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active shooter' incident at Texas elementary school

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An 18 yr old gunman killed 14 elementary school children and 1 teacher in Texas. Political leaders don't know how to solve these problems. Many leaders say they can't stop the violence. This is evidence of Satan's cruel and deranged personalitywhich is reflected in the actions of those who are involved. As we see the world under Satan's influence careening out of control, we have the knowledge that very soon Jehovah will remove all wickedness. How thankful we are that we have the truth and the wonderful hope Jehovah had given. What a loving God that we serve.





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Such a sad occurrence


I hope none of the children hurt or killed in this shooting were JW's. We can be sure the shooter wasn't or that would be in the first sentence of the news articles.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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32 minutes ago, Qapla said:

Such a sad occurrence


I hope none of the children hurt or killed in this shooting were JW's. We can be sure the shooter wasn't or that would be in the first sentence of the news articles.



Witnesses or not. They all are precious in Jehovah’s eyes. 

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Thus, the reason I started with "Such a sad occurrence"

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I wonder what the motives of the shooter are.. i never condone killing or violence, but I wonder if the shooter was a victim of Satan’s system too?… So much bullying and abuse, I always wonder who will be the next person to snap… 🥺

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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I wonder why this is such a thing here in the US. It does happen in other countries, but not very often. They are in single digits while we are at 288. 


Here is a chart if anyone is interested. 



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So sick. I know a few who are too scared to travel to the US now because of gun killings. Very tragic about elementary school children.


So relieved that Bethel got out of the heart of the city. Too many angry and mentally troubled people in the world today. 



Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Me and my mom saw it on TV, it’s horrible.

What ticked us off the most was that a high school student was killing Elementary School Kids, we couldn’t understand the motive. My mom was saying that if he was going to shoot his high school where he was bullied that is one thing. But to shoot random innocent children is just extra disgusting.


Also we heard that the shooter supposedly killed his Grandma (I think) before his rampage, and I was sitting by MY grandma while watching it and I have no idea why he would shoot his grandma of all people? 

Though to be honest I didn’t really react, I know it is awful but maybe because you hear about mass shootings pretty often I sort of desensitize myself to it so it doesn’t destroy myself emotionally. Or maybe I get into shock and it doesn’t hit me until later. I just see it as the world getting worse. 


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I have no words to describe how I feel about it. 

Lost lives and for what? 

Very sad. 

Hope families of those killed can take comfort if Witnesses contact them trough letters, or other forms of witnessing. 


This wicked system must go! 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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1 hour ago, New World Explorer said:

Very sad. 

Hope families of those killed can take comfort if Witnesses contact them trough letters, or other forms of witnessing. 


This wicked system must go! 

Brother Gregg,

I was thinking the same as you - while discussing this with small FS group last night - and this morning, changing my letter

and format of telephone script -  perhaps the angels  will direct a letter / or a phone call of comfort to those families,

friends and associates of one who are in such pain and despair of losing their dear love ones...as we all work along

with the angels - what a privilege! 


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We are feeling the fullness of the wrath of the evil one and his hordes against these little ones.   
This keeps scripture keeps replaying in my mind.  

Rev 12:12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.

Edited by booboo
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1 hour ago, booboo said:

This keeps scripture keeps replaying in my mind.  

Rev 12:12

I've been concentrating on sending out our tract " Who Controls the World " along with the hope of Jehovah ending all evil on the earth! I loved in the May WT study edition 1st article par. 19 in brief stated this " people need to know that the end is near so that they can make a drastic change in their lives and survive Jehovah's day of anger "

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1 hour ago, zoebarry said:

mentally ill.

I read that he was an avid Call of Duty player.   And his grandmother mocked him for not graduating high school.    He legally bought two AR-15's on his 18th birthday.  He sent an Instagram message to a total stranger saying "I got a lil secret , I'm about to  .  ."


Seems he was acting out an appalling , violent fantasy.   Picking on little kids just shows what loser he really was.

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3 hours ago, Lee49 said:

I've been concentrating on sending out our tract " Who Controls the World " along with the hope of Jehovah ending all evil on the earth! I loved in the May WT study edition 1st article par. 19 in brief stated this " people need to know that the end is near so that they can make a drastic change in their lives and survive Jehovah's day of anger "

Yes.  That is my next choice of tracts!  I ran out of our "Suffering Tracts" and I have a small supply of Who Controls the World"  Jehovah people are so very busy - the group was quiet today - everyone was concentrating on writing!   

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News media have been reporting 19 children under the age of 12 and two adult teachers.  As long as this system continues to go on, tragedies and horrific acts of violence (and the other things) will go on.  Only when the proclamation of Peace & Security goes into affect, and heading right into Armageddon will all this loss of life end.  Satan, is extremely busy influencing so many with social media, violent games on cells phones, tablets and other outlets.  Ask that Jehovah's angels can direct the friends in that area by informal, phone calls, and letter writing to reach the hearts of the parents and husbands and their families for the loss of their loved ones.  Someone in here mentioned Will Suffering Ever End / track.  Good one!   We can still pray that any one of the family members or other relatives of theirs can get a comforting message and a hope! 

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Interesting that this display of vicious anger occurred only a short time period after Dennis Christensen was released. Satan is extremely angry, so I wouldn't be surprised. But of course, could just be coincidence...JMHO.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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I don’t understand how he got in. Here in the UK in my experience of schools- it’s locked tall gates around the whole school, and you have to be buzzed in by reception so entry doors are locked. You cannot just enter a school building. And it’s fire safe and complies with fire safety protocols, as they can exit their classroom doors in the event of a fire and congregate in the playground (which is surrounded by fences).

How on earth can someone just waltz into a classroom to do this.

Imagine those poor parents leaving their kids in what they thought was safety, but then to be told they’ll never see them again. The kids would have been terrified. It’s awful for the survivors too, they’ll be living with this for the rest of their lives, they’ll never be the same again.


Bring on the new system. Imagine explaining classroom shootings to the newbies that are born into the new world when we describe living in the last days.  It’s just demonic. Does not make sense. 

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