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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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4 minutes ago, Bob said:

Lockdowns have consequences? Of course they do, and pretty serious health consequences during a pandemic in which good health is paramount to fighting the disease. 



Maybe people should eat healthier foods then. I don't even get outside (been that way for years), but I do alright. I could use with better cardio, but other than that I'm in good physical health, because I don't eat junk food. People don't have a sense of responsbililty for their own wellbeing.

Edited by EccentricM
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5 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

         This is what we are up against. It has no comparison. 

Obviously something they touched on the way to the ship, or someone else who was not tested walked by and had touched the ship, or infected cargo that had been handled by someone else recently was put on the ship .

Edited by EccentricM
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8 hours ago, M.J. said:

It's these kind of comments that really make me wonder...

Your comments (especially in this post) are full of typical political talking points and phrases. 

Isn't it sad that I can infer your political leaning from the way you talk?

And I can also take a good guess at which news channels you favor...


Can you now? I would not know what news channel might present something similar. Interesting that I haven’t watched a news channel of any kind in years. I don’t even have any television signal. 
     But let’s test it ; picture the kind of person who refuses to wear a mask and social distance.The kind of person who will Insist  it is their right to refuse to do so.  What do You see? 

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17 minutes ago, EccentricM said:

Maybe people should eat healthier foods then. I don't even get outside (been that way for years), but I do alright. I could use with better cardio, but other than that I'm in good physical health, because I don't eat junk food. People don't have a sense of responsbililty for their own wellbeing.

lol its not helpful being a contrarian. Obviously, there is no substitute for getting out and getting some Vitamin D from the Sun and some real exercise. It good for mental and physical health. 

Edited by Bob
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7 minutes ago, Bob said:

lol its not helpful being a contrarian. Obviously, there is no substitute for getting out and getting some Vitamin D from the Sun and some real exercise. It good for mental and physical health. 

I'm not being contrarian, I'm giving factual advice based upon the articles you send. It said on that page, lockdown is causing health problems, largely because of food people eat. Exercise is important too, people can do that at home, or they can social distance walk. But eating better will greatly contribute to lessening those lockdown "consequences".


But what I'm trying to adress is, that you Bob, without being offensive, seem to be contrarian against lockdown measures and try to argue at every point against the law of masks and people staying indoors. I might be wrong, but that's the "Impression" I'm getting. There might be consquences, but the consequences we face right now temporaily are far lesser than that of an infectious virus being allowed to run rampant across the world.


If I'm wrong in my observation of you though, then I do apologise, but you come across as invested at trying to belittle the measurements taken to control the pandemic.

Edited by EccentricM
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8 hours ago, M.J. said:

It's these kind of comments that really make me wonder...

Your comments (especially in this post) are full of typical political talking points and phrases. 

Isn't it sad that I can infer your political leaning from the way you talk?

And I can also take a good guess at which news channels you favor...


I didn't get that impression at all. I think he stated that a world of love less people just got hit in the face with reality. People need to stop their selfishness to survive. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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2 minutes ago, EccentricM said:

I'm not being contrarian, I'm giving factual advice based upon the articles you send. It said on that page, lockdown is causing health problems, largely because of food people eat. Exercise is important too, people can do that at home, or they can social distance walk.


But what I'm trying to adress is, that you Bob, without being offensive, seem to be contrarian against lockdown measures and try to argue at every point against the law of masks and people staying indoors. I might be wrong, but that's the "Impression" I'm getting. There might be consquences, but the consequences we face right now temporaily are far lesser than that of an infectious virus being allowed to run rampant across the world.


If I'm wrong in my observation of you though, then I do apologise, but you come across as invested at trying to belittle the measurements taken to control the pandemic.

My views on lockdowns are well documented here. Outdoors activities were never banned here, and by nature of being outdoors, are done safely. 

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13 hours ago, Todd komaniak said:

Well at the post office in the south western region in Florida has mandated that we wear masks the one that they gave us came with a note inside it saying that this mask does not stop the transmission of covid-19 or any other diseases similar so wearing it doesn't stop it . So at this point is it just to make other people feel better

The bold part is absolutely true. I mean its all about making people feel safe when patronizing businesses. I've read many comments from people that say they feel comfortable when a person at a restaurant has on a mask when handling their food, or a cashier at a store. Well, so do I. But the point is, its all about boosting the economy. Nothing wrong with that. 



