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"Sing to Jehovah" Songbook Statistics

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My Grandmother had the old green songbook and I along with many here grew up with the pink/crimson songbook before the brown one came out. 


Interesting wording considering the new songs ... when announced here in NZ they did say they were working on fifteen new songs, but I guess what they didn't say was that fifteen was the final amount. I guess we will be composing songs from now right on into the New System.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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We will always be singing praises to Jehovah - for an eternity!  And there will be many musically inclined who will survive Armageddon and be resurrected that will no doubt contribute greatly to this type of praise to Jehovah!  Just wait until Prince and King David get together!  They will probably churn out songs one right after the other!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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On ‎11‎.‎08‎.‎2016 at 2:59 PM, SteEis said:

A statistical information about our songbook (sn) (updated to the meetings in the week of 8ᵗʰ and inclusive meetings, conventions and the memorials and without songs before public talks):

  • 1951 times we sung any song.
  • Rank of the ten most-sung-songs:
    • 1.: No. 92 (“Preach the Word”), 33 times
    • 2.: No. 63 (Ever Loyal), 31 times
    • 3.: No. 69 (Make Me Know Your Ways), 30 times
    • 4.: No. 75 (Our Reasons for Joy) and No. 109 (Hail Jehovah’s Firstborn!), each 29 times
    • 6.: No. 65 (“This Is the Way”) and No. 116 (The Light Gets Brighter), each 27 times
    • 8.: No. 45 (Move Ahead!) and No. 95 (“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good”), each 26 times
  • Rank of the ten less-sung-songs (except new ones):
    • 1.: No. 19 (God’s Promise of Paradise) and No. (Long-Suffering), each 5 times
    • 3.: No. 12 (Life Everlasting Is Promised), No. 21 (Happy, the Merciful!), No. 38 (Throw Your Burden on Jehovah) and No. 126 (Our Labor of Love), each 6 times
    • 7.: No. 1 (Jehovah’s Attributes), No. 14 (All Things Made New), No. 28 (The New Song), No. 34 (Living Up to Our Name), No. 46 (Jehovah Is Our King!), No. 55 (Life Without End—At Last!), No. 59 (To God We Are Dedicated!), No. 87 (Now We Are One) and No. 127 (A Place Bearing Your Name), each 7 times
  • The most sung new songs are No. 138 (Jehovah Is Your Name), 7 times and No. 137 (Grant Us Boldness), 5 times

Now this statistic is updated until the meetings in the week of 22ⁿᵈ August 2016.

  • 1961 times we sung any song.
  • Rank of the ten most-sung-songs:
    • 1.: No. 92 (“Preach the Word”), 33 times
    • 2.: No. 63 (Ever Loyal), 31 times
    • 3.: No. 69 (Make Me Know Your Ways) and No. 75 (Our Reasons for Joy), each 30 times
    • 4.: No. 109 (Hail Jehovah’s Firstborn!), each 29 times
    • 6.: No. 65 (“This Is the Way”) and No. 116 (The Light Gets Brighter), each 27 times
    • 8.: No. 45 (Move Ahead!) and No. 95 (“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good”), each 26 times
  • Rank of the ten less-sung-songs (except new ones):
    • 1.: No. 19 (God’s Promise of Paradise) and No. 78 (Long-Suffering), each 5 times
    • 3.: No. 12 (Life Everlasting Is Promised), No. 21 (Happy, the Merciful!), No. 38 (Throw Your Burden on Jehovah) and No. 126 (Our Labor of Love), each 6 times
    • 7.: No. 1 (Jehovah’s Attributes), No. 14 (All Things Made New), No. 28 (The New Song), No. 34 (Living Up to Our Name), No. 46 (Jehovah Is Our King!), No. 55 (Life Without End—At Last!), No. 59 (To God We Are Dedicated!), No. 87 (Now We Are One) and No. 127 (A Place Bearing Your Name), each 7 times
  • The most sung new songs are No. 138 (Jehovah Is Your Name), 8 times and No. 137 (Grant Us Boldness), 5 times
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On 8/13/2016 at 0:31 PM, SteEis said:

Now I listened to song No. 1 - there is a difference between English and German. In English there the song is played with string instruments (like violin) but in German with wind instruments (like trumpet) :perplexed:


Bro. Stefan, speaking of Song #1, have you heard this Austrian-German version from YT? I thought the arrangement was very nice. :)

Jehovah's Attributes



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8 hours ago, Omo_Yeme said:


Bro. Stefan, speaking of Song #1, have you heard this Austrian-German version from YT? I thought the arrangement was very nice. :)

Jehovah's Attributes




6 hours ago, Thesauron said:

That recording is from an old CD, which is now in my digital library - Stimmen Aus Österreich Singen Königreichslieder (Voices of Austria singing Kingdom Songs)

Yes. We have this CD at home. It was produced in 2000 by the society especially for the austrian branch (Number and 3821, cds-1-X Ax.) There were 13 songs on the CD (three of them instrumental interlude).

