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BBC News asks "Who won the third US presidential debate?"

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Anthony Zurcher

North America reporter

16 minutes ago


From the section US Election 2016

Third debate.jpg

With one last chance to make a pitch to the American public that he should be trusted with the presidency, the Republican nominee had to make efforts to expand his base of support.

He had to find a way to distance himself from the allegation that he has a history of sexual harassment.
He had to position himself as the change candidate - just days after a Fox poll showed that Hillary Clinton, whose party has held the presidency for eight years, was beating him on the question of who would "change the country for the better".


Instead, after a roughly half an hour of something resembling an actual policy debate about the Supreme Court, gun rights, abortion and even immigration, the old Donald Trump - the one who constantly interrupted his opponent, sparred with the moderator and lashed out at enemies real and perceived - emerged.

He called Mrs Clinton a liar and a "nasty woman".

He said the women accusing him of sexual harassment bordering on assault were either attention-seekers or Clinton campaign stooges.

He said the media were "poisoning the minds" the public. And, most notably, he refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election if he loses.


Mrs Clinton had her own moments where she was put in the defensive - on her emails, on the Clinton Foundation and on embarrassing details revealed in the WikiLeaks hack.


The difference, however, is that Mrs Clinton largely kept her poise and successfully changed the topic back to subjects where she was more comfortable. It was, in fact, a master class in parry-and-strike debate strategy.


The key takeaway from this debate, however - the headline that Americans will wake up to read in the morning - will certainly be Mr Trump's refusal to back way from his "rigged" election claims.


That was what Mr Trump wanted to say, but it isn't something the American people - or American democracy - needed to hear.

Googled and googled and still don't know who won the debate.:uhhuh:

Edited by Dismal_Bliss

Changed title to reflect a more neutral stance


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Well, this is my round up of matters at hand. Am upstairs, with kingdom music in my ears. My husband is downstairs, exercising his right to futility. How can anyone have a semblance of hope? But for Jehovah?

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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25 minutes ago, rocket said:

Twas a good night for family worship, did I miss something?

Nope, Satan is still in charge...:(

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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In the ministry we saw a signs put up by a local church that read  "Campaign for Christ".      The older brother with me said to the  householder who brought this up was , "We appreciate that we don't have to campaign for Christ because he is already our ruler."

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So just a question ... how are our American brothers and sisters doing with keeping neutral  with all that is taking place in the US  at this time.

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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15 minutes ago, Lance said:

So just a question ... how are our American brothers and sisters doing with keeping neutral  with all that is taking place in the US  at this time.

Personally I just laugh at the funny stuff and ignore the rest. It's just another day....

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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13 hours ago, Dismal_Bliss said:

Who is Chris Wallace?


He was the debate moderator and a Fox News political commentator.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I just look forward to it being over, try not to give it any thought, as it not my business. And concentrate on things at hand, theocraticaly. It is so outrageous, that it is almost easy to treat it as it should be treated. The power behind it all is just evident. No pretending here. All on the table. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Back a couple of years ago when we had live TV I used to watch the O'reilly show. For me, that is funnier than any comedy show. .

The outlandish positions that Bill, or his guests, would take and try and defend were just hilarious,  at least to someone with our outlook. I liked the Watters World segment the most. Jesse Watters would do street interviews at various locations and ask the folks passing by questions,  mostly based on the topic du jour...

It is funny, and a little tragic, how little the general public knows.



 This is a typical Watters World segment. ..


Edited by tekmantwo

Added link..
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On 10/20/2016 at 11:38 AM, Lance said:

So just a question ... how are our American brothers and sisters doing with keeping neutral  with all that is taking place in the US  at this time.

I think the WT article we studied on neutrality a few months back was very timely.    


Presidential campaigns are always nasty but when the candidates are as ridiculous as this year its easy to be AGAINST one of them even if youre not FOR the other one.  But thats not neutral either.

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We have been told not to watch or listen to the stations that offer opinions as to what is going on. I fully understand that. My husband would have those stations on all day. Bombarding me. 

When what you see is a news report, you think, "oh dear", and go about your business. But with all the, "analyzing" going on, it almost forces you to think through what is going on. Then comes the trouble. 

In the Indian community, we have another hotspot. That pipeline business in the Dakota's. (Which Dakota, I know not) Be it a social media, or in the community, it is something you have to decide before hand. First of all, to wait on Jehovah, (keep the mouth shut, which means control the mind) secondly, what to say if actually asked. The pipeline, in this community would come up first. Native people tend not to trust the governments anyway, so, we don't get much flack of  the politics  at hand. The pipeline? If they will listen, Revelation 11:18 takes care of it. In reality, that scripture takes care of the whole thing! 

That neutral stand takes hard work. Discipline. I end up forced into conversations with a mate who would not be easy to live with if I came across as condescending or unkind as to how he feels. I try, and Jehovah knows the effort I put out. And I have to leave it there. 

