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What do you especially love about Jehovah?

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There is so much to love about the True God.  I started thinking, "If I had to choose one thing, that leads me to love Jehovah, what would that be"?


Well, for me, and probably most believers, it has to be his willingness to send his most precious , only-begotten, first-of-all-creation, Son, here to pay the ransom. Remember, any perfect human life would have been sufficient.

So, let's just say we would all agree on that.  What else? What's your runner-up?


I love that Jehovah selects both men and women to be co-rulers in the kingdom.

Does anyone visualize our sweet sisters as mighty angels fighting the War of Armageddon? Or, do you only visualize our faithful, hard working, brothers doing so?


Now let's hear from you, friends . . .

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I love Jehovah's boundless generosity, too. Grin Big.gif

I love the fact that Jehovah chose to share the beauty of his creation with us.  yes.gif

He didn't have to create us and he certainly didn't have to give us color vision.  No grinning.gif

But I am eternally grateful that he did.LOVE Warmth and feeling.gif


Arizona Sunset.jpg





Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Hard to pick an aspect like this.


His patience? How many times do we err and he still allows our sins to be covered over.


I expect they will be gender neutral as spirit creatures, but I get what you are saying. We are influenced to see angels as being males. Something else to ponder tonight.....

Edited by Your Brother
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Hi Brother Doug, 

I think you started 1 of the best topics! :thumbsup:


I think what I especially love about Jehovah is that......I love everything about Him!

When 2 people initially fall in love, they can talk about many things they love about the other. But after some time, they can find just as many negatives about the other. But it is the opposite with Jehovah. The more years that go by and I keep getting to know more about Him and the different facets of his beautiful personality, my love keep growing for Him!

I see 0% wrong in Him and 100% beauty about Him. 


This might be a strange way to look at Jehovah to some, but I will try to explain using a scientific illustration. Almost everything we can think of from cars to airplanes to stars and planets - all these things get worse with time - "entropy".  But as each year goes by and I keep learning more about Jehovah, He just keeps improving and getting better and greater and more loving and more awesome! That is just a way to illustrate this of course because in reality Jehovah is the ultimate of perfection, already at His zenith of greatness. So it's not that He is improving, but for me each month, each year, its as if He just keeps getting more and more magnificent! :wub:


But if I had to pick what especially attracts me to Jehovah, I think that would be how He wants to be a Father to us! That blows me away. 

Its like some man wanting to officially adopt and be a father to a little tiny, microscopic bug.  Why? For what reason would anyone want to be a father to a little insignificant bug? But yet it is as if the Great and Magnificent Sovereign Jehovah is saying,

"I want to adopt that little, microscopic bug named Neil, and I want to be His Father as I am willing to take on all of the responsibility of caring for him, feeding him, protecting him, teaching him, loving him, and making that little bug Neil part of my family."    :o 

Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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Somehow song #30 (New book) pops into my head:


“For God is not unrighteous,

And he remembers the love I’ve shown.

So he is ever near me;

With Jehovah, I’m not alone.

Yes, God is my provider

and my protector down to the end.

Yes, Jehovah is my Father,

My God and Friend.”


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One thing I love about Jehovah is his decision to give him creatures free will - the freedom to choose their own path. I think that's awesome of him and it tells a lot about why the bible says in 1 John 4:8 that God is love.

For Jehovah is aware of the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish (Psalm 1:6).

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I love that Jehovah is always there.No matter what's going on in our life or where we are he is always available for us to talk to.I get lonely sometimes but all I have to do is talk with Jehovah about it and then pick up my bible and he talks to me and I feel so much better.

I can vividly remember the days before I knew him.That was true loneliness.


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That He is so magnanimous He does NOT force ANYONE to do something they wouldn't already do.


To me His gift of freewill (and His never encroaching on it) is almost as powerful as His gift of His son (that gift has to be #1).

