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Roe v Wade Which made Abortion Legal in All States Overturned

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i dont watch any particular news channel, this popped up in my youtube suggested videos, and with a title like it has (it is regarding the roe v wade law and outrage over it in america), i watched it. There is some blurred out bad behavior from some crazies, but the point especially at the end really shows the psychology of people and apparantly he world is no longer afraid to be outspoken about hating religion even moreso. Video is about 13 mins long. Patiently waiting while these mindsets and thoughts develop globally



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If they do any of this extra stuff with gay marriage and contraception people will lose their minds over here. 


Anyone want to go half on an uninhabited island? 😄


"President Joe Biden predicted Wednesday that if the Supreme Court officially overturns Roe v. Wade's holding of a federal constitutional right to abortion, the court will next look to strike down other landmark cases guaranteeing Americans' rights, from same-sex marriage to contraception access."




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Overturning Roe Could Lead to Restrictions on Birth Control (msn.com) Not all contraception.  Emergency contraception which as I understand stops an embryo from attaching to the uterus which is not currently considered abortion.  It's only considered abortion if the embryo has attached to the uterus. 

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This is a loaded topic. Being neutral means we can't express some of our personal opinions.


Plus, being a witness does not guarantee which way we would come down on the topic of abortion. Being Pro-Life is not the only point to consider. A woman being able to say "I know you're the judge, but I want an abortion." is the only way a Witness can say "I know you're the doctor, but I still refuse the Blood Transfusion."


What I will say, is that Prohibition did nothing to stop drinking in the USA. Anti-Gay laws didn't make people become straight. The war on drugs is now going on a hundred years long, and hasn't slowed things down. It's a fact of trying to legislate any kind of moral stand. All it does is drive things into hiding, and make felons of everyone who disagrees.


When I was on the carts, there are two people I spoke to that stick come to mind. One was a teenage guy who walked up, looked at the Bible Literature, and said "So, what does your religion think about smoking weed?" The other is a woman who chatted for a few minutes, and then asked me, real quiet: "And... what about Abortions?"


No points for guessing why those questions were the ones they wanted to know about in the first conversation. They wanted to know if they should invest any time learning about a God that they expect to be harsh. This is a difficult topic to talk about because it's so personal, and so controversial... and very soon, it seems; talking about it will be asking some women to indict themselves. Even remaining neutral, this is going to be a matter for us to deal with too.


And... I'll be as far from neutral as I can get in this comment when I say that I have no faith whatsoever in the world's ability to exercise compassion and common sense when they have the chance to exercise power over someone who can't fight back.



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22 minutes ago, Thomas Walker said:

This is a loaded topic. Being neutral means we can't express some of our personal opinions.

Being neutral means that while we feel abortion is immoral and repugnant, we have no opinion on whether it should be legal or not.  



Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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My response to the question of whether I’m for or against abortion : 


I don’t judge others, but I do share God’s view that everyone’s lives matter, including those of the unborn. 🥰

i love this paragraph in the article on jw.org


Life is a gift from God. (Genesis 9:6; Psalm 36:9) He considers all life to be precious, including the life of a child in the womb. So if someone intentionally kills an unborn child, that amounts to murder.


I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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49 minutes ago, cricket246 said:

i love this paragraph in the article on jw.org


Life is a gift from God. (Genesis 9:6; Psalm 36:9) He considers all life to be precious, including the life of a child in the womb. So if someone intentionally kills an unborn child, that amounts to murder.

And a couple of days ago the “Seeking Official Uncounted Lives Statistics Act” or the “SOULS Act” (H.R. 7715, 117th Congress, 2021-2022) was submitted to the House, with the aim of:


Inclusion of aborted children in CDC death numbers and rates.


In collecting and making available information on death numbers and rates in the United States, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall, to the extent possible, include in such numbers and rates any abortion of a human embryo or fetus.









