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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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I only wear a mask in supermarkets or stores or in public transport because that is mandatory. I socially distance so as not to offend others but all in all I think the matter is heavily overrated. When people rush past me too close in the stores and get all apologetic I "smile" at them and say "Don't worry, I'm not scared of Corona...". I dance and sing in the supermarket when the music plays. I refuse to play along with this dehumanizing atmosphere of angst. It isn't good for my health, nor for the health of those around me.

I think it is way better to follow the advice from people who have spent millions studying diseases like this. I do not think it is wise to pretend to all of a sudden be a specialist in virological disease. If they say, stay apart, that’s what I do. If they say, wear a mask, I do. Am I scared of COVID-19? No, but I am considerate of those who are and those who get seriously ill from it. Some will get seriously worried when people do not respect the situation at the moment.

Would I like to contract it? No. My body might react just fine. Or it might not. I don’t feel like playing that roulette. I am worried about where this economic collapse of the international economic system might lead? Do I feel angst? No and no. I know where this will all end no matter what. Things might become better for a while, or worse. In either case, it will end up with this world being replaced with God’s Kingdom.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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In times like this we all need to take a deep breath.
The main thing to remember is, whether or not we all agree on wearing mask/social distancing/vaccines, etc. - we all agree on one thing = Jehovah is our God and we will choose to obey his direction through the Governing Body, whether or not we entirely understand or agree with it. Jehovah sees the whole picture, we do not!      
So,  question in line with today's public talk "Which God will You Serve?" - Imagine the following scenario : The Government declares that things are slowing down, it's safe to go out, a mask isn't needed and social distancing can be relaxed. However, the Governing body issues a warning advising us to stay at home and still practice wearing a mask/social distancing, etc. Who will we listen to?  

They just read this warning in the congregations under the Scandinavia branch, that we must prayerfully consider what we do, and the conscience of others. No matter what the government says, the Kingdom Halls remain shut and the public ministry on hold until the branch conveys otherwise.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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My job closed for about 2 months. They opened back up, but with unsteady work load. Work is sporadic. But something is better than nothing.  They've modified the job so part of it can be done from home,  and part in the office.

Do I need the job at this precise moment?

No, I have some savings.  I rather not go and risk exposure. But, the savings will run out. And if I abandon this job, with the high unemployment numbers growing, in the future  jobs may be very scarce and stiff competition to obtain one. Now,  if I knew GT was right around the corner,  maybe I could stall from returning to work. But even then, how long will the GT last? (In my PERSONAL OPINION, 3.5 years, let's leave that debate for another time) sooo.. I'm interested in your opinions, to go back to work or not?  Cons and pros? Anything I haven't thought of?

Ps. I have no health ins from my job.

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9 minutes ago, M.J. said:

My job closed for about 2 months. They opened back up, but with unsteady work load. Work is sporadic. But something is better than nothing.  They've modified the job so part of it can be done from home,  and part in the office.

Do I need the job at this precise moment?

No, I have some savings.  I rather not go and risk exposure. But, the savings will run out. And if I abandon this job, with the high unemployment numbers growing, in the future  jobs may be very scarce and stiff competition to obtain one. Now,  if I knew GT was right around the corner,  maybe I could stall from returning to work. But even then, how long will the GT last? (In my PERSONAL OPINION, 3.5 years, let's leave that debate for another time) sooo.. I'm interested in your opinions, to go back to work or not?  Cons and pros? Anything I haven't thought of?

Ps. I have no health ins from my job.

It’s just an opinion gleaned from a sparse picture of your circumstances. So I’m not very comfortable giving it. How’s your health? How much public facing do you have? Can you work from home? If your work is in an office is it a closed , single person office? Are you required to wear a mask? You see , more than a few variables.  Further, has the local government actually been following the CDC ( or equivalent) guidelines in reopening? 

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2 hours ago, ChocoBro said:

Wearing masks and social distancing does not prevent the spread. That has recently been proven in the case of a German church where after a service, several were "infected" (whatever that means) despite having heeded all precautions. 

The problem is this is only anecdotal evidence.  There were no scientific researchers monitoring the entire gathering. Despite what people in attendance might say, we can't be certain everyone followed every safety precaution including masks, distancing, sanitizing surfaces between each touch. 


Masks are not 100 effective and nobody should claim otherwise.  It's like Swiss cheese.  Layer enough cheese and all the holes eventually get covered.  But need all the layers. 