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Life without end at last and To God we are dedicated are beautifu and evocative of deep emotions. I am surprised that they are not sung more frequently. Tear jerkers for me.


Listen to the very soft orchestral recording of Life Without End at Last and try singing to it. It's lovely.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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20 hours ago, Thesauron said:





Listen to the very soft orchestral recording of Life Without End at Last and try singing to it. It's lovely.

This song is one of my favorites. When the chorus come out I just get chills! I'm gonna say in paradise if Jehovah allow me: 'Life without end, at last!'.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come now powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:38,39

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a list of all songbooks:

  • 1879, Songs of the Bride: 144 hymns
  • 1890, Poems and Hymns of (Millennial) Dawn: 151 poems and 333 hymns (without music sheet)
  • 1896, Hymns of the Morning (Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning) (issued as w1896 2/1): 11 songs with music text
  • 1900, Zion’s Glad Songs for All Christian Gatherings: 82 songs, completed the older songs
  • 1906, Hymns of Millennial Dawn (Hymns of the Millennial Dawn—With Music) (© 1905) the 333 songs of 1890 with music sheet
  • 1909, Hymns of the Millennial Dawn (pocket, without music)
  • 1926, Kingdom Hymns (Kingdom Hymns—With Music) (for children) (© 1925): 80 songs mit music sheet, especially for children
  • 1928, Song Book (Songs of Praise to Jehovah) and Song Book (Songs of Praise to Jehovah) (pocket, without music): 337 songs
  • 1944, Kingdom Service Song Book: 62 songs
  • 1950, Songs to Jehovah’s Praise: 91 songs
  • 1966, “Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music in Your Hearts”: 119 songs
  • 1984, Sing Praises to Jehovah: 225 songs and 1992, Sing Praises to Jehovah—Large Print (lyrics only) (© 1991)
  • 2009, Sing to Jehovah, Sing to Jehovah—Large Print and Sing to Jehovah—Lyrics Only, Large Print: 135 songs
  • 2013 and later:Sing to Jehovah—New Songs: 19 songs (so far)
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This was the text of Song No. 336 in the 1928 songbook (for music click the link above):

1. See yonder o’er the mountain tops –
The sight my heart entrances
Jehovah’s host, yea, God’s elect,
Full panoplied, advances!
Each helmet’s crest against the sky
Bids ignorance and error fly;
The shout aloud their battle cry, –
“Christ reigns!” O Earth, receive him!
“Kiss the Son lest he be angry,
And ye perish in the way!
Blessed are all they that put
their trust in him to day!”

2. Behold the shining “shield of Faith,”
To catch from each direction
The adversary’s flaming darts
Of cruel, false invection.
Each one in battle plays his part,
Nor grudges to endure pain’s smart;
The glorious breastplate o’er each heart
Reflects his Lord’s perfections.
“Kiss the Son lest he be angry,
And ye perish in the way!
Blessed are all they that put
their trust in him to day!”

3. The King himself leads on the way,
With joy their Lord they follow!
He speaks the word and they obey,
Nor fear they for tomorrow!
Their two-edged “sword”, the Word of God,
Their feet with gracious tidings shod,
They walk the way their Master trod,
E’en unto death they follow.
“Kiss the Son lest he be angry,
And ye perish in the way!
Blessed are all they that put
their trust in him to day!”

4. For lo! the time has come at last,
For Christ to reign in power,
And all his foes shall lick the dust,
For now has come his hour!
Jehovah now makes bare his Arm!
O, hear the trumpet’s loud alarm!
Be wise, ye rulers do no harm;
Ye judges, own his power!
“Kiss the Son lest he be angry,
And ye perish in the way!
Blessed are all they that put
their trust in him to day!”

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Since the “gray/blue” Songbook of 1928, this song  (song 336) has been used in succeeding songbooks.


1944 (RED) it was song #47 …Earth’s New King

1950 (GRN) it was song #63 …Earth’s New King

1962 (GRN) it was song #63 …Earth’s New King

1966 (PNK) it was song #84 …Recognizing Earth’s New King

1984 (BRN) it was song #168 Recognizing Earth’s New King


In our current songbook, the words were changed significantly.

