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JW Broadcast - November 2023

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I've just thread through this entire thread and I feel the application of Bible principle is apropos.


John 4:24 "Those worshiping must worship with spirit and TRUTH."


Facts matter when it comes to how we conduct ourselves.


Here are the facts:


The organization is a worldwide organization and thus has to make spiritual food available to the entire world. To do this, it uses the world's infrastructure. In the case of electronic files, that means uploading them to servers stationed all over the world. Most cloud services replicate these files across many different countries for security and data-protection policies. The Branch knows this is done. In fact, these expect this behavior! Once the file is uploaded to the main server, a script replicates that file to other servers around the globe. Then, another service runs a script that indexes that file's location on the server to the global internet, including Google and JW.org's indexing page. That means there can be a delay of a few minutes to hours between when the file is uploaded and available and when it is LISTED as uploaded and available.


Those are the basic (albeit simplified) facts -- read, Truth -- about how digital files are made available to us. So, the truth is, there is a HUGE difference between when the file is sitting on Bethel's internal drive, waiting to be released, and when it posted to the internet's global infrastructure. Posting a link to the internal server BEFORE it is released (for example, last night) would be disobedient and criminal. However, once the file is uploaded, it is in the public domain, regardless of whether it is indexed immediately.


To illustrate, a book is released with an IBSN. At one time, it may have taken days, weeks, or even months for libraries to add that book to its card catalog system. If the card catalog had not been updated yet, would that have any bearing on the book's legitimacy, availability, or existence? Of course not! It just wasn't indexed yet.


In this matter, we should not allow our ignorance of certain technologies to cause us to sit in judgment of the actions of others. If a brother has a link to the file that has been uploaded (but not indexed yet), he is doing no better or worse than the brother who waits for it to be indexed on JW.org. After all, the announcement said to watch "as soon as possible" and the brother may feel he is doing just that. So is the brother who waits. Neither is right or wrong in this issue.


Where someone is wrong is a) he accesses the Branch's files BEFORE they are uploaded to the world, b) thinks that just because the server is owned by Amazon, Google, or another global cloud service means that the file is somehow "unofficial" and should not be shared, or c) judges a brother for clicking a link he doesn't personally like.


In short, 1 Thess. 4:11 and "watch the Broadcast" are the most important takeaways here.

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16 minutes ago, oyme said:

Please do not type F5, it could cause a crash on the JW.ORG site. Furthermore, the important thing is not to find out what is new first, but to meditate and calmly review the information.

Don't worry, some nerds on a forum aren't going to crash the servers :D 

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2 hours ago, LeolaRootStew said:

I think because JW.org says this:


You may not:

  • Misuse the website or its services, such as interfering with or accessing the website or its services using a method other than what is explicitly provided.

While I agree you guys aren't hurting anyone, I think it's also reasonable for people to interpret this method as using something other than what is "explicitly provided". 


(just please don't post spoilers because you saw it 5hrs early 😂)



https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/categories/VODStudio doesn't show the new broadcast (yet) Neither does the homepage. So it's reasonable to say that it is not publicly available.

jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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47 minutes ago, oyme said:

Please do not type F5, it could cause a crash on the JW.ORG site. Furthermore, the important thing is not to find out what is new first, but to meditate and calmly review the information.

This was handled years ago, when we did the first global broadcast of the annual meeting.  Congregations from around the world logged into JWStream(I think it was called that back then) and we did a test run the day before the official stream, and found that the servers couldn't handle the volume.  It was a surprise to me that we were working with the computer department in Brooklyn Bethel to make sure the streaming went smoothly.  As a result of that test, the servers were beefed up, and the broadcast the next day still stuttered a lot.  They learned their lessons, and from then on made sure the servers could handle more than the volume of every single kingdom hall in the world streaming at the same time.


39 minutes ago, Dages said:

Don't worry, some nerds on a forum aren't going to crash the servers :D 

We're powerful, but not that powerful 😂

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10 minutes ago, Rodejong said:



https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/categories/VODStudio doesn't show the new broadcast (yet) Neither does the homepage. So it's reasonable to say that it is not publicly available.

This is incorrect and not what the JW.org site's terms of usage is talking about. Once a file is uploaded to a public server, it is publicly available, regardless of whether it is indexed on Google, JW.org, or anywhere else. This is simply how the internet works. What the terms of usage are referring to are files that are NOT intended for public consumption (ie. password-protected for elders, etc) or files that are located on private servers.


Thought experiment: Does "food at the proper time" means the moment a file completes its upload? Or does it mean the moment -- perhaps minutes or hours apart -- the file is indexed and visible to you, sometimes based solely on your geographical proximity to a server somewhere on planet Earth?


If you guessed the latter, let me ask you this: When has Jehovah ever moved sporadically, giving direction to different people based solely on their physical position on the planet?


Or does he move His Organization all at once?

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2 hours ago, jayrtom said:

That terms of use you are referring to have nothing to do to the issue in question. It concerns methods like for example making an app to access epubs and gather information on them to build databases - And that is the meaning of mining a website (I posted a definition some posts back)

The way apps are built using those methods is what's against the terms


Downloading or watching the videos outside of the main site or jwlib is using the site with the methods explicitly provided because there is there a play button and a download button. No workaround is needed its there explicitly available (see image on a previous post)

don't worry, i read every post. I have a limited understanding of the processes, i'm just saying both sides have reasonable points 💜

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55 minutes ago, McKay said:

This is incorrect and not what the JW.org site's terms of usage is talking about. Once a file is uploaded to a public server, it is publicly available, regardless of whether it is indexed on Google, JW.org, or anywhere else. This is simply how the internet works. What the terms of usage are referring to are files that are NOT intended for public consumption (ie. password-protected for elders, etc) or files that are located on private servers.


