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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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7 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

I agree! There are some out there who are honest enough to realise and want to know. Lovely silver lining, Mandi! Let us know (in another thread) how it goes. 

Will do ... he seems very hungry and he's got no hang ups with false religion. The virus is scaring him though for his daughter more. She's 12 ... he checked out the mormons but didn't like the hierachy - he liked that with us the elders were there to serve rather than an ego trip.


I'm trying to search the old mag back in 2016 about what to do when there is disease or something so we can have them on the carts hoping i have a copy or two around.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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9 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

with the meeting. So maybe this is going to be the silver lining people coming to know Jehovah.

good to know about your experience with the young man.. My pioneer friends told me that people are responding more to the preaching now even in cart witnessing. 

Some videos in China, are starting to feel emotionally exhausted about whats happening. 

7 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

You really do need to take whatever precautions you can, Jenny. It’s not an exaggeration and it can kill you, even if you are healthy. But we have to keep our senses in all things, and not panic. 

Me and my family are  trying to  make our immune system stronger like taking multivitamins and eating healthier food. Thanks... Media is not balance. It sounds like they scare people rather than helping people how to make precautions.. Im not afraid of death as long as its not from human attack. 

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11 hours ago, Stormswift said:

no matter how bad it gets economically.

In Melbourne some supermarkets are getting low or empty on supplies like : toilet paper, rice, dry food ...etc 


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Australia records first cases of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus

A 53-year-old health worker in western Sydney and a 41-year-old woman also in Sydney have contracted the virus.

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said it was "particularly concerning" to have these two cases on NSW soil.


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Cautious but not alarmed

Hazzard urged Australians to be cautious “but not alarmed” while adding that “for the time being” individuals should re-assess how they greet people on a day-to-day basis.

“It’s a very Australian thing to do, put your hand out to shake hands,” he said.

“I would be suggesting that it’s time Aussies gave each other a pat on the back for the time being.:)


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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54 minutes ago, Dages said:

I thought the hot weather would stop the virus... if it can hold during spring and summer, it's going to be a wild ride

Especially for the planned Conventions.... (I hope the virus goes away soon, otherwise a lot of events will not proceed)

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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So if you think you're healthy, you don't need to worry about... 

I remember reading somewhere that the Covid19 is mutating and affecting young adults. So one must keep up to date with the latest development. We can also check if the information is real or just fake news. Snopes is one such fact checking websites.

I think that everyone should take the necessary precautions to avoid this very contagious virus. One can't know what the after effects of this novel virus because it is so new. 


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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GENEVA (AP) — The Swiss government announced an immediate ban Friday on all “public and private” events in the country involving more than 1,000 people as a measure to halt the spread of COVID-19.

The measure announced Friday comes will last until at least March 15, officials said.

Among the events that will be effected are the annual Geneva International Motor Show, which was due to take place from March 5-15 and draws tens of thousands of visitors every year. Organizers of the auto show did not provide immediate comment on the Swiss government announcement.

The government said it was “aware that this measure will have a significant impact on public life in Switzerland.”

“However, the move is expected to provide effective protection to people in Switzerland and to public health,” the government said. “It should prevent or delay the spread of the disease in Switzerland, thus reducing its momentum.”

For events with fewer than 1,000 people, organizers “must carry out a risk assessment in conjunction with the competent cantonal (state) authorities to decide whether or not the event can be held,” the government said


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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It's not true that half the people infected with coronavirus get well. Many more than half do. Actually very few people die from this virus, and most already had a delicate immune system. Nearly 100,000 people are reported as infected, but only less than 3,000 have died from it. For some reason this whole story has been magnified and exaggerated by the media.


My opinion is that the virus will spread globally, no matter which measures are taken, and a good ratio of the population will get infected with it. Many of them won't even realize, they will think they have a flu and will get well in a few days. A few more thousands will die, but still nothing compared to the 650,000 people killed by the common flu last year (and yet no airports were closed and no cities were quarantined due to the flu). Then the virus will recede and we won't hear of it again.


