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Serena Williams and fiancé expecting first child

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15 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

Sorry, don't know what to say, but the relevance of this "news" is about zero.


16 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

Sorry, don't know what to say, but the relevance of this "news" is about zero.

She has taken a position, that should end any of us trying to be charitable about her stand as a JW.

If any hear about or have heard an announcement let us know.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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20 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

Sorry, don't know what to say, but the relevance of this "news" is about zero.

Uh, ok? I guess I forgot about the Russian situation. I just posted it because it's current.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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1 minute ago, Brother Jack said:

Uh, ok? I guess I forgot about the Russian situation. I just posted it because it's current.

I think that for the majority here it was a done deal way back. Me? I gave her the benifit of doubt, long gone now.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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44 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

I know. Sorry for the negativity, brother. With everything going on...we struggle so much, care so much, and, then up

 pops this. Just left a bad taste in my mouth. 

It's ok. I found out what happened in Russia earlier today. Today has been a busy day for me. So much has happened since I found out about us being banned that I, for a second, forgot about it. Besides, we talk about all kinds of news and subjects on here. 

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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Fame, money... the world...  "too hard" to live by Bible principles for some.

She is a "victim" of Satan's propaganda who is promoting worldly standards or should we call them "satanic standards" SS?


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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2 hours ago, Old said:

I think that for the majority here it was a done deal way back. Me? I gave her the benifit of doubt, long gone now.

it was the kind thing to do, considering how twisted media gets things. Hope she can get things sorted in the limited time left. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I wouldn't cast her off into Gehenna.....  but Jehovah and Christ will choose who to honor in the new system.  Those who seek greatness in this system will find they get little mention of it in the next system. 


How many witnesses in congregations that are raised in the truth but don't make it there own have these fornication issues but get married and are not fornicators after?  These are sins of weakness not of opposition.   We all are under "sins law" in some measure.   Those who were executed in the christian congregation were thieves not immoral ones.  I'm not trying to water down moral issues;  Jehovah has stated his morale goals for us.  Those that get a heavenly reward will have conquered this world enough to be given that reward which morality repentance is part of.  Those who will be honored before the thrown of God as other sheep serving in the temple day and night also will be clean enough to be able to enter and serve.  

Just be careful with judging others;  the scripture says mercy is better and to practice it; and to pray for your enemy; also that the judgement you give is what you receive...... just a reminder...


eccl. 7:16-20  says the "fearer of God" will hold the hand of both (ok thats the revision 1984 version)


We all are in the same boat  Romans 8:20  "For the creation was subjected to futility,+ not by its own will, but through the one who subjected it, on the basis of hope"


Scripture also says all things will be forgiven; even blasphemy of the son; accept sins against holy spirit.

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Fine line between judging and watering down the truth by excusing an immoral lifestyle by exonerating public figures who claim to put their faith in Jehovah but their actions show otherwise. While taking the stand of not excusing her immoral lifestyle (like we would for anyone even our own children) we do so with the hope she will put it right and return to Jehovah or be baptized. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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3 hours ago, vern said:

How many witnesses in congregations that are raised in the truth but don't make it there own have these fornication issues but get married and are not fornicators after?Just be careful with judging others;  the scripture says mercy is better and to practice it Just be careful with judging others;  the scripture says mercy is better and to practice it .

Vern, Nobody is judging her here .. :)

Reasoning of Witnesses who commit fornication is flawed due to the fact that they are dealt within Jehovah's standards. 

With "this famous tennis player" is very different.

Don't want to drag the issue but have not seen "judging" here but simple opinions.

What's the point of being on the forum if we can't express our feelings and opinions? :zipmouth:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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6 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

Fine line between judging and watering down the truth by excusing an immoral lifestyle by exonerating public figures who claim to put their faith in Jehovah but their actions show otherwise. While taking the stand of not excusing her immoral lifestyle (like we would for anyone even our own children) we do so with the hope she will put it right and return to Jehovah or be baptized. 


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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I think too, especially since the letter writing campaign, there has been clear demarcation line drawn in the sand of this system ... very similar to Korah Dathan and Abaram (SP?) ... we have to be clearly on Jehovah's side ... not taking sides with anyone whose conduct is in conflict with Jehovah's laws - especially one who claims to know them.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Sometimes we can have a love for Jehovah but we fail to hate what Jehovah hates. Who we associate with can lower our resistance to wrong conduct. All we can hope for is that individual famous or not will realize that it is always to our benefit to do what Jehovah would want us to do.

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why pay the ransom if its not good for anything...


