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Covid-19 Vaccine Research, Development, Ingredients and Reactions

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2 hours ago, Tortuga said:

The announcement was read today that the vaccine made by Moderna does not contain blood.

Our elders did not announce it today. Maybe Tuesday. Thanks.


We had these announcements. Maybe they were on the same document?



1) critical medical needs when our hospitals are full

As previously announced, an arrangement is available to provide remote medical consultations to publishers and their minor children who are unable to access their primary care physician. Additionally, we would like to make you aware of another provision during this health emergency if you need critical medical attention, but cannot find adequate care. Because the hospitals are turning away patients. Please inform the elders. The elders can assist from the hospital liaison committee and locating an open medical facility.

2) the use of the kingdom halls

Due to the severity of the COVID-19 outbreaks in the region. The elders have received instructions to further restrict the use of the Kingdom Hall. Only individuals assigned to handle essential tasks should enter the Kingdom Hall. They should not be in the building together with individuals from a different household for any reason. Unless specific authorization has been given to do so these adjustments are bringing me to further protect your health.


Edited by AH173


"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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My field service overseer told us about the letter in regard to NO ONE going into the Hall this morning during the FS meeting. He really stressed obedience. There are only a few of us with keys so it shouldn't be a problem. 

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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2 hours ago, AH173 said:

Our elders did not announce it today. Maybe Tuesday. Thanks.


We had these announcements. Maybe they were on the same document?



That was out since yesterday. The Moderna one must have just come out today. I'll go look.


Edit: Yep. Just looked it came out a few hours ago. Expect an announcement about it that will sound something like. 😉


We  have  confirmed  that  the  COVID-19  vaccine  manufactured  by  Moderna  (mRNA-1273) does  not  contain  blood  fractions.  Medical  care  is  a  matter  for  personal  decision.  We  do  not attempt to make choices for others. 


It looks like they will continue to update us on more as they become approved.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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8 hours ago, Old said:

By our standards is this considered a blood fraction or a blood component?

I remember my parents, when I was a child, saying we couldn't take this vaccine because it contained blood. They said the same of the tetanus vaccine.

When I did some more research as an adult I found that none of them contains blood, but contain immunoglobulins, a blood fraction some Christians don't accept.

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On 12/18/2020 at 1:43 PM, Shawnster said:

Lucy's point was more along following directions on social distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing.  The context of her comment was in response to statements critical of the directions of the superior authorities. 


Nothing was said about vaccines and it is not necessary to beat that drum at every opportunity. 

The context was about the unknown risks to messenger RNA vaccines and the question of unelected health officials being the "superior authorities" 

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3 hours ago, Naturale said:

The context was about the unknown risks to messenger RNA vaccines and the question of unelected health officials being the "superior authorities" 

I don't understand. Are you saying if someone isn't in an "elected" position then we don't have to listen? I can't imagine the Jews elected the Romans - did they?

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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On 12/17/2020 at 4:59 PM, Bob said:

That's a good point. Are UNELECTED health officials (in the US anyway) the "superior authorities"?


I don't think so. Presidents, Governors, and Mayors are for sure. That's an interesting question, to be honest.


5 hours ago, trottigy said:

I don't understand. Are you saying if someone isn't in an "elected" position then we don't have to listen? I can't imagine the Jews elected the Romans - did they?


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CDC advisers vote to prioritize older adults and frontline workers to receive Covid-19 vaccines in next phase

 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has voted 13-1 to prioritize adults ages 75 and older and frontline essential workers to receive Covid-19 vaccines in phase 1b of allocation.

The committee vote also included prioritizing adults ages 65 to 75, people ages 16 to 64 who have high-risk medical conditions, and other essential workers in Phase 1c of allocation.

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Canada hasn't approved Moderna vaccine Yet, but could within hours or at most days.  There was a comment on news about both Pfizer and Moderna contain same ingredient that can cause allergic reactions. Another article mentioned polypropylene in Pfizer's which I was not aware cause reactions. It was considered fairly benign when I made meds a few decades ago. We made animal products with it as the base liquid, with just a few meds added. 

Sure made the loading dock slippery when they filled barrels with it and spilled some. ⚠️

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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If someone is thinking that because they had Covid-19 already that they have nothing left to fear and that they don't need the vaccine, an experience by a family in a nearby Congregation might give you pause.  The family of four were just getting over Covid-19 in September when they had to evacuate their home because of the wildfires raging Oregon. November comes and the whole family gets the virus a second time and this time it is much worse.  The son almost died and the dad was hospitalized with inflammation in the heart. Touch and go but all are recovering last I heard.  I have read of other such experiences on the internet so just because a study takes a few hundred samples of people who recovered and say nothing to worry about, the second time around is less severe, take pause and realize the outcome can be much different. Stay safe friends !