Both people wearing masks is still better protection than neither wearing masks. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Be careful . Taking deep breaths can cause you to catch the CV.  The experts have said soz

No, you would need to be in close proximity to someone who is a carrier for that to happen. In some areas people are asked to wear masks to limit spread of the disease that way. But it is more likely to happen via touch, I’ve understood. I.E., you touch the same surfaces. That is why we spend so much energy disinfecting things even at branch facilities.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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53 minutes ago, Shannie said:

Even if they make a Vaccine  Me My Hubby and Kids Will Not be getting that Posion In a Bottle..

no telling what they put in it ...a rush job to Satisfy the world 🌎 I don’t trust the government 

I very much doubt a safe vaccine can be produced.  Some authorities are holding out this hope for the sake of hope. But this is a reverse transcriptase virus ( not like the flu). No similar vaccine has ever been made ( HIV, SARSs, The common Cold). And the first run will be suspicious. I’m no anti vaccine person but this one is a worry.  Now the big q:  what if the Government demands it ??

2 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

No, you would need to be in close proximity to someone who is a carrier for that to happen. In some areas people are asked to wear masks to limit spread of the disease that way. But it is more likely to happen via touch, I’ve understood. I.E., you touch the same surfaces. That is why we spend so much energy disinfecting things even at branch facilities.

That was a joke.

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1 minute ago, BenJepthah said:

Now the big q:  what if the Government demands it ??

Yup, and what if it involves the blood issue? Worrying about tomorrow can drive us crazy, I'm still busy dealing with today. 👍🏼😁

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I very much doubt a safe vaccine can be produced.  Some authorities are holding out this hope for the sake of hope. But this is a reverse transcriptase virus ( not like the flu). No similar vaccine has ever been made ( HIV, SARSs, The common Cold). And the first run will be suspicious. I’m no anti vaccine person but this one is a worry.  Now the big q:  what if the Government demands it ??

I am not a specialist on vaccines. I trust those people are working hard on finding something that works. Will they succeed? Maybe, maybe not. Until then, I follow the advice from those who have studied these diseases for a long time. Will the vaccine be acceptable to me? Maybe, then I might take it if necessary. Will it not be acceptable? Then I will not take it.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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36 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

I think it is way better to follow the advice from people who have spent millions studying diseases like this. I do not think it is wise to pretend to all of a sudden be a specialist in virological disease. If they say, stay apart, that’s what I do. If they say, wear a mask, I do. Am I scared of COVID-19? No, but I am considerate of those who are and those who get seriously ill from it.

Well said words. This is my thinking. 


11 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

I very much doubt a safe vaccine can be produced.  Some authorities are holding out this hope for the sake of hope. But this is a reverse transcriptase virus ( not like the flu). No similar vaccine has ever been made ( HIV, SARSs, The common Cold). And the first run will be suspicious. I’m no anti vaccine person but this one is a worry.  Now the big q:  what if the Government demands it ??

Very sobering. 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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I admit, I wondered in puzzlement as to why there were and continue to be various protests going on in around cities in Germany, particularly on the subject of keeping not only ourselves but our neighbors safe. All the social, political, economical and mental consequences, that when consumed by regularly reading the news, blogs, conspiracy theorists, political activists, could be a cause of disturbance to a person's well-being, not excluding the brothers. It reminds me of the video we had about a sister sympathizing with some of the protests against the government, and how it was affecting her neutrality and ability to not also want to join in on the protests.


We are not immune to how governments decide to exercise their power, and the possible negative effects this brings to all of us. But this is where caution is important on how much we invest our personal time into educating ourselves on the various angles of COVID19. It sure is depressing and negative, and yes indecisive of the government at times.


Because everyone, including those who are more worried than others, have that right to take that little extra precaution, maybe doing moreso than somebody who has a more loose view. To tell ones not to worry could cause even more stress, sickness and worry, than someone who feels the need not to be restricted down, like many of these protestors are fighting aggresively for one reason or another.


It is a loving thing that Jehovah gives us direction despite the world falling apart. I really appreciated the scripture the speaker read at our meeting. Psalm 46:1,2 "God is our refuge and strength, A help that is readily found in times of distress. That is why we will not fear, though the earth undergoes change".

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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30 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

No, you would need to be in close proximity to someone who is a carrier for that to happen. In some areas people are asked to wear masks to limit spread of the disease that way. But it is more likely to happen via touch, I’ve understood. I.E., you touch the same surfaces. That is why we spend so much energy disinfecting things even at branch facilities.


