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1 hour ago, Thomas Walker said:

I've got one from my family. This was at the Cong where my father grew up.


There was a sister with a strongly opposed husband. Whenever she would go to the meetings, he locked her out of the house and she'd have to sleep in the shed until morning. He threatened to divorce her every time she did something spiritual.


The night of the memorial, he suddenly changed his mind. He told her to take the car and have a good time.


So this sister took the car, went to the Memorial... and then when it was over, she couldn't start the car to go home. One of the brothers in the Cong (A mechanic by trade) took a look at the engine, and said that the car had been sabotaged. The ignition leads had been all swapped around.


There was no way the car should have started at all, to get her to the Memorial, and yet somehow it worked, until the meeting was over. The Brothers gave her a ride home, she informed her husband, and he had to go to the hall the next morning to fix his car.

I can't imagine his face when he saw the car starting and going to the KH... :D "HOW?!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it's just unlikely enough to fit in this thread.


A disfellowshipped couple decided to take a Hall down in their murder/suicide pact. The man made four pipe bombs. One of them to blow up his workplace, which he felt had wronged him, and the other three into a Kingdom Hall.


The one at his office caused a sizeable explosion, the three that went into the Kingdom Hall all 'malfunctioned'. What are the odds?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I have some friends I always call "Jehovah's spoiled kids". :lol: Everything they do always has success.


I helped this brother do his paperwork to obtain the Spanish nationality. It's a long process but it's almost finished. Everything is approved and the only remaining step is to sign at the civil registry and get his Spanish passport. He made an appointment in the civil registry in June. When he got there, he was told that, although all his papers were ok, he couldn't sign at the time. He had to wait until he was called, which was scheduled for December. He explained that he has his regional convention in Germany in September and he can't travel abroad without his passport, and that convention is really important for him. The civil servant told him to file a request, so he did. As most people, he doesn't know legalese, he just thanked the registry for their hard work, explained that he is one of JWs and why it's very important for him to attend that convention. Against all odds, he received a call one day later to go to sign the next day (that is, yesterday). We still can't believe that things happened this way. Maybe it was a Witness or someone who likes Witnesses who received that request. We are convinced it was Jehovah who handled the situation again and kept spoiling this faithful brother. :)

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I originally learned the truth in the late 1950's. My father started studying and I sat in on all the studies, refusing to go outside and play in the yard when my cousins came to visit.  My father died of leukemia in January 1960, when I was just 10 years old.  My mother was less interested in the truth and she started going back to a Baptist church after my father died and took me and my siblings along.


I started studying in 1969.  While at my sister's house. She and my mother had gone to town to buy groceries.  I had felt the entire time that this was the truth.


I spent several years supporting my family, working odd hours and missing meetings.  In 2010. I had decided to retire.  My reasons were several, but on top of the list was `more time for meetings and study.  I finally retired 6 months before ai was old enough to receive Social Security.  I had some large bills coming up in June and August of 2011.  I did not know how I was going to pay them.  In May of 2011, I was attending a meeting at eh KH and the speaker mentioned adding finances to our prayers.  I actually did not know specifically what to pray for but just prayed to Jehovah for help, but ai did ask for help.  I continued my meeting attendance, studying, and prayers.  I was on course to read through the Bible in one year.


I knew I was owed some money from my previous job but was told I wouldn't get that money until October.  Suddenly in June, I checked my bank balance and found that I had $2,000 more than I expected.  That was the amount of the first bill due in about 2 weeks.  I prayed, thanking Jehovah, with tears in my eyes.  It turned out to be money that my old job owed me coming in about 4 months earlier than expected.  That bill was paid on time.


When I checked the math, I found that the company had taken money out that they should have sent.  It turned out that the company owed me $2,000 more than I had received.  I wrote them and told them more was owed.  I had to send some documentation to them to get the rest of the money.  The second check arrived just in time to pay the second debt.


I knew I was not deserving and that I was still a long way from being a mature spiritual Christian.  I deserved nothing and I received a lot.  Could I count it as "time and unforeseen circumstances?  I will count it as undeserved kindness!

Edited by Witness1970
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3 hours ago, Witness1970 said:


I knew I was not deserving and that I was still a long way from being a mature spiritual Christian.  I deserved nothing and I received a lot.  Could I count it as "time and unforeseen circumstances?  I will count it as undeserved kindness!


Deuteronomy 28:2  "All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you , because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your God."    :yes:

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  • 1 month later...

So, one of the brothers in my Cong? He's more or less bedridden. Gets around on crutches otherwise, but he's always in pain.