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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14 hours ago, Naturale said:

The context was about the unknown risks to messenger RNA vaccines and the question of unelected health officials being the "superior authorities" 

My comments were not talking about that. I was responding to the discussion regarding following the superior authorities. How do the superior authorities formulate their decisions? They take legal advice on legal matters, and medical advice on health matters. So, in answering Bob's comment about Dr Fauci wanting to be a celebrity, I countered with Kerry Chant, the NSW equivalent Chief medical officer. The government takes advice from her and her team of experts who have studied disease and stopping transmission. If we listen to health officials, which is what the governments are asking us to do, then we are following the superior authorities orders that they are basing on the best available information at the time.


For instance, I am now in mandatory quarantine because I have just returned from visiting my mother who lives in Sydney. An outbreak of covid occurred while I was there, and the NSW government is following the chief medical officer's advice to lockdown parts of Sydney to contain the cluster. No movement of people at all unless strict exemptions apply. All other states in Australia have implemented border closures. I almost was not able to fly home, but am an exempted traveller due to my work for the government. So I am following the government’s rules in obedience to Caesar, and they have taken this extraordinary step of major disruption just before xmas in an attempt to contain the outbreak. In Australia we don’t want to let it get like it is in US and UK and Europe. 

Please don’t take my comments and use it to justify your own views on vaccination. It was not what I was discussing at all. I heartedly respect your personal choice on whether to take the vaccine as per our brothers’ direction. We all heard that announcement and it is rightly a personal choice.

Edited by hatcheckgirl
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Here in New Zealand our Director General of Health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, is advisor to the government, held daily news conferences together with the Prime Minister during level 4-2, is well respected, and everyone followed the advice given both by him and the PM. It wasn't a case here at all of wanting celebrity status. Why has this country done so well in the face of this pandemic? It was because the WHOLE COUNTRY, not just Jehovah's people, obeyed the direction. 

Edited by Ludwika
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1 hour ago, Ludwika said:

Why has this country done so well in the face of this pandemic? It was because the WHOLE COUNTRY, not just Jehovah's people, obeyed the direction. 

You also have to take into consideration where Australia and NZ are Geographicaly far away from big populations eg AU only has a bit over 25million and NZ 5million, compare that to Italy’s 60million. Along with strict border restrictions separated by ocean. I live in Australia and they got very strict with curfews and border contröl to minimise outbreaks. But you can’t say (and you may not be implying) that NZ and AU are outstanding citizens because they obey direction. It has to do with strict rules and ability to implement those rules and a population separated by ocean. There are outstanding citizens that obey directions in a lot of countries around the world you can’t just say NZ as there are those other factors involved.

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You also have to take into consideration where Australia and NZ are Geographicaly far away from big populations eg AU only has a bit over 25million and NZ 5million, compare that to Italy’s 60million. Along with strict border restrictions separated by ocean. I live in Australia and they got very strict with curfews and border contröl to minimise outbreaks. But you can’t say (and you may not be implying) that NZ and AU are outstanding citizens because they obey direction. It has to do with strict rules and ability to implement those rules and a population separated by ocean. There are outstanding citizens that obey directions in a lot of countries around the world you can’t just say NZ as there are those other factors involved.
You're quite right, I wasn't intending to imply that in other places there weren't those who were responsible in obeying direction. Of course that's obvious, many people did, and are still doing, their best.
What has stood out here though, when looking around the world, is that there was much less resistance to wearing masks, using tracer apps, maintaining social distance, staying home in level 4,then 3, etc. People didn't complain that the government was breaching their human rights, shaking their fists in protest.
Very few acted like idiots, or you could say, like the clay. Many of us have commented that this was because the basic attitude of New Zealanders has been completely different to what's been seen in the US, for example.
This came as a bit of a surprise, because we have our fair share of crime, violence, etc, but in this particular case, that wasn't a factor in people's level of cooperation.
And yes, it makes a difference when we're an island nation with a population of about 5 million. But the fact remains, the good outcome, so far, has been because of the good governmental direction, and the willingness of the population to follow that direction.

Sent from my WAS-LX2 using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, Godskingdomrules said:

There are outstanding citizens that obey directions in a lot of countries around the world you can’t just say NZ as there are those other factors involved.

I agree, and the pity is that their governments may not have taken things seriously, or lagged in implementing what needed to be done.  US and UK are prime examples.  Having an ocean around us did help, but so did acting quickly to close off borders.  Once you've been successful in that, then you can concentrate on getting the virus eliminated/controlled in the community.  I think Australia and NZ were lucky because they saw what was happening overseas, the governments acted and the people followed their lead.  Otherwise, it would have gone pear-shaped like everywhere else.  The problem with this approach is that it is not sustainable.  You can't keep borders up indefinitely waiting for the world to get their act together and get rid of the pandemic in their countries.  It's not going to work, so here we are in a sort of bubble, but not unaffected.  If quarantine provisions are breached (and they have been numerous times already), then it becomes tricky to isolate and eradicate - an endless tiring loop.  Not going to work, is it?


Actually, this is an interesting read: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-12-21/australian-scientists-leading-our-covid19-response-look-to-2021/12988828

In it, leading scientists describe Australia as "lucky".  Why?


