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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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1 hour ago, Miss Bea said:

I’ve been thinking...(tongue in cheek) 

These politicians, and even some religious, “leaders”, who expose themselves to masses, may be putting themselves in extraordinary danger. Is this the time to rally thousands? 

This suddenly makes so much more sense... "begone conoravirus!"



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In view of the above post My Wife and I decided not to attend a wedding anniversary for our Grandson and Wife next week. The facility for the event is basically right in the crosshairs of the King/Snohomish county coronavirus infections. I don't usually worry about catching anything but even though the odds are greatly in out favor we will opt on the side of caution. Sad, I officiated their wedding 15 years ago. At 79 and 81 we feel like a targets. 😥

Edited by Old

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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8 hours ago, JennyM said:

us will go pandemic, how can we follow the command through the yeartext.. Yes, we do internet witnessing or call people but  theres huge difference if we talk to them in person. 

Telegraph, Telephone, Videophone, Letter writing. Among other things 

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5 hours ago, My little flower said:


They want africa to always be at the height of all the sufferings in the world. This is why jehovah's vengeance will be upon on you for the most part. This is so heart breaking!!!

      Actually quite a few of my coworkers are African ( about a third I’d say ) and so I occasionally see the enternet reports from their various countries. The governments of at least those lands that my coworkers came from ( Kenya, CAR, Nigeria, Togo, Ethiopia, Liberia, South Africa Burkina Faso, and at least two from Eritrea) are all well aware. Some are taking preventative measures. 

     Why isn’t this disease having an impact in those lands.  It probably is. It just isn’t being well reported. But also: sunlight does have a limiting effect on these types of illnesses. The more polar countries are just more likely to have a faster onset. 


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5 hours ago, humblebumblebee said:

Transcribed from the radio so not quite exact. I did this mainly for myself because I thought it sounded so sensible and I thought I'd share.


Extremes - Some panic. Some people say: What on earth is everyone going on about! Flu kills thousands of people year so why is this such a big deal.


Learned from a senior medic:

Part of the plan for the Corona virus is to stop there being a peak - so everybody has it at the same time, because of the stress that is put on the infrastructure, especially in the health infrastructure and the knock on effects that has on for other health reasons.


So there isn't necessary a case of, what do we do to prevent people getting C V, we know 4 in 5 people have mild if no symptoms at all, but equally what we don't want is a peak, so many of the preventative measures that are being talked about are to try to spread the disease out, spread the impact out, so that we can have the infrastructure, so we can cope with it. 


And the many knock on effects that we have as consumers are less about the illness itself which of course, if you have severe issues, if you have immune system problems, if u are an older person and you are more susceptible to it, it could be severe, a real problem, but for those out there saying: this doesn't affect me because I'm young, fit and healthy, and look at all the data, it is unlikely to hit me.

It won't necessarily be the impact on 'your' health if we'll do have an pandemic size outbreak that is the problem but the procedure that are put in place to prevent "YOU" being contagious towards other people.

This appears to be what is being implemented in the United States. It is simply impossible at this stage to prevent the spread of this to the entire world but if that spread can be slowed enough the “ knock on effects” like a full blown financial meltdown can be avoided. Right now I happen to be sick . It isn’t the flu and it resembles all the usual symptoms of a typical cold. So I am taking some precautions not to spread this to my coworkers even though I know that they will get it sooner or later. So I am on vacation ( not really enjoying it but whatever). If by the time I’m back to work one or two others are sick we can still remain staffed. And so on. And since covid-19 is similar to the flu we can hope that it still can be weathered. 

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AKAR, Senegal (AP) — Across Africa, steps are being taken to prepare for — and to reduce the effects of — the spread of the new coronavirus. Testing laboratories are being supplied, quarantine and hospital treatment facilities are being readied for patients, and public health advisories have been issued.

As of Monday, the continent of 1.2 billion people has eight confirmed cases of COVID-19 — three in Algeria, two in Egypt, one in Tunisia, one in Nigeria and one in Senegal. The case in Senegal was a French citizen who resides in Senegal and who had recently returned from France.