Jehovah and Jesus have showed they don't desire to judge; we should too.  Were not talking about watering down the standards.... the standards remain the same.  disfellowshipping is not a judgement but a loss of social privilege.  Jehovah decides on Gehenna.  do some feel that you don't sin after baptism?  like you have some amazing ability to be more righteous then everybody else?  and i thought disfellowshipping was because a pattern of unrepentance was shown not because you did something and its your "punishment"......


Immorality of those that plan to marry is far different then those who have no intentions to marry.

If you want to judge...judge those who abort thier children because they can't prevent conception.  thats way more offensive to me; and yet i had some brother feel i wasn't being compassionate enough to a poor sister who might of done this.... but owe lets be hypocritical about the sex drive being annoying. If it wasn't so annoying i bet 90% of the population would just stay single... way easier.

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2 hours ago, 4th Generation said:

Is she baptised though?  Wouldn't it mean she would be disfellowshipped? I know in my congregation a young sister got pregnant with her boyfriend and she was disfellowshiiped. 

She's not baptized and is not a Witness. She and her sister were unbaptized publishers but stopped being so a long time ago.


So she's no different than any other wordly person who has some knowledge of the Truth. There's nothing the congregation can do about it.


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2 minutes ago, carlos said:

Vern, the brothers here are not judging anyone. How could we?


The issue is that this girl often presents herself in the media as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and many people believe she is. So when they see her behavior, it brings a lot of reproach on JKehovah's name. But now by her boasting her immoral conduct she has publicly demonstrated she is not one of us nor has the same moral rules we do.


Of course we all would love to see her at some point repenting and coming back to Jehovah and finally becoming a baptized sister. But that is not happening right now.


well said. totally agree with your point of view

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2 hours ago, vern said:

why pay the ransom if its not good for anything...

The ransom is not an automatic arrangement.

A person has to make an effort to come under the umbrella of the arrangement to benefit from it.

That's were our dedication plays a vital role ...


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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"For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the outcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God? 18 “And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, what will happen to the ungodly man and the sinner?” --- 1Pet. 4:17, 18


"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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Jehovah isn't merciful then?


What ruins Jehovah's name more? 


look I'm not gonna choose to be immoral that way.  But Jesus was very willing to forgive "sinners" with love over the over righteous pharasees.


sure we care about Jehovah's name; and part of that name is showing that he is merciful.  I'm just not knowing what to think by feeling different by talking about mercy when its a central theme..... yes Jehovah has standards.....we are working that direction......the scriptures says that "thru many trespasses"  the ransom will be administered.   We can't tie Jehovah's hands by judging others with  how we speak and comment about what they do.   Eccl. 7:16-20 has some amazing principles in it....




Eccl. 7:16  Do not be overly righteous,+ nor show yourself excessively wise.+ Why should you bring ruin to yourself?+ 17  Do not be excessively wicked, nor be foolish.+ Why should you die before your time?+ 18  It is best to grasp one warning without letting go of the other;+ for the one who fears God will heed them both. 19  Wisdom makes a wise man more powerful than ten strong men in a city.+ 20  For there is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins.+



so....  i like the 1984 revision translation......

Eccl. 7:18   "18  It is better that you should take hold of the one, but from the other also do not withdraw your hand;+ for he that fears God will go forth with them all.+"




so the meditation gives me the idea that there are three persons in this scripture and it highlights extremes of spiritual view points but that a fearer of God finds a balance and holds the hand of persons with both extremes and doesn't judge them.  why?   because verse 20 says all sin even those trying to be righteous.



So yes we care about Jehovah's name;  Jesus cared about Jehovah's name so much he didn't want to hurt it by dieing a criminals death.  But being over critical about persons who sin also hurts his name;  it gives poeple that feeling that God is unmerciful and that play's into the devils hands.  I know that everyone needs to develope faith in Jesus and Jehovah's kindness;  but we can help by trying to be less critical.... we all(myself included)  need to work on this.


I know she hasn't been making good decisions....  but her standards are the same regardless of her worldly fame.  If she makes the new system it will be all gone;  she will have missed out on some of the spiritual privileges.


I'm not the bad guy here.... mercy is a central theme in the scriptures....  If people prove to be unrepentant well that's on them.... lets let them know Jehovah is merciful....


She's hardly in "opposition".....  she is supposedly getting married.  I got tons of little sisters around in the congregations that get pregnant unmarried in thier teens here that come back into the congregation with there little child and are treated well.   Atleast she waited till she was much older and had money to work with to raise a family and does intend to marry.