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If masks don't help block viruses, I wonder why the governing body has advised us to wear them? ^_^  I think they have to do some good, or otherwise both the governing body and the government authorities wouldn't be advising us to wear them.


But as I mentioned in a different post, to each their own. I'm wearing mine, but I'm not gonna attack someone if they don't wear one, I would just prefer they stay at least three feet away from me. ^_^


It's kind of like with seatbealts, guard rails, life jackets, etc. Some people see them as a safeguard others see them as a hindrance. ❤️ Agree to disagree I guess lol 


I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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36 minutes ago, EccentricM said:

Maybe people should eat healthier foods then. I don't even get outside (been that way for years), but I do alright. I could use with better cardio, but other than that I'm in good physical health, because I don't eat junk food. People don't have a sense of responsbililty for their own wellbeing.

Matthew, keep in mind the America lifestyle is different than it is where you are.  In most places here people do not live within walking distance (or a short public transit commute) to a grocer.  In the more spread out areas of the United States families go to the grocer once every couple of weeks or maybe even once a month.  We buy large quantities.  As a result the large quantities purchased are full of preservatives to make them have a longer shelf life.   The less healthier alternatives are cheaper than the healthier foods.  Additionally, many people live in areas that are referred to as "food deserts" where access to nutritious food is sparse in comparison to access to junk food.  On top of all of this is the "I want it now" mentality.  People here want it quick and easy.  Getting fast food is quicker and easier than cooking a meal at home.  My brother-in-law doesn't eat leftovers so he's more apt to just run to a fast food restaurant instead of bringing his own lunch.


Now, there are exceptions and there is a growing trend or group of people who do purchase organic foods and try to eat healthy.  The problem is these foods are more expensive and take extra time to prepare.  It's doable, but it's a cultural mindset that requires change.  


Exercise is another woefully neglected activity that even the poorest of people can take advantage of.  Again, this goes to not setting aside the time and, in poor neighborhoods, lack of access to places to exercise.  A person can only do so much in their own home.  Walking trails and free public access areas are dependent upon local governments.  Some neighborhoods are not safe to walk or bike in.  Gym membership costs money.


Of course, the money is relative.  People will say they can't afford the healthier food or exercise memberships but they turn around and purchase cigarettes.  



10 minutes ago, Bob said:

My views on lockdowns are well documented here. Outdoors activities were never banned here, and by nature of being outdoors, are done safely. 

And this statement nullifies the news article you just shared about "Coronavirus prompts double-digit weight gain for Americans under lockdown."  Since outdoor activities were never banned and, by nature of being done outdoors, are done safely, then there is no good excuse for these people to gain double-digit weight while under lockdown.  They all could have chosen to go outside and exercise.  Why blame the lockdown when there was an outlet available where people could have still exercised?   

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2 minutes ago, cricket246 said:

If masks don't help block viruses, I wonder why the governing body has advised us to wear them? ^_^  I think they have to do some good, or otherwise both the governing body and the government authorities wouldn't be advising us to wear them.

The medical profession has been wearing masks for years to protect their patients, so there appears to be some validity to the idea that people can protect others. Personally I think that it shows what is in their hearts. Selfish people will refuse to inconvenience themselves for the sake of others.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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6 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

And this statement nullifies the news article you just shared about "Coronavirus prompts double-digit weight gain for Americans under lockdown."  Since outdoor activities were never banned and, by nature of being done outdoors, are done safely, then there is no good excuse for these people to gain double-digit weight while under lockdown.  They all could have chosen to go outside and exercise.  Why blame the lockdown when there was an outlet available where people could have still exercised?   

Great point and great question, Shawn. Because the lockdowns were indeed sold as "staying in the house" and not leaving the house unless you need food. I'm sure you saw, particularly in warm places during the early spring, cameras demonizing people for even being outside. 


Now the only reason why I knew outdoor activity wasn't banned was because I read the orders myself. Most people don't bother to read them, so they probably didn't know about that exemption because at least locally, it wasn't communicated nearly as wide as "stay home. save lives" sloganerring. 

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6 minutes ago, cricket246 said:

If masks don't help block viruses, I wonder why the governing body has advised us to wear them? ^_^  I think they have to do some good, or otherwise both the governing body and the government authorities wouldn't be advising us to wear them.