But 13 of Africa’s 54 countries have been identified by the World Health Organization as at risk of becoming centers for the disease on the basis of volume of traffic between China and weak health surveillance and treatment systems. 

Nigeria on Friday became the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to report a confirmed case when an Italian citizen traveling from Milan on a business trip fell ill after arriving at Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city with 20 million people. 

With the case in Nigeria, concern has grown over the virus spreading to countries with


     Since ,My Little flower , mentioned this I simply loved Ike’s upntidays headlines and found this article from the Associated Press. Take note that The WHO is the reporting entity. 

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12 hours ago, carlos said:

It's not true that half the people infected with coronavirus get well. Many more than half do. Actually very few people die from this virus, and most already had a delicate immune system. Nearly 100,000 people are reported as infected, but only less than 3,000 have died from it. For some reason this whole story has been magnified and exaggerated by the media.


My opinion is that the virus will spread globally, no matter which measures are taken, and a good ratio of the population will get infected with it. Many of them won't even realize, they will think they have a flu and will get well in a few days. A few more thousands will die, but still nothing compared to the 650,000 people killed by the common flu last year (and yet no airports were closed and no cities were quarantined due to the flu). Then the virus will recede and we won't hear of it again.


Much deadlier diseases have spread and then they naturally recede after some months. Even the black plague disappeared even though they had no medicines and no medical knowledge back at the time. This virus will not mean the end and certainly it will not decimate world population. It's much more likely that any of us die in a traffic accident or by a heart disease than by coronavirus.



Hello there my friend.


We need certainly to be balanced with this ... there is some hype and there will be - why? Because in one country the CDC or equivalent organization has encouraged it's people to stock up for 14 days - so the panic buying commences which is as contagious as the actual little bug. And then other countries say stocking is not needed at all. It's a very confusing time for people.


It will infect every country. It seems no way around that. And if it stays at the levels it is currently - then ones in the fragile section will be just having to contend with yet another seasonal virus - which is not ideal but much better than the extreme scenario.


And again, if the SARS.Cov.2 - continues on it's present path without mutation or without a second more serious wave (as in the Spanish Flu) then the statistics will just simply add to the 650.000 who are presently affected by current seasonal illnesses.


That is, of course my wish.


However, this  is a novel virus ... and they cannot predict whether it will fade into the current stats - or whether do what viruses do - and that is mutate - the mutation though may not be a negative either, but we don't know. And this is why strict measures are being taken - we can't treat it like another flu until the year is out and of course making sure the Southern Hemisphere has similar results. No country can sit on its laurels and say oh the flu is worse - because it may not be - and sitting down doing nothing until we know for sure how bad it is is a very dangerous road to take.


It is always much better to over prepare than to under prepare.


The other problem is - the population aren't stupid - they know lies when they hear them ... and we know Governments from their Father - the Father of the lie. So if there is truth mixed up in the lies - people still don't trust them - and this is what is creating panic in the communities - they don't believe the stats that are being reported. So really, the damage is going to come from the reactions of the people. We, of course, should be prudent - but focus on our spiritual goals so this world's air doesn't affect us any more than it has to.


NB: If I wasn't a witness (I'm SO glad I am) - i'd feel quite hurt by many comments that are being made by people in general ie: Media, private comments online or even offline - the comment being:

"Oh it's okay - most of us won't be affected - it's only those who are elderly and have underlying health issues" - hey, that's me! I matter too! It's also many many on here and in our communities - they are feeling so very vulnerable at the moment. The elderly often don't get the opportunity to filter comments online - they go with what they are told. Many people with underlying health issues are young ones too ... they are scared already. They don't need this. Yes they have the resurrection and that's our assurance and even insurance. But these people are scared because they don't have hope. This has really fired me up - but in a good way - they need Jehovah and we have the answers so yeah let's hope those silver linings are varied and copious.


