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How Do you Picture the Day AFTER Armageddon

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Could you please tell me what book kj is?


  “The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah” ~ 1971

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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I am trying to figure out how many people ever lived in the 6000 years since Adam.

As quick Google search doesn't seem to produce very accurate numbers.

I tried a search in the Online Library, but it seems I need to still learn to search. I'm sure the GB must have mentioned a figure before.


This is from the IT book 2 under RESURRECTION:



Resurrection During 1,000 Years. A very liberal estimate of the number of persons that have ever lived on earth is 20 billion (20,000,000,000). Many students of the subject calculate that not nearly so many have lived. Not all of these, as it has been shown in the foregoing discussion, will receive a resurrection, but even assuming that they did, there would be no problem as to living space and food for them. The land surface of the earth at present is about 148,000,000 sq km (57,000,000 sq mi), or about 14,800,000,000 ha (36,500,000,000 acres). Even allowing half of that to be set aside for other uses, there would be more than a third of a hectare (almost 1 acre) for each person. As to earth’s potential food production, a third of a hectare will actually provide much more than enough food for one person, especially when, as God has demonstrated in the case of the nation of Israel, there is abundance of food as a result of God’s blessing.—1Ki 4:20; Eze 34:27.


How would it be possible in 1,000 years to resurrect and educate the billions now in the grave?
Nevertheless, an illustration reveals what a simple, practical thing Jehovah has in mind for mankind. Not to prophesy, but merely for the purpose of illustration, let us assume that those who compose the “great crowd” of righteous persons who “come out of the great tribulation” on this system of things alive (Re 7:9, 14) number 3,000,000 (about 1⁄1666 of earth’s present population). Then if, after allowing, say, 100 years spent in their training and in ‘subduing’ a portion of the earth (Ge 1:28), God purposes to bring back three percent of this number, this would mean that each newly arrived person would be looked after by 33 trained ones. Since a yearly increase of three percent, compounded, doubles the number about every 24 years, the entire 20 billion (20,000,000,000) could be resurrected before 300 years of Christ’s Thousand Year Reign had elapsed, giving ample time for training and judging the resurrected ones without disrupting harmony and order on earth. Thus God, with his almighty power and wisdom, is able to bring his purpose to a glorious conclusion fully within the framework of the laws and arrangements he has made for mankind from the beginning, with the added undeserved kindness of the resurrection.—Ro 11:33-36.


Remember the IT books are from 1988

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Hmmm, it's definitely going to be a busy yet enjoyable time.

Now I have no idea how big New York City is in terms of numbers, (and I'm not even speaking of New York State), but in discussing this with a sister one day, even here there is so much room! Why?

Well, since there will be no sickness there goes the hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, pharmacies, health insurance businesses, medical schools, etc.

Since there will be no dealth, there goes the funeral homes, cemetaries, mortuary schools, etc.

Since there will be no conflict of any kind, there goes the police stations, prisons, courts, law schools, military sign up places, etc

Since everyone will have their own homes, there goes the real estate schools, offices, etc. And no one will have to concern themselves with a a governmental practice of "eminent domain" where the government can take your land at a whim.

Did I leave something out? Probably but you get the point. And, again, that's only here in New York City. Imagine the whole world, the entire globe not needing those things which only resulted because of the lie that Satan put before Eve and she believed it, then her husband joined her instead of being a real man and put his foot down.

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Oh! I did leave something out (why am I not surprised, lol).

Since man and animal will be at peace with each other, there will be no zoos to protect us from them...and them from us. They will be able to roam free as Jehovah intended. "Born Free" will be real. There won't even be strife among themselves.

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It is reasonable to expect physical healing immediately after the great tribulation, but not perfection. For myself, I am an insulin dependant diabetic, I cant imagine surviving through the great tribulation and then dying. It doesn't seem to fit with the bible, although I don't think there is a firm promise on this. I imagine similar to others comments gathering together and praising Jehovah will be a major part of the days after the great tribulation. Then there will be a lot of work to accomplish, cleaning up the earth, constructing houses and places of worship, bible study work on a scale never before seen, new scrolls to be opened. It will be interesting times, and times that it can be good to keep an open mind on, patiently awaiting the outworking of Jehovahs purpose.