Much deadlier diseases have spread and then they naturally recede after some months. Even the black plague disappeared even though they had no medicines and no medical knowledge back at the time. This virus will not mean the end and certainly it will not decimate world population. It's much more likely that any of us die in a traffic accident or by a heart disease than by coronavirus.



Edited by carlos
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There have been 10 cases in the Netherlands.The anti-epidemic measures adopted by the Netherlands have been questioned by many Chinese people, but some said there was no need to worry about the highly developed medical and health services in the Netherlands.All I can do is protect myself and wash my hands(My mother bought a lot of food at home last week, so I don't worry about food😂).The reaction of Chinese and Dutch people is totally different.The most Chinese in the Netherlands are now worried that the Netherlands will become the next Italy and the Dutch people think this is normal.



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Fisherman's Wharf wants to add balconies to condos

Coronavirus reported at Sarasota hospital

  • By Scott Lawson Venice Gondolier Editor
    • Mar 1, 2020 Updated 9 hrs ago
Doctors Hospital coronavirus letter

A patient at Doctors Hospital provided an image of a letter reportedly.......... well I never thought in such a short time that it would come to where it is within a mile from my home. Some of my family members are in the medical field and they had text me last night that that's what they had heard I didn't believe it until I saw it on the news this morning. The rest of the country probably doesn't know but everybody here refers to Florida as God's waiting room and right now this is the season where people come from up north to get away from the cold many of them are older and have many medical issues. It may get very bad here very quickly.


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39 minutes ago, carlos said:

It's not true that half the people infected with coronavirus get well. Many more than half do. Actually very few people die from this virus, and most already had a delicate immune system. Nearly 100,000 people are reported as infected, but only less than 3,000 have died from it. For some reason this whole story has been magnified and exaggerated by the media.


My opinion is that the virus will spread globally, no matter which measures are taken, and a good ratio of the population will get infected with it. Many of them won't even realize, they will think they have a flu and will get well in a few days. A few more thousands will die, but still nothing compared to the 650,000 people killed by the common flu last year (and yet no airports were closed and no cities were quarantined due to the flu). Then the virus will recede and we won't hear of it again.


Much deadlier diseases have spread and then they naturally recede after some months. Even the black plague disappeared even though they had no medicines and no medical knowledge back at the time. This virus will not mean the end and certainly it will not decimate world population. It's much more likely that any of us die in a traffic accident or by a heart disease than by coronavirus.



I think the biggest fear by the media of it spreading is if it mutates.

Dunno if you play video games, but there was this browser based game called Pandemic 2 before. The point of the game was that you were a virus/parasite/bacteria and the goal was to infect the world. As more people got it more options were open, spread by spread by water, spread by air, rodent, insect. etc. As well as symptoms you could give it. Usually, once you gave it the ability to spread by air, that was it, it went everywhere. And the symptoms you could give it were even deadlier and more resistant due to the mutation as it took more and more of the population.


Based on the game, the symptoms of Corona are little right now and not a threat, but it's airborne, and could highly mutate the more different types of people it infects and mixes with.


The only annoying thing about that game was if Madagascar closed their port you lost, because they only had one ship port, and were the first to close it early on.



Edited by Nirex

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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Being cold and flu season, it's really hard to tell who has it or not. My RV just sent me a video of her young son in the hospital suffering terribly from a fever. Now she and her baby have caught it. I asked her if she has corona virus, and she just said it's a fever.


The neighbor kid came over yesterday to play with my daughter. When the mother picked her up, she said she was fighting a cold, but is feeling better. I said "so long as it's not corona virus." She didn't know. Then I saw her this morning while I was in service walking her daughter to the pediatrician. :o I really hope my daughter doesn't catch anything. Cases here in Germany are up to 158 with the virus. We stayed home specifically yesterday from the assembly to avoid exposure, but here we are around sick neighbors. I guess it's just a matter of time.

Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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16 minutes ago, Lieblingskind said:

Being cold and flu season, it's really hard to tell who has it or not. My RV just sent me a video of her young son in the hospital suffering terribly from a fever. Now she and her baby have caught it. I asked her if she has corona virus, and she just said it's a fever.

Right, it causes a lot of panic and paranoia.

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6 hours ago, JennyM said:

Im referring to all the news in media about the corona.. Is it exaggerating or truth? If its truth then we cant follow the yeartext  to make disciples. if its exaggerating, it only creates fear and panic. 

It seems that those who die from coronavirus have underlying symptoms or have weaker immune system.. So if you think you're healthy, you don't need to worry about... 

This is really dangerous thinking.  On the one hand, if we believe the news is wildly exaggerated, then we will be risking our lives or the lives of the people we come in contact with.  On the other, if we believe that living during a time of plague means we cannot preach the Kingdom, then we are in effect saying this problem is too big for Jehovah and we run the risk of spiritual inactivity.


The direction from Jehovah and his organization on this matter is to follow the direction of the superior authorities and take the necessary safety precautions.  Acting as if these reports are exaggerated and, perhaps, unnecessary is the opposite of what Jehovah is telling us through his channel.


Jesus said we would live during a time of global disease.  Revelation describes pestilence galloping around the globe.  Jesus said the good news of the Kingdom would be preached for a witness to all the nations.  So Jesus knew these plagues and pandemics would come and he told us to preach.  That is what we will do.  Jehovah's hand is not short and this global disease will not stop us from delivering the Kingdom good news.  If we have to stay home or in quarantine for two weeks or a month or longer, then we will find another way to preach the message.  We will write letters, make telephone calls, send e-mails, talk to our doctors, talk to fellow patients, talk to delivery people, talk to the police, talk to any living human we see.  Jehovah's hand is not short and a pandemic will never stop the spread of the Kingdom message.  No plague is strong enough to keep us quiet.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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There will always be a way. @JennyM :) Jesus even said the stones would cry out if needed, as a testament that Jehovah's will be done. We can't forget that the same scriptures which said the last days would include pestilence were inspired by the same mind who wants us to preach until the end. Jehovah would not tell us that if he thought the illnesses plaguing the world would be too much to achieve that.


I never go out my front door, but still achieve some field service through online mediums, others do phone calls, etc. Even without internet or phones, people could avoid contact with others by posting leaflets, posters (etc) in public places where it's allowed with links and recomendations to JW.org and so on and not spend much time around people.

Edited by EccentricM
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I can't remember, but was there such worldwide pandemonium  crisis outcry during the other viruses that went around the globe, for eg. during SARs, H1N1, Bird flu, etc.? I don't remember people reacting with panic shopping, and can't remember any significant market crash, unless I'm just forgetting...


I also don't expect any kind of miracle healing or protection should I catch it. Thus am trying to be cautiously aware of things - not to the extreme, but also not to the point where I think the chances are so low that it's impossible to catch it. The spread is too early to know how far it will affect the world.


Maybe I'm also a little sensitive, as 2 weeks ago I had a terrible bout of the stomach flu. I was completely immobile for 3 days, to the point where I lost 4 kilos, which for me is alot! It was horrible and scary during its height of the illness.

Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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33 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

This is really dangerous thinking.  On the one hand, if we believe the news is wildly exaggerated, then we will be risking our lives or the lives of the people we come in contact with.  On the other, if we believe that living during a time of plague means we cannot preach the Kingdom, then we are in effect saying this problem is too big for Jehovah and we run the risk of spiritual inactivity.


The direction from Jehovah and his organization on this matter is to follow the direction of the superior authorities and take the necessary safety precautions.  Acting as if these reports are exaggerated and, perhaps, unnecessary is the opposite of what Jehovah is telling us through his channel.


