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"Now On Earth" A Book By Thomas Walker

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  On 11/12/2017 at 3:24 AM, Thomas Walker said:

I hope you all enjoy it.


I enjoyed it very much!

Is the next book ready yet?


CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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  On 11/20/2017 at 6:54 PM, Tortuga said:


Since Con means to deceive and ation means action.

It seems you are either activly deceiving or being deceived. ..


You're brilliant! Join the team LOL :lol1:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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  On 11/25/2017 at 5:59 AM, Thomas Walker said:

Well, thanks to you guys, I've made the Top 100 in Religious Sci-Fi. :innocent:


Top 36 in the 'Christian > Futuristic' category. A narrow niche to say the least, but some of those books are actually ones I've heard of. LOL.


Hey, spread the word. If I can make Top 20, it becomes a witness to people who are interested in this sort of thing.


I just forwarded links to some brothers in my Congregation :)

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Apologies for the late update, folks. Real Life got in the way.



I'll put up the last chapters Monday morning, my time. Barring a disaster, I believe the paperback version may be up for sale by New Years; maybe a bit before.

Edited by Thomas Walker
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And there it is, the last of the book. If you're still on the fence about buying it, or recommending it to others, I really don't know what else I can do to help you make up your mind. :cool:


Still working on the Paperback Edition. When I get the word on it, I'll post it here first.

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My fellow friend and service overseer in our cong loves your books! Reads them in 1-2 days.

He thanked my for recommendation with the words...good read Greg!

You're making a lot of people happy :bouncing:

Thanks Matt.

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Thank you for this book. I was emotional in the end when I understood that it was the beach moment. Great journey!


Now we can discuss some of the ideas without spoilers, everything is available in all the formats.


I liked your GT idea about the siege at the KHs


The miraculous feast was surprising and the children saved is interesting

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Last week, I had to smile as we were going through the first couple of paragraphs of Chapter 22 in "God's Kingdom Rules" book.  Particularly paragraphs 1-2  gave me pause as it read, in part:



[...]The song is about the hope of life in Paradise, and the lyrics ask him to picture that hope, to see himself in that setting. He has always loved this song, and as he sings it along with his family, hope stirs within his troubled heart.

2 Have you ever felt that way? Most of us have. Admittedly, though, life in this old system can make it very difficult for us to see the coming Paradise as a reality. These are “critical times hard to deal with,” and the world we live in is anything but paradisaic. (2 Tim. 3:1) What can help us to see our hope as real? 



How interesting that I had held similar feelings; for years trying to imagine in my mind's eye what paradise could be like.  Like this brother mentioned in para. 1 it was a struggle -- with my own troubled heart --until now!  Yes, the trials are still there, but the stings of this 'ol world are lessened just a bit by these novels.  Nowadays, as I contemplate the future for me, my family and all of Jehovah's faithful servants, I can picture.  I can imagine.  I can now visualize the who, what, where and when.  (True, we won't know for certain what Jehovah specifically has in mind with all the New System details, big and small until then, but I'm happy in the sense that these novels gives me an outlet to really "see myself when all is new.")  I fervently pray to stay the course of faith and loyalty to my Heavenly Father.


Thank you again Bro. Walker for your diligent efforts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaand, the paperback version is done!


Available now on Amazon, all the 'Now on Earth' storytelling goodness that you already know and love, but now made of dead trees!


Enjoy, everyone. For those of you not in the USA, my apologies for the shipping price. Can't be helped, until Amazon creates some Print On Demand facilities internationally.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 10:58 PM, Dages said:

Now that you are done. What is the next book ? Hahaha !



There will be a third one. Currently in the early planning stages.


I write and self-publish some secular stuff as well, and I'm three stories behind the curve on that, so I'm focusing on those right now. When they're done, the next New World book will be my top priority.


What it'll be about yet, is still up for grabs. This is the kind of series you can do forever by reusing the setting and following different people.


I will say that up to this point; the characters I follow are more or less regular people. A soldier KIA in the bloodiest war in history. A girl who never left a hospital bed. A woman who studied hard and was ignored because of prejudice. A young JW waiting for his life to start when it all started over. But all of them with the sort of story everyone can relate to. This is deliberate, because they're relateable. When i started, I chose the name Hugh Alman specifically because it sounded like 'You. All man.'


But there are plenty of wildcards in history. The one in a million people. That'll be the next book.


Current ideas for main characters:


The Aztec Priestess who joyfully volunteered to have her heart cut out in service to the Sun-God, and woke up in a Christian Paradise.

The Pirate Captain who died in a duel over the piles of treasure he'd plundered, and woke up in a world where nobody cared about money.

The Gangster who died trying to win a turf war, and woke up surrounded by people who do not fear death.


The Story of Paradise is one that you can tell a billion times. In the first book I covered the broad points from an outsiders view. Second book, I covered the details from the JW perspective. Time for the wildcards to have their day.

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I chose the name Hugh Alman specifically because it sounded like 'You. All man.'