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Thank you Br. Jerry


As soon as I read it I rmembered that piece. I looked around some more and found the exact same in the RS book op p 340


The it-2 792 uses the same figures but there it states that it is by way of illustration.

  • The exact number of humans who have ever lived is unknown to humans. However, by way of illustration, if Jehovah resurrects 20 billion (20,000,000,000) people, there would be no problem as to living space and food for them. The land surface of the earth at present is about 148,000,000 sq km (57,000,000 sq mi), or about 14,800,000,000 ha (36,500,000,000 acres). Even allowing half of that to be set aside for other uses, there would be more than a third of a hectare (almost 1 acre) for each person.

Anyway. Jehovah knows what he is doing, so no question really about how it will be done, but these thoughts just makes me wonder how busy we will be during the 1000 years. I hope very.

I can imagine internet infrastructure still be around. How about assemblies and conventions where talks are delivered direct fro HO.

It is already in the making. 


All in All. I can't wait...

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It is reasonable to expect physical healing immediately after the great tribulation, but not perfection. For myself, I am an insulin dependant diabetic, I cant imagine surviving through the great tribulation and then dying.


I can just see you. You so happy (and possibly shocked that you made it) that you go into a few days of thanksgiving and absolute amazement. After about  days you suddenly remember you supposed to take insulin, but somehow you don't need it. THEN you go into another few days of frenzied joy.


Just imagine...

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It is reasonable to expect physical healing immediately after the great tribulation, but not perfection. For myself, I am an insulin dependant diabetic, I cant imagine surviving through the great tribulation and then dying. It doesn't seem to fit with the bible, although I don't think there is a firm promise on this. I imagine similar to others comments gathering together and praising Jehovah will be a major part of the days after the great tribulation. Then there will be a lot of work to accomplish, cleaning up the earth, constructing houses and places of worship, bible study work on a scale never before seen, new scrolls to be opened. It will be interesting times, and times that it can be good to keep an open mind on, patiently awaiting the outworking of Jehovahs purpose.

This was mentioned at our RC - while talking about future blessings:



18 The stronger our faith in these provisions of God is, the greater will be our willingness to follow the leadings of his spirit to partake of them. Physical perfection will evidently come as a person exercises faith in Christ and makes spiritual progress. Though an individual will have been miraculously healed of major disabilities, he will be brought closer to perfection as he practices what is right. He will regularly be partaking of God's provision for healing by means of Christ's sacrifice. So faith will influence our being healed and perfected in a physical way.

W91 9/15 page 18 par 18

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I always consider someone with a prosthetic leg, who is able to get around quite well, considering. If the actual leg grows back slowly, over a period of time, the prosthetic leg won't fit properly, it will make the growing leg too long with, and too short without it. The person is actually worse off for the time being.


Or, if you wear dentures and your teeth come back gradually - now your dentures won't fit, but you're also not able to eat (let alone the embarrasment of walking around without teeth...).


Now as for getting a perfectly toned body... that will take time :D

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Nor, I don't imagine, would spectacles gradually become unnecessary...

That perfectly-toned body, how long do you reckon on that one?

A comment, too, about building. There'll bound to be way more buildings around than we'll need in the short term. Maybe they'll require some alterations, but unless Jehovah destroys them altogether I'd think we'd be more concerned with pulling them down than putting up new ones.

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To add to Jako's post...

As to what we will be doing after Armaggedon, I've always appreciated this comment from Insight, Vol 2.