"Early on, it was pure outbreak management, this is what you do — don't confuse the equation with the economy.

"And you just have to look at places like Sweden, or the UK, US [to see] this, in Australia it has been a team effort.

"We've been lucky, sure, but I think where we're at shows how in Australia the population thinks of 'we' and not 'me' — the collective good."

Edited by hatcheckgirl
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2 hours ago, Ludwika said:

Very few acted like idiots, or you could say, like the clay. Many of us have commented that this was because the basic attitude of New Zealanders has been completely different to what's been seen in the US, for example.

I remember we had few people with bad behaviour (or the clay:) after the George Floyd Protest which was was held in a few places but mainly Melbourne and Sydney, I don’t think this helped the spread of the Virus over here. What a eventful year it has been.

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1 hour ago, hatcheckgirl said:

I think Australia and NZ were lucky because they saw what was happening overseas, the governments acted and the people followed their lead.  Otherwise, it would have gone pear-shaped like everywhere else.  The problem with this approach is that it is not sustainable.  You can't keep borders up indefinitely waiting for the world to get their act together and get rid of the pandemic in their countries.  It's not going to work, so here we are in a sort of bubble, but not unaffected.  If quarantine provisions are breached (and they have been numerous times already), then it becomes tricky to isolate and eradicate - an endless tiring loop.  Not going to work, is it?

No they cannot keep it up endlessly and Yes we are definitely in a bubble here

A lot of shop Buisnesses went down because of this and still aren’t doing that great, Other then shop businesses everything else is doing pretty good as the stock market the last time I heard is back up to where it was pre pandemic in February, I guess everyone has gone back to Buying, selling, eating, drinking men marrying and women being given marriage....I think Matt 24:38,39 Definetly Applies to Australia and New Zealand.

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12 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Please don’t take my comments and use it to justify your own views on vaccination.

Apologies, that wasn't my intention.  I wasn't doing that.  There were other comments as well in the context of what I said.  Sorry for the confusion.  

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On 12/17/2020 at 1:59 PM, Bob said:

That's a good point. Are UNELECTED health officials (in the US anyway) the "superior authorities"?


I don't think so. Presidents, Governors, and Mayors are for sure. That's an interesting question, to be honest.

From the notes in the study Bible:



the superior authorities: That is, the secular governing authorities. The term here rendered “authorities” is the plural form of the Greek word e·xou·siʹa. Readers of the Greek Septuagint may have been familiar with the way this word was applied to rulerships or dominion. (See Da 7:6, 14, 27; 11:5, where e·xou·siʹa is used to render Hebrew and Aramaic words meaning “authority to rule; rulership; ruling power.”) At Lu 12:11, it is used in the expression “government officials, and authorities.” The Greek term rendered “superior” is related to a word used at 1Ti 2:2 in the expression “kings and all those who are in high positions [or “in positions of authority,” ftn.].” In some contexts, it refers to being in a controlling position, having power or authority over others, but it does not imply being “supreme.” This is shown by the usage at Php 2:3, where Christians are urged to consider others “superior” to themselves, not supreme.

As it includes  “government officials, and authorities" it would include "unelected" government officials that are put in positions of authority.


BUT, some random YouTube "doctor" who tells you to do something different would not be included.

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Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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On 12/18/2020 at 8:16 PM, Naturale said:

The fact is that the GB don't quote the bible and say we have to have the vaccine.  Rather they simply say it is a personal choice      

    "We consider vaccination to be a personal matter"

@Naturale I obviously assumed you were discussing choice to vaccinate or not, since this was your reply to my comments about listening to superior authorities. And in that discussion I made no reference to mandatory vaccination. I was only talking about following what superior authorities are telling us to do to avoid spreading it. 

By bringing in the unrelated point on vaccination and quoting me with your reference to the GBs comment, you did cause confusion, at the very least. The other thread on alternatives to vaccination was created to avoid this sort of confusion. We don’t have to feel like there are two camps. We need to draw closer together at this time, while still valuing each other’s opinions. 

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13 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

@Naturale I obviously assumed you were discussing choice to vaccinate or not, since this was your reply to my comments about listening to superior authorities. And in that discussion I made no reference to mandatory vaccination. I was only talking about following what superior authorities are telling us to do to avoid spreading it. 

By bringing in the unrelated point on vaccination and quoting me with your reference to the GBs comment, you did cause confusion, at the very least. The other thread on alternatives to vaccination was created to avoid this sort of confusion. We don’t have to feel like there are two camps. We need to draw closer together at this time, while still valuing each other’s opinions. 

No I wasn't bringing in an unrelated point at all as there were other comments  just before  such as this one about the vaccine.  

by Rocket "I hope I'll get to live long enough to find out if the RNA vaccines have long term complications. In the mean time I'm getting the vaccine because of the positive data to date and because they have used RNA in treating cancer for a number of years with no ill effects that i've heard of"
Then there were comments straight after about politically motivated people such as Fauci.
I did apologise since we have our wires crossed.

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