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I think the way Jehovah sent his son, not only as a ransom, but as a way for us to understand him. Jesus said "if you've  seen me, you've  seen the father".

Now we know exactly what Jehovah is like .... in a sense we've "seen" him as a human....or at least the exact representation of him......so much easier to relate to than an invisible God in the heavens alone.

That showed great love and wisdom in his part.

Edited by Pjdriver
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My first thought was the same as Neil's.  Everything.  How could I possibly choose. 

My second thought was boy I need a real keyboard for this not this pretend one on my tablet, because I can't type with one finger as fast as these thoughts flow. So I will refrain till I'm on my keyboard!!!!!

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What I like best about Jehovah is how his qualities perfectly balance each other. How his love, mercy and justice, all work together perfectly. His deep wisdom in dealing with a sinful world that is out of control. How he is going to execute justice  while mercifully and lovingly saving the righteous. Once you see the big picture, you realize that Jehovah is  doing exactly what has to be done, there is no better way. Everything he allows has to be alloved, or it would not work. Satan has to be allowed to test us and we have endure to have faith. If Jehovah blessed all of his followers with wealth and protected them from all harm, everyone would serve Jehovah. But few would serve for the right reasons. As a people and as individuals, we are refined. The selfish and haughty either become the unselfish and humble, or they don'the last long in the truth. They are weeded out. Even when we have hard times, we see Jehovah'set love and wisdom. I am deeply touched by how he watches over my mother. Her heat was off and after work I checked her furnace, it needed an expensive part that is hard to get and is not available locally unless you hire a heating contractor. But I knew Jehovah would make things work out. I could not locate a local source as I expected, and was checking for local contractors who service the model of furnace my mother has in hopes of finding one who would sell the part for cash. As I scanned the list on the Internet, I saw the name of the heating contractor I call at work for our building. I knew that he would sell it to me, I called and he had it and would have been gone in another 10 minutes. He was only five minutes away and I had the heat back on at my mother's that evening. The temperature that night dropped to about 10 F, so it was important that the heat was working.


I am a practical person, but when I travel with my mother, the laws of probability seem to take a holiday as the highly improbable becomes common place. Booked hotels have an opening, parking spaces magically appear, wrong turns take right where you wanted to go. I have given up trying to tell Mom that something is never going to work, because I have gotten tired of being wrong.  Jehovah watches over Mom like a hawk. I want to be as faithful as my mother because I want that too. Not so I would never have to worry about having a reservation or everything works out well all the time, though I could live with that. I just want Jehovah's eye on me like it is on Mom. Almighty Jehovah, sovereign of the entire universe, has a soft spot for my mother. That is what I want, I want to be Jehovah's friend like my Mom is. That is one of the dearest things about Jehovah, we can be his friend and he cares deeply about us. He positively dotes over my mother. Now my mother still has her troubles, but being a practical person, I can see that things work out much better for her than what they should. I see that with others in the truth too, and even in my own case. Jehovah lovingly and protectively watches over us. You can bet that if it wasn'the for Jehovah watching over us, the Devil would have wiped us out a long time ago. Each day my children come home from school, I know that it is because Jehovah is watching over them. Tragedies can happen, but even then we know that we will see our loved ones in the resurrection. Jehovah is always there watching over us and is always there for us. Hard times are coming, but even if my mother can'take find a parking spot, I know that Jehovah is with us and we'll wipe every tear from our eyes in the new world. Jehovah is a very endearing father to us.





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I love Jehovah for the wisdom he gave me in how to reply to anyone who ask about him and how he help us in the different tools to use in the field service....He is the most high over everyone, i thank him everyday that i keep on in my study, cause  i did have some topic that i was not quiet agree with right away, but  how i later able to see  his wisdom by remaining in his word the bible .

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What a wonderful thread!


Like many of you, I have a million thoughts flying through my head. But something that stands out to me personally is how Jehovah helps me. When I wait on him, he opens doors. Big doors that I had no way to see over, under or around.  His kindness is abundant, way more than what we actually 'need', but he gives it anyway.