As always Carlos I enjoy your comments, and there is so much validity in your comment, but validity also needs to be given towards some very real fears. I want to see Armageddon I don't want a little Corona virus to take me out - lol - but what will be will be - as long as I stay with Jehovah.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Oh PS: I've started a study today at work ... her name is Pare a young Maori woman who is scared about the future ... knew of Jehovah when she was young ... her Mother was killed in a terrible stabbing just over year ago (niece of my previous study) ... I'm doing her mum's headstone and felt Jehovah nudging me to ask her for a study. People are scared truly scared. Whether it's founded or not ... it is real fear. Our first study tomorrow at work here. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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52 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

People are scared truly scared. Whether it's founded or not ... it is real fear. 


(Luke 21:26)  "People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth..."


Hope your study proves fruitful, so the poor woman can receive some hope. yes.gif.2fc4172bb5e34f2e673fb73f3b075c67.gif


Like our February 2020 Broadcast Original Song says,

1088215445_Musiccolorfulnotes.gif.7d6f49ec1dc7126386e21d3ed4138844.gif"Hope is a fire in our hearts.  1088215445_Musiccolorfulnotes.gif.7d6f49ec1dc7126386e21d3ed4138844.gif

1088215445_Musiccolorfulnotes.gif.7d6f49ec1dc7126386e21d3ed4138844.gifHope is an anchor that holds us firm.  1088215445_Musiccolorfulnotes.gif.7d6f49ec1dc7126386e21d3ed4138844.gif

1088215445_Musiccolorfulnotes.gif.7d6f49ec1dc7126386e21d3ed4138844.gifHope is a light that shines like the sun 1088215445_Musiccolorfulnotes.gif.7d6f49ec1dc7126386e21d3ed4138844.gif

1088215445_Musiccolorfulnotes.gif.7d6f49ec1dc7126386e21d3ed4138844.gifAs we see ourselves there...in the new world to come." 1088215445_Musiccolorfulnotes.gif.7d6f49ec1dc7126386e21d3ed4138844.gif




Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Here are some stats - just released 1 hour ago ... (ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXCFO2fHDT8 - so you can work out whether they carry fact or fiction).


Doctor Anthony Fauci 

A Top US Government Health Official has this to say in answer to the question "What are we dealing with, with this virus Covid19?"


"We are dealing with clearly, an emerging infectious disease which has now reached outbreak proportions and likely pandemic proportions."

Question: "How Lethal is it?"

DrAF: Right now, if we look at the people who have just come to the attention of the Health Authorities that is 2 - 2.5%. But, even if it goes down to 1%, that's still very very serious."


Announcer: So serious, worldwide the Flu, which we have gotten used to kills 300,000 - 650,000 each year. 

That is just .1% of the people infected. (Please note not 1% - point 1)

Corona virus even if low estimates are correct, appears to be far more deadly.


Dr. AF: "Even if we went to 1% it is still 10 x more lethal than the standard Influenza we get on a seasonal basis"

He goes on in a very balanced manner to explain what to do and how we should view it. Definitely a do not panic situation.

Just thought this might balance a few facts - if of course, you believe he's speaking the truth.





Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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"if of course, you believe he's speaking the truth."


 He "is an American immunologist who has made substantial contributions to HIV/AIDS research and other immunodeficiencies, both as a scientist and as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)."




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13 hours ago, Shawnster said:

This is really dangerous thinking.  On the one hand, if we believe the news is wildly exaggerated, then we will be risking our lives or the lives of the people we come in contact with.  On the other, if we believe that living during a time of plague means we cannot preach the Kingdom, then we are in effect saying this problem is too big for Jehovah and we run the risk of spiritual inactivity.


The direction from Jehovah and his organization on this matter is to follow the direction of the superior authorities and take the necessary safety precautions.  Acting as if these reports are exaggerated and, perhaps, unnecessary is the opposite of what Jehovah is telling us through his channel.


