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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Covid-20 is just a sugestion for a name change



"...James notes that infection is now so widespread that perhaps we should consider the virus to be chronic and endemic, much like HIV/AIDS, and approached as such."

"James hopes that a name change to COVID-20 will damper the sharp fear born of the early days of COVID-19 into a more rational discussion of ongoing risks, behaviors, and responses, as well as nudge media to stop reporting COVID-19 cases as raw numbers, which he says does not adequately convey the context."

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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The latest

The pandemic has led to at least 80,000 more U.S. deaths than the official toll records, according to a report on excess mortality released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The country's tally of confirmed coronavirus deaths stood at about 220,000 as of this afternoon. But the CDC analysis found that, by early October, nearly 300,000 more people across the country had died than would be expected in a typical year. The hidden fatalities are believed to be people who died of covid-19 without being diagnosed, or who died of other causes because they were unwilling or unable to seek medical care during the outbreak. 

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Am afraid this COVID-19 or 20, is here for good till Jehovah steps in.  But the last report I heard on You Tube from that Dr. Campbell, masks and distancing are the best weapon against the virus no matter how bad it gets.  Dress well when weather changes.  Really, really appreciated Br. Herd's announcement of Is. 30:15.  Stay calm and trust in Jehovah.  Whether it gets to me down the road, stay faithful, calm and trust so I will be resurrected or I live and do all what he asks us to do, and we live through the end of this system, walk right into the hands and ruler-ship of new government.

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By January 2021, Singapore is going to make it mandatory to either use a Tracing app on the mobile phone or a tracing token (with a battery  that lasts 6 months) when going to crowded places.


i.e. workplaces, schools, places of worships, malls, restaurants, hotels and healthcare facilities, among others.


Cinemas will be the first, starting from next Monday (Oct 26). Rest of the venues nationwide will follow suit by end-December





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Half a million deaths by the end of February? Current COVID-19 strategies have the US headed in that direction, experts say


 The nation's patchwork of differing COVID-19 mandates and the inconsistent use of masks to prevent virus spread could lead to the cumulative loss of more than half a million lives by the end of February, scientists say.

 Researchers from the University of Washington's School of Medicine predicted that current state strategies surrounding social distancing, phased reopenings and mask mandates could lead to 511,373 deaths by Feb. 28, 2021, according to a study published Friday in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Medicine.

 However, scientists also predicted nearly 130,000 lives could be saved from the end of September through the end of February if at least 95% of the population wore masks in public. If only 85% wore masks, still nearly 96,000 deaths could be prevented. 

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A New, Large Study Finds Plasma Does Not Lower Risk of Dying from COVID-19


Researchers in India report that COVID-19 patients who received convalescent plasma from recovered patients did not see a lower risk of dying from the disease.

“This study had a large sample size and it showed that when plasma is infused in patients who have moderate COVID-19 (similar to severe in other countries), it did not reduce mortality or progression to more critical COVID-19,” ..................

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On 10/22/2020 at 1:28 AM, WilliamChew said:

By January 2021, Singapore is going to make it mandatory to either use a Tracing app on the mobile phone or a tracing token (with a battery  that lasts 6 months) when going to crowded places.


i.e. workplaces, schools, places of worships, malls, restaurants, hotels and healthcare facilities, among others.


Cinemas will be the first, starting from next Monday (Oct 26). Rest of the venues nationwide will follow suit by end-December







Thanks brother, 


 I really appreciated brothers and sister postings what is happening in their neck of the woods, it helps get a global picture of how things are progressing.  I know the UK has just introduced their tracking app but its not mandetory yet.  France doesnt have one but many régions, including Paris have a 9pm curfew.  I dont know how soon France will introduced their track & trace  or when it will become mandetory.



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On 10/22/2020 at 1:28 AM, WilliamChew said:

By January 2021, Singapore is going to make it mandatory to either use a Tracing app on the mobile phone or a tracing token (with a battery  that lasts 6 months) when going to crowded places.

