. The dangerous pesticides plants, the chemical filled water filtration places. The chemical laden pharmaceutical labs and testing facilities, with all those poor animals in the process of being tested on. The massive feed lots, most (not all) with cows and chickens and pigs and lamb all in terrible condition. The filthy adult bookstores with all their depraved videos and other things that can be purchased. All the stores that have satanic items in them or drug related items... why would our loving Jehovah have us deal with these things. I don't know what will happen but I hope the ground opens up and we see the filth disappear right in front of our eyes.  Yes there will be lots of work.. yes I imagine there will be many things that can be reused... but in my dreams.... it's a fresh start.  I could be wrong. I am really looking forward to seeing how it all comes about.   :heart:  all my brothers and sisters out there. I will be so glad to be on the other side of all this mess. I will not grieve for anyone that did not make it. Be it friend, relative, mate or child.  I trust that Jehovah will ALWAYS make the right decision and I will not feel bad for the person that he did not choose. 

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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