For this, I am truly grateful.

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A really good Topic :thumbsup:


Of course, there are many things I love about Jehovah.

But one special thing for me is the fact, that he has given us the same characteristic traits he himself has.

I am a very emotional person - Everytime I see somebody cry, I have to cry, too (even if I don´t know the reason or the person). :crying:

Sometimes it´s a little bit annoying, because I really can´t control it. But then I think "hey, this might be a form of deep compassion - one of Jehovah´s great characteristic traits".

What a great honour to have the same feelings Jehovah has! He lets us participate in his inmost nature - what a valuable gift!


Chrissy :wave:

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Jehovah has always been there for me, even when I didn't deserve anything good from him.  I struggle so much with feeling unloved and not Part of a famIly.  But the scripture in psalms has been bringing me comfort for some time,  "Even if my own father and mother should abandon me , Jehovah himself will take me in".  With my mother's abuse, and my father as an alcoholic and stealing my identity, I never really had stable parents.  But Jehovah has been the perfect parent to me.  The main being in my life who truly loves me.  Despite feeling like a monster most of the time, Jehovah continues to hold me close when I deserve to be let go to fall.  He's always been there for me when I felt so alone.  He's kept me alive during the times I wanted to die.  And he's never gave up on me even when I kept doing the wrong thing all the time.  There's nothing out there in Satan's world that can replace what Jehovah had done for me.  I strive so hard to not do the wrong thing, and I constantly pray for the forgiveness I don't deserve.  Battered and bruised I limp on forward with Jehovah holding my hand.  The watchtower today really hit home for me about undeserved kindness.  I love Jehovah for that kindness, and for being my Heavenly Father.


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In today's WT Study, we learnt about Jehovah's undeserved kindness and one expression of it it for me is simply Jesus himself!


My wife and I are reading the gospels at the moment.  Whilst we are constantly reminded by the FDS not to think less of ourselves or the ransom is beyond our reach, I struggle with inadequacy when thinking of just how much love has been shown!


I'm like the tax collector who beat himself or Peter who told Jesus to leave him as he was too sinful.


I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but Jehovah didn't send any angel, he sent the best! (Col 2:3)

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On 1/30/2017 at 7:26 AM, trottigy said:

That He is so magnanimous He does NOT force ANYONE to do something they wouldn't already do.


To me His gift of freewill (and His never encroaching on it) is almost as powerful as His gift of His son (that gift has to be #1).


Interesting to see this repeated in the Feb 2017 monthly broadcast. 

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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That topic is awesome. Great idea. And many adorable comments. 


For me, it's the fact that Jehovah made himself very accessible, we have the prayer, we have the Bible, and, ho, it's even more than that. 


For me Jehovah is like a father who sit down next to his young son/daughter and explain him/her about life, about himself, about the family, the plans for the vacations, the little mistakes to correct and then give him/her a hug. 


It's Jehovah's humility, getting at our level. And it's marvelous. 


I know what I'm going to pray about right now before sleeping. Thanks again for the thread. 

Edited by Dages
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I love Jehovah for many many reasons but I would highlight only few of them: Jehovah is love, shows love, does everything with love, treats us with love, he is very humble person, he is very forgiving and caring.  He takes in consideration our weaknesses and the circumstances around us when he judges us as sinful humans. His every action is governed/ruled by his dominant quality - Love. I love Jehovah!  (Sorry if I could not express my thoughts and feelings in proper English).

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What all of you said collectively!  The description of Jehovah's LOVE is indescribable .   He looks deeply in me and sees that even though I sin and make mistakes he looks beyond all that and wraps his loving arms around me.     A GOD so wise and powerful .   A God that I can call 'father."   Through all you dear friends expressions I could actually FEEL emotion.   One word for me of why I love Jehovah......MATCHLESS. 

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