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9 minutes ago, minister159 said:

18 “And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, what will happen to the ungodly man and the sinner?” --- 1Pet. 4:17, 18

Thats true....  and yet...





36 Now a certain one of the Pharisees kept asking him to dine with him. Accordingly he entered into the house+ of the Pharisee and reclined at the table. 37 And, look! a woman who was known in the city to be a sinner learned that he was reclining at a meal in the house of the Pharisee, and she brought an alabaster+ case of perfumed oil, 38 and, taking a position behind at his feet, she wept and started to wet his feet with her tears and she would wipe them off with the hair of her head. Also, she tenderly kissed his feet and greased them with the perfumed oil. 39 At the sight the Pharisee that invited him said within himself: “This man, if he were a prophet,+ would know who and what kind of woman it is that is touching him, that she is a sinner.”+ 40 But in reply Jesus said to him: “Simon, I have something to say to you.” He said: “Teacher, say it!”

41 “Two men were debtors to a certain lender; the one was in debt for five hundred de·narʹi·i,*+ but the other for fifty. 42 When they did not have anything with which to pay back, he freely forgave+ them both. Therefore, which of them will love him the more?” 43 In answer Simon said: “I suppose it is the one to whom he freely forgave the more.” He said to him: “You judged correctly.” 44 With that he turned to the woman and said to Simon: “Do you behold this woman? I entered into your house; you gave me no water+ for my feet. But this woman wet my feet with her tears and wiped them off with her hair. 45 You gave me no kiss;+ but this woman, from the hour that I came in, did not leave off tenderly kissing my feet. 46 You did not grease my head with oil;+ but this woman greased my feet with perfumed oil. 47 By virtue of this, I tell you, her sins, many though they are, are forgiven,+ because she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.” 48 Then he said to her: “Your sins are forgiven.”+ 49 At this those reclining at the table with him started to say within themselves: “Who is this man who even forgives sins?”+ 50 But he said to the woman: “Your faith has saved you;+ go your way in peace.”+



pretty sure there is another spot where it says Jesus forgave with love....but I'm not finding it now.


anywayz... heres your society quote...:

Jesus—The Way, the Truth, the Life

"Jesus is not excusing immorality. Rather, he is manifesting compassionate understanding of people who commit serious sins but who then show that they are sorry and turn to Christ for relief."

Yes she showed a repentant attitude-----  yes we all need to repent.... most the reason persons are judged is they show they don't want to.... we should not pre judge by being over critical.




1Pet. 4:17, 18


The anointed ones taking the lead need to stay faithful to death with endurance and faithfulness and die "in union with Christ".   The earthly class don't actually come to life till after the thousand year reign.....  i know your gonna say the standards are the same for both hopes.....and thats true;  but the heavenly class are the first fruits so they obviously would ripen to righteousness first.  or i guess in the other extreme be judged first if you want to go that route....



Insight, Volume 2


Time of the heavenly resurrection.

The heavenly resurrection of Christ’s joint heirs begins after Jesus Christ returns in heavenly glory, to give first attention to his spiritual brothers. Christ himself is called “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death.” Paul then says that each one will be resurrected in his own rank, “Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence.” (1Co 15:20, 23) These, as “the house of God,” have been under judgment during their Christian life course, beginning with the first of their number at Pentecost. (1Pe 4:17)



Sin against the holy spirit

Peter writes to his brothers, pointing out that they, as “the house of God,” are under judgment, and he then quotes from Proverbs 11:31 (LXX) warning them of the danger of disobedience. He here implies that their present judgment could end with a judgment of everlasting destruction for them, just as Paul had written.—1Pe 4:17, 18.



she hardly falls under the category of sinning against holy spirit.  sins against holy spirit = 


Sin against the holy spirit.

"Paul speaks of those who have known the truth, have been partakers of holy spirit, and then have fallen away, as falling into a condition in which it is impossible “to revive them again to repentance, "



earthly class mostly will be resurrected..... yet i will grant you some won't be resurrected.



  • Resurrection
  • Insight, Volume 2

Some Not Resurrected. While it is true that Christ’s ransom sacrifice was given for mankind in general, Jesus indicated that its actual application nevertheless would be limited when he said: “Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many.” (Mt 20:28) Jehovah God has the right to refuse to accept a ransom for anyone he deems unworthy. Christ’s ransom covers the sins an individual has because of being a child of sinful Adam, but a person can add to that by his own deliberate, willful course of sin, and he can thus die for such sin that is beyond coverage by the ransom.









mercy is not a sin...........  not responding to it is more of an issue..... so be merciful and let others decide if they will respond to it.

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