Mind = blown


So, these wild cards, they would appear during the 500+ years ? ^^


I don't know if you discuss your book outside jwtalk, but what about adding some "extras" (characters) in your books named from some of us? ^^'

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  On 12/14/2017 at 11:52 PM, Dages said:


Mind = blown


So, these wild cards, they would appear during the 500+ years ? ^^


I don't know if you discuss your book outside jwtalk, but what about adding some "extras" (characters) in your books named from some of us? ^^'


Double dip not allowed, you're already written down in the book of life LOL :lol1:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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  On 12/14/2017 at 11:03 AM, Thomas Walker said:

Aaaand, the paperback version is done!


Available now on Amazon, all the 'Now on Earth' storytelling goodness that you already know and love, but now made of dead trees!


Enjoy, everyone. For those of you not in the USA, my apologies for the shipping price. Can't be helped, until Amazon creates some Print On Demand facilities internationally.


I’ve got a budget, however, as soon as that next SSI check comes in, this will be my personal treat!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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I am where Beckah has to meet the guy who hit her and then I read today's text,



Life in the new world may not mean that we will always get what we want when we want it. Instead, that life will involve being appreciative and content in any situation as we benefit from submitting to Jehovah’s loving sovereignty. It will mean putting into practice the very qualities that Jehovah is teaching us to cultivate now. By learning to live now as we expect to live then, we are developing qualities that we will need to manifest for all eternity.



BOOM  :bouncing:


Good reminders.


As for one offs - I'd love to read about how a multimillionaire with multiple servants (think Trump or better one of the Saudi princes) has to adjust to serving others and having nothing.


In fact, you talked about a mid- eastern story. About people who had land passed down for generation and fought for it and how they may have to adjust to an allotment somewhere else.


The New World has lots of interesting things in store for all of us. I am sure it will very different than we imagine, but its still good to imagine and stay focused. Thank you.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I just finished reading it this afternoon. My favorite part was how Alec's prayer of doubt was answered. :lol: Couldn't stop giggling. ._. I relate so much to the characters and felt a lot of joy and relief pondering the future. Thank you.

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Matt. Messaging not working for me. Thus

Before it goes to hard copy - one minor adjustment needs to be made.


Augustus Caesar ( The August One - original name Octavius with a sister named Octavia  ) was according history I studied - Gaius Julius Caesar's nephew.

Change cousin to relative or nephew, either would be a tad more accurate. your brother  Peter point 2 :wall:

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

The second and third paragraphs on page 224 reads:


"They all laughed as Alec pulled the cork and poured for them. "Well guys, it's been nearly a year since anyone toasted anything, but... I'm glad to have another drink with you both.


"Cheers." They agreed, and drank."


Why would we be toasting in this way in the new world?

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  On 6/3/2018 at 3:16 PM, luisenriquereyes said:

Why would we be toasting in this way in the new world?


Strictly speaking, we probably wouldn't, but that's also kind of the point.


When Toasting was a custom, it was a way to offer tribute to someone. A toast in the 1600's was a pledge to a royal, or a leader.


It's 400 years later today, and it's become part of the vernacular. Not a pledge or tribute, or an offer of any kind; merely an action to commemorate the moment by drawing attention to it.


In the New World, will it still exist? In the book, I made the point that the Pyramids were gone. To us, they're tourist attractions, but they started as Temple/Tombs to honor a Pharaoh. So they went.


Even if we all agree there's no significance to it beyond saying a kind word,  would toasting still happen? I don't know, but the whole point of NOE is to ask the question: How much do we keep, and how much do we throw away? A question that is focused on when talking about the names of planets in the Solar System, and the months on the calendar.

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While I've got everyone here, you mind if I ask for feedback on something?


In JSY, I had unmarried pairs spending time together unsupervised. At first it was purely as a storytelling device. I find that male/female interactions have good rhythm; even platonically.


But after that, it became a useful plot point. I made a reference to the fact that in the New World we're never 'unsupervised', ever; but it wasn't a major deal.


In one or two cases, it was a prelude to a romance, in some cases it was to ask a question, like Rachel and Kevin asking 'what about when a marriage mate comes back from the dead centuries later'; and in some cases; it was to close the gender gap, and the generation gap simultaneously; like when a man from the 1300's has trouble with the idea of a woman professor.


I'm currently writing the third book, and I seem to have fallen into the same pattern; but based on personality conflicts rather than academic or social ones. I wanted to let you guys know not to read anything into it. Nobody behaves inappropriately in the books, but if it was happening today; it would raise a few eyebrows. In the New World Series according to my books, a person is met and taught by whoever has the best chance of getting through to them, for any reason; totally independent of gender or marital status. I'm not pairing up my characters; I'm building mentor/ee relationships that don't fit into the rules of a world that doesn't exist anymore.


I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay with this point. Because if it's going to cause some consternation, I'd have to make a few alterations.

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  On 6/5/2018 at 1:20 AM, Thomas Walker said:

totally independent of gender or marital status. I'm not pairing up my characters; I'm building mentor/ee relationships that don't fit into the rules of a world that doesn't exist anymore.


Personally, I would like to see this happen. I've always had the gut feeling that perfect men and women should be able to interact and work together with anyone without developing inappropriate romantic feelings. After all, we'll be together on the same planet for quite a long time... but I could be wrong, look at what happened to the angels who became demons. We don't know what boundaries or rules Jehovah might have put in place for their children had Adam & Eve not sinned. Would we be naked? We definitely can't go unchecked with our current sinful inclination, but I would think that Jehovah has designed us in such a way that this wouldn't have even become an issue.

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