It's really funny you should say that, I've read at least three news pieces claiming the exact opposite, namely that there is no evidence pointing towards a relevant spread of the virus through contact surfaces.

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59 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

I think it is way better to follow the advice from people who have spent millions studying diseases like this. I do not think it is wise to pretend to all of a sudden be a specialist in virological disease. If they say, stay apart, that’s what I do. If they say, wear a mask, I do. Am I scared of COVID-19? No, but I am considerate of those who are and those who get seriously ill from it. Some will get seriously worried when people do not respect the situation at the moment.

Would I like to contract it? No. My body might react just fine. Or it might not. I don’t feel like playing that roulette. I am worried about where this economic collapse of the international economic system might lead? Do I feel angst? No and no. I know where this will all end no matter what. Things might become better for a while, or worse. In either case, it will end up with this world being replaced with God’s Kingdom.

I don't think that's what he was doing. He has a point in that humans are becoming disconnected as we do treat each other as walking biohazards. Even when I was walking down an isle in a store last week, I was three quarters down an isle when a gentleman happened to turn down the same isle coming toward me, and he tried to run from me to avoid passing me, with a mask on. It was quite ridiculous how humans are literally terrified of each other.


I, like him, have to apologize every time I have to walk past someone in a public place. Its mentally and emotionally draining to have to find ways to avoid even walking past people like they have leprosy.


And this is the "new normal" people are advocating for?

Edited by Bob
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4 minutes ago, ChocoBro said:


It's really funny you should say that, I've read at least three news pieces claiming the exact opposite, namely that there is no evidence pointing towards a relevant spread of the virus through contact surfaces.

They updated those findings just this week.



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6 minutes ago, ChocoBro said:


It's really funny you should say that, I've read at least three news pieces claiming the exact opposite, namely that there is no evidence pointing towards a relevant spread of the virus through contact surfaces.

If your group overseer haven't done so already, please ask him about your branch (Germany I guess) of the COVID-19 documents provided to elders and servants on the secure jw.org login. These ones in the USA branch territory are very useful and helpful. 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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1 hour ago, cricket246 said:

In times like this we all need to take a deep breath.


The main thing to remember is, whether or not we all agree on wearing mask/social distancing/vaccines, etc. - we all agree on one thing = Jehovah is our God and we will choose to obey his direction through the Governing Body, whether or not we entirely understand or agree with it. Jehovah sees the whole picture, we do not! ^_^     


So,  question in line with today's public talk "Which God will You Serve?" - Imagine the following scenario : The Government declares that things are slowing down, it's safe to go out, a mask isn't needed and social distancing can be relaxed. However, the Governing body issues a warning advising us to stay at home and still practice wearing a mask/social distancing, etc. Who will we listen to? ❤️ 

Sticking with GB because politics and money is involved with the world decisions. But do not forget we have a brain too. If the numbers are going, then what does this tell us?

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42 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

It’s just an opinion gleaned from a sparse picture of your circumstances. So I’m not very comfortable giving it. How’s your health? How much public facing do you have? Can you work from home? If your work is in an office is it a closed , single person office? Are you required to wear a mask? You see , more than a few variables.  Further, has the local government actually been following the CDC ( or equivalent) guidelines in reopening? 

Health is average/normal.

I can work part from home,  part in office,  as I said. I have to work with clients in a closed single office.

They do want us to wear masks. I have my own cloth mask with carbon filter.


"has the local government actually been following the CDC ( or equivalent) guidelines in reopening?"


Lol, there is no possible way I could actually keep up with the changing guidelines of the CDC, fed govn, local govn, etc etc.. I have no idea what they are in detail.  I have a general understanding. I simply keep as safe as possible.  I started using a mask and at the very beginning, when the dr saw me he discouraged me to do so, and told me it wasn't necessary.  I just laughed and told him,  something is always better than nothing. I use mask, gloves,  and limit my public exposure as much as possible. Period. That's it. And I take vitamins,  especially zinc, which seemed to show some promise.

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It's really funny you should say that, I've read at least three news pieces claiming the exact opposite, namely that there is no evidence pointing towards a relevant spread of the virus through contact surfaces.

Here is a piece you can read about how it spreads.


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I don't think that's what he was doing. He has a point in that humans are becoming disconnected as we do treat each other as walking biohazards. Even when I was walking down an isle in a store last week, I was three quarters down an isle when a gentleman happened to turn down the same isle coming toward me, and he tried to run from me to avoid passing me, with a mask on. It was quite ridiculous how humans are literally terrified of each other.  