The housing market in Australia isn't that great. He has a wife and kid, and his rent is way too high. So he looked for another place, with a lower rent. Because of his circumstances, not every place is suitable for him. But it's not a renters market at the moment.


He said that the first two places he looked? One was more suitable, one was less; both for the same price. He spoke to the agent, who admitted that most people trying to find a rental property are on the waiting list for weeks and weeks. Sometimes six months. He and his wife prayed about the matter, and an hour later they got the call. They got the one they wanted, right away. He's moving this weekend.


One of the first places he looked at, a brother who can barely stand, let alone have a certainty of making rent for the next few years, while the waiting lists are months and months long.


It's the second such story in my Cong this year.


My father says that those two events, more than anything else in the last year, has heartened him about our own living situation.

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37 minutes ago, Thomas Walker said:

So, one of the brothers in my Cong? He's more or less bedridden. Gets around on crutches otherwise, but he's always in pain.


The housing market in Australia isn't that great. He has a wife and kid, and his rent is way too high. So he looked for another place, with a lower rent. Because of his circumstances, not every place is suitable for him. But it's not a renters market at the moment.


He said that the first two places he looked? One was more suitable, one was less; both for the same price. He spoke to the agent, who admitted that most people trying to find a rental property are on the waiting list for weeks and weeks. Sometimes six months. He and his wife prayed about the matter, and an hour later they got the call. They got the one they wanted, right away. He's moving this weekend.


One of the first places he looked at, a brother who can barely stand, let alone have a certainty of making rent for the next few years, while the waiting lists are months and months long.


It's the second such story in my Cong this year.


My father says that those two events, more than anything else in the last year, has heartened him about our own living situation.

Really Jehovah provides ! 
I've lived such experience personnally several times !

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I heard about the following experience a number of years ago: Two pioneers had an older car that broke down and they didn't have the money to repair it. They saw an ad in the paper for a car for sale for $10. They wondered what kind of car could this be? They were skeptical but called about it anyway. They spoke to a woman and the price was correct so they arranged to look at it. They saw that the car was in very good shape and asked why it was so inexpensive. The woman said her husband recently died and in his will it stated the car must be sold and the proceeds given to his mistress. So the woman set the price at $10, the only amount the mistress would get. So, the widow saw to it that her deceased husbands plan didn't work out as expected and the mistress wasn't rewarded. As a result, the pioneers got the reliable transportation they needed at an unexpected price. They could continue in their preaching assignment and received exactly what they needed at the right time.

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41 minutes ago, Reader said:

following experience

I remember someone on this forum mentioned this experience and it's such a pleasure to be able to read it again. Never tire of hearing such miraculous happenings where we see the  Mighty hand of God at work.

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 4 months later...

Here's one I heard yesterday, from one of the Speakers, at the Zone Visit that was broadcast to all Austra-lasia Congregations.


Two years ago, a sister in Australia came across a pigeon, with unusual colors. It was a specially bred pigeon that just landed near her. She noticed a message tube tied to it's leg. The message said: "This is a specially trained homing pigeon. Write your location, throw the pigeon in the air, and it will return home to me." (Or words to that effect.) The sister realized that someone was training/breeding homing pigeons, and was testing their range.


I've since looked it up. Homing pigeons are really good about finding their way home. That's what they do, no matter how far away they fly.


So our sister writes her location, and throws the bird up in the air. The pigeon promptly circles around and lands back at the Sister's feet. She tries again. Again, the bird refuses to leave. A third time, our sister tries to send the pigeon on his way. A third time, he comes straight back.


Against all odds, our sister has a new pet. And she decides to start breeding them, when she finds out this particular pigeon is rare in our part of the world.


Here in Australia, we are filming the 'Life of Jesus' series. A big part of production, is the provision of animals. Specifically, ones that would fit in with life in Israel, 2000 years ago. Not an easy thing to find in Modern Day Australia, as you might imagine.


The production crew sent out a 'casting call' for the kind of pigeon that would offered in the temple as a sacrifice, including detailed descriptions/images of the breed of pigeon that would have been used. I can't imagine they expected to find many.


But in those two years, our sister had managed to breed twenty such birds, from the homing pigeon who refused to 'go home'. Ten were donated to the production, who were surprised, and grateful.


It's an obscure enough experience that I'm willing to believe it's a coincidence, but it's unlikely enough to be 'part of a plan'. I can tell you with some certainty, breeding rare pigeons is not a typically Australian pastime.

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