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Watchtower No. 2 2021 | A Better World Is Near

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2 hours ago, Dages said:

Beautiful hand writing

That was exactly my thinking even before I read it.

I wish I could have such a hand writing, unfortunatelly my printer does a better job than me :nope:

Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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2 hours ago, Dages said:

Beautiful hand writing

Yeah… I wish

i have doctor handwriting 😖😖😖

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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In our circuit… the circuit overseer has simply said to do not write a handwritten letter, probably because many people’s hand writings are not good. That has caused a good concern in our congregation because in here there are many elderly publishers and they can not use typewriters (i.e. computers and keyboard.)


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1 hour ago, Hinata said:

In our circuit… the circuit overseer has simply said to do not write a handwritten letter, probably because many people’s hand writings are not good. That has caused a good concern in our congregation because in here there are many elderly publishers and they can not use typewriters (i.e. computers and keyboard.)

For many years the recommendation was that all witnessing letters be typewritten (computer or word-processor)  The samples provided in our publications are typewritten.  In the March 2019 MWB it says “IF” the letter is handwritten it needs to be easily read (good, recognizable handwriting).


*** km 5/02 p. 7 Question Box ***

Question Box

Why is there a need to exercise caution when witnessing by mail?

Giving a witness through the mail is a time-tested method of sharing the good news. Recent developments on the world scene, however, have made people cautious about opening unfamiliar mail. Envelopes from unknown sources or with no return address are often viewed with suspicion, especially if they are handwritten and bulky. Householders may discard such mail without opening it. How can we prevent this from happening?

If possible, both the letter and the envelope should be typewritten. The envelope should be addressed to the householder by name. Do not address it to “Occupant.” In addition, always provide a return address. If it is not advisable to show your personal address, give your name and the Kingdom Hall address. Do not send letters anonymously. Never use the address of the branch office.—See the November 1996 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box.

Further suggestions and a sample letter can be found in Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, pages 71-3. These guidelines will help us to use letters effectively to reach others with the good news.


*** mwb19 March p. 8 Sample Letter ***


Sample Letter

• Use your own return address. If you feel that it would be unwise to give your own address, you may use the Kingdom Hall address if the elders give you permission to do so. However, you should NEVER use the address of the branch office as your return address.

• Use the person’s name if you know it. This will avoid giving the impression that the letter is a commercial advertisement.

• Give attention to proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The letter should look neat, not messy. If it is handwritten, it should be easy to read. The wording should be neither too casual nor too formal.

The included sample letter illustrates these points. It is not meant to be copied word for word each time you write someone in your territory. Tailor your letter according to its purpose and local circumstances and customs.

[Picture on page 8] 

Please note the sample is typewritten not handwritten



Edited by jwhess
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1 hour ago, jwhess said:

For many years the recommendation was that all witnessing letters be typewritten (computer or word-processor)  The samples provided in our publications are typewritten.  In the March 2019 MWB it says “IF” the letter is handwritten it needs to be easily read (good, recognizable handwriting).


Thank you for the km reference, I did not know that. However, when we think of the “letter writing campaign,” we usually think of publishers writing the letters by hand.


Even the jw.org has such artworks where publishers write handwritten letters, so surely such direction of forcing all letters to be typewritten is not a worldwide one.


Jehovah’s Witnesses Display Global Unity During Russian Letter-Writing Campaign


I do remember in 2018 participating in a handwritten letter. At the time many publishers wrote the letters by hand, but I have opted in for a typewriter. So it would be different for each circuit.


Surely we will follow our elders direction, but it is just a little wish that publishers could have an easier access to the letter writing ministry. For now, we have settled that an elderly publisher shall tell or write someone else who is able to use computers about what they want to send.

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I took the position that typewritten letters could be seen as spam and definitely not personal from me to an individual. As my hand writing is terrible I put a small hand written note in with the printed note to show that it is from an individual rather than an organisation. 
If something hand written came through my door I would check it out. Anything else is junk mail or bills. Lol
Maybe overthinking as usual. 

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Some publishers might have easily read hand writing (cursive).   But in many countries, the cursive writing is not even taught in schools today.  So to hand write to such individuals is useless.  They can't read it.  It just looks like a bunch of squiggles on a paper.  The average person in the US has a reading capability of about the 6th grade English. And it a publisher has a shaky hand or poor handwriting skill, well it gets worse.


Our purpose is to get a specific message to the hearts and minds of the people in our territory.  But theses organs of the body must be reached by the senses.  If they can't read the message it is a wasted effort.  I know that if a person can read at all, they probably can read my typewritten message. They may or may not be able to read my handwriting..  I am a total stranger sending someone a note.  If they open it an can't decipher it in a few seconds, they will discard it rith away.