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1 hour ago, Parale said:

And a couple of days ago the “Seeking Official Uncounted Lives Statistics Act” or the “SOULS Act” (H.R. 7715, 117th Congress, 2021-2022) was submitted to the House, with the aim of:


Inclusion of aborted children in CDC death numbers and rates.


In collecting and making available information on death numbers and rates in the United States, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall, to the extent possible, include in such numbers and rates any abortion of a human embryo or fetus.









 I can NOT imagine that ever passing the house and the Senate and being signed by the president. The opportunity for that to have been done was under the previous president. It's interesting that when the Republicans had full control of the house, the Senate and the presidency that this was not a priority.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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2 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

They have politicized abortion. That being the case, we mind our business, knowing all this has nothing to do with us, Jehovah will take care of it.

Almost every issue is politicised now. Moral ones in particular. It puts JW's in a unique position because we're very certain about moral issues, but have to remain totally neutral on them.

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16 hours ago, Thomas Walker said:

Almost every issue is politicised now. Moral ones in particular. It puts JW's in a unique position because we're very certain about moral issues, but have to remain totally neutral on them.

I think you need to reword what you said.


Are you saying that we have to remain neutral on immoral issues? I don’t think that is what you meant to say.....

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1 hour ago, zoebarry said:

I think you need to reword what you said.


Are you saying that we have to remain neutral on immoral issues? I don’t think that is what you meant to say.....

My meaning, if it is unclear, is that every moral topic we can discuss with people is political now.


"So, I'm off to join the Pro-Choice protests. Where do you stand on this position of basic human rights?"


"Care to donate to help defend Ukraine? It's a full blown genocide going on over there."


"So. Good versus evil. Who are you voting for?"


There's very little room left for someone on nobody's side of anything. Neutrality protects us by keeping us out of it, but more and more, both sides see neutrality as 'being part of the problem'.

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2 hours ago, zoebarry said:

I think you need to reword what you said.


Are you saying that we have to remain neutral on immoral issues? I don’t think that is what you meant to say.....

He did word it funny, but it's clear that he meant that we need to remain neutral on political issues. 


This topic of abortion is a perfect example. Abortion is a horrible thing because it violates very clear Bible principles? We would never give a nod of approval to someone considering an abortion. However, should abortion be legal or illegal according to the law of the land? We have no opinion on this. It does not matter to us what the human government says regarding it's secular legality.


Same with gay marriage. We don't approve of it. But should it be legal or illegal? We simply don't care. We're neutral. 


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Further, to add to Bob's statement, we need only think back to the video where the sister was pressured to purchase an LGBTQ bracelet to show her support.  Refusing to purchase the bracelet was equated with bigotry and hatred.  That was pretty realistic.  The world does not accept anyone remaining neutral.  If you aren't with them, then you must be against them 


We aren't bigots.  All that sister wanted to do was buy her stuff and leave. She did not say a hateful.  They wouldn't let her mind her own business. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I.m not sure i would say nuetral.  But were not activists.  We don.t do hate crimes but if we can calmly explain the bibles view we would.... But if someone wants to disagree no reason to press anything. 



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The Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco has formally announced that Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, Nancy Pelosi, is no longer entitled to receive Holy Communion in her home archdiocese due to her vote earlier this month to codify Roe v Wade.


The Archbishop's Announcement:



The Archbishop's Letter:



Canon 915:





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Seinfeld Soup GIF

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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Pelosi's communion ban by San Francisco archbishop over abortion rights support prompts sharp reactions (msn.com)  I personally feel that the bishop has the right to do what he did based on the Catholic faith because of the Bible's stand on the issue.  He did nothing wrong but it's going to make more people hate religion.  The only think wrong is that the bishop is getting mixed up in politics.  But merely denying someone communion because they actively support abortion should be the church's right.  Just like disfellowshipping and reproof with us.

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6 hours ago, JW2017 said:

SF Examiner editorial board demands Pope remove archbishop who barred Pelosi from communion over abortion (msn.com)

FWIW here is the SF Examiner Editorial Board's full original article:



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