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NWT in Spanish

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I'm not known for Breaking News.

However, I don't see any topic about the updated NWT finally released in Spanish.


It was an 'announcement' by our speaker today. Sadly, he made this 'announcement' within his closing prayer. There's something wrong about that. Prayers aren't for 'announcements'.  Maybe I'm just touchy about such drama.

Hope it's TRUE though !!!

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24 minutes ago, Loopy said:

Announced on July 22. !!!


Wonderful. I'm surprised the forum hasn't been on fire about it !!!  It was a long wait, and still the Christian Greek scriptures only.

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Announced on July 22. !!!
Wonderful. I'm surprised the forum hasn't been on fire about it !!!  It was a long wait, and still the Christian Greek scriptures only.

I guess you were just looking in the wrong place...


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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The Spanish NWT was released at our international convention in Madrid on July 19. All Spanish congregations should have announced it that weekend and referred the friends to the released video featured on JWB. I guess it was not announced in English congregations, though. The Bible was available for download immediately.


We've been talking about it for some days on the topic about NWT2013 in other languages. Maybe it would be a good idea to start a specific thread although it feels a bit wierd to discuss the Spanish Bible in English. :)


By the way, if you have had a chance to read from the new revised Bible, it's wonderful. Much easier to read and to understand now. Thanks to Jehovah and to all the translators who have worked so hard to achieve this text.


Edited by carlos
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I think the revised Spanish NWT goes even farther than the English edition. In many places where the English text is similar to the 1984 version, the Spanish text is simplified. Undoubtedly it has benefitted from all the experience gained in these six years since the 2013 Bible was published. Besides, probably the old English edition was more readable than the old Spanish edition to begin with.


For example, the "Land of Decoration" is simply "the Beautiful Land" in the new Bible. It captures the idea perfectly and you don't have any explanation to do.

One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 119:165. The old text mentioned that for those who love Jehovah's law "there is no stumbling block". The new version says "nothing will be an obstacle for them".


What other interesting renderings have you found?




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I think the revised Spanish NWT goes even farther than the English edition. In many places where the English text is similar to the 1984 version, the Spanish text is simplified. Undoubtedly it has benefitted from all the experience gained in these six years since the 2013 Bible was published. Besides, probably the old English edition was more readable than the old Spanish edition to begin with.
For example, the "Land of Decoration" is simply "the Beautiful Land" in the new Bible. It captures the idea perfectly and you don't have any explanation to do.
One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 119:165. The old text mentioned that for those who love Jehovah's law "there is no stumbling block". The new version says "nothing will be an obstacle for them".
What other interesting renderings have you found?

This translation is ongoing. You should see the thousands of questions answered by Translation Services since 2013... All Translation teams can ask questions that then can be accessed by all translators. In fact, it was this that once made it clear that a major revision of the English text was necessary.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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8 hours ago, Dane Rí Rua said:

Maybe I'm wrong but when the brother mentioned it in his prayer,this news was a week old,was he perhaps just thanking Jehovah for this spiritual gift,it was after all on Jw.org since the 19th,hardly a secret.

You make a very good point.  Now I'm beginning to understand.

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20 hours ago, Doug said:

Announced on July 22. !!!

July 22? Yes, that's what one of the articles says. But there was an earlier announcement the same day as the release.




20 hours ago, Doug said:

Wonderful. I'm surprised the forum hasn't been on fire about it !!!  It was a long wait, and still the Christian Greek scriptures only.

:confused: I'm not sure what you mean. The new Spanish Bible contains the Hebrew scriptures too.



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2 hours ago, boodles said:

El esclavo fiel y discreto is now el esclavo fiel y prudente. 

one of the options for translating "discrete" in English from Greek is to use the word "prudent" (Strong's Greek dictionary). I personally liked the old way of using the English word "wise", but that is just me.  The modern use of discrete reminds me of hiding a sordid affair in a cheap motel room,

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9 hours ago, boodles said:

El esclavo fiel y discreto is now el esclavo fiel y prudente. 

That is a great one. The original Spanish NWT committee confused "discreet" with "discreto" in Spanish, but those words are "false friends". They don't mean the same thing although they look alike. "Discreto" is someone who doesn't reveal confidential information or that doesn't make himself noticed. Of course the Slave has those qualities too, but that is not what Jesus meant. :) "Fiel y prudente" expresses the idea perfectly.


7 hours ago, jwhess said:

one of the options for translating "discrete" in English from Greek is to use the word "prudent" (Strong's Greek dictionary). I personally liked the old way of using the English word "wise", but that is just me.  The modern use of discrete reminds me of hiding a sordid affair in a cheap motel room,

I understand that. I think the main meaning of the Greek term is someone who doesn't hurry to act but thinks of the consequences before doing something. Someone who can see in advance.


To make it more difficult you have two words that sound the same but mean different things: discrete and discreet.

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On 7/29/2019 at 4:17 AM, carlos said:

The Spanish NWT was released at our international convention in Madrid on July 19. All Spanish congregations should have announced it that weekend and referred the friends to the released video featured on JWB. I guess it was not announced in English congregations, though. The Bible was available for download immediately.


We've been talking about it for some days on the topic about NWT2013 in other languages. Maybe it would be a good idea to start a specific thread although it feels a bit wierd to discuss the Spanish Bible in English. :)


By the way, if you have had a chance to read from the new revised Bible, it's wonderful. Much easier to read and to understand now. Thanks to Jehovah and to all the translators who have worked so hard to achieve this text.


I downloaded the electronic Bible in my JW Library app and today, when I refreshed the app on my Android phone, I saw there was a refresh for the Spanish NWT! Wouldn't have a clue why, but that is the beauty of what can be accomplished by our brothers concerning online publications!💖

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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I like that "devoción piadosa" (godly devotion) is now simply "devoción a Dios". Perfect, everybody understands that much better than "piadosa".


Y "conducta relajada" (brazen conduct) is now "conducta descarada". "Relajada" was never a good rendering because the idea it transmitted was of doing something very calmly and laid back, someone who doesn't get nervous. The new rendering is spot on showing that it refers to a shameless attitude.


I also find it awesome that this new version is a lot less verbose and yet it conveys the same meaning, even better! So all those words were not really necessary.

Edited by carlos
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On 7/30/2019 at 3:49 AM, carlos said:

you have two words that sound the same but mean different things: discrete and discreet.

There are 8 discrete members of the Governing Body who individually and as a group are discreet because they are prudent, displaying good judgment and foresight because they allow the great wisdom of the Bible to influence their actions and teachings. :D

(Just having fun playing with those 2 similar looking but different words)

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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On 7/29/2019 at 10:38 AM, Thesauron said:

This translation is ongoing. You should see the thousands of questions answered by Translation Services since 2013... All Translation teams can ask questions that then can be accessed by all translators. In fact, it was this that once made it clear that a major revision of the English text was necessary.

Would you care to share some?

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