Dangerous thinking? well, thank you for your input or correction ..  Thats why  we need each other... Im just wondering if the virus will go pandemic, how can we follow the command through the yeartext.. Yes, we do internet witnessing or call people but  theres huge difference if we talk to them in person. 


28 minutes ago, EccentricM said:

I never go out my front door, but still achieve some field service through online mediums, others do phone calls, etc. Even without internet or phones, people could avoid contact with others by posting leaflets, posters (etc) in public places where it's allowed with links and recomendations to JW.org and so on and not spend much time around people.

Ok yeah.. Pestilence is a sign of the last day.. but according to the media, this is getting worse etc... Sounds like media hyped not balance. .. So far, still we enjoy preaching in the public and people are listening more now. 

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2 minutes ago, JennyM said:

Ok yeah.. Pestilence is a sign of the last day.. but according to the media, this is getting worse etc... Sounds like media hyped not balance

It's all connected. Whether it's true or not about the hype. People are "fierce and without self control", this can come in all sorts of mediums, not just outright agression, but it includes manipulative media, hysteria, and so on.

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2 hours ago, carlos said:

It's not true that half the people infected with coronavirus get well. Many more than half do. Actually very few people die from this virus, and most already had a delicate immune system. Nearly 100,000 people are reported as infected, but only less than 3,000 have died from it. For some reason this whole story has been magnified and exaggerated by the media.


My opinion is that the virus will spread globally, no matter which measures are taken, and a good ratio of the population will get infected with it. Many of them won't even realize, they will think they have a flu and will get well in a few days. A few more thousands will die, but still nothing compared to the 650,000 people killed by the common flu last year (and yet no airports were closed and no cities were quarantined due to the flu). Then the virus will recede and we won't hear of it again.


Much deadlier diseases have spread and then they naturally recede after some months. Even the black plague disappeared even though they had no medicines and no medical knowledge back at the time. This virus will not mean the end and certainly it will not decimate world population. It's much more likely that any of us die in a traffic accident or by a heart disease than by coronavirus.



Carlos, its true that around 80% will be mildly affected.

Its the remaining 20% that's the problem as the symptoms are severe to critical mainly due to pneumonia.


In Singapore we now have a total of 108 cases.
78 have recovered and the total remaining in hospital are 30.

6 are in the intensive care unit.


Due to very detailed contact tracing, the infection rate here remains low.

But the government keeps reminding us it may not remain low for long.

If the illness becomes serious then breathing support is needed. (i.e. you develop pneumonia)

Initially through an oxgen tube, then through a mechanical ventilator in the intensive care unit.


Its when you are in the 20% range where life becomes terrible.

I don't think the warnings are media hype. The threat is real and very scary.


The covid19 virus spreads easily.


e.g. One of our auxiliary police officers in Singapore served a quarantine notice to 2 wuhan residents who were infected. Although he was trained to protect himself he got infected.


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I hear that any foreigner who is quarantined in a Singaporean hospital, gets free treatment. I doubt anyone would like to put in such a situation. 

I read that the Thai health minister is warning its citizens not to go to such countries like Singapore, South Korea, China etc. If they come back there will have to be quarantined for 2 weeks.  It seems that the Thais are taking advantage of the cheap air ticket prices. The same minister also warned that it may be their last trip overseas. Oh my. I can understand not going to high risk areas like South Korea or China but surely Singapore should be quite safe, no?

Anyway, I decided not to go down south (Singapore) this week because my free hotel stay fell through. It wasn't worth the risk. Better not take any unnecessary risks.

I came back from Padang, Indonesia 2 weeks ago and am still nursing a mild cough. My CBOE insisted that I wear a mask during the meetings.  He kindly let me have one, a mildly scented one. I even went out preaching without wearing a mask but some in my group did wear one. I thought it weird to be wearing mask while going door to door in the low cost flats. People might have some weird thoughts going through their heads seeing us coming in masks. Looks so odd. 

Edited by M'Awan

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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