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DISCUSS COURT CASE HERE JW.org - Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

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10 minutes ago, Dina Gavrilenko said:

He didn't explain anything. Just said: "After examining all materials and after listening to both sides and witnesses, guided by articles 175, 183, 64 of the Administrative  Code the Court decided to... "  take very bad decision


Wow. I figured he wouldn't explain anything just like a lot of his "refusals" weren't explained. A reasonable judge will explain "why" a decision is made. A supreme court's main purpose is to uphold or change decisions of lower courts. They usually will explain what facts led to their decision.

"People don't know what they like, they like what they know."

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Whether the verdict is the ban (Jehovah allowed it), or not the ban (Jehovah did not allow it), I choose song No. 2 "Jehovah is Your Name." 

For no matter what 

"Jehovah, Jehovah,

There is no God like you.

There's no other in the heavens

Or on the earth below.

You alone are God Almighty, 

And this all men must know.

Jehovah, Jehovah, 

We have no other God but you."


Yes, no matter what the verdict is, it will be because Jehovah allowed it. And he will always be there for our Russian family either way. He promised!

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From our very old red songbook song 44 "Earth's New King", as I remember it. Whisling  to myself as I follow the topic.


"See yonder or' the mountain tops,

The sight my heart entrances,

Jehovah's host his servant class,

In unity advances,

Their helment bright against the sky,

Bid ignorance and error fly,

They shout aloud there battle cry,

'Christ reigns, oh Earth receive Him'

Kiss the son, lest he be angry,

And you perish in the way,

Blessed are all that put their trust in him today!


 I know that is not an ccurate rendition, but it fits my mood. (:P)



Here is the original song #47 http://ia600306.us.archive.org/12/items/KingdomServiceSongBook/1944KingdomServiceSongBook.pdf


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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32 minutes ago, Old said:

Sometimes I have been known to facetious, so let me try here.


I just read somewhere that the judge had a heart attack after he left the court room, or was it heartburn? Not sure. I will have to check my source....Oh no, it was my wife that said she wished he had a heart,...or was she asking? Let me check... can't seem to substantiate this story...Oh I think I have it now, the judge was seen consuming stomach mints after he left the court room...or was that during the trial...must be somewhere on youtube, no, no, no I guess it was on Twitter, yes it must have been a tweet, but why would Trump care? Did you read that our mail campaign saved the US Postal system from collapse? That is another topic, facts on that later.

Give a few minutes here, I need to get my facts straight.  I will get back to you.:D


Baby, you look  so blonde .

...absolute rubbish...

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I hope this all blows up in Putin's face and he is made to eat some humble pie. I'm sure other 'christian' denominations over there are quaking in their shoes now.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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22 minutes ago, JW1987 said:

When the site updated saying the decision was to liquidate, my heart sank. I have three friends who live there. My daughters' best friend extended family lives there now too. She met her Ukrainian family for the 1st time just this past fall (she's 16 and went with her mom and brother). Since their month long visit, she now has family studying the Bible and were attending meetings!  Her mom is so happy that her mom and other family had a huge interest in the truth! Now she's so worried and I told her to fully rely on Jehovah. That's all any of us can do.  She wanted to bring her mom over here to live with her. Now she's not sure about it since things are so tense in the world. They say we tear families apart when we don't look at the lines on the map to determine our love for human in general, but especially those related to us In the faith.  We love without boundaries. Patiently waiting on Jehovah to right all wrongs and praying that he provides extra strength and Holy Spirit to our Russian family. 

I appreciate you concern, but this is about Russia, not the Ukraine. Totally seperate govenments and court systems.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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1 hour ago, Lance said:

On to Round 2 ... more judges .. more exposure.. the world will be really looking 

I'm ready for more prayers and letters. 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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2 Timothy 3:12 — In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.


2 Timothée 3:12 — D’ailleurs, tous ceux qui veulent vivre dans l’attachement à Dieu par leur relation avec Christ Jésus seront eux aussi persécutés.


2 Тимофею 3:12 — Да и все, желающие жить, проявляя преданность Богу во Христе Иисусе, будут преследуемы.


2 Timoteo 3:12 — De hecho, todos los que desean vivir con devoción piadosa en asociación con Cristo Jesús también serán perseguidos.

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Even here on this forum,


we can appreciate Ps 4:4  be agitated, but do not sin. have your say in your heart, upon your bed and keep silent. 


1 Peter 2:12 Maintain your conduct fine among the nations, so that when they accuse you of being wrongdoers, they may be eyewitnesses of your fine works and, as a result, glorify God in the day of his inspection.

The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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So, does the Orthodox Church think they can stop us? Think again. It's not us they're fighting, it's Jehovah, and there's no win when you're fighting him. (Deuteronomy 20:3, 4)


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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30 minutes ago, EverlastingLifeInView said:

It's not I read that tweet a few days ago

I didn't think that the tweet concerned our particular situation, but it is still very interesting, nevertheless!

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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38 minutes ago, BlackSnow said:

I'm so heartbroken and shattered that i'm unable to get out of my chair and go home.:(

No, dear brother, they just think they won! In the end, maybe this is a part of a bigger picture! We know Jehovah's name will be sanctified. Our job, all 8 million or so, is to keep the dear Russian brothers in our prayers. Chin up, say a prayer, and on your way! 


I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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