Jesus said we would live during a time of global disease.  Revelation describes pestilence galloping around the globe.  Jesus said the good news of the Kingdom would be preached for a witness to all the nations.  So Jesus knew these plagues and pandemics would come and he told us to preach.  That is what we will do.  Jehovah's hand is not short and this global disease will not stop us from delivering the Kingdom good news.  If we have to stay home or in quarantine for two weeks or a month or longer, then we will find another way to preach the message.  We will write letters, make telephone calls, send e-mails, talk to our doctors, talk to fellow patients, talk to delivery people, talk to the police, talk to any living human we see.  Jehovah's hand is not short and a pandemic will never stop the spread of the Kingdom message.  No plague is strong enough to keep us quiet.

It is a funny world we live in. I just went to a family funeral today. Some of the family is in the truth the other half is not. Those who chose not to believe the truth - I feel so sorry for them. They condemn themselves in their own choice. I said to my family at the funeral there is no substitute for the truth - life goes so quickly and it is uncertain - it is like building a sandcastle and  every time you try to add onto that sandcastle Satan brings in a big wave to wash away any progress you might have - and then you literally begin again from where you were. 


Anyway, my point. It was a family gathering - funerals - when we talked about the Corona virus, fires in Australia, yes, it is unprecedented. But to my family that does not accept the truth - it is  just stuff happening in the world -frightening - but life - for family that is in the truth - it is another story - a pattern, a build-up as it were of what the pendulum of this system is swinging towards - the GT. I really feel for people in the world. I almost will feel at a loss as to what to say when the GT happens. One elder said to me that he could tell them what is happening but that their salvation was out of their hands and now in Jehovah's hands - in other words they would have to ask Jehovah (if they so believed) for his mercy at that given time. Am I sounding to judgemental? I hope not. It is just what I gained from this experience.

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58 minutes ago, Lee49 said:


"if of course, you believe he's speaking the truth."


 He "is an American immunologist who has made substantial contributions to HIV/AIDS research and other immunodeficiencies, both as a scientist and as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)."




So we listen to this expert? Ignore the other experts who are presenting opposing data?  I've just heard one say it's just like the Flu. You see why it's confusing for people?


Me, personally, I think if someone is going to lie they would downplay it - and he's not that's why I think it's very to the point and balanced video. But I can't tell others to believe him - they have to work that out for themselves.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Task force health expert contradicts Trump about coronavirus vaccine timing


Trump was asked about a timeline for a vaccine during the Cabinet Room meeting with pharmaceutical executives and members of his task force.

"I don't know what the time will be. I've heard very quick numbers, that of months. And I've heard pretty much a year would be an outside number. So I think that's not a bad range. But if you're talking about three to four months in a couple of cases, a year in other cases," Trump said.

But Dr. Antony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, immediately corrected the President: "Let me make sure you get the ... information. A vaccine that you make and start testing in a year is not a vaccine that's deployable."

 Fauci said: "So he's asking the question -- when is it going to be deployable? And that is going to be, at the earliest, a year to a year and a half, no matter how fast you go."


me - I think Dr. Fauci is a realist, at least from everything that I have read about time lines in creating a vaccine! It can take months just testing one and making sure it not only will somewhat work let alone be safe! We are talking about billions of injections needed.

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2 hours ago, GraceH said:

Anyway, my point. It was a family gathering - funerals - when we talked about the Corona virus, fires in Australia, yes, it is unprecedented. But to my family that does not accept the truth - it is  just stuff happening in the world -frightening - but life - for family that is in the truth - it is another story - a pattern, a build-up as it were of what the pendulum of this system is swinging towards - the GT. I really feel for people in the world. I almost will feel at a loss as to what to say when the GT happens. One elder said to me that he could tell them what is happening but that their salvation was out of their hands and now in Jehovah's hands - in other words they would have to ask Jehovah (if they so believed) for his mercy at that given time. Am I sounding to judgemental? I hope not. It is just what I gained from this experience.

U don't sound judgemental. Jehovah provided everything for us to seek him.. Theres no excuse.. People go crazy during the time of their distress... 

"Everyone who calls on Jehovah will be saved." That time is now.... But during GT, well who knows, maybe Jah can listen to them.. He appointed Jesus as judge.. We just don't' know.. However, the pure worship book says that in order to please Jehovah , we should have a record of faith and loyalty. 

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