We've had a Corona Warn App here in Germany for a few weeks now. A sister I know had a positive warning reading from her app that she had crossed paths with an infected individual, so before she left on holidays went and got a free test done. So far I haven't crossed paths with anyone. But it only works if people register they are positive on the app.

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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25 minutes ago, Lieblingskind said:

We've had a Corona Warn App here in Germany for a few weeks now. A sister I know had a positive warning reading from her app that she had crossed paths with an infected individual, so before she left on holidays went and got a free test done. So far I haven't crossed paths with anyone. But it only works if people register they are positive on the app.

That's interesting. Good to hear that the app has been useful in Germany.


50% of our 6 million population now use the trace together app or token.


The Government has said it needs at least 70 per cent of people to have either the app or tokens in order for the country to resume more activities safely ahead of a Phase 3 reopening.



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4 minutes ago, WilliamChew said:

That's interesting. Good to hear that the app has been useful in Germany.


50% of our 6 million population now use the trace together app or token.


The Government has said it needs at least 70 per cent of people to have either the app or tokens in order for the country to resume more activities safely ahead of a Phase 3 reopening.




Do you have mandetory testing yet?  What are the implications for work of a positive test/ reading?

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Daily Covid-19 cases will hit six digits soon, expert warns, as US reports a one-day high of more than 83,000 infections


"We easily will hit six-figure numbers in terms of the number of cases," Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told CNN Friday night. "And the deaths are going to go up precipitously in the next three to four weeks, following usually new cases by about two to three weeks."

 Health officials say the steep inclines follow the reopening of schools and colleges across the US and have been largely driven by small gatherings -- often family events -- that are increasingly moving indoors, where the virus is likely to spread.

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14 hours ago, sunshine said:


Do you have mandetory testing yet?  What are the implications for work of a positive test/ reading?

Workers who have greater contact with others have roster-ed routine screening.


e.g. a sister's daughter who worked as a pre-school teacher was tested for covid-19 before she could resume work.





Those who test positive for covid-19 are quarantined either in hospital or in community facilites (for those with mild symptoms). The statistics show that a lot of the younger infected patients only had mild symptoms.



As of Oct 24, Singapore has 93 active cases (40 in community facilities, 53 hospitalized but in stable condition).

57,844 discharged out of 57,965 total cases.








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As scientists have unearthed more about this mysterious virus, it's become increasingly clear that certain symptoms spell trouble for the trajectory of one's illness. One recent study, which has not yet been peer reviewed, found that two serious COVID symptoms in particular can indicate a higher chance of hospitalization among those with long-term COVID cases—yet to the naked eye, they may seem no worse than others. Those symptoms are ongoing fever and loss of appetite.

The research team behind the study used an app to gather data from over 4,100 COVID patients and found that roughly 13 percent of participants experienced "long-COVID," an extended illness lasting at least 28 days

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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10 hours ago, WilliamChew said:


Those who test positive for covid-19 are quarantined either in hospital or in community facilites (for those with mild symptoms). The statistics show that a lot of the younger infected patients only had mild symptoms.


Thank you.  Forgive my continuerd quizzing but I just want to get an idea of what is coming for us in Europe further down the line.


- is testing compulsory for all workers ?

- do you have a non invasive test (saliva) or are they still the nasal swab?


Can you tell me about the quarantine centers?(community facilites)... I take it visits are prohibited.  



- how long are those with positive test results kept these centers?

- do detainees have to inform the autorities of their movements and contacts prior to infection?

- if people live alone are they given the option of  quarantining at home?

- have the autorities implied / explained that the coming vaccine will be compulsory ?



Thanks again for the info.


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On 10/22/2020 at 1:28 AM, WilliamChew said:

By January 2021, Singapore is going to make it mandatory to either use a Tracing app on the mobile phone or a tracing token (with a battery  that lasts 6 months) when going to crowded places.

They developed a similar app here in Spain but very few people is actually using it.


11 hours ago, sunshine said:

- is testing compulsory for all workers ?