But as I mentioned in a different post, to each their own. I'm wearing mine, but I'm not gonna attack someone if they don't wear one, I would just prefer they stay at least three feet away from me. ^_^


It's kind of like with seatbealts, guard rails, life jackets, etc. Some people see them as a safeguard others see them as a hindrance. ❤️ Agree to disagree I guess lol 


Because masks DO work well at hindering spread of the virus.  Masks are not 100% effective but, then again, neither are condoms or birth control pills.   


If masks do not work, then why have doctors worn masks for centuries?  Obviously they work.  







6 minutes ago, EccentricM said:

@Shawnster Thanks for that info :)


It's a shame how the frameworks of our socieites cause us so much unneeded hassles.

FRAMEWORK!  Yes.  That is the word I was looking for!

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5 minutes ago, Bob said:

Great point and great question, Shawn. Because the lockdowns were indeed sold as "staying in the house" and not leaving the house unless you need food. I'm sure you saw, particularly in warm places during the early spring, cameras demonizing people for even being outside. 


Perhaps where you are it was sold like that.  I also know that in Germany it was actually a requirement people could not leave their property.  Here in Ohio, however, the governor kept repeating almost daily that the walking trails and parks would remain open as long as people maintained social distancing.  Playgrounds were closed but people could still go for walks or bike rides.  That was heavily promoted here.

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22 minutes ago, Bob said:

The bold part is absolutely true. I mean its all about making people feel safe when patronizing businesses. I've read many comments from people that say they feel comfortable when a person at a restaurant has on a mask when handling their food, or a cashier at a store. Well, so do I. But the point is, its all about boosting the economy. Nothing wrong with that. 



There is “ some “ benefit from wearing masks. But as Dr. Fauci at one point stated it is now largely symbolic.  When people see me wearing a mask they tend to adjust to keep distance. You may have noticed this behavior. The masks do prevent some droplet spread. But in truth this I now probably out of anyone’s control. My hospital has had multiple Nursing and medical staff test positive. And a negative test is no guarantee. We are now only doing what we can. 

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1 minute ago, BenJepthah said:

We are now only doing what we can. 

Which is all we've ever done.  


We can either do nothing or we can practice what safety measures we can.  


Seat belts and airbags are not 100% effective either.  No safety measure is 100% effective. 

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5 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

There is “ some “ benefit from wearing masks. But as Dr. Fauci at one point stated it is now largely symbolic.  When people see me wearing a mask they tend to adjust to keep distance. You may have noticed this behavior. The masks do prevent some droplet spread. But in truth this I now probably out of anyone’s control. My hospital has had multiple Nursing and medical staff test positive. And a negative test is no guarantee. We are now only doing what we can. 

Yes, there are benefits. Like I said, I wear them when I need to. But as you said, not wearing one does the same for me. It keeps people away. Wearing one encourages them to walk up to me. Not wearing one has its benefits. 


But masks mandates in my opinion are really late to the game. Before any masks mandates were issued, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people were already infected, with millions more not being detected. 


I don't think they serve much purpose now other than symbolism. 

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2 hours ago, Bob said:

I don't think they serve much purpose now other than symbolism. 

I guess the world has been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray and run amok by the symbolic sham of a mask. 




07142020 ap news.jpg

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Bob Nye, the Science Guy, lit a candle in front of him and wearing 3 different types of masks he couldn't blow out the candle..that seems like the mask would protect someone if he was infected..

Edited by Dove

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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8 minutes ago, AH173 said:

I guess the world has been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray and run amok by the symbolic sham of a mask. 




07142020 ap news.jpg

 Well, question for you. Why does it have to be an either or proposition?


Why can't masks both work AND be a way of signaling virtue at the same time?

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3 hours ago, EccentricM said:

Obviously something they touched on the way to the ship, or someone else who was not tested walked by and had touched the ship, or infected cargo that had been handled by someone else recently was put on the ship .

Or false negative tests

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51 minutes ago, Bob said:

 Well, question for you. Why does it have to be an either or proposition?


Why can't masks both work AND be a way of signaling virtue at the same time?

While I find “ virtue signaling “ disingenuous in many cases. And suspicious nearly every time I even hear the words ( I really do t know why).  When it comes to something that may , even to a limited extent, work I don’t t care about the persons motive.  

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