*** it-2 p. 793 Resurrection ***
How would it be possible in 1,000 years to resurrect and educate the billions now in the grave?
Nevertheless, an illustration reveals what a simple, practical thing Jehovah has in mind for mankind. Not to prophesy, but merely for the purpose of illustration, let us assume that those who compose the “great crowd” of righteous persons who “come out of the great tribulation” on this system of things alive (Re 7:9, 14) number about 6,000,000 (about 1/1000 of earth’s present population). Then if, after allowing, say, 100 years spent in their training and in ‘subduing’ a portion of the earth (Ge 1:28), God purposes to bring back three percent of this number, this would mean that each newly arrived person would be looked after by 33 trained ones. Since a yearly increase of three percent, compounded, doubles the number about every 24 years, the entire 20 billion (20,000,000,000) could be resurrected before 400 years of Christ’s Thousand Year Reign had elapsed, giving ample time for training and judging the resurrected ones without disrupting harmony and order on earth. Thus God, with his almighty power and wisdom, is able to bring his purpose to a glorious conclusion fully within the framework of the laws and arrangements he has made for mankind from the beginning, with the added undeserved kindness of the resurrection.—Ro 11:33-36.

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Oh I have to add - the day after Armageddon I want to go up to our park and release all the birds there. Watch them fly free.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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1st thing ...

Thankful prayer.. Real absolute thankful prayer...!!

2nd thing

Check on my congregation and relatives to see if anyone needs help...

3rd thing check here if all are ok.. Assuming here will be here

Edited by TheDoorGuy

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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Oh I have to add - the day after Armageddon I want to go up to our park and release all the birds there. Watch them fly free.


Off to their dinner... Rev 19:17-18


I actually the days immediately after Armageddon will be very mixed.  Obviously there will be massive joy and relief coupled with a great shout of praise to Jehovah.  On the other hand I think there will be some grim sights and tasks to be encountered.  The other aspect is upset, grief even about those whom may not have been blessed with survival.  I am sure we will quickly get organised however and focusing on the immediate tasks at hand will ensure we move forward rapidly

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It is reasonable to expect physical healing immediately after the great tribulation, but not perfection. For myself, I am an insulin dependant diabetic, I cant imagine surviving through the great tribulation and then dying. It doesn't seem to fit with the bible, although I don't think there is a firm promise on this. I imagine similar to others comments gathering together and praising Jehovah will be a major part of the days after the great tribulation. Then there will be a lot of work to accomplish, cleaning up the earth, constructing houses and places of worship, bible study work on a scale never before seen, new scrolls to be opened. It will be interesting times, and times that it can be good to keep an open mind on, patiently awaiting the outworking of Jehovahs purpose.


Funny thing is, that your body is basically fine, it's just not working right. All that has to happen is for it to stop goofing around and to get back into balance, right? Same goes for people suffering from MS or an allergy. So if you think about it, how much of a miracle do you really need to keep a person suffering from diabetes going through the great tribulation and beyond?


As for people missing a tooth, or a limb, things like that, I guess the natural restoration process will kick in immediately but it will take months or years for the full development of a limb to take place.

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If I die before the gtb, I hope 2 b reurrreurrected in excellent health. If I live through the GtB through Armg., I plan on coming up out of the kingdom hall basement or my field srvice basement, give praise to Jehovah and Jesus 4 sparing my life. Then me and other survivers, plus my pet (did you catch the pet inbetween the brother who was reading instructions from slave, and near his leg and chair of other brother was siting in the basement last weeks WT?) And wait 4 the elders or servants direction. Hug all near me, shed buckets of happy tears, I will experirnce not having glasses on and no need 4 my wheelchair, and thr cane that helps me stand up. My legs will feel great! I plan on staying put till instructions come my way.

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Originally posted by ChocoboRider

.....As for people missing a tooth, or a limb, things like that, I guess the natural restoration process will kick in immediately but it will take months or years for the full development of a limb to take place.

As I think I mentioned, something like overnight is more likely...

Just imagine trying to get around for months with an unusable appendage growing on you, totally impractical.

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Then me and other survivers, plus my pet (did you catch the pet inbetween the brother who was reading instructions from slave, and near his leg and chair of other brother was siting in the basement last weeks WT?) A


Still pretty sure that's a backpack, dear sister ^_^

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