The music is similar, however.


2009 (YEL) it is song #99 … Praising Earth’s New King


The individual words were altered slightly in each of the editions from 1928 to 1984.  Our current version is quite different.

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1 minute ago, jwhess said:

Since the “gray/blue” Songbook of 1928, this song  (song 336) has been used in succeeding songbooks.



1944 (RED) it was song #47 …Earth’s New King


1950 (GRN) it was song #63 …Earth’s New King


1962 (GRN) it was song #63 …Earth’s New King


1966 (PNK) it was song #84 …Recognizing Earth’s New King


1984 (BRN) it was song #168 Recognizing Earth’s New King



In our current songbook, the words were changed significantly.


The music is similar, however.



2009 (YEL) it is song #99 … Praising Earth’s New King




The individual words were altered slightly in each of the editions from 1928 to 1984.  Our current version is quite different.


The song was composed by Harriet C. Swan (according to 1928 songbook).

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It is interesting to here the old songs. They pretty well parallel the current understanding of the day. Hear is one of my favorites: 171- Our King is Marching On! (1905, Hymns of the Millennial Dawn) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTMrYCmv1ZM The tune is one we all know, the words are different. Notice verse 2 "The gentile times are ending their kings have had their day..." This was written while our Brothers were looking ahead to the end of the gentile times where we look back to 1914.


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Thank you for this statistical review of our most sung and least sung songs.

While never having made a statistical study of it, it is a question I have

wondered. As for the other songs and why they do not get more  "air time",

you maybe right with the suggestion many of them are being revised to

fall in line with the revised 2013 NWT. So while that may be understandable

from that perspective, now after being associated with the organization

for almost 50 years, there is for me, and no doubt others a feeling of sad-

ness to see many songs that were once popular fade from memory, or

others being revised, sometimes to the extant they are barely recognizable

to the original. For these are more than mere songs. They are part of our

of our worship to Jehovah. And as such connect with precious memories

of various times connected with that. Who among you with some miles

under your belt cannot remember singing "Myriad of Brothers,", We Thank

You Jehovah", or "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize", at the conclusion of a

convention, with all the feelings this evokes. That is why I feel sad when they change some of our more popular  songs.




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13 minutes ago, GStorrs46 said:

Thank you for this statistical review of our most sung and least sung songs.

While never having made a statistical study of it, it is a question I have

wondered. As for the other songs and why they do not get more  "air time",

you maybe right with the suggestion many of them are being revised to

fall in line with the revised 2013 NWT. So while that may be understandable

from that perspective, now after being associated with the organization

for almost 50 years, there is for me, and no doubt others a feeling of sad-

ness to see many songs that were once popular fade from memory, or

others being revised, sometimes to the extant they are barely recognizable

to the original. For these are more than mere songs. They are part of our

of our worship to Jehovah. And as such connect with precious memories

of various times connected with that. Who among you with some miles

under your belt cannot remember singing "Myriad of Brothers,", We Thank

You Jehovah", or "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize", at the conclusion of a

convention, with all the feelings this evokes. That is why I feel sad when they change some of our more popular  songs.




You described many of my feelings. Some of the songs that remind me to exciting conventions I attended are: "Being Taught by Jehovah", "'Welcome One Another'!", "Welcome the Incoming King!", "What Sort of Persons Ought We to Be?" "Gaining Jehovah's Friendship", among others that are no longer in our current songbook.

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One of my favourites was song 108, the melody of which is now song 71


1. Just as the rain that falls from the heavens
Causes the earth to bring forth its yield,
So is the word Jehovah has spoken;
It will succeed, yes, its truth be revealed.
2. Joshua told the nation of Israel
How God’s great goodness to them was shown.
Of all the things Jehovah had promised,
None met with failure; his pow’r he made known.

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4 minutes ago, Jonathan77 said:

One of my favourites was song 108, the melody of which is now song 71


1. Just as the rain that falls from the heavens
Causes the earth to bring forth its yield,
So is the word Jehovah has spoken;
It will succeed, yes, its truth be revealed.
2. Joshua told the nation of Israel
How God’s great goodness to them was shown.
Of all the things Jehovah had promised,
None met with failure; his pow’r he made known.

Yes, the letter was totally changed. And it was beautiful! Not that the current also is not, but as the brother Michael said, this brings us good memories.

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