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"Sing to Jehovah" Songbook Statistics

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These are the 8 oldes songs. They were part of the songbook in 1928:

  • Song 14 (All Things Made New)
  • Song 22 (“Jehovah Is My Shepherd”)
  • Song 26 (Oh, Walk With God!)
  • Song 35 (Gratitude for Divine Patience)
  • Song 74 (The Joy of Jehovah)
  • Song 93 (“Let Your Light Shine”)
  • Song 99 (Praising Earth’s New King)
  • Song 100 (We Are Jehovah’s Army!)

Edited by SteEis
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Isn't "new song" one of the oldest?

Just today I was talking to a brother that song #78 is the least sung of all the songs. I didn't knew it existed until one brother had that song in his public talk. I was simply amazed to find out that we have an amazing song that I didn't know of.

What you showed here just backs up my claim.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, Hope said:

I love this information, Stefan - may I share with others?

If you don't do it in a commercial way.


1 hour ago, Andrejrulz said:


Isn't "new song" one of the oldest?

Just today I was talking to a brother that song #78 is the least sung of all the songs. I didn't knew it existed until one brother had that song in his public talk. I was simply amazed to find out that we have an amazing song that I didn't know of.

What you showed here just backs up my claim.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

"New Song" came 1944 into the songbook.

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10 hours ago, SteEis said:

A statistical information about our songbook (sn) (updated to the meetings in the week of 8ᵗʰ and inclusive meetings, conventions and the memorials and without songs before public talks):

  • 1951 times we sung any song.
  • Rank of the ten most-sung-songs:
    • 1.: No. 92 (“Preach the Word”), 33 times
    • 2.: No. 63 (Ever Loyal), 31 times
    • 3.: No. 69 (Make Me Know Your Ways), 30 times
    • 4.: No. 75 (Our Reasons for Joy) and No. 109 (Hail Jehovah’s Firstborn!), each 29 times
    • 6.: No. 65 (“This Is the Way”) and No. 116 (The Light Gets Brighter), each 27 times
    • 8.: No. 45 (Move Ahead!) and No. 95 (“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good”), each 26 times
  • Rank of the ten less-sung-songs (except new ones):
    • 1.: No. 19 (God’s Promise of Paradise) and No. (Long-Suffering), each 5 times
    • 3.: No. 12 (Life Everlasting Is Promised), No. 21 (Happy, the Merciful!), No. 38 (Throw Your Burden on Jehovah) and No. 126 (Our Labor of Love), each 6 times
    • 7.: No. 1 (Jehovah’s Attributes), No. 14 (All Things Made New), No. 28 (The New Song), No. 34 (Living Up to Our Name), No. 46 (Jehovah Is Our King!), No. 55 (Life Without End—At Last!), No. 59 (To God We Are Dedicated!), No. 87 (Now We Are One) and No. 127 (A Place Bearing Your Name), each 7 times
  • The most sung new songs are No. 138 (Jehovah Is Your Name), 7 times and No. 137 (Grant Us Boldness), 5 times

wow, this is nice statistics! thanks for the effort.

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I'm thinkingnwe don't sing  song #78 very often because it might be that it's being revised.  Since the release od the revised NWT, we no longer use the term "long-suffering" (which is the name of the song). We now use the term "patience". Just a thought. Perhaps there are several revisions for songs 1-135 in the works (lyric wise) before the entire songbook is released again in printed form.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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26 minutes ago, SteEis said:

I think all songs which are not be played with orcestral version might bei revised or replaced by new ones.

I don't think that's the case since, when this was announced,  Br. Splane mentioned it was the WORDS that were being revised because of the revised NWT. He didn't say anything about changing the music. Then again, I may be all wrong, so we will have to wait and see.

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1 minute ago, mserskine said:

I don't think that's the case since, when this was announced,  Br. Splane mentioned it was the WORDS that were being revised because of the revised NWT. He didn't say anything about changing the music. Then again, I may be all wrong, so we will have to wait and see.

A revision of the lyrics is a revision of the song :)

In the latest revision there were several songs that changed only the lyrics (or had the tune slightly changed) but were treated as new songs, hence the complete renumbering

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1 hour ago, SteEis said:

I think all songs which are not be played with orcestral version might bei revised or replaced by new ones.

Well, there goes that theory. Just now all songs in the songbook have been put to orchestra music.



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57 minutes ago, Hope said:

So far, it's up to 154... but 151 is mysteriously absent...

You have hidden it. :)

22 hours ago, SteEis said:

If you don't do it in a commercial way.


"New Song" came 1944 into the songbook.

Sorry that I gave false information. "New Song" came 1950 into the songbook (but wasn't in the songbook from 1966 to 1986).

1 hour ago, mserskine said:

Well, there goes that theory. Just now all songs in the songbook have been put to orchestra music.



But not in German yet. :(

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16 hours ago, SteEis said:

You have hidden it. :)

Sorry that I gave false information. "New Song" came 1950 into the songbook (but wasn't in the songbook from 1966 to 1986).

But not in German yet. :(

aren't the instrumental versions international? Just that the name is in english but I don't think the music changes with the language (at least not in portuguese) 

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3 hours ago, jayrtom said:

aren't the instrumental versions international? Just that the name is in english but I don't think the music changes with the language (at least not in portuguese) 

Yes, but you have to set English because if German is setted the new added will not be shown.

6 hours ago, youthintheministry23 said:



4 hours ago, jscotchie said:

Yessssss!!!! I have gotten over all the other songs that didn't make the cut into the current songbook, but not this one. I need it back! :D

"Follow the Warrior King!" was in the songbook 1944, 1950 and 1984 (but not from 1966 to 1983). That whas the case with some songs.

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4 hours ago, jayrtom said:

aren't the instrumental versions international? Just that the name is in english but I don't think the music changes with the language (at least not in portuguese) 

Now I listened to song No. 1 - there is a difference between English and German. In English there the song is played with string instruments (like violin) but in German with wind instruments (like trumpet) :perplexed:

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Now I listened to song No. 1 - there is a difference between English and German. In English there the song is played with string instruments (like violin) but in German with wind instruments (like trumpet) :perplexed:

I'm perplexed with that too :o

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48 minutes ago, SteEis said:

Now I listened to song No. 1 - there is a difference between English and German. In English there the song is played with string instruments (like violin) but in German with wind instruments (like trumpet) :perplexed:


39 minutes ago, jayrtom said:

I'm perplexed with that too :o

I think they went to an old orchestra recording and remixed it. You can tell the difference because it has a faster tempo and makes a short silent pause between verses, and the new synthesizer recordings (and some orchestral ones) don't make that short silent pause between verses, they make a small transition. 

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5 hours ago, SteEis said:

"Follow the Warrior King!" was in the songbook 1944, 1950 and 1984 (but not from 1966 to 1983). That was the case with some songs.

For those checking, the song was originally called "Forward Go" (follow the Greater Jephthah) in 1944, 1950 and the 1952 revision.

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Have you noticed that the song "Now is the time" is not there anymore, but in a way it is, because there is now an Original song with the same name, but a different melody, un fact different lyrics except the title words, though the message of the song is basically the same? More of a beat, too, not a 4/4 march like before.

Sent from my LGL41C using Tapatalk

Have you noticed that the song "Now is the time" is not there anymore, but in a way it is, because there is now an Original song with the same name, but a different melody, in fact different lyrics except the title words, though the message of the song is basically the same? More of a beat, too, not a 4/4 march like before.

Sent from my LGL41C using Tapatalk

Sent from my LGL41C using Tapatalk

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