- do you have a non invasive test (saliva) or are they still the nasal swab?

Rosie, I know you are asking William but I thought I would reply too. :)

Testing is not compulsory here except for those who work with vulnerable people: nurses, carers in homes for the elderly and so on.

I work for the City and all non-essential personnel were sent home for lockdown. Some months later, in order to go back to work, we were scheduled to undergo a PCR test introducing a swab in our throat and nose. It's quite unpleasant but it only lasts a few seconds. It was not exactly mandatory, not sure what would have happened if someone had refused to have it done. I don't know of anyone who did.

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14 hours ago, sunshine said:

- is testing compulsory for all workers ?


Certain work sectors have to go for 14 day routine swab tests.




14 hours ago, sunshine said:

- do you have a non invasive test (saliva) or are they still the nasal swab?


They are working on a quick test. But the routine testing is still the nasal swab PCR.


14 hours ago, sunshine said:

Can you tell me about the quarantine centers?(community facilites)... I take it visits are prohibited.  


During the peak period of the covid-19 event, the built community facilities in many locations like exhibition centers, cruise ships for recovered patients.


Those who fly in to Singapore have to quarantine in hotels. One sister who came home from Toronto, Canada last Tuesday had to serve 14 days quarantine in a hotel. They also did a swab test.


Here's a picture of one community isolation facility at the Changi exhibiton center.



14 hours ago, sunshine said:

- how long are those with positive test results kept these centers?


Here is the discharge criteria. Day 21 of illness.


The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has studied and evaluated the latest local and international clinical and scientific evidence which show that viable virus was not found in COVID-19 patients after the second week of illness despite the persistence of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of ribonucleic acid (RNA). This means that COVID-19 patients are not likely to be infectious after Day 14 of illness and are not infectious by Day 21 of illness. 




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https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/17/us/coronavirus-pandemic-fatigue.html  (Updated Oct. 23, 2020)

Thanks Sister Cheryl for the illuminating article. 




After a dozen cases were detected in the Chinese city of Qingdao, the authorities sought this past week to test all of its 9.5 million residents.

“We have very little backlash here against these types of measures,” said Siddharth Sridhar, an assistant professor of microbiology at the University of Hong Kong. “If anything, there’s a lot of pushback against governments for not doing enough to contain the virus.”




Dr. Michael Landrum, who treats coronavirus patients in Green Bay, Wis., said mask use is more widespread than in the spring, PPE is easier to come by for hospital workers and treatment of the virus is more sophisticated.


Back then, it was not as hard to figure out where sick patients had contracted the coronavirus. There were outbreaks at meatpacking plants in town, and many cases were tied to them. Now it is more complicated.

“The scary scenario is the number of patients who really just don’t know where they got it,” Dr. Landrum said. “That suggests to me that it’s out there spreading very easily.”


The virus has spread to the community at large and it is very hard to do contact tracing and difficult to contain. This latest strain is far more contagious. Cold weather conditions will exacerbate the contagion. 

Be extra cautious and stay safe.

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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I just got tested as prep for 2 more surgical procedures and they also tested me for strep throat, because apparently it's already going around. Both were negative thankfully. ^_^ 

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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Covid: Belgian doctors with coronavirus asked to keep working


 "About a quarter of medical staff there are reportedly off sick with Covid-19.

Now 10 hospitals have requested that staff who have tested positive but do not have symptoms keep working.

The head of the Belgian Association of Medical Unions told the BBC they had no choice if they were to prevent the hospital system collapsing within days.

Dr Philippe Devos acknowledged that there was an obvious risk of transferring the virus to patients."

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Oohh that's cool 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Here is a picture of the inside of the TraceTogether token that Singapore will be making the use of it compulsory for entry to any event or location once everyone in Singapore either has the token or the app.


The token broadcasts an ID via bluetooth which is then stored by those devices in close proximity. The ID's is just a number. Its linked to our physical identity and phone number in a government database which is accessible by contract tracing staff.



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