Even our latest instructions says "IF" your letter is handwritten...it needs to be legible and understandable.  They did not say "IF" your letter is typed...💗

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1 hour ago, Mykyl said:

I took the position that typewritten letters could be seen as spam and definitely not personal from me to an individual. As my hand writing is terrible I put a small hand written note in with the printed note to show that it is from an individual rather than an organisation. 
If something hand written came through my door I would check it out. Anything else is junk mail or bills. Lol
Maybe overthinking as usual. 

This is how I start my typewritten letters.


Dear Neighbour


I am typing this letter to you and not handwriting it because I have messy handwriting. I know a handwritten letter is more personal, but if I hand wrote this letter you will not be able to read what I have to say about ... 


And this is how I end my Magizine letters


To learn how God will bring about this New World please read the Watchtower magazine on JW.ORG, by going to LIBRARY > MAGAZINES, or use the QR Code below. The theme, “A Better World Is Near” Its free, well, it will only cost your time.


I try to had a personal touch to by letters, a bit of flair.

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9 hours ago, Hinata said:

In our circuit… the circuit overseer has simply said to do not write a handwritten letter, probably because many people’s hand writings are not good. That has caused a good concern in our congregation because in here there are many elderly publishers and they can not use typewriters (i.e. computers and keyboard.)


Did he have suggestions for the elderly brothers, sisters or those without computers, printers so they too can share in the the field ministry? -in the letter writing ministy

Edited by Polka Dot

"Life can be understood by looking back but it must be lived by looking ahead".

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19 minutes ago, Polka Dot said:

Did he have suggestions for the elderly brothers, sisters or those without computers, printers so they too can share in the the field ministry? -in the letter writing ministy


I am not sure if this was his direct suggestion but the elders did tell this as my reply above:


6 hours ago, Hinata said:

For now, we have settled that publishers shall tell or write someone else who is able to use computers about what they want to send.


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3 hours ago, jwhess said:

Some publishers might have easily read hand writing (cursive).   But in many countries, the cursive writing is not even taught in schools today.  So to hand write to such individuals is useless.  They can't read it.  It just looks like a bunch of squiggles on a paper.  The average person in the US has a reading capability of about the 6th grade English. And it a publisher has a shaky hand or poor handwriting skill, well it gets worse.


Our purpose is to get a specific message to the hearts and minds of the people in our territory.  But theses organs of the body must be reached by the senses.  If they can't read the message it is a wasted effort.  I know that if a person can read at all, they probably can read my typewritten message. They may or may not be able to read my handwriting..  I am a total stranger sending someone a note.  If they open it an can't decipher it in a few seconds, they will discard it rith away.


Even our latest instructions says "IF" your letter is handwritten...it needs to be legible and understandable.  They did not say "IF" your letter is typed...💗

I'm not saying others should do as I do. I'm not an example to follow in any way.




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Have you noticed that inside there s a doctor who s exausted then she is witnessed at the hospital by a sister then she s happy seeing the website jw.org then she s reading the Bible 

on the back cover there she is again 

will there be a campaign to give this watchtower to health professionals?


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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G.day. Friends. I so love this new Magazine. the cover is so impacting. & exciting. We surely do need this now. Will have fun  using it as much as possible

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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  On 6/26/2021 at 2:08 AM, Hinata said:

For now, we have settled that publishers shall tell or write someone else who is able to use computers about what they want to send.


This has been the suggestion from my SO as well.  I have offered to do this for the publishers and two have responded.  I type what they say, print it, bring to them for mailing and they sign with their name.  This way everyone will have opportunity to share in the writing campaign.  

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I love your campaign #2 letter!  

I have made reference to it for myself, I also love how your adding

if you do not have access to the internet - now that is very important 

in our preaching area(s) there are many seniors ones in assistant living and  

Retirement Homes - some are savvy with the internet and others not - 

Thank you so much - this gets me excited to get started on my own, 

pioneer school is in November for us- so your letter helps me tremendously!  

Thanks for sharing 

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I love your campaign #2 letter!  
I have made reference to it for myself, I also love how your adding
if you do not have access to the internet - now that is very important 
in our preaching area(s) there are many seniors ones in assistant living and  
Retirement Homes - some are savvy with the internet and others not - 
Thank you so much - this gets me excited to get started on my own, 
pioneer school is in November for us- so your letter helps me tremendously!  
Thanks for sharing 

Your very welcome

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Forgive freely as Jehovah Freely forgives us :)

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Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 hour ago, Sofia said:


Edited by countrykaren

Forgive freely as Jehovah Freely forgives us :)

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