The demarcation between Jehovah's people and the world is just getting black and white. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Having watched all three debates. It amazes me how the various commentators and

peoples comments miss the real point these  debates demonstrate - that of the real

lack of answers human rulership posseses. This despite the fact both sides decry  the

fact of the poor representative each side has. I had one of my aids ask me this

morning who I was voting for. I  told her neither. Then I asked her her choice and

she said Trump. I asked why and she said Hilary couldn't be trusted. And besides

 Trump with his business experience and his anti abortion stand would be better

for the  country. Not wanting to be drawn into the debate I simply said people on

both sides are deeply disappointed with both sides. I said that is part of the reason

I don't get involved or take sides. She seemed to accept that explanation.




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Having watched all three debates. It amazes me how the various commentators and
peoples comments miss the real point these  debates demonstrate - that of the real
lack of answers human rulership posseses. This despite the fact both sides decry  the
fact of the poor representative each side has. I had one of my aids ask me this
morning who I was voting for. I  told her neither. Then I asked her her choice and
she said Trump. I asked why and she said Hilary couldn't be trusted. And besides
 Trump with his business experience and his anti abortion stand would be better
for the  country. Not wanting to be drawn into the debate I simply said people on
both sides are deeply disappointed with both sides. I said that is part of the reason
I don't get involved or take sides. She seemed to accept that explanation.

Thank you for the explanation dear brother Gstorrs46 :)

All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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Donald Trump seems to have the answers how to reduce street crime and government corruption and create material prosperity. Simply by eliminating corrupt politicians and criminals from the streets and reduce import of foreign goods.

That should work, says common sense. Why did not the former governments do that? My theory is that Satan first wanted people to suffer from these ills, and then Satan through Donald Trump will give relief to the people and people in general in USA and the West will be so happy and blinded by the success that they will give no thought to the fact that it is the final days. And that God's kingdom is about to crush all these other kingdoms.


We have to see the bigger picture, Satan first makes problems and then comes with the solution. Would it not be utterly deceptive for Satan to fix some urgent problems before the end so that people would not pay attention that the end is coming to this system?


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On 20/10/2016 at 11:38 AM, Lance said:

So just a question ... how are our American brothers and sisters doing with keeping neutral  with all that is taking place in the US  at this time.

It's a tough job, but we can do it. I have shared A Fellow Servent's post with family members. They say "That's a good ' un!

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     That is an interesting spin on this topic. But if that is the case he is

going to have to become  the come back kid. He is now behind in all of the

national polls. His own organization is now acknowledging that. According

to the news report tonight, if the election was tomorrow, he would lose by

a landslide. But  then of course they were all ready to write him off before

the republican convention. So this election has been, if nothing a surprise

at every turn. It makes us glad that due to the scriptures we are not in

darkness as to what is really going on, as the nations of this earth are.



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On 10/20/2016 at 0:38 PM, Lance said:

So just a question ... how are our American brothers and sisters doing with keeping neutral  with all that is taking place in the US  at this time.

Well, for me I keep Jesus' words in mine as he was speaking in prayer to his father Jehovah:


 John 17:16 They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.


So my whole world revolves around "seeking first the kingdom", building up my faith and holding on to the "real life" in the near future. (I haven't watched any of the debates nor anything related to the U.S. elections because I'm just not interested.)  Speaking of which, I got a "register to vote" application in the mail four years ago and I had to laugh since I've never voted nor registered in all my life.  Well, one can guess where the application ended up. 

Edited by Omo_Yeme
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On 10/22/2016 at 2:07 PM, John said:

Donald Trump seems to have the answers how to reduce street crime and government corruption and create material prosperity. Simply by eliminating corrupt politicians and criminals from the streets and reduce import of foreign goods.

That should work, says common sense. Why did not the former governments do that? My theory is that Satan first wanted people to suffer from these ills, and then Satan through Donald Trump will give relief to the people and people in general in USA and the West will be so happy and blinded by the success that they will give no thought to the fact that it is the final days. And that God's kingdom is about to crush all these other kingdoms.


We have to see the bigger picture, Satan first makes problems and then comes with the solution. Would it not be utterly deceptive for Satan to fix some urgent problems before the end so that people would not pay attention that the end is coming to this system?


Why not? Hitler did it. My mother said prior to Hitler they were starving to death. And then thats when Hitler came they had food and they were happy because of the technology and the inventions he brought to the table. So here we go again with the food thing look out  because that's what he's going to use again in theselast days and we may find ourselves starving and the only thing available is birthday cake! LOL

Edited by Gi-Gi
Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow these words, I may have to eat~


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my brothers i really want to suggest that we should also be very careful how we reply to political issues in the field ministry.(prov. 15:28),especially when a householder brings up the issue.
it is just like in the case of the economic recession bitting hard in nigeria currently.while most nigerians are bitterly criticising the government,Jehovah's servants choose to act with more understanding ( prov. 13:16), by diverting people's attention to the bigger issue:SATAN CONTROL'S the world.(1 John 5:19).
i think,the best way to be neutral is to try to always avoid discussing political matters with anyone.(Jer 17:9).infact it is very difficult to discus about election nominees without speaking favourably of one nominee while speaking unfavourably of the other,before you know it,you are already taking side.

Sent from my TECNO P9 using Tapatalk

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On October 21, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Miss Bea said:

We have been told not to watch or listen to the stations that offer opinions as to what is going on. 

Miss Bea, Im not  sure I understand what you meant by we have been told not to watch or listen to certain stations that offer opinions.

 Did you mean told by the FS?

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