I, like him, have to apologize every time I have to walk past someone in a public place. Its mentally and emotionally draining to have to find ways to avoid even walking past people like they have leprosy.


And this is the "new normal" people are advocating for?


For the time being, a little space between people when possible might be the best way to control the spread of the disease combined with basic hygiene, and washing your hands carefully with soap and water. And to avoid crowds as much as possible. Remember why we do this? It is not because we hate people, or are terrified of them, but the exact opposite. It is because we care about the health of others. Maybe you will have to be the one showing consideration for that man in the aisle next time, and avoid coming too close. And if he knows you as a witness, he will know that witnesses are considerate, but not scared or worried.


The “new normal” might include things like not shaking hands with people, and possibly a whole lot of other effects I don’t know about. Whatever it means, it seems more and more unlikely that things will go back to the way they were. Perhaps people will have to find a way to live with these types of diseases. What does that mean for the society and the economy? I don’t know, and it doesn’t bother me much either. I’m not worried. God’s Kingdom is just around the corner.


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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31 minutes ago, M.J. said:

Health is average/normal.

I can work part from home,  part in office,  as I said. I have to work with clients in a closed single office.

They do want us to wear masks. I have my own cloth mask with carbon filter.


"has the local government actually been following the CDC ( or equivalent) guidelines in reopening?"


Lol, there is no possible way I could actually keep up with the changing guidelines of the CDC, fed govn, local govn, etc etc.. I have no idea what they are in detail.  I have a general understanding. I simply keep as safe as possible.  I started using a mask and at the very beginning, when the dr saw me he discouraged me to do so, and told me it wasn't necessary.  I just laughed and told him,  something is always better than nothing. I use mask, gloves,  and limit my public exposure as much as possible. Period. That's it. And I take vitamins,  especially zinc, which seemed to show some promise.

I actually work on a COVID unit and have had several fellow staff test positive with wildly varied responses. I myself believe I have had it but with very light symptoms. That said: if , in your area the rate of infections has leveled off and is declining AND you are taking reasonable precautions as relayed from the Branch . And you are not in personal contact with a vulnerable person. I would say you are reasonably safe to work in that environment. The other question to consider is conditions of transportation. Public transportation of any type is really risky. Our Epidemiologist recently went through Atlanta International and although it was very lightly populated he saw very few people wearing masks ( he himself was). So almost any enclosed public space is high risk. 

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I feel like my previous comments were taken out of context.  But nonetheless,  I do greatly apologize if my comments were not clear and caused misunderstandings.  

Regarding what my elders and CO said, they were not saying, NOR implying that asymptomatic people were blood guilty because they unknowingly could spread covid. Nor were they saying if anyone unknowingly infected someone that they would be blood guilty. Rather the point was if any one of us chose to deliberately disobey the guidelines, be it wearing a mask, social distancing, etc, and as a result of our DISOBEDIENCE we unknowingly infected someone and that someone died, then "might we be held blood guilty in Jehovah's eyes?"

If I may clarify further. Their comments were about willingly obeying Jehovah and his organization. Not getting caught up with the world's thinking. It wasn't/isn't a matter of how we personally view things, or about who is right or who is wrong regarding how best to control covid and its spread, or how best to protect others, but rather it's about being obedient regardless of our personal viewpoints, and following the direction of Jehovahs organization and our local elders. They also reminded us that Jehovah takes note of our faithfulness.

I appreciated the reminders and counsel from the brothers and had wanted to share it with you all.

*** I hope this clears up any misunderstandings


Perhaps this was one of those times to keep silent.  😶

Edited by Snority

"Life can be understood by looking back but it must be lived by looking ahead".

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12 minutes ago, Tbs77 said:


Detroit priest uses squirt gun to spray holy water on parishioners as they socially distance

"The squirt gun allowed the dose without any cross contamination," he said,"

Too late, the cross contaminated Christianity a long time ago...😂

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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2 hours ago, M.J. said:

I just laughed and told him,  something is always better than nothing. I use mask

Depending on how you use your mask and how often you disinfect it, your doctor may deserve a wee bit more respect from you. Wearing a mask in the long term can result in you damaging your health, if you do not use it reasonably. Depending on what kind of mask it is, it will likely prevent you spreading it to others and hardly prevent you contracting it.


See, this is what bothers me. Everybody thinks they know something, when apparently, even the science experts can't agree on stuff.

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