Thought experiment: Does "food at the proper time" means the moment a file completes its upload? Or does it mean the moment -- perhaps minutes or hours apart -- the file is indexed and visible to you, sometimes based solely on your geographical proximity to a server somewhere on planet Earth?


If you guessed the latter, let me ask you this: When has Jehovah ever moved sporadically, giving direction to different people based solely on their physical position on the planet?


Or does he move His Organization all at once?

You know, what you said about indexing answers a question I had from years ago.  When Russia first started persecuting the witnesses, I knew a brother in Russia.  We would Skype often.  At the time, Russia didn't believe that JW's were smart enough to use the internet like they would on JW.org, so it was no problem accessing the website.  He'd contact me asking if I've seen X video that just got released.  I'd go on jw broadcasting and nothing would be there.  I'd have to skype with him to watch the video on his computer.  Now, looking back, it looks like site in Russia got indexed before the site in the US.  That would explain why he got to see videos before I did.  And, that video was publicly available.  Just not from where I was.

Edited by coolbrz731
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1 hour ago, Rodejong said:


https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/categories/VODStudio doesn't show the new broadcast (yet) Neither does the homepage. So it's reasonable to say that it is not publicly available.


That is fine as a personal opinion. Others may view things differently though. The wording in the Terms of Use is very ambiguous and may be understood in several ways.


In any case, none of us has the right to tell others what to do, or even worse, to question their loyalty. Both sides have already explained their view. Once the discussion begins to become heated it is no longer encouraging nor takes anywhere. It would be better if everyone just let everyone else alone and stopped arguing.


This is a topic about the November 2023 broadcasting, not about when and how to watch videos. And it is in a public forum that everyone can read, even non-members. People who happen to fall here must be thinking those Witnesses are very weird people, arguing about watching a video one hour sooner or later.

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23 minutes ago, coolbrz731 said:

You know, what you said about indexing answers a question I had from years ago.  When Russia first started persecuting the witnesses, I knew a brother in Russia.  We would Skype often.  At the time, Russia didn't believe that JW's were smart enough to use the internet like they would on JW.org, so it was no problem accessing the website.  He'd contact me asking if I've seen X video that just got released.  I'd go on jw broadcasting and nothing would be there.  I'd have to skype with him to watch the video on his computer.  Now, looking back, it looks like site in Russia got indexed before the site in the US.  That would explain why he got to see videos before I did.  And, that video was publicly available.  Just not from where I was.

This is very true. In fact, some information IS only released for certain friends in certain lands and not "publicly available" to the entire brotherhood, even if it COULD be accessed as such.


This is not the case with the November broadcast. In this instance, the relative speed at which the file is available (either on a server or linked in a database) is a logistical one, dependent on many factors like geography and a fair degree of randomness. There may be little logical reason why the Broadcast was updated in MY version of JW Library before yours; it's just a consequence of how technology works. We should be careful to read too much into "Jehovah's direction" when it comes to technology of this sort since its distribution is really our of our hands as an organization. The file gets uploaded. There. The flock is fed. Might you have to wait your turn in "line" as the file gets distributed? Sure, but it's still time to feed for anyone who is able to. There's no need for those in front to brag, and no need for those in line to get jealous.


EDIT: typo...I meant "not", not "now."


Love to all.

Edited by McKay
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9 minutes ago, Brandon said:

But we have the new brochure out now along with videos from it

What a shame you couldn't let brothers and sisters have the same nice surprise you had. This makes me sad. It's only been released. Hope not too many see this until after they view the broadcast.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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As soon as the boradcast was out - the moderators decided it was OK to let the posts about it happen.


That is solely on the moderators and not any of the other members.


We certainly hope, if we've offended some, that we can be forgiven, but .. really what time would be ok - 60 minutes after, 90, 120, and by whose time zone? So our policy is to just allow it to be open once things are public.


EDIT: but good point - I added SPOILER to the topic for any who have not watched it yet to be forwarned.  :grouphug:




Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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And now those that saw the annual meeting and all of these talks already -  can share too  :wave:


It is good to not have to hold things in any longer!!

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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1 minute ago, Brandon said:

Not everyone likes being surprised. Actually a lot of people don’t like surprises because they get anxious.

Well they better get used to some in the near future. 😆 🤣 😂 

Sorry Brandon you are right this is a spoiler thread. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Transcript for 2023 Annual Meeting - Part 1 (presented as part of the November 2023 JW Broadcast)


Chairman .................................................................. Kenneth Cook
“Love Jehovah — Praise Jehovah” .......................... Gage Fleegle
“Love for Jehovah — In Ancient Times” ................... Gerrit Lösch
“Love for Jehovah — In Modern Times” .................. Samuel Herd
“Love People — Make Disciples” ....................... Mark Sanderson






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Thinking ... on the topic of tithing... the drama about Nehemiah is good to review as it shows different attitudes to tithing. How Jehovah blesses the right attitudes and efforts even down to giving sick and blind sacrifices.  Hope Jehovah sees me as a cheerful giver.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Can you imagine the system that the scribes and pharisees could have put in place to ensure everyone paid their 10%.


They would have needed the IRS, laws on what counted and what didn't (maybe allow for deductions  :lol1: ) And then enforcement officers!!!


Whew!! It is a good thing that didn't happen.


note: I am picturing them trying to ascertain if it was 10% of the net or gross gains?? This is an interesting topic for LDS - as some go with gross and most go with net.  :yes:




Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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